Backends ======== Backend id prefix ----------------- Each parameter of a backend instance must be prefixed by a backend id. This backend id must be unique. For example: .. sourcecode:: ini [backends] # configuration of the bk1 backend bk1.module = 'my.backend.module' bk1.display_name = 'My backend module' bk1.param = 'value' .. warning:: For the rest of the backends documentation, this prefix is infered. Common backend parameters ------------------------- Every backend instance systematicaly has two parameters: +---------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Section | Description | Values | Comment | +=====================+==========+====================================+==========================+============================================+ | module | backends | Library path to the module | Python library path | | +---------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | display_name | backends | Display_name of the backend | Free text | | +---------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ Ldap Backend ------------ Class path ^^^^^^^^^^ The class path for the ldap backend is **ldapcherry.backend.backendLdap**. Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ldap backend exposes the following parameters: +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Section | Description | Values | Comment | +==========================+==========+====================================+==========================+============================================+ | uri | backends | The ldap uri to access | ldap uri | * use ldap:// for clear/starttls | | | | | | * use ldaps:// for ssl | | | | | | * custom port: ldap://: | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ca | backends | Path to the CA file | file path | optional | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | starttls | backends | Use starttls | 'on' or 'off' | optional | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | checkcert | backends | Check the server certificat | 'on' or 'off' | optional | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | binddn | backends | The bind dn to use | ldap dn | This dn must have read/write permissions | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | password | backends | The password of the bind dn | password | | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | timeout | backends | Ldap connexion timeout | integer (second) | | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | password | backends | The password of the bind dn | password | | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | groupdn | backends | The ldap dn where groups are | ldap dn | | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | userdn | backends | The ldap dn where users are | ldap dn | | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | user_filter_tmpl | backends | The search filter template | ldap search filter | The user identifier is passed through | | | | to recover a given user | template | the **username** variable (*%(username)s*).| +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | group_filter_tmpl | backends | The search filter template to | ldap search filter | The following variables are usable: | | | | recover the groups of a given user | template | * **username**: the user key attribute | | | | | | * **userdn**: the user ldap dn | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | group_attr. | backends | Member attribute template value | template | * is the member attribute | | | | | | in groups dn entries | | | | | | * every user attributes are exposed | | | | | | in the template | | | | | | * multiple attributes can be set | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | objectclasses | backends | list of object classes for users | comma separated list | | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | dn_user_attr | backends | attribute used in users dn | dn attribute | | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ Example ^^^^^^^ .. sourcecode:: ini [backends] ##################################### # configuration of ldap backend # ##################################### # name of the module ldap.module = 'ldapcherry.backend.backendLdap' # display name of the ldap ldap.display_name = 'My Ldap Directory' # uri of the ldap directory ldap.uri = 'ldap://' # ca to use for ssl/tls connexion = '/etc/dnscherry/TEST-cacert.pem' # use start tls #ldap.starttls = 'off' # check server certificate (for tls) #ldap.checkcert = 'off' # bind dn to the ldap ldap.binddn = 'cn=dnscherry,dc=example,dc=org' # password of the bind dn ldap.password = 'password' # timeout of ldap connexion (in second) ldap.timeout = 1 # groups dn ldap.groupdn = 'ou=group,dc=example,dc=org' # users dn ldap.userdn = 'ou=people,dc=example,dc=org' # ldapsearch filter to get a user ldap.user_filter_tmpl = '(uid=%(username)s)' # ldapsearch filter to get groups of a user ldap.group_filter_tmpl = '(member=uid=%(username)s,ou=People,dc=example,dc=org)' # filter to search users ldap.search_filter_tmpl = '(|(uid=%(searchstring)s*)(sn=%(searchstring)s*))' # ldap group attributes and how to fill them ldap.group_attr.member = "%(dn)s" #ldap.group_attr.memberUid = "%(uid)s" # object classes of a user entry ldap.objectclasses = 'top, person, posixAccount, inetOrgPerson' # dn entry attribute for an ldap user ldap.dn_user_attr = 'uid' Active Directory Backend ------------------------ Class path ^^^^^^^^^^ The class path for the ldap backend is **ldapcherry.backend.backendAD**. Configuration ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | Parameter | Section | Description | Values | Comment | +==========================+==========+====================================+==========================+============================================+ | uri | backends | The ldap uri to access | ldap uri | * use ldap:// for clear/starttls | | | | | | * use ldaps:// for ssl | | | | | | * custom port: ldap://**:** | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | ca | backends | Path to the CA file | file path | optional | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | starttls | backends | Use starttls | 'on' or 'off' | optional | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ | checkcert | backends | Check the server certificat | 'on' or 'off' | optional | +--------------------------+----------+------------------------------------+--------------------------+--------------------------------------------+ Example ^^^^^^^ .. sourcecode:: ini # Name of the backend ad.module = 'ldapcherry.backend.backendAD' # display name of the ldap ad.display_name = 'My Active Directory' # ad domain ad.domain = '' # ad login ad.login = 'administrator' # ad password ad.password = 'qwertyP455' # ad uri ad.uri = 'ldap://' ## ca to use for ssl/tls connexion = '/etc/dnscherry/TEST-cacert.pem' ## use start tls #ad.starttls = 'off' ## check server certificate (for tls) #ad.checkcert = 'off'