#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import with_statement import pytest import sys import subprocess from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile as tempfile import re from sets import Set from ldapcherry import LdapCherry from ldapcherry.exceptions import * from ldapcherry.pyyamlwrapper import DumplicatedKey, RelationError import ldapcherry.backend.backendAD import cherrypy from cherrypy.process import plugins, servers from cherrypy import Application import logging from ldapcherry.lclogging import * from disable import * import json cherrypy.session = {} adcfg = { 'display_name': u'test☭', 'domain': 'DC.LDAPCHERRY.ORG', 'login': 'Administrator', 'password': 'qwertyP455', 'uri': 'ldaps://ad.ldapcherry.org', 'checkcert': 'off', } adattr = ['shell', 'cn', 'sAMAccountName', 'uidNumber', 'gidNumber', 'home', 'unicodePwd', 'givenName', 'email', 'sn'] addefault_user = { 'sAMAccountName': u'☭default_user', 'sn': u'test☭1', 'cn': u'test☭2', 'unicodePwd': u'test☭P666', 'uidNumber': '42', 'gidNumber': '42', 'homeDirectory': '/home/test/' } # monkey patching cherrypy to disable config interpolation def new_as_dict(self, raw=True, vars=None): """Convert an INI file to a dictionary""" # Load INI file into a dict result = {} for section in self.sections(): if section not in result: result[section] = {} for option in self.options(section): value = self.get(section, option, raw=raw, vars=vars) try: value = cherrypy.lib.reprconf.unrepr(value) except Exception: x = sys.exc_info()[1] msg = ("Config error in section: %r, option: %r, " "value: %r. Config values must be valid Python." % (section, option, value)) raise ValueError(msg, x.__class__.__name__, x.args) result[section][option] = value return result cherrypy.lib.reprconf.Parser.as_dict = new_as_dict conf = {'/static': {'tools.staticdir.dir': './resources/static/', 'tools.staticdir.on': True}, 'roles': {'roles.file': './tests/cfg/roles.yml'}, 'global': {'tools.sessions.on': True, 'log.access_handler': 'syslog', 'log.level': 'debug', 'server.thread_pool': 8, 'log.error_handler': 'syslog', 'server.socket_port': 8080, 'server.socket_host': '', 'tools.sessions.timeout': 10, 'request.show_tracebacks': False}, 'auth': {'auth.mode': 'or'}, 'backends': {'ldap.checkcert': 'off', 'ldap.module': 'ldapcherry.backends.ldap', 'ldap.uri': 'ldaps://ldap.ldapcherry.org', 'ldap.starttls': 'on', 'ldap.groupdn': 'ou=group,dc=example,dc=com', 'ldap.people': 'ou=group,dc=example,dc=com', 'ldap.authdn': 'cn=ldapcherry,dc=example,dc=com', 'ldap.password': 'password', 'ldap.ca': '/etc/dnscherry/TEST-cacert.pem', 'ad.module': 'ldapcherry.backends.ad', 'ad.auth': 'Administrator', 'ad.password': 'password'}, 'attributes': {'attributes.file': './tests/cfg/attributes.yml'}, 'resources': {'templates.dir': './resources/templates/'}} def loadconf(configfile, instance): app = cherrypy.tree.mount(instance, '/', configfile) cherrypy.config.update(configfile) instance.reload(app.config) class HtmlValidationFailed(Exception): def __init__(self, out): self.errors = out def htmlvalidator(page): f = tempfile() stdout = tempfile() f.write(page.encode("utf-8")) f.seek(0) ret = subprocess.call(['./tests/html_validator.py', '-h', f.name], stdout=stdout) stdout.seek(0) out = stdout.read() f.close() stdout.close() print(out) if not re.search(r'Error:.*', out) is None: raise HtmlValidationFailed(out) class BadModule(): pass class TestError(object): def testNominal(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry.ini', app) return True def testMissingBackendModule(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry.ini', app) cfg = {'backends': {'ldap.module': 'dontexists'}} try: app._init_backends(cfg) except BackendModuleLoadingFail: return else: raise AssertionError("expected an exception") def testInitgBackendModuleFail(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry.ini', app) cfg = {'backends': {'ldap.module': 'ldapcherry.backend'}} try: app._init_backends(cfg) except BackendModuleInitFail: return else: raise AssertionError("expected an exception") def testLog(self): app = LdapCherry() cfg = { 'global' : {}} for t in ['none', 'file', 'syslog']: cfg['global']['log.access_handler']=t cfg['global']['log.error_handler']=t app._set_access_log(cfg, logging.DEBUG) app._set_error_log(cfg, logging.DEBUG) def testAuth(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry_test.ini', app) app.auth_mode = 'and' ret1 = app._auth('jsmith', 'passwordsmith') app.auth_mode = 'or' ret2 = app._auth('jsmith', 'passwordsmith') assert ret2 == {'connected': True, 'isadmin': False} and \ ret1 == {'connected': True, 'isadmin': False} def testPPolicy(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry.ini', app) wrong = app._checkppolicy('password')['match'] good = app._checkppolicy('Passw0rd.')['match'] assert wrong == False and good == True def testMissingBackend(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry.ini', app) del app.backends_params['ad'] try: app._check_backends() except MissingBackend: return else: raise AssertionError("expected an exception") def testMissingParameters(self): app = LdapCherry() try: app.reload({}) except SystemExit: return else: raise AssertionError("expected an exception") def testRandomException(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry.ini', app) e = Exception() app._handle_exception(e) def testLogin(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry_test.ini', app) app.auth_mode = 'or' try: app.login(u'jwatsoné', u'passwordwatsoné') except cherrypy.HTTPRedirect as e: expected = '' assert e[0][0] == expected else: raise AssertionError("expected an exception") def testLoginFailure(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry_test.ini', app) app.auth_mode = 'or' try: app.login(u'jwatsoné', u'wrongPasswordé') except cherrypy.HTTPRedirect as e: expected = '' assert e[0][0] == expected else: raise AssertionError("expected an exception") def testSearch(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry_test.ini', app) expected = { u'ssmith': { 'password': u'passwordsmith', 'cn': u'Sheri Smith', 'name': u'smith', 'uid': u'ssmith', 'email': [u's.smith@example.com', u'ssmith@example.com', u'sheri.smith@example.com' ], }, u'jsmith': { 'password': u'passwordsmith', 'cn': u'John Smith', 'name': u'Smith', 'uid': u'jsmith', 'email': [ 'j.smith@example.com', 'jsmith@example.com', 'jsmith.smith@example.com' ], } } ret = app._search('smith') assert expected == ret def testGetUser(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry_test.ini', app) expected = { 'password': u'passwordsmith', 'cn': u'Sheri Smith', 'uid': u'ssmith', 'name': u'smith', 'email': [u's.smith@example.com', u'ssmith@example.com', u'sheri.smith@example.com' ], } ret = app._get_user('ssmith') assert expected == ret def testAddUser(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry_test.ini', app) form = {'groups': {}, 'attrs': {'password1': u'password☭', 'password2': u'password☭', 'cn': u'Test ☭ Test', 'name': u'Test ☭', 'uidNumber': u'1000', 'gidNumber': u'1000', 'home': u'/home/test', 'first-name': u'Test ☭', 'email': u'test@test.fr', 'uid': u'test'}, 'roles': {'admin-lv3': u'on', 'admin-lv2': u'on', 'users': u'on'}} app._adduser(form) app._deleteuser('test') def testParse(self): app = LdapCherry() form = {'attr.val': 'val', 'role.id': 'id', 'group.ldap.id': 'id'} ret = app._parse_params(form) expected = {'attrs': {'val': 'val'}, 'roles': {'id': 'id'}, 'groups': {'ldap': ['id']}} assert expected == ret def testModifUser(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry_test.ini', app) form = {'groups': {}, 'attrs': {'password1': u'password☭', 'password2': u'password☭', 'cn': u'Test ☭ Test', 'name': u'Test ☭', 'uidNumber': u'1000', 'gidNumber': u'1000', 'home': u'/home/test', 'first-name': u'Test ☭', 'email': u'test@test.fr', 'uid': u'test'}, 'roles': {'admin-lv3': u'on', 'admin-lv2': u'on', 'users': u'on'}} app._adduser(form) modify_form = { 'attrs': {'first-name': u'Test42 ☭', 'uid': u'test'}, 'roles': { 'admin-lv3': u'on'}} app._modify(modify_form) app._deleteuser('test') @slow_disabled def testHtml(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry_test.ini', app) pages = { 'signin': app.signin(), 'index': app.index(), 'searchuser': app.searchuser('smit'), 'searchadmin':app.searchadmin('smit'), 'adduser': app.adduser(), 'modify':app.modify('jsmith'), 'selfmodify':app.selfmodify(), } for page in pages: print(page) htmlvalidator(pages[page]) def testNoneType(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry_test.ini', app) app.modify('ssmith'), @slow_disabled def testNaughtyStrings(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry_test.ini', app) with open('./tests/cfg/blns.json') as data_file: data = json.load(data_file) for attr in data: print('testing: ' + attr) # delete whatever is happening... try: app._deleteuser('test') except: pass form = {'groups': {}, 'attrs': {'password1': u'password☭', 'password2': u'password☭', 'cn': 'Test', 'name': attr, 'uidNumber': u'1000', 'gidNumber': u'1000', 'home': u'/home/test', 'first-name': u'Test ☭', 'email': u'test@test.fr', 'uid': 'test'}, 'roles': {'admin-lv3': u'on', 'admin-lv2': u'on', 'users': u'on'}} app._adduser(form) page = app.searchuser('test'), app._deleteuser('test') htmlvalidator(page[0]) @travis_disabled def testDeleteUserOneBackend(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry_adldap.cfg', app) inv = ldapcherry.backend.backendAD.Backend(adcfg, cherrypy.log, u'test☭', adattr, 'sAMAccountName') inv.add_user(addefault_user.copy()) app._deleteuser(u'☭default_user') def testLogger(self): app = LdapCherry() loadconf('./tests/cfg/ldapcherry.ini', app) assert get_loglevel('debug') is logging.DEBUG and \ get_loglevel('notice') is logging.INFO and \ get_loglevel('info') is logging.INFO and \ get_loglevel('warning') is logging.WARNING and \ get_loglevel('err') is logging.ERROR and \ get_loglevel('critical') is logging.CRITICAL and \ get_loglevel('alert') is logging.CRITICAL and \ get_loglevel('emergency') is logging.CRITICAL and \ get_loglevel('notalevel') is logging.INFO