Implementing cutom backends =========================== API --- The backend modules must respect the following API: .. autoclass:: ldapcherry.backend.Backend :members: __init__, auth, add_user, del_user, set_attrs, add_to_groups, del_from_groups, search, get_user, get_groups :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Configuration ------------- Configuration for your backend is declared in the main ini file, inside [backends] section: For example with the configuration: .. sourcecode:: ini [backends] # class path to module b_id.module = "my.backend.module" b_id.param1 = "my value 1" b_id.param2 = "my value 2" .. note:: One module can be instanciated several times, the prefix b_id permits to differenciate instances and their specific configuration. The following hash will be passed as configuration to the module constructor as parameter config: .. sourcecode:: python { 'param1': "my value 1", 'param2': "my value 2", } After having set **self.config** to **config** in the constructor, parameters can be recovered by **self.get_param**: .. autoclass:: ldapcherry.backend.Backend :members: get_param :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: Exceptions ---------- The following exception can be used in your module .. automodule:: ldapcherry.exceptions :members: UserDoesntExist, UserAlreadyExists, GroupDoesntExist :undoc-members: :show-inheritance: These exceptions permit a nicer error handling and avoid a generic message to be thrown at the user. Example ------- Here is the ldap backend module that comes with LdapCherry: .. literalinclude:: ../ldapcherry/backend/ :language: python