#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # vim:set expandtab tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4: # # The MIT License (MIT) # ldapCherry # Copyright (c) 2014 Carpentier Pierre-Francois # Generic imports import sys import re import traceback import json import logging import logging.handlers from operator import itemgetter from socket import error as socket_error import base64 import cgi from exceptions import * from ldapcherry.lclogging import * from ldapcherry.roles import Roles from ldapcherry.attributes import Attributes # Cherrypy http framework imports import cherrypy from cherrypy.lib.httputil import parse_query_string # Mako template engines imports from mako.template import Template from mako import lookup from sets import Set SESSION_KEY = '_cp_username' class LdapCherry(object): def _handle_exception(self, e): if hasattr(e, 'log'): cherrypy.log.error( msg=e.log, severity=logging.ERROR ) else: cherrypy.log.error( msg="uncaught exception: [%(e)s]" % {'e': str(e)}, severity=logging.ERROR ) # log the traceback as 'debug' cherrypy.log.error( msg='', severity=logging.DEBUG, traceback=True ) def _escape_list(self, data): ret = [] for i in data: ret.append(cgi.escape(i, True)) return ret def _escape_dict(self, data): for d in data: if isinstance(data[d], list): data[d] = self._escape_list(data[d]) elif isinstance(data[d], dict): data[d] = self._escape_dict(data[d]) elif isinstance(data[d], Set): data[d] = Set(self._escape_list(data[d])) else: data[d] = cgi.escape(data[d], True) return data def _escape(self, data, dtype): if data is None: return None elif dtype == 'search_list': for d in data: data[d] = self._escape_dict(data[d]) elif dtype == 'attr_list': data = self._escape_dict(data) elif dtype == 'lonely_groups': data = self._escape_dict(data) return data def _get_param(self, section, key, config, default=None): """ Get configuration parameter "key" from config @str section: the section of the config file @str key: the key to get @dict config: the configuration (dictionnary) @str default: the default value if parameter "key" is not present @rtype: str (value of config['key'] if present default otherwith """ if section in config and key in config[section]: return config[section][key] if default is not None: return default else: raise MissingParameter(section, key) def _get_groups(self, username): """ Get groups of a user @str username: name of the user @rtype: dict, format { '': [] } """ ret = {} for b in self.backends: ret[b] = self.backends[b].get_groups(username) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' groups: " + str(ret), severity=logging.DEBUG, ) return ret def _get_roles(self, username): """ Get roles of a user @str username: name of the user @rtype: dict, format { 'roles': [], 'unusedgroups': [] } """ groups = self._get_groups(username) user_roles = self.roles.get_roles(groups) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' roles: " + str(user_roles), severity=logging.DEBUG, ) return user_roles def _is_admin(self, username): """ Check if a user is an ldapcherry administrator @str username: name of the user @rtype: bool, True if administrator, False otherwise """ roles = self._get_roles(username) return self.roles.is_admin(roles['roles']) def _check_backends(self): """ Check that every backend in roles and attributes is declared in main configuration """ backends = self.backends_params.keys() for b in self.roles.get_backends(): if b not in backends: raise MissingBackend(b) for b in self.roles.get_backends(): if b not in backends: raise MissingBackend(b) def _init_backends(self, config): """ Init all backends @dict: configuration of ldapcherry """ self.backends_params = {} self.backends = {} self.backends_display_names = {} for entry in config['backends']: # split at the first dot backend, sep, param = entry.partition('.') value = config['backends'][entry] if backend not in self.backends_params: self.backends_params[backend] = {} self.backends_params[backend][param] = value for backend in self.backends_params: # get the backend display_name try: self.backends_display_names[backend] = \ self.backends_params[backend]['display_name'] except: self.backends_display_names[backend] = backend self.backends_params[backend]['display_name'] = backend params = self.backends_params[backend] # Loading the backend module try: module = params['module'] except Exception as e: raise MissingParameter('backends', backend + '.module') try: bc = __import__(module, globals(), locals(), ['Backend'], -1) except Exception as e: self._handle_exception(e) raise BackendModuleLoadingFail(module) try: attrslist = self.attributes.get_backend_attributes(backend) key = self.attributes.get_backend_key(backend) self.backends[backend] = bc.Backend( params, cherrypy.log, backend, attrslist, key, ) except MissingParameter as e: raise except Exception as e: self._handle_exception(e) raise BackendModuleInitFail(module) def _init_custom_js(self, config): self.custom_js = [] if '/custom' not in config: return directory = self._get_param( '/custom', 'tools.staticdir.dir', config, ) for file in os.listdir(directory): if file.endswith(".js"): self.custom_js.append(file) def _init_ppolicy(self, config): module = self._get_param( 'ppolicy', 'ppolicy.module', config, 'ldapcherry.ppolicy' ) try: pp = __import__(module, globals(), locals(), ['PPolicy'], -1) except: raise BackendModuleLoadingFail(module) if 'ppolicy' in config: ppcfg = config['ppolicy'] else: ppcfg = {} self.ppolicy = pp.PPolicy(ppcfg, cherrypy.log) def _init_auth(self, config): """ Init authentication @dict: configuration of ldapcherry """ self.auth_mode = self._get_param('auth', 'auth.mode', config) if self.auth_mode in ['and', 'or', 'none']: pass elif self.auth_mode == 'custom': # load custom auth module auth_module = self._get_param('auth', 'auth.module', config) auth = __import__(auth_module, globals(), locals(), ['Auth'], -1) self.auth = auth.Auth(config['auth'], cherrypy.log) else: raise WrongParamValue( 'auth.mode', 'auth', ['and', 'or', 'none', 'custom'], ) self.roles_file = self._get_param('roles', 'roles.file', config) cherrypy.log.error( msg="loading roles file '%(file)s'" % {'file': self.roles_file}, severity=logging.DEBUG ) self.roles = Roles(self.roles_file) def _set_access_log(self, config, level): """ Configure access logs """ access_handler = self._get_param( 'global', 'log.access_handler', config, 'syslog', ) # log format for syslog syslog_formatter = logging.Formatter( "ldapcherry[%(process)d]: %(message)s" ) # replace access log handler by a syslog handler if access_handler == 'syslog': cherrypy.log.access_log.handlers = [] handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler( address='/dev/log', facility='user', ) handler.setFormatter(syslog_formatter) cherrypy.log.access_log.addHandler(handler) # if file, we keep the default elif access_handler == 'file': pass # replace access log handler by a null handler elif access_handler == 'none': cherrypy.log.access_log.handlers = [] handler = logging.NullHandler() cherrypy.log.access_log.addHandler(handler) # set log level cherrypy.log.access_log.setLevel(level) def _set_error_log(self, config, level, debug=False): """ Configure error logs """ error_handler = self._get_param( 'global', 'log.error_handler', config, 'syslog' ) # log format for syslog syslog_formatter = logging.Formatter( "ldapcherry[%(process)d]: %(message)s", ) # replacing the error handler by a syslog handler if error_handler == 'syslog': cherrypy.log.error_log.handlers = [] # redefining log.error method because cherrypy does weird # things like adding the date inside the message # or adding space even if context is empty # (by the way, what's the use of "context"?) cherrypy.log.error = syslog_error handler = logging.handlers.SysLogHandler( address='/dev/log', facility='user', ) handler.setFormatter(syslog_formatter) cherrypy.log.error_log.addHandler(handler) # if file, we keep the default elif error_handler == 'file': pass # replacing the error handler by a null handler elif error_handler == 'none': cherrypy.log.error_log.handlers = [] handler = logging.NullHandler() cherrypy.log.error_log.addHandler(handler) # set log level cherrypy.log.error_log.setLevel(level) if debug: handler = logging.StreamHandler(sys.stderr) handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) cherrypy.log.error_log.addHandler(handler) cherrypy.log.error_log.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) def _auth(self, user, password): """ authenticate a user @str user: login of the user @str password: password of the user @rtype: dict, {'connected': , 'isadmin': } """ if self.auth_mode == 'none': return {'connected': True, 'isadmin': True} elif self.auth_mode == 'and': ret1 = True for b in self.backends: ret1 = self.backends[b].auth(user, password) and ret1 elif self.auth_mode == 'or': ret1 = False for b in self.backends: ret1 = self.backends[b].auth(user, password) or ret1 elif self.auth_mode == 'custom': ret1 = self.auth.auth(user, password) else: raise Exception() if not ret1: return {'connected': False, 'isadmin': False} else: isadmin = self._is_admin(user) return {'connected': True, 'isadmin': isadmin} def _load_templates(self, config): """ load templates @dict: configuration of ldapcherry """ # definition of the template directory self.template_dir = self._get_param( 'resources', 'templates.dir', config ) cherrypy.log.error( msg="loading templates from dir '%(dir)s'" % {'dir': self.template_dir}, severity=logging.DEBUG ) # preload templates self.temp_lookup = lookup.TemplateLookup( directories=self.template_dir, input_encoding='utf-8' ) # load each template self.temp = {} for t in ('index.tmpl', 'error.tmpl', 'login.tmpl', '404.tmpl', 'searchadmin.tmpl', 'searchuser.tmpl', 'adduser.tmpl', 'roles.tmpl', 'groups.tmpl', 'form.tmpl', 'selfmodify.tmpl', 'modify.tmpl', 'service_unavailable.tmpl' ): self.temp[t] = self.temp_lookup.get_template(t) def reload(self, config=None, debug=False): """ load/reload configuration @dict: configuration of ldapcherry """ try: # log configuration handling # get log level # (if not in configuration file, log level is set to debug) level = get_loglevel( self._get_param( 'global', 'log.level', config, 'debug', ) ) # configure access log self._set_access_log(config, level) # configure error log self._set_error_log(config, level, debug) # load template files self._load_templates(config) # loading the auth configuration self._init_auth(config) # Loading the attributes self.attributes_file = \ self._get_param('attributes', 'attributes.file', config) cherrypy.log.error( msg="loading attributes file '%(file)s'" % {'file': self.attributes_file}, severity=logging.DEBUG ) self.notifications = {} self.attributes = Attributes(self.attributes_file) cherrypy.log.error( msg="init directories backends", severity=logging.DEBUG ) self._init_backends(config) self._check_backends() # loading the ppolicy self._init_ppolicy(config) # loading custom javascript self._init_custom_js(config) cherrypy.log.error( msg="application started", severity=logging.INFO ) except Exception as e: self._handle_exception(e) cherrypy.log.error( msg="application failed to start", severity=logging.ERROR ) exit(1) def _add_notification(self, message): """ add a notification in the notification queue of a user """ sess = cherrypy.session username = sess.get(SESSION_KEY, None) if username not in self.notifications: self.notifications[username] = [] self.notifications[username].append(message) def _empty_notification(self): """ empty and return list of message notification """ sess = cherrypy.session username = sess.get(SESSION_KEY, None) if username in self.notifications: ret = self.notifications[username] else: ret = [] self.notifications[username] = [] return ret def _merge_user_attrs(self, attrs_backend, attrs_out, backend_name): """ merge attributes from one backend search to the attributes dict output """ for attr in attrs_backend: if attr in self.attributes.backend_attributes[backend_name]: attrid = self.attributes.backend_attributes[backend_name][attr] if attrid not in attrs_out: attrs_out[attrid] = attrs_backend[attr] def _search(self, searchstring): """ search users @str searchstring: search string @rtype: dict, {: {: }} """ if searchstring is None: return {} ret = {} for b in self.backends: tmp = self.backends[b].search(searchstring) for u in tmp: if u not in ret: ret[u] = {} self._merge_user_attrs(tmp[u], ret[u], b) return ret def _get_user(self, username): """ get user attributes @str username: user to get @rtype: dict, {: } """ if username is None: return {} ret = {} for b in self.backends: try: tmp = self.backends[b].get_user(username) except UserDoesntExist as e: self._handle_exception(e) tmp = {} self._merge_user_attrs(tmp, ret, b) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' attributes " + str(ret), severity=logging.DEBUG ) return ret def _parse_params(self, params): """ get user attributes @dict params: form parameters @rtype: dict, {: {: }} """ ret = {'attrs': {}, 'roles': {}, 'groups': {}} for p in params: # each form attributes is prefixed with type, ex: attr.uidNumber # separate this prefix from the attribute name p_type, sep, param = p.partition('.') if p_type == 'attr': ret['attrs'][param] = params[p] elif p_type == 'role': ret['roles'][param] = params[p] elif p_type == 'group': # with groups there is a second prefix # corresponding to the backend backend, sep, value = param.partition('.') if backend not in ret['groups']: ret['groups'][backend] = [] ret['groups'][backend].append(value) return ret def _check_admin(self): """ check in the session database if current user is an ldapcherry administrator @rtype: boolean, True if administrator, False otherwise """ if self.auth_mode == 'none': return True return cherrypy.session['isadmin'] def _check_session(self): if self.auth_mode == 'none': return 'anonymous' return cherrypy.session.get(SESSION_KEY) def _check_auth(self, must_admin): """ check if a user is autheticated and, optionnaly an administrator if user not authentifaced -> redirection to login page (with base64 of the originaly requested page (redirection after login) if user authenticated, not admin and must_admin enabled -> 403 error @boolean must_admin: flag "user must be an administrator to access this page" @rtype str: login of the user """ if self.auth_mode == 'none': return 'anonymous' username = self._check_session() if cherrypy.request.query_string == '': qs = '' else: qs = '?' + cherrypy.request.query_string # base64 of the requested URL b64requrl = base64.b64encode(cherrypy.url() + qs) if not username: # return to login page (with base64 of the url in query string raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect( "/signin?url=%(url)s" % {'url': b64requrl}, ) if 'connected' not in cherrypy.session \ or not cherrypy.session['connected']: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect( "/signin?url=%(url)s" % {'url': b64requrl}, ) if cherrypy.session['connected'] and \ not cherrypy.session['isadmin']: if must_admin: # user is not an administrator, so he gets 403 Forbidden raise cherrypy.HTTPError( "403 Forbidden", "You are not allowed to access this resource.", ) else: return username if cherrypy.session['connected'] and \ cherrypy.session['isadmin']: return username else: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect( "/signin?url=%(url)s" % {'url': b64requrl}, ) def _adduser(self, params): cherrypy.log.error( msg="add user form attributes: " + str(params), severity=logging.DEBUG ) badd = {} for attr in self.attributes.get_attributes(): if self.attributes.attributes[attr]['type'] == 'password': pwd1 = attr + '1' pwd2 = attr + '2' if params['attrs'][pwd1] != params['attrs'][pwd2]: raise PasswordMissMatch() if not self._checkppolicy(params['attrs'][pwd1])['match']: raise PPolicyError() params['attrs'][attr] = params['attrs'][pwd1] if attr in params['attrs']: self.attributes.check_attr(attr, params['attrs'][attr]) backends = self.attributes.get_backends_attributes(attr) for b in backends: if b not in badd: badd[b] = {} badd[b][backends[b]] = params['attrs'][attr] for b in badd: self.backends[b].add_user(badd[b]) key = self.attributes.get_key() username = params['attrs'][key] sess = cherrypy.session admin = sess.get(SESSION_KEY, None) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' added by '" + admin + "'", severity=logging.INFO ) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' attributes: " + str(badd), severity=logging.DEBUG ) roles = [] for r in self.roles.get_allroles(): if r in params['roles']: roles.append(r) groups = self.roles.get_groups(roles) for b in groups: self.backends[b].add_to_groups(username, Set(groups[b])) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' made member of " + str(roles) + " by '" + admin + "'", severity=logging.INFO ) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' groups: " + str(groups), severity=logging.DEBUG ) def _modify_attrs(self, params, attr_list, username): badd = {} for attr in attr_list: if self.attributes.attributes[attr]['type'] == 'password': pwd1 = attr + '1' pwd2 = attr + '2' if pwd1 in params['attrs']: if params['attrs'][pwd1] != params['attrs'][pwd2]: raise PasswordMissMatch() if params['attrs'][pwd1] != '' and \ not self._checkppolicy( params['attrs'][pwd1] )['match']: raise PPolicyError() params['attrs'][attr] = params['attrs'][pwd1] if attr in params['attrs'] and params['attrs'][attr] != '': self.attributes.check_attr(attr, params['attrs'][attr]) backends = self.attributes.get_backends_attributes(attr) for b in backends: if b not in badd: badd[b] = {} badd[b][backends[b]] = params['attrs'][attr] for b in badd: self.backends[b].set_attrs(username, badd[b]) return badd def _selfmodify(self, params): cherrypy.log.error( msg="modify user form attributes: " + str(params), severity=logging.DEBUG ) sess = cherrypy.session username = sess.get(SESSION_KEY, None) badd = self._modify_attrs( params, self.attributes.get_selfattributes(), username, ) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' modified his attributes", severity=logging.INFO ) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' attributes: " + str(badd), severity=logging.DEBUG ) def _modify(self, params): cherrypy.log.error( msg="modify user form attributes: " + str(params), severity=logging.DEBUG ) key = self.attributes.get_key() username = params['attrs'][key] badd = self._modify_attrs( params, self.attributes.get_attributes(), username ) sess = cherrypy.session admin = sess.get(SESSION_KEY, None) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' modified by '" + admin + "'", severity=logging.INFO ) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' attributes: " + str(badd), severity=logging.DEBUG ) tmp = self._get_roles(username) roles_current = tmp['roles'] lonely_groups = tmp['unusedgroups'] roles_member = [] roles_not_member = [] groups_keep = {} groups_remove = {} for b in lonely_groups: for g in lonely_groups[b]: if b in params['groups'] and g in params['groups'][b]: if b not in groups_keep: groups_keep[b] = [] groups_keep[b].append(g) else: if b not in groups_remove: groups_remove[b] = [] groups_remove[b].append(g) for r in self.roles.get_allroles(): if r in params['roles']: roles_member.append(r) else: roles_not_member.append(r) groups_current = self.roles.get_groups(roles_current) groups_rm = self.roles.get_groups(roles_not_member) groups_add = self.roles.get_groups(roles_member) for b in groups_add: for g in [groups_add, groups_keep, groups_current, lonely_groups]: if b not in g: g[b] = [] tmp = \ Set(groups_add[b]) - \ Set(groups_keep[b]) - \ Set(groups_current[b]) - \ Set(lonely_groups[b]) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' added to groups: " + str(list(tmp)) + " in backend '" + b + "'", severity=logging.DEBUG ) self.backends[b].add_to_groups(username, tmp) for b in groups_rm: for g in [groups_remove, groups_rm, groups_add, groups_keep, groups_current, lonely_groups]: if b not in g: g[b] = [] tmp = \ ( (Set(groups_rm[b]) | Set(groups_remove[b])) - (Set(groups_keep[b]) | Set(groups_add[b])) ) & \ ( Set(groups_current[b]) | Set(lonely_groups[b]) ) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' removed from groups: " + str(list(tmp)) + " in backend '" + b + "'", severity=logging.DEBUG ) self.backends[b].del_from_groups(username, tmp) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' made member of " + str(roles_member) + " by '" + admin + "'", severity=logging.INFO ) def _deleteuser(self, username): sess = cherrypy.session admin = sess.get(SESSION_KEY, None) for b in self.backends: self.backends[b].del_user(username) cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '" + username + "' deleted from backend '" + b + "'", severity=logging.DEBUG ) cherrypy.log.error( msg="User '" + username + "' deleted by '" + admin + "'", severity=logging.INFO ) def _checkppolicy(self, password): return self.ppolicy.check(password) @cherrypy.expose @exception_decorator def signin(self, url=None): """simple signin page """ return self.temp['login.tmpl'].render(url=url) @cherrypy.expose @exception_decorator def login(self, login, password, url=None): """login page """ auth = self._auth(login, password) cherrypy.session['isadmin'] = auth['isadmin'] cherrypy.session['connected'] = auth['connected'] if auth['connected']: if auth['isadmin']: message = \ "login success for user '%(user)s' as administrator" % { 'user': login } else: message = \ "login success for user '%(user)s' as normal user" % { 'user': login } cherrypy.log.error( msg=message, severity=logging.INFO ) cherrypy.session[SESSION_KEY] = cherrypy.request.login = login if url is None: redirect = "/" else: redirect = base64.b64decode(url) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(redirect) else: message = "login failed for user '%(user)s'" % { 'user': login } cherrypy.log.error( msg=message, severity=logging.WARNING ) if url is None: qs = '' else: qs = '?url=' + url raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/signin" + qs) @cherrypy.expose @exception_decorator def logout(self): """ logout page """ sess = cherrypy.session username = sess.get(SESSION_KEY, None) sess[SESSION_KEY] = None if username: cherrypy.request.login = None cherrypy.log.error( msg="user '%(user)s' logout" % {'user': username}, severity=logging.INFO ) raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect("/signin") @cherrypy.expose @exception_decorator def index(self): """main page rendering """ self._check_auth(must_admin=False) is_admin = self._check_admin() sess = cherrypy.session user = sess.get(SESSION_KEY, None) if self.auth_mode == 'none': user_attrs = None else: user_attrs = self._get_user(user) attrs_list = self.attributes.get_search_attributes() return self.temp['index.tmpl'].render( is_admin=is_admin, attrs_list=attrs_list, searchresult=self._escape(user_attrs, 'attr_list'), notifications=self._empty_notification(), ) @cherrypy.expose @exception_decorator def searchuser(self, searchstring=None): """ search user page """ self._check_auth(must_admin=False) is_admin = self._check_admin() if searchstring is not None and len(searchstring) > 2: res = self._search(searchstring) else: res = None attrs_list = self.attributes.get_search_attributes() return self.temp['searchuser.tmpl'].render( searchresult=self._escape(res, 'search_list'), attrs_list=attrs_list, is_admin=is_admin, custom_js=self.custom_js, notifications=self._empty_notification(), ) @cherrypy.expose @exception_decorator def checkppolicy(self, **params): """ search user page """ self._check_auth(must_admin=False) keys = params.keys() if len(keys) != 1: cherrypy.response.status = 400 return "bad argument" password = params[keys[0]] is_admin = self._check_admin() ret = self._checkppolicy(password) if ret['match']: cherrypy.response.status = 200 else: cherrypy.response.status = 200 return json.dumps(ret, separators=(',', ':')) @cherrypy.expose @exception_decorator def searchadmin(self, searchstring=None): """ search user page """ self._check_auth(must_admin=True) is_admin = self._check_admin() if searchstring is not None and len(searchstring) > 2: res = self._search(searchstring) else: res = None attrs_list = self.attributes.get_search_attributes() return self.temp['searchadmin.tmpl'].render( searchresult=self._escape(res, 'search_list'), attrs_list=attrs_list, is_admin=is_admin, custom_js=self.custom_js, notifications=self._empty_notification(), ) @cherrypy.expose @exception_decorator def adduser(self, **params): """ add user page """ self._check_auth(must_admin=True) is_admin = self._check_admin() if cherrypy.request.method.upper() == 'POST': params = self._parse_params(params) self._adduser(params) self._add_notification("User added") graph = {} for r in self.roles.graph: s = list(self.roles.graph[r]['sub_roles']) p = list(self.roles.graph[r]['parent_roles']) graph[r] = {'sub_roles': s, 'parent_roles': p} graph_js = json.dumps(graph, separators=(',', ':')) display_names = {} for r in self.roles.flatten: display_names[r] = self.roles.flatten[r]['display_name'] roles_js = json.dumps(display_names, separators=(',', ':')) form = self.temp['form.tmpl'].render( attributes=self.attributes.attributes, values=None, modify=False, autofill=True ) roles = self.temp['roles.tmpl'].render( roles=self.roles.flatten, graph=self.roles.graph, graph_js=graph_js, roles_js=roles_js, current_roles=None, ) return self.temp['adduser.tmpl'].render( form=form, roles=roles, is_admin=is_admin, custom_js=self.custom_js, notifications=self._empty_notification(), ) @cherrypy.expose @exception_decorator def delete(self, user): """ remove user page """ self._check_auth(must_admin=True) is_admin = self._check_admin() try: referer = cherrypy.request.headers['Referer'] except: referer = '/' self._deleteuser(user) self._add_notification('User Deleted') raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(referer) @cherrypy.expose @exception_decorator def modify(self, user=None, **params): """ modify user page """ self._check_auth(must_admin=True) is_admin = self._check_admin() if cherrypy.request.method.upper() == 'POST': params = self._parse_params(params) self._modify(params) self._add_notification("User modified") try: referer = cherrypy.request.headers['Referer'] except: referer = '/' raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(referer) graph = {} for r in self.roles.graph: s = list(self.roles.graph[r]['sub_roles']) p = list(self.roles.graph[r]['parent_roles']) graph[r] = {'sub_roles': s, 'parent_roles': p} graph_js = json.dumps(graph, separators=(',', ':')) display_names = {} for r in self.roles.flatten: display_names[r] = self.roles.flatten[r]['display_name'] user_attrs = self._get_user(user) if user_attrs == {}: cherrypy.response.status = 400 return self.temp['error.tmpl'].render( is_admin=is_admin, alert='warning', message="User '" + user + "' does not exist" ) tmp = self._get_roles(user) user_roles = tmp['roles'] user_lonely_groups = tmp['unusedgroups'] roles_js = json.dumps(display_names, separators=(',', ':')) key = self.attributes.get_key() form = self.temp['form.tmpl'].render( attributes=self.attributes.attributes, values=self._escape(user_attrs, 'attr_list'), modify=True, keyattr=key, autofill=False ) roles = self.temp['roles.tmpl'].render( roles=self.roles.flatten, graph=self.roles.graph, graph_js=graph_js, roles_js=roles_js, current_roles=user_roles, ) return self.temp['modify.tmpl'].render( form=form, roles=roles, is_admin=is_admin, standalone_groups=self._escape(user_lonely_groups, 'lonely_groups'), backends_display_names=self.backends_display_names, custom_js=self.custom_js, notifications=self._empty_notification(), ) @cherrypy.expose @exception_decorator def default(self, attr=''): cherrypy.response.status = 404 self._check_auth(must_admin=False) is_admin = self._check_admin() return self.temp['404.tmpl'].render( is_admin=is_admin, notifications=self._empty_notification(), ) @cherrypy.expose @exception_decorator def selfmodify(self, **params): """ self modify user page """ self._check_auth(must_admin=False) is_admin = self._check_admin() sess = cherrypy.session user = sess.get(SESSION_KEY, None) if self.auth_mode == 'none': return self.temp['error.tmpl'].render( is_admin=is_admin, alert='warning', message="Not accessible with authentication disabled." ) if cherrypy.request.method.upper() == 'POST': params = self._parse_params(params) self._selfmodify(params) self._add_notification( "Self modification done" ) user_attrs = self._get_user(user) if user_attrs == {}: return self.temp['error.tmpl'].render( is_admin=is_admin, alert='warning', message="User doesn't exist" ) form = self.temp['form.tmpl'].render( attributes=self.attributes.get_selfattributes(), values=self._escape(user_attrs, 'attr_list'), modify=True, autofill=False ) return self.temp['selfmodify.tmpl'].render( form=form, is_admin=is_admin, notifications=self._empty_notification(), )