/*! * PopConfirm 0.4.3 * http://ifnot.github.io/PopConfirm/ * * Use jQuery & Bootstrap * http://jquery.com/ * http://getbootstrap.com/ * * Copyright 2014 Anael Favre and other contributors * Released under the MIT license * https://raw.github.com/AnaelFavre/PopConfirm/master/LICENCE * * Thanks to contributors : * Thomas Hanson https://github.com/diresquirrel * Mohamed Aymen https://github.com/kernel64 * Muhammad Ubaid Raza https://github.com/mubaidr */ (function ($) { 'use strict'; /*global jQuery, $*/ /*jslint nomen: true, evil: true*/ $.fn.extend({ popConfirm: function (options) { var defaults = { title: 'Confirmation', content: 'Are you really sure ?', placement: 'right', container: 'body', yesBtn: 'Yes', noBtn: 'No' }, last = null; options = $.extend(defaults, options); return this.each(function () { var self = $(this), arrayActions = [], arrayDelegatedActions = [], eventToConfirm, optName, optValue, i, elmType, code, form; // Load data-* attriutes for (optName in options) { if (options.hasOwnProperty(optName)) { optValue = $(this).attr('data-confirm-' + optName); if (optValue) { options[optName] = optValue; } } } // If there are jquery click events if (jQuery._data(this, "events") && jQuery._data(this, "events").click) { // Save all click handlers for (i = 0; i < jQuery._data(this, "events").click.length; i = i + 1) { arrayActions.push(jQuery._data(this, "events").click[i].handler); } // unbind it to prevent it firing $(self).unbind("click"); } // If there are jquery delegated click events if (self.data('remote') && jQuery._data(document, "events") && jQuery._data(document, "events").click) { // Save all delegated click handlers that apply for (i = 0; i < jQuery._data(document, "events").click.length; i = i + 1) { elmType = self[0].tagName.toLowerCase(); if (jQuery._data(document, "events").click[i].selector && jQuery._data(document, "events").click[i].selector.indexOf(elmType + "[data-remote]") !== -1) { arrayDelegatedActions.push(jQuery._data(document, "events").click[i].handler); } } } // If there are hard onclick attribute if (self.attr('onclick')) { // Extracting the onclick code to evaluate and bring it into a closure code = self.attr('onclick'); arrayActions.push(function () { eval(code); }); $(self).prop("onclick", null); } // If there are href link defined if (!self.data('remote') && self.attr('href')) { // Assume there is a href attribute to redirect to arrayActions.push(function () { window.location.href = self.attr('href'); }); } // If the button is a submit one if (self.attr('type') && self.attr('type') === 'submit') { // Get the form related to this button then store submiting in closure form = $(this).parents('form:first'); arrayActions.push(function () { form.submit(); }); } self.popover({ trigger: 'manual', title: options.title, html: true, placement: options.placement, container: options.container, //Avoid using multiline strings, nno support in older browsers. content: options.content + '

' }).click(function (e) { if (last && last !== self) { last.popover('hide').removeClass('popconfirm-active'); } last = self; }); $(document).on('click', function () { if (last) { last.popover('hide').removeClass('popconfirm-active'); } }); self.bind('click', function (e) { eventToConfirm = e; e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); $('.popconfirm-active').not(self).popover('hide').removeClass('popconfirm-active'); self.popover('show').addClass('popconfirm-active'); $(document).find('.popover .confirm-dialog-btn-confirm').bind('click', function (e) { for (i = 0; i < arrayActions.length; i = i + 1) { arrayActions[i].apply(self); } for (i = 0; i < arrayDelegatedActions.length; i = i + 1) { arrayDelegatedActions[i].apply(self, [eventToConfirm.originalEvent]); } self.popover('hide').removeClass('popconfirm-active'); }); $(document).find('.popover .confirm-dialog-btn-abord').bind('click', function (e) { self.popover('hide').removeClass('popconfirm-active'); }); }); }); } }); }(jQuery));