#!/usr/bin/env python2 import os import sys # # This script sets up the ldapcherry config files through environment variables # that are passed at startup time. # # TODO: Add the rest of the options # TODO: Make some of these required, and some optional. How to fail when # they're not provided? ldapcherry_ini_settings = { 'SERVER_SOCKET_HOST': '', 'SERVER_SOCKET_PORT': '80', 'SERVER_THREAD_POOL': '0', 'LOG_ACCESS_HANDLER': 'stdout', 'LOG_ERROR_HANDLER': 'stdout', 'LOG_LEVEL': '', 'LDAP_DISPLAY_NAME': 'My LDAP Directory', 'LDAP_URI': '', 'LDAP_CA': '', 'LDAP_STARTTLS': '', 'LDAP_CHECKCERT': '', 'LDAP_BINDDN': '', 'LDAP_PASSWORD': '', 'LDAP_TIMEOUT': '1', 'LDAP_GROUPDN': 'group', 'LDAP_USERDN': 'people', 'LDAP_USER_FILTER_TMPL': '', 'LDAP_GROUP_FILTER_TMPL': '', 'LDAP_SEARCH_FILTER_TMPL': '', 'LDAP_OBJECTCLASSES': '', 'LDAP_DN_USER_ATTR': '', 'AD_DISPLAY_NAME': '', 'AD_DOMAIN': '', 'AD_LOGIN': '', 'AD_PASSWORD': '', 'AD_URI': '', 'AD_CA': '', 'AD_STARTTLS': '', 'AD_CHECKCERT': '' } with open('/etc/ldapcherry/ldapcherry.ini', 'r') as file: filelines = file.readlines() for setting in ldapcherry_ini_settings: # Replace the instances of the key with the value of the env var or the # default setting_key = setting.replace('_', '.', 1).lower() setting_val = os.getenv(setting, ldapcherry_ini_settings[setting]) if (any(line.startswith(setting_key) for line in filelines) and ldapcherry_ini_settings[setting] != ''): # We know that it is defined somewhere, so we don't want to uncomment # any of the commented-out lines to replace it indeces = [idx for idx, elem in enumerate(filelines) if elem.startswith(setting_key)] # Exit if there are more than one instance defined if len(indeces) != 1: sys.exit() if any(not char.isdigit() for char in setting_val): # Make sure none of these are digits if it's going to be quoted filelines[indeces[0]] = "{0} = '{1}'\n".format(setting_key, setting_val) else: filelines[indeces[0]] = "{0} = {1}\n".format(setting_key, setting_val) elif (any(line.startswith('#' + setting_key) for line in filelines) and ldapcherry_ini_settings[setting] != ''): # We know that it is defined somewhere, but behind a comment. We will # just change the first instance of it to the value that we want. # We also know that it isn't defined anywhere due to the earlier test. indeces = [idx for idx, elem in enumerate(filelines) if elem.startswith("#" + setting_key)] filelines[indeces[0]] = "{0} = '{1}'\n".format(setting_key, setting_val) else: # It is not defined anywhere continue # Write the file out again with open('/etc/ldapcherry/ldapcherry.ini', 'w') as file: for fileline in filelines: file.write("{}".format(fileline)) os.system("/usr/local/bin/ldapcherryd -c /etc/ldapcherry/ldapcherry.ini -D")