============== LdapCherry ============== Ldap management web interface. ---- :Dev: `ldapcherry git `_ :PyPI: `ldapcherry package `_ :License: MIT :Author: Pierre-Francois Carpentier - copyright © 2014 ---- ************* Site Menu ************* .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 install deploy changelog **************** Presentation **************** ldapCherry is cherrypy application to manage ldap entries. It's main functionalities are: * * * * ldapCherry aims to be a simple to deploy and to use ldap web interface. ************** Screenshot ************** .. image:: assets/main_screen.png :width: 600 px ******************************* Discussion / Help / Updates ******************************* * IRC: `Freenode `_ ``#ldapcherry`` channel * Bugtracker: `Github `_ ---- .. image:: assets/python-powered.png .. image:: assets/cherrypy.png