cn: description: "First Name and Display Name" display_name: "Display Name" type: string weight: 30 autofill: function: lcDisplayName args: - $first-name - $name backends: ldap: cn # ad: CN first-name: description: "First name of the user" display_name: "First Name" search_displayed: True type: string weight: 20 backends: ldap: givenName # ad: givenName name: description: "Family name of the user" display_name: "Name" search_displayed: True weight: 10 type: string backends: ldap: sn # ad: sn email: description: "Email of the user" display_name: "Email" search_displayed: True type: email weight: 40 autofill: function: lcMail args: - $first-name - $name - '' backends: ldap: mail # ad: mail uid: description: "UID of the user" display_name: "UID" search_displayed: True key: True type: string weight: 50 autofill: function: lcUid args: - $first-name - $name backends: ldap: uid # ad: sAMAccountName uidNumber: description: "User ID Number of the user" display_name: "UID Number" weight: 60 type: int autofill: function: lcUidNumber args: - $first-name - $name backends: ldap: uidNumber # ad: UIDNumber gidNumber: description: "Group ID Number of the user" display_name: "GID Number" weight: 70 type: int default: 10000 backends: ldap: gidNumber # ad: GIDNumber shell: description: "Shell of the user" display_name: "Shell" weight: 80 self: True type: stringlist values: - /bin/bash - /bin/zsh - /bin/sh backends: ldap: loginShell # ad: LOGINSHEL home: description: "Home user path" display_name: "Home" weight: 90 type: string autofill: function: lcHomeDir args: - $first-name - $name - /home/ backends: ldap: homeDirectory # ad: HOMEDIRECTORY password: description: "Password of the user" display_name: "Password" weight: 31 self: True type: password backends: ldap: userPassword # ad: PASSWORD #logscript: # description: "Windows login script" # display_name: "Login script" # weight: 100 # type: fix # value: login1.bat # backends: # ad: scriptPath