mirror of https://github.com/kakwa/ldapcherry synced 2025-03-26 01:21:05 +01:00
This commit is contained in:
kakwa 2015-07-30 07:33:21 +02:00
commit e8afdd553e
2 changed files with 64 additions and 12 deletions

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@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ Nice and simple application to manage users and groups in multiple directory ser
:Doc: `ldapcherry documentation on ReadTheDoc <http://ldapcherry.readthedocs.org/en/latest/>`_
:Dev: `ldapcherry code on GitHub <https://github.com/kakwa/ldapcherry>`_
:Dev: `ldapcherry source code on GitHub <https://github.com/kakwa/ldapcherry>`_
:PyPI: `ldapcherry package on Pypi <http://pypi.python.org/pypi/ldapcherry>`_
:License: MIT
:Author: Pierre-Francois Carpentier - copyright © 2015
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Nice and simple application to manage users and groups in multiple directory ser
LdapCherry is CherryPY application to manage users and groups in multiple directory services.
LdapCherry is a CherryPY application to manage users and groups in multiple directory services.
It's main features are:

View File

@ -37,6 +37,8 @@ ALL_ATTRS = 3
class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
def __init__(self, config, logger, name, attrslist, key):
"""Backend initialization"""
# Recover all the parameters
self.config = config
self._logger = logger
self.backend_name = name
@ -55,6 +57,8 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
self.dn_user_attr = self.get_param('dn_user_attr')
self.objectclasses = []
self.key = key
# objectclasses parameter is a coma separated list in configuration
# split it to get a real list, and convert it to bytes
for o in re.split('\W+', self.get_param('objectclasses')):
self.group_attrs = {}
@ -67,7 +71,9 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
for a in attrslist:
# exception handler (mainly to log something meaningful)
def _exception_handler(self, e):
""" Exception handling"""
et = type(e)
if et is ldap.OPERATIONS_ERROR:
@ -117,7 +123,8 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
msg="Access error on '" +
self.backend_name +
"' backend, please check your acls in this backend",
"' backend, please check your acls in backend " +
elif et is ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS:
desc = e[0]['desc']
@ -128,11 +135,12 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
msg="unknow ldap exception in ldap backend",
msg="unknow exception in backend " + self.backend_name,
def _connect(self):
"""Initialize an ldap client"""
ldap_client = ldap.initialize(self.uri)
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_REFERRALS, 0)
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_TIMEOUT, self.timeout)
@ -140,7 +148,9 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND, True)
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_DEMAND, False)
# set the CA file if declared and if necessary
if self.ca and self.checkcert == 'on':
# check if the CA file actually exists
if os.path.isfile(self.ca):
ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_CACERTFILE, self.ca)
@ -176,6 +186,7 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
return ldap_client
def _bind(self):
"""bind to the ldap with the technical account"""
ldap_client = self._connect()
ldap_client.simple_bind_s(self.binddn, self.bindpassword)
@ -185,6 +196,7 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
return ldap_client
def _search(self, searchfilter, attrs, basedn):
"""Generic search"""
if attrs == NO_ATTR:
attrlist = []
elif attrs == DISPLAYED_ATTRS:
@ -197,6 +209,7 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
attrlist = None
# bind and search the ldap
ldap_client = self._bind()
r = ldap_client.search_s(
@ -211,7 +224,10 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
# reencode everything in utf-8
# python-ldap doesn't know utf-8,
# it treates everything as bytes.
# So it's necessary to reencode
# it's output in utf-8.
ret = []
for entry in r:
uni_dn = self._uni(entry[0])
@ -228,6 +244,7 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
return ret
def _get_user(self, username, attrs=ALL_ATTRS):
"""Get a user from the ldap"""
username = ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(username)
user_filter = self.user_filter_tmpl % {
@ -239,23 +256,33 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
if len(r) == 0:
return None
# if NO_ATTR, only return the DN
if attrs == NO_ATTR:
dn_entry = r[0][0]
# in other cases, return everything (dn + attributes)
dn_entry = r[0]
return dn_entry
# python-ldap talks in bytes,
# as the rest of ldapcherry talks in unicode utf-8:
# * everything passed to python-ldap must be converted to bytes
# * everything coming from python-ldap must be converted to unicode
def _str(self, s):
"""unicode -> bytes conversion"""
if s is None:
return None
return s.encode('utf-8')
def _uni(self, s):
"""bytes -> unicode conversion"""
if s is None:
return None
return s.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
def auth(self, username, password):
"""Authentication of a user"""
binddn = self._str(self._get_user(username, NO_ATTR))
if binddn is not None:
@ -271,18 +298,22 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
return False
def add_user(self, attrs):
"""add a user"""
ldap_client = self._bind()
attrs_str = {}
# encoding crap
for a in attrs:
attrs_str[self._str(a)] = self._str(attrs[a])
attrs_str['objectClass'] = self.objectclasses
# construct is DN
dn = \
self._str(self.dn_user_attr) +\
'=' +\
self._str(attrs[self.dn_user_attr]) +\
',' +\
# gen the ldif fir add_s and add the user
ldif = modlist.addModlist(attrs_str)
ldap_client.add_s(dn, ldif)
@ -292,15 +323,20 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
def del_user(self, username):
"""delete a user"""
ldap_client = self._bind()
# recover the user dn
dn = self._str(self._get_user(username, NO_ATTR))
# delete
if dn is not None:
raise DelUserDontExists(username)
def set_attrs(self, username, attrs):
""" Set user attributes"""
ldap_client = self._bind()
tmp = self._get_user(username, ALL_ATTRS)
dn = self._str(tmp[0])
@ -319,6 +355,8 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
[[(battr, bcontent, 1)]] + ldap.dn.str2dn(dn)[1:]
# if attr is already set, replace the value
# (see dict old passed to modifyModlist)
if attr in old_attrs:
if type(old_attrs[attr]) is list:
tmp = []
@ -328,6 +366,7 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
bold_value = self._str(old_attrs[attr])
old = {battr: bold_value}
# attribute is not set, just add it
old = {}
ldif = modlist.modifyModlist(old, new)
@ -341,14 +380,18 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
def add_to_groups(self, username, groups):
ldap_client = self._bind()
# recover dn of the user and his attributes
tmp = self._get_user(username, ALL_ATTRS)
dn = tmp[0]
attrs = tmp[1]
attrs['dn'] = dn
dn = self._str(tmp[0])
# add user to all groups
for group in groups:
group = self._str(group)
# iterate on group membership attributes
for attr in self.group_attrs:
# fill the content template
content = self._str(self.group_attrs[attr] % attrs)
@ -357,7 +400,7 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
" setting '%(attr)s' to '%(content)s'" % {
'user': username,
'dn': self._uni(dn),
'group': group,
'group': self._uni(group),
'attr': attr,
'content': self._uni(content),
'backend': self.backend_name
@ -366,6 +409,7 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
ldif = modlist.modifyModlist({}, {attr: content})
ldap_client.modify_s(group, ldif)
# if already member, not a big deal, just log it and continue
except ldap.TYPE_OR_VALUE_EXISTS as e:
@ -373,7 +417,7 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
" already member of group '%(group)s'"
"(attribute '%(attr)s')" % {
'user': username,
'group': group,
'group': self._uni(group),
'attr': attr,
'backend': self.backend_name
@ -386,6 +430,9 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
def del_from_groups(self, username, groups):
"""Delete user from groups"""
# it follows the same logic than add_to_groups
# but with MOD_DELETE
ldap_client = self._bind()
tmp = self._get_user(username, ALL_ATTRS)
dn = tmp[0]
@ -406,7 +453,7 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
" wasn't member of group '%(group)s'"
" (attribute '%(attr)s')" % {
'user': username,
'group': group,
'group': self._uni(group),
'attr': attr,
'backend': self.backend_name
@ -417,12 +464,16 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
def search(self, searchstring):
ret = {}
"""Search users"""
# escape special char to avoid injection
searchstring = ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(searchstring)
# fill the search string template
searchfilter = self.search_filter_tmpl % {
'searchstring': searchstring
ret = {}
# search an process the result a little
for u in self._search(searchfilter, DISPLAYED_ATTRS, self.userdn):
attrs = {}
attrs_tmp = u[1]
@ -438,6 +489,7 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
return ret
def get_user(self, username):
"""Gest a specific user"""
ret = {}
tmp = self._get_user(username, ALL_ATTRS)
if tmp is None:
@ -452,7 +504,7 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
return ret
def get_groups(self, username):
"""Get all groups of a user"""
username = ldap.filter.escape_filter_chars(username)
userdn = self._get_user(username, NO_ATTR)
@ -464,5 +516,5 @@ class Backend(ldapcherry.backend.Backend):
groups = self._search(searchfilter, NO_ATTR, self.groupdn)
ret = []
for entry in groups:
return ret