#!/usr/bin/env python # -.- coding: utf-8 -.- # scan.py # author: Benedikt Waldvogel (MIT Licensed) # edited by: k4m4 & xdavidhu import logging logging.getLogger("scapy.runtime").setLevel(logging.ERROR) import scapy.config, scapy.layers.l2, scapy.route, socket, math, errno def scanNetwork(): def long2net(arg): if (arg <= 0 or arg >= 0xFFFFFFFF): raise ValueError("illegal netmask value", hex(arg)) return 32 - int(round(math.log(0xFFFFFFFF - arg, 2))) def to_CIDR_notation(bytes_network, bytes_netmask): network = scapy.utils.ltoa(bytes_network) netmask = long2net(bytes_netmask) net = "%s/%s" % (network, netmask) if netmask < 16: return None return net def scan_and_print_neighbors(net, interface, timeout=1): hostsList = [] try: ans, unans = scapy.layers.l2.arping(net, iface=interface, timeout=timeout, verbose=False) for s, r in ans.res: mac = r.sprintf("%Ether.src%") ip = r.sprintf("%ARP.psrc%") line = r.sprintf("%Ether.src% %ARP.psrc%") hostsList.append([ip, mac]) try: hostname = socket.gethostbyaddr(r.psrc) line += "," + hostname[0] except socket.herror: pass except socket.error as e: if e.errno == errno.EPERM: # Operation not permitted exit() else: raise return hostsList for network, netmask, _, interface, address in scapy.config.conf.route.routes: # skip loopback network and default gw if network == 0 or interface == 'lo' or address == '' or address == '': continue if netmask <= 0 or netmask == 0xFFFFFFFF: continue # Skip APIPA network (corresponds to the address range) # See https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Automatic_Private_Internet_Protocol_Addressing for more details if network == 2851995648: continue net = to_CIDR_notation(network, netmask) if interface != scapy.config.conf.iface: # see http://trac.secdev.org/scapy/ticket/537 continue if net: return scan_and_print_neighbors(net, interface)