
322 lines
6.1 KiB

/* t-percent.c - Module test for percent.c
* Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <>.
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include "util.h"
#define pass() do { ; } while(0)
#define fail(a) do { fprintf (stderr, "%s:%d: test %d failed\n",\
__FILE__,__LINE__, (a)); \
exit (1); \
} while(0)
static void
test_percent_plus_escape (void)
static struct {
const char *string;
const char *expect;
} tbl[] = {
}, {
}, {
" ",
}, {
" ",
}, {
"+ +",
}, {
"\" \"",
}, {
}, {
"%% ",
}, {
"\n ABC\t",
}, { NULL, NULL }
char *buf, *buf2;
int i;
size_t len;
for (i=0; tbl[i].string; i++)
buf = percent_plus_escape (tbl[i].string);
if (!buf)
fprintf (stderr, "out of core: %s\n", strerror (errno));
exit (2);
if (strcmp (buf, tbl[i].expect))
fail (i);
buf2 = percent_plus_unescape (buf, 0);
if (!buf2)
fprintf (stderr, "out of core: %s\n", strerror (errno));
exit (2);
if (strcmp (buf2, tbl[i].string))
fail (i);
xfree (buf2);
/* Now test the inplace conversion. */
len = percent_plus_unescape_inplace (buf, 0);
buf[len] = 0;
if (strcmp (buf, tbl[i].string))
fail (i);
xfree (buf);
static void
test_percent_data_escape (void)
static struct {
const char *prefix;
const char *data;
size_t datalen;
const char *expect;
} tbl[] = {
"", 0,
}, {
"a", 1,
}, {
"%22", 3,
}, {
"%%", 3,
}, {
"\n \0BC\t", 6,
"\n %00BC\t"
}, {
"", 0,
}, {
"a", 1,
}, {
"%22", 3,
}, {
"%%", 3,
}, {
"\n \0BC\t", 6,
"\n %00BC\t"
}, {
"", 0,
}, {
"a", 1,
}, {
"%22", 3,
}, {
"%%", 3,
}, {
"\n \0BC\t", 6,
"a\n %00BC\t"
}, {
" ",
"%%", 3,
" %25%25%00"
}, {
"%%", 3,
}, {
"%%", 3,
}, {
"a b",
"%%", 3,
"a b%25%25%00"
}, {
"%%", 3,
}, {
"%%", 3,
}, {
NULL, 0,
char *buf;
int i;
size_t len, prefixlen;
for (i=0; tbl[i].data; i++)
buf = percent_data_escape (0, tbl[i].prefix, tbl[i].data, tbl[i].datalen);
if (!buf)
fprintf (stderr, "out of core: %s\n", strerror (errno));
exit (2);
if (strcmp (buf, tbl[i].expect))
fail (i);
len = percent_plus_unescape_inplace (buf, 0);
prefixlen = tbl[i].prefix? strlen (tbl[i].prefix) : 0;
if (len != tbl[i].datalen + prefixlen)
fail (i);
else if (tbl[i].prefix && memcmp (buf, tbl[i].prefix, prefixlen)
&& !(prefixlen == 1 && *tbl[i].prefix == '+' && *buf == ' '))
/* Note extra condition above handles the one test case
* which reverts a plus to a space due to the use of the
* plus-unescape fucntion also for the prefix part. */
fail (i);
else if (memcmp (buf+prefixlen, tbl[i].data, tbl[i].datalen))
fail (i);
xfree (buf);
static void
test_percent_data_escape_plus (void)
static struct {
const char *data;
size_t datalen;
const char *expect;
} tbl[] = {
"", 0,
}, {
"a", 1,
}, {
"%22", 3,
}, {
"%%", 3,
}, {
"\n \0BC\t", 6,
}, {
" ", 1,
}, {
" ", 2,
}, {
"+ +", 3,
}, {
"\" \"", 3, /* Note: This function does not escape quotes. */
}, {
"%22", 3,
}, {
"%% ", 3,
}, {
"\n ABC\t", 6,
}, { NULL, 0, NULL }
char *buf;
int i;
size_t len;
for (i=0; tbl[i].data; i++)
buf = percent_data_escape (1, NULL, tbl[i].data, tbl[i].datalen);
if (!buf)
fprintf (stderr, "out of core: %s\n", strerror (errno));
exit (2);
if (strcmp (buf, tbl[i].expect))
fail (i);
len = percent_plus_unescape_inplace (buf, 0);
if (len != tbl[i].datalen)
fail (i);
else if (memcmp (buf, tbl[i].data, tbl[i].datalen))
fail (i);
xfree (buf);
main (int argc, char **argv)
/* FIXME: escape_unescape is not tested - only percent_plus_unescape. */
test_percent_plus_escape ();
test_percent_data_escape ();
test_percent_data_escape_plus ();
return 0;