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synced 2025-03-21 21:39:58 +01:00

* configure.ac: Add new component. * tests/Makefile.am: Likewise. * tests/gpgscm/Makefile.am: New file. * tests/gpgscm/ffi-private.h: Likewise. * tests/gpgscm/ffi.c: Likewise. * tests/gpgscm/ffi.h: Likewise. * tests/gpgscm/ffi.scm: Likewise. * tests/gpgscm/lib.scm: Likewise. * tests/gpgscm/main.c: Likewise. * tests/gpgscm/private.h: Likewise. * tests/gpgscm/repl.scm: Likewise. * tests/gpgscm/scheme-config.h: Likewise. * tests/gpgscm/t-child.c: Likewise. * tests/gpgscm/t-child.scm: Likewise. * tests/gpgscm/tests.scm: Likewise. Signed-off-by: Justus Winter <justus@g10code.com>
403 lines
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403 lines
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;; Common definitions for writing tests.
;; Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
;; This file is part of GnuPG.
;; GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;; Trace displays and returns the given value. A debugging aid.
(define (trace x)
(display x)
;; Stringification.
(define (stringify expression)
(let ((p (open-output-string)))
(write expression p)
(get-output-string p)))
;; Reporting.
(define (info msg)
(display msg)
(define (error msg)
(info msg)
(exit 1))
(define (skip msg)
(info msg)
(exit 77))
(define (make-counter)
(let ((c 0))
(lambda ()
(let ((r c))
(set! c (+ 1 c))
(define *progress-nesting* 0)
(define (call-with-progress msg what)
(set! *progress-nesting* (+ 1 *progress-nesting*))
(if (= 1 *progress-nesting*)
(info msg)
(display " > ")
(what (lambda (item)
(display item)
(display " ")
(info "< "))
(what (lambda (item) (display ".") (flush-stdio)))
(display " ")
(set! *progress-nesting* (- *progress-nesting* 1)))
(define (for-each-p msg proc lst)
(for-each-p' msg proc (lambda (x) x) lst))
(define (for-each-p' msg proc fmt lst)
(lambda (progress)
(for-each (lambda (a)
(progress (fmt a))
(proc a))
;; Process management.
(define CLOSED_FD -1)
(define (call-with-fds what infd outfd errfd)
(wait-process (stringify what) (spawn-process-fd what infd outfd errfd) #t))
(define (call what)
(call-with-fds what
(if (< *verbose* 0) STDOUT_FILENO CLOSED_FD)
(if (< *verbose* 0) STDERR_FILENO CLOSED_FD)))
(define (call-check what)
(if (not (= 0 (call what)))
(throw (list what "failed"))))
;; Accessor functions for the results of 'spawn-process'.
(define :stdin car)
(define :stdout cadr)
(define :stderr caddr)
(define :pid cadddr)
(define (call-with-io what in)
(let ((h (spawn-process what 0)))
(es-write (:stdin h) in)
(es-fclose (:stdin h))
(let* ((out (es-read-all (:stdout h)))
(err (es-read-all (:stderr h)))
(result (wait-process (car what) (:pid h) #t)))
(es-fclose (:stdout h))
(es-fclose (:stderr h))
(list result out err))))
;; Accessor function for the results of 'call-with-io'. ':stdout' and
;; ':stderr' can also be used.
(define :retcode car)
(define (call-popen command input-string)
(let ((result (call-with-io command input-string)))
(if (= 0 (:retcode result))
(:stdout result)
(throw (:stderr result)))))
;; estream helpers.
(define (es-read-all stream)
(let loop
((acc ""))
(if (es-feof stream)
(loop (string-append acc (es-read stream 4096))))))
;; File management.
(define (file=? a b)
(file-equal a b #t))
(define (text-file=? a b)
(file-equal a b #f))
(define (file-copy from to)
(catch '() (unlink to))
(letfd ((source (open from (logior O_RDONLY O_BINARY)))
(sink (open to (logior O_WRONLY O_CREAT O_BINARY) #o600)))
(splice source sink)))
(define (text-file-copy from to)
(catch '() (unlink to))
(letfd ((source (open from O_RDONLY))
(sink (open to (logior O_WRONLY O_CREAT) #o600)))
(splice source sink)))
(define (canonical-path path)
(if (char=? #\/ (string-ref path 0))
(string-append (getcwd) "/" path)))
(define (in-srcdir what)
(canonical-path (string-append (getenv "srcdir") "/" what)))
(define (with-path name)
(let loop ((path (string-split (getenv "GPGSCM_PATH") #\:)))
(if (null? path)
(let* ((qualified-name (string-append (car path) "/" name))
(file-exists (call-with-input-file qualified-name
(lambda (x) #t))))
(if file-exists
(loop (cdr path)))))))
(define (basename path)
(let ((i (string-index path #\/)))
(if (equal? i #f)
(basename (substring path (+ 1 i) (string-length path))))))
;; Helper for (pipe).
(define :read-end car)
(define :write-end cadr)
;; let-like macro that manages file descriptors.
;; (letfd <bindings> <body>)
;; Bind all variables given in <bindings> and initialize each of them
;; to the given initial value, and close them after evaluting <body>.
(macro (letfd form)
(let ((result-sym (gensym)))
`((lambda (,(caaadr form))
(let ((,result-sym
,(if (= 1 (length (cadr form)))
`(begin ,@(cddr form))
`(letfd ,(cdadr form) ,@(cddr form)))))
(close ,(caaadr form))
,result-sym)) ,@(cdaadr form))))
(macro (with-working-directory form)
(let ((result-sym (gensym)) (cwd-sym (gensym)))
`(let* ((,cwd-sym (getcwd))
(_ (if ,(cadr form) (chdir ,(cadr form))))
(,result-sym (begin ,@(cddr form))))
(chdir ,cwd-sym)
(macro (with-temporary-working-directory form)
(let ((result-sym (gensym)) (cwd-sym (gensym)) (tmp-sym (gensym)))
`(let* ((,cwd-sym (getcwd))
(,tmp-sym (mkdtemp "gpgscm-XXXXXX"))
(_ (chdir ,tmp-sym))
(,result-sym (begin ,@(cdr form))))
(chdir ,cwd-sym)
(unlink-recursively ,tmp-sym)
(define (make-temporary-file . args)
(canonical-path (string-append (mkdtemp "gpgscm-XXXXXX")
(if (null? args) "a" (car args)))))
(define (remove-temporary-file filename)
(catch '()
(unlink filename))
(let ((dirname (substring filename 0 (string-rindex filename #\/))))
(catch (echo "removing temporary directory" dirname "failed")
(rmdir dirname))))
;; let-like macro that manages temporary files.
;; (lettmp <bindings> <body>)
;; Bind all variables given in <bindings>, initialize each of them to
;; a string representing an unique path in the filesystem, and delete
;; them after evaluting <body>.
(macro (lettmp form)
(let ((result-sym (gensym)))
`((lambda (,(caadr form))
(let ((,result-sym
,(if (= 1 (length (cadr form)))
`(begin ,@(cddr form))
`(lettmp ,(cdadr form) ,@(cddr form)))))
(remove-temporary-file ,(caadr form))
,result-sym)) (make-temporary-file ,(symbol->string (caadr form))))))
(define (check-execution source transformer)
(lettmp (sink)
(transformer source sink)))
(define (check-identity source transformer)
(lettmp (sink)
(transformer source sink)
(if (not (file=? source sink))
(error "mismatch"))))
;; Monadic pipe support.
(define pipeM
(define (new procs source sink producer)
(define (dump)
(write (list procs source sink producer))
(define (add-proc command pid)
(new (cons (list command pid) procs) source sink producer))
(define (commands)
(map car procs))
(define (pids)
(map cadr procs))
(define (set-source source')
(new procs source' sink producer))
(define (set-sink sink')
(new procs source sink' producer))
(define (set-producer producer')
(if producer
(throw "producer already set"))
(new procs source sink producer'))))))
(define (pipe:do . commands)
(let loop ((M (pipeM::new '() CLOSED_FD CLOSED_FD #f)) (cmds commands))
(if (null? cmds)
(if M::producer (M::producer))
(if (not (null? M::procs))
(let* ((retcodes (wait-processes (map stringify (M::commands))
(M::pids) #t))
(results (map (lambda (p r) (append p (list r)))
M::procs retcodes))
(failed (filter (lambda (x) (not (= 0 (caddr x))))
(if (not (null? failed))
(throw failed))))) ; xxx nicer reporting
(if (and (= 2 (length cmds)) (number? (cadr cmds)))
;; hack: if it's an fd, use it as sink
(let ((M' ((car cmds) (M::set-sink (cadr cmds)))))
(if (> M::source 2) (close M::source))
(if (> (cadr cmds) 2) (close (cadr cmds)))
(loop M' '()))
(let ((M' ((car cmds) M)))
(if (> M::source 2) (close M::source))
(loop M' (cdr cmds)))))))
(define (pipe:open pathname flags)
(lambda (M)
(M::set-source (open pathname flags))))
(define (pipe:defer producer)
(lambda (M)
(let* ((p (outbound-pipe))
(M' (M::set-source (:read-end p))))
(M'::set-producer (lambda ()
(producer (:write-end p))
(close (:write-end p)))))))
(define (pipe:echo data)
(pipe:defer (lambda (sink) (display data (fdopen sink "wb")))))
(define (pipe:spawn command)
(lambda (M)
(define (do-spawn M new-source)
(let ((pid (spawn-process-fd command M::source M::sink
(if (> *verbose* 0)
(M' (M::set-source new-source)))
(M'::add-proc command pid)))
(if (= CLOSED_FD M::sink)
(let* ((p (pipe))
(M' (do-spawn (M::set-sink (:write-end p)) (:read-end p))))
(close (:write-end p))
(M'::set-sink CLOSED_FD))
(do-spawn M CLOSED_FD))))
(define (pipe:splice sink)
(lambda (M)
(splice M::source sink)
(M::set-source CLOSED_FD)))
(define (pipe:write-to pathname flags mode)
(open pathname flags mode))
;; Monadic transformer support.
(define (tr:do . commands)
(let loop ((tmpfiles '()) (source #f) (cmds commands))
(if (null? cmds)
(for-each remove-temporary-file tmpfiles)
(let ((v ((car cmds) tmpfiles source)))
(loop (car v) (cadr v) (cdr cmds))))))
(define (tr:open pathname)
(lambda (tmpfiles source)
(list tmpfiles pathname)))
(define (tr:spawn input command)
(lambda (tmpfiles source)
(let* ((t (make-temporary-file))
(cmd (map (lambda (x)
((equal? '**in** x) source)
((equal? '**out** x) t)
(else x))) command)))
(call-popen cmd input)
(list (cons t tmpfiles) t))))
(define (tr:write-to pathname)
(lambda (tmpfiles source)
(rename source pathname)
(list tmpfiles pathname)))
(define (tr:pipe-do . commands)
(lambda (tmpfiles source)
(let ((t (make-temporary-file)))
(apply pipe:do
`(,@(if source `(,(pipe:open source (logior O_RDONLY O_BINARY))) '())
,(pipe:write-to t (logior O_WRONLY O_BINARY O_CREAT) #o600)))
(list (cons t tmpfiles) t))))
(define (tr:assert-identity reference)
(lambda (tmpfiles source)
(if (not (file=? source reference))
(error "mismatch"))
(list tmpfiles source)))
(define (tr:assert-weak-identity reference)
(lambda (tmpfiles source)
(if (not (text-file=? source reference))
(error "mismatch"))
(list tmpfiles source)))
(define (tr:call-with-content function)
(lambda (tmpfiles source)
(function (call-with-input-file source read-all))
(list tmpfiles source)))