mirror of git://git.gnupg.org/gnupg.git synced 2025-03-05 21:41:06 +01:00
Justus Winter 7e19786a5d
tests: Harmonize temporary and socket directory handling.
* tests/gpgscm/tests.scm (mkdtemp): Do not magically obey the
environment variable 'TMP', make sure to always return an absolute
* tests/gpgme/Makefile.am (TMP): Drop variable.
* tests/gpgme/gpgme-defs.scm (create-gpgmehome): Start the agent.  Do
not create private key store, the agent does that for us.
* tests/gpgsm/Makefile.am (TMP): Drop variable.
* tests/gpgme/gpgme-defs.scm (create-gpgsmhome): Start the agent.  Do
not create private key store, the agent does that for us.
* tests/migrations/Makefile.am (TMP): Drop variable.
* tests/migrations/common.scm (gpgconf): New variable.
(run-test): Create and remove socket directory.
* tests/migrations/extended-pkf.scm (src-tarball): Remove variable.
(setup): Remove function.
(trigger-migration): Likewise.
Use 'run-test' to execute the test.
* tests/migrations/from-classic.scm (src-tarball): Remove variable.
(setup): Remove function.
Use 'run-test' to execute the tests.
* tests/openpgp/Makefile.am (TMP): Drop variable.
* tests/openpgp/README: Do not mention 'TMP'.
* tests/openpgp/defs.scm (with-home-directory): New macro.
(create-legacy-gpghome): Do not create private key store, the agent
does that for us.
(start-agent): Make sure to terminate the right agent with 'atexit'.

Previously, the test suite relied upon creating home directories in
'/tmp'.  This has been problematic in some build environments,
although POSIX mandates that '/tmp' must be available.

We now rely on 'gpgconf --create-socketdir' to create a suitable
socket directory for us.  This allows us to get rid of some cruft.  It
also aligns the environment the tests are run in closer with the
environment that we intend that GnuPG runs in.

Signed-off-by: Justus Winter <justus@g10code.com>
2017-03-06 18:10:10 +01:00

463 lines
16 KiB

;; Common definitions for the OpenPGP test scripts.
;; Copyright (C) 2016, 2017 g10 Code GmbH
;; This file is part of GnuPG.
;; GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;; Constants.
(define usrname1 "one@example.com")
(define usrpass1 "def")
(define usrname2 "two@example.com")
(define usrpass2 "")
(define usrname3 "three@example.com")
(define usrpass3 "")
(define dsa-usrname1 "pgp5")
;; we use the sub key because we do not yet have the logic to derive
;; the first encryption key from a keyblock (I guess) (Well of course
;; we have this by now and the notation below will lookup the primary
;; first and then search for the encryption subkey.)
(define dsa-usrname2 "0xCB879DE9")
(define keys
(define (new fpr grip uids subkeys)
(define (subkey fpr grip)
(define alfa (new "A0FF4590BB6122EDEF6E3C542D727CC768697734"
'("alfa@example.net" "alpha@example.net")
(subkey "3B3FBC948FE59301ED629EFB6AE6D7EE46A871F8"
(define one (new "289B0EF1D105E124B6F626020EF77096D74C5F22"
(subkey "EB467DCA4AD7676A6A62B2ABABAB28A247BE2775"
(define two (new "C1DEBB34EA8B71009EAFA474973D50E1C40FDECF"
(subkey "CD3D0F5701CBFCACB2A4907305A37887B27907AA"
(define key-file1 "samplekeys/rsa-rsa-sample-1.asc")
(define key-file2 "samplekeys/ed25519-cv25519-sample-1.asc")
(define plain-files '("plain-1" "plain-2" "plain-3" "plain-large"))
(define data-files '("data-500" "data-9000" "data-32000" "data-80000"))
(define exp-files '())
(define all-files (append plain-files data-files))
(let ((verbose (string->number (getenv "verbose"))))
(if (number? verbose)
(*set-verbose!* verbose)))
(define (qualify executable)
(string-append executable (getenv "EXEEXT")))
(define (getenv' key default)
(let ((value (getenv key)))
(if (string=? "" value)
(define (percent-decode s)
(define (decode c)
(if (and (> (length c) 2) (char=? #\% (car c)))
(integer->char (string->number (string #\# #\x (cadr c) (caddr c))))
(let loop ((i 0) (c (string->list s)) (r (make-string (string-length s))))
(if (null? c)
(substring r 0 i)
(let ((decoded (decode c)))
(string-set! r i (if decoded decoded (car c)))
(loop (+ 1 i) (if decoded (cdddr c) (cdr c)) r)))))
(assert (equal? (percent-decode "") ""))
(assert (equal? (percent-decode "%61") "a"))
(assert (equal? (percent-decode "foob%61r") "foobar"))
(define (percent-encode s)
(define (encode c)
`(#\% ,@(string->list (number->string (char->integer c) 16))))
(let loop ((acc '()) (cs (reverse (string->list s))))
(if (null? cs)
(list->string acc)
(case (car cs)
((#\: #\%)
(loop (append (encode (car cs)) acc) (cdr cs)))
(loop (cons (car cs) acc) (cdr cs)))))))
(assert (equal? (percent-encode "") ""))
(assert (equal? (percent-encode "%61") "%2561"))
(assert (equal? (percent-encode "foob%61r") "foob%2561r"))
(define tools
'((gpgv "GPGV" "g10/gpgv")
(gpg-connect-agent "GPG_CONNECT_AGENT" "tools/gpg-connect-agent")
(gpgconf "GPGCONF" "tools/gpgconf")
(gpg-preset-passphrase "GPG_PRESET_PASSPHRASE"
(gpgtar "GPGTAR" "tools/gpgtar")
(gpg-zip "GPGZIP" "tools/gpg-zip")
(pinentry "PINENTRY" "tests/openpgp/fake-pinentry")))
(define bin-prefix (getenv "BIN_PREFIX"))
(define installed? (not (string=? "" bin-prefix)))
(define (tool-hardcoded which)
(let ((t (assoc which tools)))
(getenv' (cadr t)
(qualify (if installed?
(string-append bin-prefix "/" (basename (caddr t)))
(string-append (getenv "objdir") "/" (caddr t)))))))
;; You can splice VALGRIND into your argument vector to run programs
;; under valgrind. For example, to run valgrind on gpg, you may want
;; to redefine gpg:
;; (set! gpg `(,@valgrind ,@gpg))
(define valgrind
'("/usr/bin/valgrind" --leak-check=full --error-exitcode=154))
(define (gpg-conf . args)
(gpg-conf' "" args))
(define (gpg-conf' input args)
(let ((s (call-popen `(,(tool-hardcoded 'gpgconf) ,@args) input)))
(map (lambda (line) (map percent-decode (string-split line #\:)))
(string-split-newlines s))))
(define :gc:c:name car)
(define :gc:c:description cadr)
(define :gc:c:pgmname caddr)
(define (:gc:o:name x) (list-ref x 0))
(define (:gc:o:flags x) (string->number (list-ref x 1)))
(define (:gc:o:level x) (string->number (list-ref x 2)))
(define (:gc:o:description x) (list-ref x 3))
(define (:gc:o:type x) (string->number (list-ref x 4)))
(define (:gc:o:alternate-type x) (string->number (list-ref x 5)))
(define (:gc:o:argument-name x) (list-ref x 6))
(define (:gc:o:default-value x) (list-ref x 7))
(define (:gc:o:default-argument x) (list-ref x 8))
(define (:gc:o:value x) (if (< (length x) 10) "" (list-ref x 9)))
(define (gpg-config component key)
(define (value)
(let* ((conf (assoc key (gpg-conf '--list-options component)))
(type (:gc:o:type conf))
(value (:gc:o:value conf)))
(case type
((0 2 3) (string->number value))
((1 32) (substring value 1 (string-length value))))))
(define (update value)
(let ((value' (cond
((string? value) (string-append "\"" value))
((number? value) (number->string value))
(else (throw "Unsupported value" value)))))
(gpg-conf' (string-append key ":0:" (percent-encode value'))
`(--change-options ,component))))
(define (clear)
(gpg-conf' (string-append key ":16:")
`(--change-options ,component)))))
(unless installed?
(setenv "GNUPG_BUILDDIR" (getenv "objdir") #t))
(define gpg-components (apply gpg-conf
`(,@(if installed? '()
(list '--build-prefix (getenv "objdir")))
(define (tool which)
(case which
((gpg gpg-agent scdaemon gpgsm dirmngr)
(:gc:c:pgmname (assoc (symbol->string which) gpg-components)))
(tool-hardcoded which))))
(define (gpg-has-option? option)
(string-contains? (call-popen `(,(tool 'gpg) --dump-options) "")
(define have-opt-always-trust
(catch #f
(call-check `(,(tool 'gpg) --gpgconf-test --always-trust))
(define GPG `(,(tool 'gpg) --no-permission-warning
,@(if have-opt-always-trust '(--always-trust) '())))
(define GPGV `(,(tool 'gpgv)))
(define PINENTRY (tool 'pinentry))
(define (tr:gpg input args)
(tr:spawn input `(,@GPG --output **out** ,@args **in**)))
(define (pipe:gpg args)
(pipe:spawn `(,@GPG --output - ,@args -)))
(define (gpg-with-colons args)
(let ((s (call-popen `(,@GPG --with-colons ,@args) "")))
(map (lambda (line) (string-split line #\:))
(string-split-newlines s))))
;; Convenient accessors for the colon output.
(define (:type x) (string->symbol (list-ref x 0)))
(define (:length x) (string->number (list-ref x 2)))
(define (:alg x) (string->number (list-ref x 3)))
(define (:expire x) (list-ref x 6))
(define (:fpr x) (list-ref x 9))
(define (:cap x) (list-ref x 11))
(define (have-public-key? key)
(catch #f
(pair? (filter (lambda (l) (and (equal? 'fpr (:type l))
(equal? key::fpr (:fpr l))))
(gpg-with-colons `(--list-keys ,key::fpr))))))
(define (have-secret-key? key)
(catch #f
(pair? (filter (lambda (l) (and (equal? 'fpr (:type l))
(equal? key::fpr (:fpr l))))
(gpg-with-colons `(--list-secret-keys ,key::fpr))))))
(define (have-secret-key-file? key)
(file-exists? (path-join (getenv "GNUPGHOME") "private-keys-v1.d"
(string-append key::grip ".key"))))
(define (get-config what)
(string-split (caddar (gpg-with-colons `(--list-config ,what))) #\;))
(define all-pubkey-algos (delay (get-config "pubkeyname")))
(define all-hash-algos (delay (get-config "digestname")))
(define all-cipher-algos (delay (get-config "ciphername")))
(define all-compression-algos (delay (get-config "compressname")))
(define (have-pubkey-algo? x)
(not (not (member x (force all-pubkey-algos)))))
(define (have-hash-algo? x)
(not (not (member x (force all-hash-algos)))))
(define (have-cipher-algo? x)
(not (not (member x (force all-cipher-algos)))))
(define (gpg-pipe args0 args1 errfd)
(lambda (source sink)
(let* ((p (pipe))
(task0 (spawn-process-fd `(,@GPG ,@args0)
source (:write-end p) errfd))
(_ (close (:write-end p)))
(task1 (spawn-process-fd `(,@GPG ,@args1)
(:read-end p) sink errfd)))
(close (:read-end p))
(wait-processes (list GPG GPG) (list task0 task1) #t))))
(setenv "GPG_AGENT_INFO" "" #t)
(setenv "GNUPGHOME" (getcwd) #t)
(define GNUPGHOME (getcwd))
;; GnuPG helper.
;; Evaluate a sequence of expressions with the given home directory.
(define-macro (with-home-directory gnupghome . expressions)
(let ((original-home-directory (gensym)))
`(let ((,original-home-directory (getenv "GNUPGHOME")))
(lambda () (setenv "GNUPGHOME" ,gnupghome #t))
(lambda () ,@expressions)
(lambda () (setenv "GNUPGHOME" ,original-home-directory #t))))))
;; Evaluate a sequence of expressions with an ephemeral home
;; directory.
(define-macro (with-ephemeral-home-directory . expressions)
(let ((original-home-directory (gensym))
(ephemeral-home-directory (gensym)))
`(let ((,original-home-directory (getenv "GNUPGHOME"))
(,ephemeral-home-directory (mkdtemp)))
(finally (unlink-recursively ,ephemeral-home-directory)
(lambda () (setenv "GNUPGHOME" ,ephemeral-home-directory #t))
(lambda () ,@expressions)
(lambda () (setenv "GNUPGHOME" ,original-home-directory #t)))))))
;; Call GPG to obtain the hash sums. Either specify an input file in
;; ARGS, or an string in INPUT. Returns a list of (<algo>
;; "<hashsum>") lists.
(define (gpg-hash-string args input)
(lambda (line)
(let ((p (string-split line #\:)))
(list (string->number (cadr p)) (caddr p))))
(call-popen `(,@GPG --with-colons ,@args) input))))
;; Dearmor a file.
(define (dearmor source-name sink-name)
(pipe:open source-name (logior O_RDONLY O_BINARY))
(pipe:spawn `(,@GPG --dearmor))
(pipe:write-to sink-name (logior O_WRONLY O_CREAT O_BINARY) #o600)))
;; Support for test environment creation and teardown.
(define (make-test-data filename size)
(lambda (port)
(display (make-random-string size) port))))
(define (create-gpghome)
(log "Creating test environment...")
(srandom (getpid))
(make-test-data "random_seed" 600)
(log "Creating configuration files")
(lambda (name)
(file-copy (in-srcdir (string-append name ".tmpl")) name)
(let ((p (open-input-output-file name)))
((string=? "gpg.conf" name)
(if have-opt-always-trust
(display "no-auto-check-trustdb\n" p))
(display (string-append "agent-program "
(tool 'gpg-agent)
"|--debug-quick-random\n") p)
(display "allow-weak-digest-algos\n" p))
((string=? "gpg-agent.conf" name)
(display (string-append "pinentry-program " PINENTRY "\n") p)))))
'("gpg.conf" "gpg-agent.conf")))
;; Initialize the test environment, install appropriate configuration
;; and start the agent, without any keys.
(define (setup-environment)
(define (create-sample-files)
(log "Creating sample data files")
(lambda (size)
(make-test-data (string-append "data-" (number->string size))
'(500 9000 32000 80000))
(log "Unpacking samples")
(lambda (name)
(dearmor (in-srcdir ".." "openpgp" (string-append name "o.asc")) name))
(define (create-legacy-gpghome)
(log "Storing private keys")
(lambda (name)
(dearmor (in-srcdir (string-append "/privkeys/" name ".asc"))
(string-append "private-keys-v1.d/" name ".key")))
(log "Importing public demo and test keys")
(lambda (file)
(call-check `(,@GPG --yes --import ,(in-srcdir file))))
(list "pubdemo.asc" "pubring.asc" key-file1))
(pipe:open (in-srcdir "pubring.pkr.asc") (logior O_RDONLY O_BINARY))
(pipe:spawn `(,@GPG --dearmor))
(pipe:spawn `(,@GPG --yes --import))))
(define (preset-passphrases)
(log "Presetting passphrases")
;; one@example.com
(call-check `(,(tool 'gpg-preset-passphrase)
--preset --passphrase def
(call-check `(,(tool 'gpg-preset-passphrase)
--preset --passphrase def
;; alpha@example.net
(call-check `(,(tool 'gpg-preset-passphrase)
--preset --passphrase abc
(call-check `(,(tool 'gpg-preset-passphrase)
--preset --passphrase abc
;; Initialize the test environment, install appropriate configuration
;; and start the agent, with the keys from the legacy test suite.
(define (setup-legacy-environment)
(if (member "--unpack-tarball" *args*)
(call-check `(,(tool 'gpgtar) --extract --directory=. ,(cadr *args*)))
;; Create the socket dir and start the agent.
(define (start-agent)
(log "Starting gpg-agent...")
(let ((gnupghome (getenv "GNUPGHOME")))
(atexit (lambda ()
(with-home-directory gnupghome
(catch (log "Warning: Creating socket directory failed:" (car *error*))
(call-popen `(,(tool 'gpgconf) --create-socketdir) ""))
(call-check `(,(tool 'gpg-connect-agent) --verbose
,(string-append "--agent-program=" (tool 'gpg-agent)
;; Stop the agent and remove the socket dir.
(define (stop-agent)
(log "Stopping gpg-agent...")
(catch (log "Warning: Removing socket directory failed.")
(call-popen `(,(tool 'gpgconf) --remove-socketdir) ""))
(call-check `(,(tool 'gpg-connect-agent) --verbose --no-autostart
killagent /bye)))