mirror of
synced 2025-03-03 21:21:08 +01:00

* Makefile.am (TESTS_ENVIRONMENT): New variable. (check-all): New phony target to run all tests. * tests/gpgme/gpgme-defs.scm (have-gpgme?): New function that tests whether the GPGME test suite is available instead of exiting the process. * tests/gpgscm/init.scm (export): New macro. * tests/gpgscm/tests.scm (run-tests): New function. (load-tests): Likewise. * tests/gpgme/run-tests.scm: Simplify and move the parsing of the list of tests to 'all-tests.scm'. * tests/gpgsm/run-tests.scm: Likewise. * tests/migrations/run-tests.scm: Likewise. * tests/openpgp/run-tests.scm: Likewise. * tests/gpgme/Makefile.am: To select the tests to run, use the variable 'TESTS'. This harmonizes the interface with the automake test suite. * tests/gpgsm/Makefile.am: Likewise. * tests/migrations/Makefile.am: Likewise. * tests/openpgp/Makefile.am: Likewise. * tests/openpgp/README: Likewise. * agent/all-tests.scm: New file. * common/all-tests.scm: Likewise. * g10/all-tests.scm: Likewise. * g13/all-tests.scm: Likewise. * tests/gpgme/all-tests.scm: Likewise. * tests/gpgsm/all-tests.scm: Likewise. * tests/migrations/all-tests.scm: Likewise. * tests/openpgp/all-tests.scm: Likewise. * tests/run-tests.scm: Likewise. -- This change allows us to run all tests in parallel and write one XML report capturing the results of every test. It also lays the foundation to parametrize test suites. Signed-off-by: Justus Winter <justus@g10code.com>
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791 lines
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;; Common definitions for writing tests.
;; Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH
;; This file is part of GnuPG.
;; GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
;; Reporting.
(define (echo . msg)
(for-each (lambda (x) (display x) (display " ")) msg)
(define (info . msg)
(apply echo msg)
(define (log . msg)
(if (> (*verbose*) 0)
(apply info msg)))
(define (fail . msg)
(apply info msg)
(exit 1))
(define (skip . msg)
(apply info msg)
(exit 77))
(define (make-counter)
(let ((c 0))
(lambda ()
(let ((r c))
(set! c (+ 1 c))
(define *progress-nesting* 0)
(define (call-with-progress msg what)
(set! *progress-nesting* (+ 1 *progress-nesting*))
(if (= 1 *progress-nesting*)
(info msg)
(display " > ")
(what (lambda (item)
(display item)
(display " ")
(info "< "))
(what (lambda (item) (display ".") (flush-stdio)))
(display " ")
(set! *progress-nesting* (- *progress-nesting* 1)))
(define (for-each-p msg proc lst . lsts)
(apply for-each-p' `(,msg ,proc ,(lambda (x . xs) x) ,lst ,@lsts)))
(define (for-each-p' msg proc fmt lst . lsts)
(lambda (progress)
(apply for-each
`(,(lambda args
(progress (apply fmt args))
(apply proc args))
,lst ,@lsts)))))
;; Process management.
(define CLOSED_FD -1)
(define (call-with-fds what infd outfd errfd)
(wait-process (stringify what) (spawn-process-fd what infd outfd errfd) #t))
(define (call what)
(call-with-fds what
(if (< (*verbose*) 0) STDOUT_FILENO CLOSED_FD)
(if (< (*verbose*) 0) STDERR_FILENO CLOSED_FD)))
;; Accessor functions for the results of 'spawn-process'.
(define :stdin car)
(define :stdout cadr)
(define :stderr caddr)
(define :pid cadddr)
(define (call-with-io what in)
(let ((h (spawn-process what 0)))
(es-write (:stdin h) in)
(es-fclose (:stdin h))
(let* ((out (es-read-all (:stdout h)))
(err (es-read-all (:stderr h)))
(result (wait-process (car what) (:pid h) #t)))
(es-fclose (:stdout h))
(es-fclose (:stderr h))
(if (> (*verbose*) 2)
(info "Child" (:pid h) "returned:"
`((command ,(stringify what))
(status ,result)
(stdout ,out)
(stderr ,err))))
(list result out err))))
;; Accessor function for the results of 'call-with-io'. ':stdout' and
;; ':stderr' can also be used.
(define :retcode car)
(define (call-check what)
(let ((result (call-with-io what "")))
(if (= 0 (:retcode result))
(:stdout result)
(throw (string-append (stringify what) " failed")
(:stderr result)))))
(define (call-popen command input-string)
(let ((result (call-with-io command input-string)))
(if (= 0 (:retcode result))
(:stdout result)
(throw (:stderr result)))))
;; estream helpers.
(define (es-read-all stream)
(let loop
((acc ""))
(if (es-feof stream)
(loop (string-append acc (es-read stream 4096))))))
;; File management.
(define (file-exists? name)
(call-with-input-file name (lambda (port) #t)))
(define (file=? a b)
(file-equal a b #t))
(define (text-file=? a b)
(file-equal a b #f))
(define (file-copy from to)
(catch '() (unlink to))
(letfd ((source (open from (logior O_RDONLY O_BINARY)))
(sink (open to (logior O_WRONLY O_CREAT O_BINARY) #o600)))
(splice source sink)))
(define (text-file-copy from to)
(catch '() (unlink to))
(letfd ((source (open from O_RDONLY))
(sink (open to (logior O_WRONLY O_CREAT) #o600)))
(splice source sink)))
(define (path-join . components)
(let loop ((acc #f) (rest (filter (lambda (s)
(not (string=? "" s))) components)))
(if (null? rest)
(loop (if (string? acc)
(string-append acc "/" (car rest))
(car rest))
(cdr rest)))))
(assert (string=? (path-join "foo" "bar" "baz") "foo/bar/baz"))
(assert (string=? (path-join "" "bar" "baz") "bar/baz"))
;; Is PATH an absolute path?
(define (absolute-path? path)
(or (char=? #\/ (string-ref path 0))
(and *win32* (char=? #\\ (string-ref path 0)))
(and *win32*
(char-alphabetic? (string-ref path 0))
(char=? #\: (string-ref path 1))
(or (char=? #\/ (string-ref path 2))
(char=? #\\ (string-ref path 2))))))
;; Make PATH absolute.
(define (canonical-path path)
(if (absolute-path? path) path (path-join (getcwd) path)))
(define (in-srcdir . names)
(canonical-path (apply path-join (cons (getenv "abs_top_srcdir") names))))
;; Try to find NAME in PATHS. Returns the full path name on success,
;; or raises an error.
(define (path-expand name paths)
(let loop ((path paths))
(if (null? path)
(throw "Could not find" name "in" paths)
(let* ((qualified-name (path-join (car path) name))
(file-exists (call-with-input-file qualified-name
(lambda (x) #t))))
(if file-exists
(loop (cdr path)))))))
;; Expand NAME using the gpgscm load path. Use like this:
;; (load (with-path "library.scm"))
(define (with-path name)
(catch name
(path-expand name (string-split (getenv "GPGSCM_PATH") *pathsep*))))
(define (basename path)
(let ((i (string-index path #\/)))
(if (equal? i #f)
(basename (substring path (+ 1 i) (string-length path))))))
(define (basename-suffix path suffix)
(if (string-suffix? path suffix)
(substring path 0 (- (string-length path) (string-length suffix)))
(define (dirname path)
(let ((i (string-rindex path #\/)))
(if i (substring path 0 i) ".")))
(assert (string=? "foo/bar" (dirname "foo/bar/baz")))
;; Helper for (pipe).
(define :read-end car)
(define :write-end cadr)
;; let-like macro that manages file descriptors.
;; (letfd <bindings> <body>)
;; Bind all variables given in <bindings> and initialize each of them
;; to the given initial value, and close them after evaluating <body>.
(define-macro (letfd bindings . body)
(let bind ((bindings' bindings))
(if (null? bindings')
`(begin ,@body)
(let* ((binding (car bindings'))
(name (car binding))
(initializer (cadr binding)))
`(let ((,name ,initializer))
(finally (close ,name)
,(bind (cdr bindings'))))))))
(define-macro (with-working-directory new-directory . expressions)
(let ((new-dir (gensym))
(old-dir (gensym)))
`(let* ((,new-dir ,new-directory)
(,old-dir (getcwd)))
(lambda () (if ,new-dir (chdir ,new-dir)))
(lambda () ,@expressions)
(lambda () (chdir ,old-dir))))))
;; Make a temporary directory. If arguments are given, they are
;; joined using path-join, and must end in a component ending in
;; "XXXXXX". If no arguments are given, a suitable location and
;; generic name is used. Returns an absolute path.
(define (mkdtemp . components)
(canonical-path (_mkdtemp (if (null? components)
(string-append "gpgscm-" (get-isotime) "-"
(basename-suffix *scriptname* ".scm")
(apply path-join components)))))
;; Make a temporary directory and remove it at interpreter shutdown.
;; Note that there are macros that limit the lifetime of temporary
;; directories and files to a lexical scope. Use those if possible.
;; Otherwise this works like mkdtemp.
(define (mkdtemp-autoremove . components)
(let ((dir (apply mkdtemp components)))
(atexit (lambda () (unlink-recursively dir)))
(define-macro (with-temporary-working-directory . expressions)
(let ((tmp-sym (gensym)))
`(let* ((,tmp-sym (mkdtemp)))
(finally (unlink-recursively ,tmp-sym)
(with-working-directory ,tmp-sym
(define (make-temporary-file . args)
(canonical-path (path-join
(if (null? args) "a" (car args)))))
(define (remove-temporary-file filename)
(catch '()
(unlink filename))
(let ((dirname (substring filename 0 (string-rindex filename #\/))))
(catch (echo "removing temporary directory" dirname "failed")
(rmdir dirname))))
;; let-like macro that manages temporary files.
;; (lettmp <bindings> <body>)
;; Bind all variables given in <bindings>, initialize each of them to
;; a string representing an unique path in the filesystem, and delete
;; them after evaluating <body>.
(define-macro (lettmp bindings . body)
(let bind ((bindings' bindings))
(if (null? bindings')
`(begin ,@body)
(let ((name (car bindings'))
(rest (cdr bindings')))
`(let ((,name (make-temporary-file ,(symbol->string name))))
(finally (remove-temporary-file ,name)
,(bind rest)))))))
(define (check-execution source transformer)
(lettmp (sink)
(transformer source sink)))
(define (check-identity source transformer)
(lettmp (sink)
(transformer source sink)
(if (not (file=? source sink))
(fail "mismatch"))))
;; Monadic pipe support.
(define pipeM
(define (new procs source sink producer)
(define (dump)
(write (list procs source sink producer))
(define (add-proc command pid)
(new (cons (list command pid) procs) source sink producer))
(define (commands)
(map car procs))
(define (pids)
(map cadr procs))
(define (set-source source')
(new procs source' sink producer))
(define (set-sink sink')
(new procs source sink' producer))
(define (set-producer producer')
(if producer
(throw "producer already set"))
(new procs source sink producer'))))))
(define (pipe:do . commands)
(let loop ((M (pipeM::new '() CLOSED_FD CLOSED_FD #f)) (cmds commands))
(if (null? cmds)
(if M::producer (M::producer))
(if (not (null? M::procs))
(let* ((retcodes (wait-processes (map stringify (M::commands))
(M::pids) #t))
(results (map (lambda (p r) (append p (list r)))
M::procs retcodes))
(failed (filter (lambda (x) (not (= 0 (caddr x))))
(if (not (null? failed))
(throw failed))))) ; xxx nicer reporting
(if (and (= 2 (length cmds)) (number? (cadr cmds)))
;; hack: if it's an fd, use it as sink
(let ((M' ((car cmds) (M::set-sink (cadr cmds)))))
(if (> M::source 2) (close M::source))
(if (> (cadr cmds) 2) (close (cadr cmds)))
(loop M' '()))
(let ((M' ((car cmds) M)))
(if (> M::source 2) (close M::source))
(loop M' (cdr cmds)))))))
(define (pipe:open pathname flags)
(lambda (M)
(M::set-source (open pathname flags))))
(define (pipe:defer producer)
(lambda (M)
(let* ((p (outbound-pipe))
(M' (M::set-source (:read-end p))))
(M'::set-producer (lambda ()
(producer (:write-end p))
(close (:write-end p)))))))
(define (pipe:echo data)
(pipe:defer (lambda (sink) (display data (fdopen sink "wb")))))
(define (pipe:spawn command)
(lambda (M)
(define (do-spawn M new-source)
(let ((pid (spawn-process-fd command M::source M::sink
(if (> (*verbose*) 0)
(M' (M::set-source new-source)))
(M'::add-proc command pid)))
(if (= CLOSED_FD M::sink)
(let* ((p (pipe))
(M' (do-spawn (M::set-sink (:write-end p)) (:read-end p))))
(close (:write-end p))
(M'::set-sink CLOSED_FD))
(do-spawn M CLOSED_FD))))
(define (pipe:splice sink)
(lambda (M)
(splice M::source sink)
(M::set-source CLOSED_FD)))
(define (pipe:write-to pathname flags mode)
(open pathname flags mode))
;; Monadic transformer support.
(define (tr:do . commands)
(let loop ((tmpfiles '()) (source #f) (cmds commands))
(if (null? cmds)
(for-each remove-temporary-file tmpfiles)
(let* ((v ((car cmds) tmpfiles source))
(tmpfiles' (car v))
(sink (cadr v))
(error (caddr v)))
(if error
(for-each remove-temporary-file tmpfiles')
(apply throw error)))
(loop tmpfiles' sink (cdr cmds))))))
(define (tr:open pathname)
(lambda (tmpfiles source)
(list tmpfiles pathname #f)))
(define (tr:spawn input command)
(lambda (tmpfiles source)
(if (and (member '**in** command) (not source))
(fail (string-append (stringify cmd) " needs an input")))
(let* ((t (make-temporary-file))
(cmd (map (lambda (x)
((equal? '**in** x) source)
((equal? '**out** x) t)
(else x))) command)))
(catch (list (cons t tmpfiles) t *error*)
(call-popen cmd input)
(if (and (member '**out** command) (not (file-exists? t)))
(fail (string-append (stringify cmd)
" did not produce '" t "'.")))
(list (cons t tmpfiles) t #f)))))
(define (tr:write-to pathname)
(lambda (tmpfiles source)
(rename source pathname)
(list tmpfiles pathname #f)))
(define (tr:pipe-do . commands)
(lambda (tmpfiles source)
(let ((t (make-temporary-file)))
(apply pipe:do
`(,@(if source `(,(pipe:open source (logior O_RDONLY O_BINARY))) '())
,(pipe:write-to t (logior O_WRONLY O_BINARY O_CREAT) #o600)))
(list (cons t tmpfiles) t #f))))
(define (tr:assert-identity reference)
(lambda (tmpfiles source)
(if (not (file=? source reference))
(fail "mismatch"))
(list tmpfiles source #f)))
(define (tr:assert-weak-identity reference)
(lambda (tmpfiles source)
(if (not (text-file=? source reference))
(fail "mismatch"))
(list tmpfiles source #f)))
(define (tr:call-with-content function . args)
(lambda (tmpfiles source)
(catch (list tmpfiles source *error*)
(apply function `(,(call-with-input-file source read-all) ,@args)))
(list tmpfiles source #f)))
;; Developing and debugging tests.
;; Spawn an os shell.
(define (interactive-shell)
(call-with-fds `(,(getenv "SHELL") -i) 0 1 2))
;; The main test framework.
;; A pool of tests.
(define test-pool
(define (new procs)
(define (add test)
(set! procs (cons test procs))
(define (pid->test pid)
(let ((t (filter (lambda (x) (= pid x::pid)) procs)))
(if (null? t) #f (car t))))
(define (wait)
(let ((unfinished (filter (lambda (t) (not t::retcode)) procs)))
(if (null? unfinished)
(let ((names (map (lambda (t) t::name) unfinished))
(pids (map (lambda (t) t::pid) unfinished)))
(lambda (test retcode)
(test:::set! 'retcode retcode))
(map pid->test pids)
(wait-processes (map stringify names) pids #t)))))
(define (filter-tests status)
(filter (lambda (p) (eq? status (p::status))) procs))
(define (report)
(define (print-tests tests message)
(unless (null? tests)
(apply echo (cons message
(map (lambda (t) t::name) tests)))))
(let ((failed (filter-tests 'FAIL))
(xfailed (filter-tests 'XFAIL))
(xpassed (filter-tests 'XPASS))
(skipped (filter-tests 'SKIP)))
(echo (length procs) "tests run,"
(length (filter-tests 'PASS)) "succeeded,"
(length failed) "failed,"
(length xfailed) "failed expectedly,"
(length xpassed) "succeeded unexpectedly,"
(length skipped) "skipped.")
(print-tests failed "Failed tests:")
(print-tests xfailed "Expectedly failed tests:")
(print-tests xpassed "Unexpectedly passed tests:")
(print-tests skipped "Skipped tests:")
(+ (length failed) (length xpassed))))
(define (xml)
(xx::tag 'testsuites
`((xmlns:xsi "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance")
(map (lambda (t) (t::xml)) procs))))))))
(define (verbosity n)
(if (= 0 n) '() (cons '--verbose (verbosity (- n 1)))))
(define (locate-test path)
(if (absolute-path? path) path (in-srcdir path)))
;; A single test.
(define test
;; Private definitions.
(define (isotime->junit t)
(string-append (substring t 0 4)
(substring t 4 6)
(substring t 6 11)
(substring t 11 13)
(substring t 13 15)))
;; If a tests name ends with a bang (!), it is expected to fail.
(define (expect-failure? name)
(string-suffix? name "!"))
;; Strips the bang (if any).
(define (test-name name)
(if (expect-failure? name)
(substring name 0 (- (string-length name) 1))
(define (scm setup name path . args)
;; Start the process.
(define (spawn-scm args' in out err)
(spawn-process-fd `(,*argv0* ,@(verbosity (*verbose*))
,(locate-test (test-name path))
,@(if setup (force setup) '())
,@args' ,@args) in out err))
(new name #f spawn-scm #f #f CLOSED_FD (expect-failure? name)))
(define (binary setup name path . args)
;; Start the process.
(define (spawn-binary args' in out err)
(spawn-process-fd `(,(test-name path)
,@(if setup (force setup) '()) ,@args' ,@args)
in out err))
(new name #f spawn-binary #f #f CLOSED_FD (expect-failure? name)))
(define (new name directory spawn pid retcode logfd expect-failure)
;; XXX: OO glue.
(define self (current-environment))
(define (:set! key value)
(eval `(set! ,key ,value) (current-environment))
;; The log is written here.
(define log-file-name #f)
;; Record time stamps.
(define timestamp #f)
(define start-time 0)
(define end-time 0)
(define (set-start-time!)
(set! timestamp (isotime->junit (get-isotime)))
(set! start-time (get-time)))
(define (set-end-time!)
(set! end-time (get-time)))
(define (open-log-file)
(unless log-file-name
(set! log-file-name (string-append (basename name) ".log")))
(catch '() (unlink log-file-name))
(open log-file-name (logior O_RDWR O_BINARY O_CREAT) #o600))
(define (run-sync . args)
(letfd ((log (open-log-file)))
(with-working-directory directory
(let* ((p (inbound-pipe))
(pid' (spawn args 0 (:write-end p) (:write-end p))))
(close (:write-end p))
(splice (:read-end p) STDERR_FILENO log)
(close (:read-end p))
(set! pid pid')
(set! retcode (wait-process name pid' #t)))))
(define (run-sync-quiet . args)
(with-working-directory directory
(set! pid (spawn args CLOSED_FD CLOSED_FD CLOSED_FD)))
(set! retcode (wait-process name pid #t))
(define (run-async . args)
(let ((log (open-log-file)))
(with-working-directory directory
(set! pid (spawn args CLOSED_FD log log)))
(set! logfd log))
(define (status)
(let* ((t' (assoc retcode '((0 PASS) (77 SKIP) (99 ERROR))))
(t (if (not t') 'FAIL (cadr t'))))
(if expect-failure
(case t ((PASS) 'XPASS) ((FAIL) 'XFAIL) (else t))
(define (status-string)
(cadr (assoc (status) '((PASS "PASS")
(define (report)
(unless (= logfd CLOSED_FD)
(seek logfd 0 SEEK_SET)
(splice logfd STDERR_FILENO)
(close logfd))
(echo (string-append (status-string) ":") name))
(define (xml)
`((name ,name)
(time ,(- end-time start-time))
(package ,(dirname name))
(id 0)
(timestamp ,timestamp)
(hostname "unknown")
(tests 1)
(failures ,(if (eq? FAIL (status)) 1 0))
(errors ,(if (eq? ERROR (status)) 1 0)))
(xx::tag 'properties)
(xx::tag 'testcase
`((name ,(basename name))
(classname ,(string-translate (dirname name) "/" "."))
(time ,(- end-time start-time)))
`(,@(case (status)
((PASS XFAIL) '())
((SKIP) (list (xx::tag 'skipped)))
((ERROR) (list
(xx::tag 'error '((message "Unknown error.")))))
(list (xx::tag 'failure '((message "Unknown error."))))))))
(xx::tag 'system-out '()
(list (xx::textnode (read-all (open-input-file log-file-name)))))
(xx::tag 'system-err '() (list (xx::textnode "")))))))))))
;; Run the setup target to create an environment, then run all given
;; tests in parallel.
(define (run-tests-parallel tests)
(let loop ((pool (test-pool::new '())) (tests' tests))
(if (null? tests')
(let ((results (pool::wait)))
(for-each (lambda (t) (t::report)) (reverse results::procs))
((results::xml) (open-output-file "report.xml"))
(exit (results::report)))
(let ((wd (mkdtemp-autoremove))
(test (car tests')))
(test:::set! 'directory wd)
(loop (pool::add (test::run-async))
(cdr tests'))))))
;; Run the setup target to create an environment, then run all given
;; tests in sequence.
(define (run-tests-sequential tests)
(let loop ((pool (test-pool::new '())) (tests' tests))
(if (null? tests')
(let ((results (pool::wait)))
((results::xml) (open-output-file "report.xml"))
(exit (results::report)))
(let ((wd (mkdtemp-autoremove))
(test (car tests')))
(test:::set! 'directory wd)
(loop (pool::add (test::run-sync))
(cdr tests'))))))
;; Run tests either in sequence or in parallel, depending on the
;; number of tests and the command line flags.
(define (run-tests tests)
(if (and (flag "--parallel" *args*)
(> (length tests) 1))
(run-tests-parallel tests)
(run-tests-sequential tests)))
;; Load all tests from the given path.
(define (load-tests . path)
(load (apply in-srcdir `(,@path "all-tests.scm")))
;; Helper to create environment caches from test functions. SETUP
;; must be a test implementing the producer side cache protocol.
;; Returns a promise containing the arguments that must be passed to a
;; test implementing the consumer side of the cache protocol.
(define (make-environment-cache setup)
(delay (with-temporary-working-directory
(let ((tarball (make-temporary-file "environment-cache")))
(atexit (lambda () (remove-temporary-file tarball)))
(setup::run-sync '--create-tarball tarball)
`(--unpack-tarball ,tarball)))))
;; Command line flag handling. Returns the elements following KEY in
;; ARGUMENTS up to the next argument, or #f if KEY is not in
(define (flag key arguments)
((null? arguments)
((string=? key (car arguments))
(let loop ((acc '())
(args (cdr arguments)))
(if (or (null? args) (string-prefix? (car args) "--"))
(reverse acc)
(loop (cons (car args) acc) (cdr args)))))
((string=? "--" (car arguments))
(flag key (cdr arguments)))))
(assert (equal? (flag "--xxx" '("--yyy")) #f))
(assert (equal? (flag "--xxx" '("--xxx")) '()))
(assert (equal? (flag "--xxx" '("--xxx" "yyy")) '("yyy")))
(assert (equal? (flag "--xxx" '("--xxx" "yyy" "zzz")) '("yyy" "zzz")))
(assert (equal? (flag "--xxx" '("--xxx" "yyy" "zzz" "--")) '("yyy" "zzz")))
(assert (equal? (flag "--xxx" '("--xxx" "yyy" "--" "zzz")) '("yyy")))
(assert (equal? (flag "--" '("--" "xxx" "yyy" "--" "zzz")) '("xxx" "yyy")))