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/* t-minip12.c - Test driver for minip12.c
* Copyright (C) 2020, 2023 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <>.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include "../common/util.h"
#include "minip12.h"
#define PGM "t-minip12"
static int verbose;
static int debug;
static int any_error;
static void die (const char *format, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_NR_PRINTF(1,2);
static void err (const char *format, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(1,2);
static void inf (const char *format, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(1,2);
/* static void dbg (const char *format, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(1,2); */
static void printresult (const char *format, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_PRINTF(1,2);
static char *my_xstrconcat (const char *s1, ...) GPGRT_ATTR_SENTINEL(0);
#define xstrconcat my_xstrconcat
#define trim_spaces(a) my_trim_spaces ((a))
#define my_isascii(c) (!((c) & 0x80))
/* Print diagnostic message and exit with failure. */
static void
die (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
fflush (stdout);
fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", PGM);
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
if (!*format || format[strlen(format)-1] != '\n')
putc ('\n', stderr);
exit (1);
/* Print diagnostic message. */
static void
err (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
any_error = 1;
fflush (stdout);
fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", PGM);
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
if (!*format || format[strlen(format)-1] != '\n')
putc ('\n', stderr);
/* Print an info message. */
static void
inf (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
if (verbose)
fprintf (stderr, "%s: ", PGM);
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
if (!*format || format[strlen(format)-1] != '\n')
putc ('\n', stderr);
/* Print a debug message. */
/* static void */
/* dbg (const char *format, ...) */
/* { */
/* va_list arg_ptr; */
/* if (debug) */
/* { */
/* fprintf (stderr, "%s: DBG: ", PGM); */
/* va_start (arg_ptr, format); */
/* vfprintf (stderr, format, arg_ptr); */
/* va_end (arg_ptr); */
/* if (!*format || format[strlen(format)-1] != '\n') */
/* putc ('\n', stderr); */
/* } */
/* } */
/* Print a result line to stdout. */
static void
printresult (const char *format, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
fflush (stdout);
flockfile (stdout);
va_start (arg_ptr, format);
vfprintf (stdout, format, arg_ptr);
if (*format && format[strlen(format)-1] != '\n')
putc ('\n', stdout);
va_end (arg_ptr);
fflush (stdout);
funlockfile (stdout);
/* Helper for xstrconcat and strconcat. */
static char *
do_strconcat (int xmode, const char *s1, va_list arg_ptr)
const char *argv[48];
size_t argc;
size_t needed;
char *buffer, *p;
argc = 0;
argv[argc++] = s1;
needed = strlen (s1);
while (((argv[argc] = va_arg (arg_ptr, const char *))))
needed += strlen (argv[argc]);
if (argc >= DIM (argv)-1)
die ("too may args for strconcat\n");
buffer = xmode? xmalloc (needed) : malloc (needed);
for (p = buffer, argc=0; argv[argc]; argc++)
p = stpcpy (p, argv[argc]);
return buffer;
/* Concatenate the string S1 with all the following strings up to a
NULL. Returns a malloced buffer with the new string or dies on error. */
static char *
my_xstrconcat (const char *s1, ...)
va_list arg_ptr;
char *result;
if (!s1)
result = xstrdup ("");
va_start (arg_ptr, s1);
result = do_strconcat (1, s1, arg_ptr);
va_end (arg_ptr);
return result;
static char *
my_trim_spaces (char *str )
char *string, *p, *mark;
string = str;
for (p=string; *p && isspace (*(unsigned char *)p) ; p++)
for (mark=NULL; (*string = *p); string++, p++ )
if (isspace (*(unsigned char *)p))
if (!mark)
mark = string;
mark = NULL;
if (mark)
*mark = '\0';
return str ;
/* Prepend FNAME with the srcdir environment variable's value and
* return an allocated filename. */
static char *
prepend_srcdir (const char *fname)
static const char *srcdir;
if (!srcdir && !(srcdir = getenv ("srcdir")))
return xstrdup (fname);
return xstrconcat (srcdir, "/", fname, NULL);
/* (BUFFER,BUFLEN) and return a malloced hexstring. */
static char *
hash_buffer (const void *buffer, size_t buflen)
unsigned char hash[20];
char *result;
int i;
gcry_md_hash_buffer (GCRY_MD_SHA1, hash, buffer, buflen);
result = xmalloc (41);
for (i=0; i < 20; i++)
snprintf (result + 2*i, 3, "%02x", hash[i]);
return result;
/* Read next line but skip over empty and comment lines. Caller must
xfree the result. */
static char *
read_textline (FILE *fp, int *lineno)
char line[4096];
char *p;
if (!fgets (line, sizeof line, fp))
if (feof (fp))
return NULL;
die ("error reading input line: %s\n", strerror (errno));
p = strchr (line, '\n');
if (!p)
die ("input line %d not terminated or too long\n", *lineno);
*p = 0;
for (p--;p > line && my_isascii (*p) && isspace (*p); p--)
*p = 0;
while (!*line || *line == '#');
return xstrdup (line);
/* Copy the data after the tag to BUFFER. BUFFER will be allocated as
needed. */
static void
copy_data (char **buffer, const char *line, int lineno)
const char *s;
xfree (*buffer);
*buffer = NULL;
s = strchr (line, ':');
if (!s)
err ("syntax error at input line %d", lineno);
for (s++; my_isascii (*s) && isspace (*s); s++)
*buffer = xstrdup (s);
static void
hexdowncase (char *string)
char *p;
if (string)
for (p=string; *p; p++)
if (my_isascii (*p))
*p = tolower (*p);
/* Return the value of the variable VARNAME from ~/.gnupg-autogen.rc
* or NULL if it does not exists or is empty. */
static char *
value_from_gnupg_autogen_rc (const char *varname)
const char *home;
char *fname;
FILE *fp;
char *line = NULL;
char *p;
int lineno = 0;
if (!(home = getenv ("HOME")))
home = "";
fname = xstrconcat (home, "/.gnupg-autogen.rc", NULL);
fp = fopen (fname, "r");
if (!fp)
goto leave;
while ((line = read_textline (fp, &lineno)))
p = strchr (line, '=');
if (p)
*p++ = 0;
trim_spaces (line);
if (!strcmp (line, varname))
trim_spaces (p);
if (*p)
memmove (line, p, strlen (p)+1);
if (*line == '~' && line[1] == '/')
p = xstrconcat (home, line+1, NULL);
xfree (line);
line = p;
break; /* found. */
xfree (line);
if (fp)
fclose (fp);
xfree (fname);
return line;
static void
cert_cb (void *opaque, const unsigned char *cert, size_t certlen)
if (verbose)
log_info ("got a certificate of %zu bytes length\n", certlen);
/* Parse one PKCS#12 file. Returns zero on success. */
static int
one_file (const char *name, const char *pass)
FILE *fp;
struct stat st;
unsigned char *buf;
size_t buflen;
gcry_mpi_t *result;
int badpass;
char *curve = NULL;
fp = fopen (name, "rb");
if (!fp)
fprintf (stderr, PGM": can't open '%s': %s\n", name, strerror (errno));
return 1;
if (fstat (fileno(fp), &st))
fprintf (stderr, PGM": can't stat '%s': %s\n", name, strerror (errno));
return 1;
buflen = st.st_size;
buf = xmalloc (buflen+1);
if (fread (buf, buflen, 1, fp) != 1)
fprintf (stderr, "error reading '%s': %s\n", name, strerror (errno));
return 1;
fclose (fp);
result = p12_parse (buf, buflen, pass, cert_cb, NULL, &badpass, &curve);
if (result)
int i, rc;
unsigned char *tmpbuf;
if (curve)
log_info ("curve: %s\n", curve);
for (i=0; result[i]; i++)
rc = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_HEX, &tmpbuf, NULL, result[i]);
if (rc)
log_error ("%d: [error printing number: %s]\n",
i, gpg_strerror (rc));
log_info ("%d: %s\n", i, tmpbuf);
gcry_free (tmpbuf);
if (badpass)
log_error ("Bad password given?\n");
xfree (buf);
return 0;
static void
cert_collect_cb (void *opaque, const unsigned char *cert, size_t certlen)
char **certstr = opaque;
char *hash, *save;
hash = hash_buffer (cert, certlen);
if (*certstr)
save = *certstr;
*certstr = xstrconcat (save, ",", hash, NULL);
xfree (save);
xfree (hash);
*certstr = hash;
static int
run_one_test (const char *name, const char *desc, const char *pass,
const char *certexpected, const char *keyexpected)
FILE *fp;
struct stat st;
unsigned char *buf;
size_t buflen;
gcry_mpi_t *result;
int badpass;
char *curve = NULL;
char *resulthash = NULL;
char *p;
char *certstr = NULL;
int ret;
inf ("testing '%s' (%s)", name , desc? desc:"");
fp = fopen (name, "rb");
if (!fp)
err ("can't open '%s': %s\n", name, strerror (errno));
printresult ("FAIL: %s - test file not found\n", name);
return 1;
if (fstat (fileno (fp), &st))
err ("can't stat '%s': %s\n", name, strerror (errno));
printresult ("FAIL: %s - error stating test file\n", name);
fclose (fp);
return 1;
buflen = st.st_size;
buf = xmalloc (buflen+1);
if (fread (buf, buflen, 1, fp) != 1)
err ("error reading '%s': %s\n", name, strerror (errno));
printresult ("FAIL: %s - error reading test file\n", name);
fclose (fp);
xfree (buf);
return 1;
fclose (fp);
result = p12_parse (buf, buflen, pass? pass:"", cert_collect_cb, &certstr,
&badpass, &curve);
if (result)
int i, rc;
char *tmpstring;
unsigned char *tmpbuf;
char numbuf[20];
if (curve)
if (verbose > 1)
inf ("curve: %s\n", curve);
tmpstring = xstrconcat ("curve:", curve, "\n", NULL);
tmpstring = xstrdup ("\n");
for (i=0; result[i]; i++)
rc = gcry_mpi_aprint (GCRYMPI_FMT_HEX, &tmpbuf, NULL, result[i]);
if (rc)
die ("result %d: [error printing number: %s]\n",
i, gpg_strerror (rc));
if (verbose > 1)
inf ("result %d: %s\n", i, tmpbuf);
snprintf (numbuf, sizeof numbuf, "%d:", i);
p = xstrconcat (tmpstring, numbuf, tmpbuf, "\n", NULL);
xfree (tmpstring);
tmpstring = p;
gcry_free (tmpbuf);
resulthash = hash_buffer (tmpstring, strlen (tmpstring));
xfree (tmpstring);
if (verbose > 1)
inf ("cert(exp)=%s", certexpected);
inf ("cert(got)=%s", certstr? certstr:"[null]");
inf ("key(exp)=%s", keyexpected);
inf ("key(got)=%s", resulthash? resulthash:"[null]");
ret = 1;
if (!result)
printresult ("FAIL: %s - error from parser\n", name);
else if (certexpected && !certstr)
printresult ("FAIL: %s - expected certs but got none\n", name);
else if (!certexpected && certstr)
printresult ("FAIL: %s - no certs expected but got one\n", name);
else if (certexpected && certstr && strcmp (certexpected, certstr))
printresult ("FAIL: %s - certs not as expected\n", name);
inf ("cert(exp)=%s", certexpected);
inf ("cert(got)=%s", certstr? certstr:"[null]");
else if (keyexpected && !resulthash)
printresult ("FAIL: %s - expected key but got none\n", name);
else if (!keyexpected && resulthash)
printresult ("FAIL: %s - key not expected but got one\n", name);
else if (keyexpected && resulthash && strcmp (keyexpected, resulthash))
printresult ("FAIL: %s - keys not as expected\n", name);
inf ("key(exp)=%s", keyexpected);
inf ("key(got)=%s", resulthash? resulthash:"[null]");
printresult ("PASS: %s\n", name);
ret = 0;
p12_parse_free_kparms (result);
xfree (certstr);
xfree (resulthash);
xfree (curve);
xfree (buf);
return ret;
/* Run a regression test using the Info take from DESCFNAME. */
static int
run_tests_from_file (const char *descfname)
FILE *fp;
char *descdir;
int lineno, ntests;
char *line;
char *name = NULL;
char *desc = NULL;
char *pass = NULL;
char *cert = NULL;
char *key = NULL;
int ret = 0;
char *p;
inf ("Running tests from '%s'", descfname);
descdir = xstrdup (descfname);
p = strrchr (descdir, '/');
if (p)
*p = 0;
xfree (descdir);
descdir = xstrdup (".");
fp = fopen (descfname, "r");
if (!fp)
die ("error opening '%s': %s\n", descfname, strerror (errno));
lineno = ntests = 0;
while ((line = read_textline (fp, &lineno)))
if (!strncmp (line, "Name:", 5))
if (name)
ret |= run_one_test (name, desc, pass, cert, key);
xfree (cert); cert = NULL;
xfree (desc); desc = NULL;
xfree (pass); pass = NULL;
xfree (key); key = NULL;
copy_data (&name, line, lineno);
if (name)
p = xstrconcat (descdir, "/", name, NULL);
xfree (name);
name = p;
else if (!strncmp (line, "Desc:", 5))
copy_data (&desc, line, lineno);
else if (!strncmp (line, "Pass:", 5))
copy_data (&pass, line, lineno);
else if (!strncmp (line, "Cert:", 5))
p = NULL;
copy_data (&p, line, lineno);
hexdowncase (p);
if (p && cert)
char *save = cert;
cert = xstrconcat (save, ",", p, NULL);
xfree (save);
xfree (p);
cert = p;
else if (!strncmp (line, "Key:", 4))
copy_data (&key, line, lineno);
hexdowncase (key);
inf ("%s:%d: unknown tag ignored", descfname, lineno);
xfree (line);
if (name)
ret |= run_one_test (name, desc, pass, cert, key);
xfree (name);
xfree (desc);
xfree (pass);
xfree (cert);
xfree (key);
fclose (fp);
xfree (descdir);
return ret;
main (int argc, char **argv)
int last_argc = -1;
char const *name = NULL;
char const *pass = NULL;
int ret;
int no_extra = 0;
if (argc)
{ argc--; argv++; }
while (argc && last_argc != argc )
last_argc = argc;
if (!strcmp (*argv, "--"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--help"))
fputs ("usage: " PGM " <pkcs12file> [<passphrase>]\n"
"Without <pkcs12file> a regression test is run\n"
" --no-extra do not run extra tests\n"
" --verbose print timings etc.\n"
" given twice shows more\n"
" --debug flyswatter\n"
, stdout);
exit (0);
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--no-extra"))
no_extra = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--verbose"))
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strcmp (*argv, "--debug"))
verbose += 2;
argc--; argv++;
else if (!strncmp (*argv, "--", 2))
fprintf (stderr, PGM ": unknown option '%s'\n", *argv);
exit (1);
if (!argc)
name = NULL;
pass = NULL;
else if (argc == 1)
name = argv[0];
pass = "";
else if (argc == 2)
name = argv[0];
pass = argv[1];
fprintf (stderr, "usage: " PGM " [<file> [<passphrase>]]\n");
exit (1);
if (name)
p12_set_verbosity (verbose, debug);
ret = one_file (name, pass);
char *descfname, *p;
if (verbose > 1)
p12_set_verbosity (verbose > 1? (verbose - 1):0, debug);
descfname = prepend_srcdir ("../tests/cms/samplekeys/Description-p12");
ret = run_tests_from_file (descfname);
xfree (descfname);
/* Check whether we have non-public regression test cases. */
p = no_extra? NULL:value_from_gnupg_autogen_rc ("GNUPG_EXTRA_TESTS_DIR");
if (p)
descfname = xstrconcat (p, "/pkcs12/Description", NULL);
xfree (p);
ret |= run_tests_from_file (descfname);
xfree (descfname);
return ret;