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/* objcache.c - Caching functions for keys and user ids.
* Copyright (C) 2019 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <>.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "gpg.h"
#include "../common/util.h"
#include "packet.h"
#include "keydb.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "objcache.h"
/* Note that max value for uid_items is actually the threshold when
* we start to look for items which can be removed. */
/* An object to store a user id. This describes an item in the linked
* lists of a bucket in hash table. The reference count will
* eventually be used to remove items from the table. */
typedef struct uid_item_s
struct uid_item_s *next;
unsigned int refcount; /* The reference count for this item. */
unsigned int namelen; /* The length of the UID sans the nul. */
char name[1];
} *uid_item_t;
static uid_item_t *uid_table; /* Hash table for with user ids. */
static size_t uid_table_size; /* Number of allocated buckets. */
static unsigned int uid_table_max; /* Max. # of items in a bucket. */
static unsigned int uid_table_added; /* # of items added. */
static unsigned int uid_table_dropped;/* # of items dropped. */
/* An object to store properties of a key. Note that this can be used
* for a primary or a subkey. The key is linked to a user if that
* exists. */
typedef struct key_item_s
struct key_item_s *next;
unsigned int usecount;
byte fprlen;
u32 keyid[2];
uid_item_t ui; /* NULL of a ref'ed user id item. */
} *key_item_t;
static key_item_t *key_table; /* Hash table with the keys. */
static size_t key_table_size; /* Number of allocated buckents. */
static unsigned int key_table_max; /* Max. # of items in a bucket. */
static unsigned int key_table_added; /* # of items added. */
static unsigned int key_table_dropped;/* # of items dropped. */
static key_item_t key_item_attic; /* List of freed items. */
/* Dump stats. */
objcache_dump_stats (void)
unsigned int idx;
int len, minlen, maxlen;
unsigned int count, attic, empty;
key_item_t ki;
uid_item_t ui;
count = empty = 0;
minlen = -1;
maxlen = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < key_table_size; idx++)
len = 0;
for (ki = key_table[idx]; ki; ki = ki->next)
/* log_debug ("key bucket %u: kid=%08lX used=%u ui=%p\n", */
/* idx, (ulong)ki->keyid[0], ki->usecount, ki->ui); */
if (len > maxlen)
maxlen = len;
if (!len)
else if (minlen == -1 || len < minlen)
minlen = len;
for (attic=0, ki = key_item_attic; ki; ki = ki->next)
log_info ("objcache: keys=%u/%u/%u chains=%u,%d..%d buckets=%zu/%u"
" attic=%u\n",
count, key_table_added, key_table_dropped,
empty, minlen > 0? minlen : 0, maxlen,
key_table_size, key_table_max, attic);
count = empty = 0;
minlen = -1;
maxlen = 0;
for (idx = 0; idx < uid_table_size; idx++)
len = 0;
for (ui = uid_table[idx]; ui; ui = ui->next)
/* log_debug ("uid bucket %u: %p ref=%u l=%u (%.20s)\n", */
/* idx, ui, ui->refcount, ui->namelen, ui->name); */
if (len > maxlen)
maxlen = len;
if (!len)
else if (minlen == -1 || len < minlen)
minlen = len;
log_info ("objcache: uids=%u/%u/%u chains=%u,%d..%d buckets=%zu/%u\n",
count, uid_table_added, uid_table_dropped,
empty, minlen > 0? minlen : 0, maxlen,
uid_table_size, uid_table_max);
/* The hash function we use for the uid_table. Must not call a system
* function. */
static inline unsigned int
uid_table_hasher (const char *name, unsigned namelen)
const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char*)name;
unsigned int hashval = 0;
unsigned int carry;
for (; namelen; namelen--, s++)
hashval = (hashval << 4) + *s;
if ((carry = (hashval & 0xf0000000)))
hashval ^= (carry >> 24);
hashval ^= carry;
return hashval % uid_table_size;
/* Run time allocation of the uid table. This allows us to eventually
* add an option to gpg to control the size. */
static void
uid_table_init (void)
if (uid_table)
uid_table_size = NO_OF_UID_ITEM_BUCKETS;
uid_table_max = MAX_UID_ITEMS_PER_BUCKET;
uid_table = xcalloc (uid_table_size, sizeof *uid_table);
static uid_item_t
uid_item_ref (uid_item_t ui)
if (ui)
return ui;
static void
uid_item_unref (uid_item_t uid)
if (!uid)
if (!uid->refcount)
log_fatal ("too many unrefs for uid_item\n");
/* We do not release the item here because that would require that
* we locate the head of the list which has this item. This will
* take too long and thus the item is removed when we need to purge
* some items for the list during uid_item_put. */
/* Put (NAME,NAMELEN) into the UID_TABLE and return the item. The
* reference count for that item is incremented. NULL is return on an
* allocation error. The caller should release the returned item
* using uid_item_unref. */
static uid_item_t
uid_table_put (const char *name, unsigned int namelen)
unsigned int hash;
uid_item_t ui;
unsigned int count;
if (!uid_table)
uid_table_init ();
hash = uid_table_hasher (name, namelen);
for (ui = uid_table[hash], count = 0; ui; ui = ui->next, count++)
if (ui->namelen == namelen && !memcmp (ui->name, name, namelen))
return uid_item_ref (ui); /* Found. */
/* If the bucket is full remove all unrefed items. */
if (count >= uid_table_max)
uid_item_t ui_next, ui_prev, list_head, drop_head;
/* No syscalls from here .. */
list_head = uid_table[hash];
drop_head = NULL;
while (list_head && !list_head->refcount)
ui = list_head;
list_head = ui->next;
ui->next = drop_head;
drop_head = ui;
if ((ui_prev = list_head))
for (ui = ui_prev->next; ui; ui = ui_next)
ui_next = ui->next;
if (!ui->refcount)
ui->next = drop_head;
drop_head = ui;
ui_prev->next = ui_next;
ui_prev = ui;
uid_table[hash] = list_head;
/* ... to here */
for (ui = drop_head; ui; ui = ui_next)
ui_next = ui->next;
xfree (ui);
count = uid_table_added + uid_table_dropped;
ui = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *ui + namelen);
if (!ui)
return NULL; /* Out of core. */
if (count != uid_table_added + uid_table_dropped)
/* During the malloc another thread added an item. Thus we need
* to check again. */
uid_item_t ui_new = ui;
for (ui = uid_table[hash]; ui; ui = ui->next)
if (ui->namelen == namelen && !memcmp (ui->name, name, namelen))
/* Found. */
xfree (ui_new);
return uid_item_ref (ui);
ui = ui_new;
memcpy (ui->name, name, namelen);
ui->name[namelen] = 0; /* Extra Nul so we can use it as a string. */
ui->namelen = namelen;
ui->refcount = 1;
ui->next = uid_table[hash];
uid_table[hash] = ui;
return ui;
/* The hash function we use for the key_table. Must not call a system
* function. */
static inline unsigned int
key_table_hasher (u32 *keyid)
/* A fingerprint could be used directly as a hash value. However,
* we use the keyid here because it is used in encrypted packets and
* older signatures to identify a key. Since v4 keys the keyid is
* anyway a part of the fingerprint so it quickly extracted from a
* fingerprint. Note that v3 keys are not supported by gpg. */
return keyid[0] % key_table_size;
/* Run time allocation of the key table. This allows us to eventually
* add an option to gpg to control the size. */
static void
key_table_init (void)
if (key_table)
key_table_size = NO_OF_KEY_ITEM_BUCKETS;
key_table_max = MAX_KEY_ITEMS_PER_BUCKET;
key_table = xcalloc (key_table_size, sizeof *key_table);
static void
key_item_free (key_item_t ki)
if (!ki)
uid_item_unref (ki->ui);
ki->ui = NULL;
ki->next = key_item_attic;
key_item_attic = ki;
/* Get a key item from PK or if that is NULL from KEYID. The
* reference count for that item is incremented. NULL is return if it
* was not found. */
static key_item_t
key_table_get (PKT_public_key *pk, u32 *keyid)
unsigned int hash;
key_item_t ki, ki2;
if (!key_table)
key_table_init ();
if (pk)
size_t fprlen;
u32 tmpkeyid[2];
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, fpr, &fprlen);
keyid_from_pk (pk, tmpkeyid);
hash = key_table_hasher (tmpkeyid);
for (ki = key_table[hash]; ki; ki = ki->next)
if (ki->fprlen == fprlen && !memcmp (ki->fpr, fpr, fprlen))
return ki; /* Found */
else if (keyid)
hash = key_table_hasher (keyid);
for (ki = key_table[hash]; ki; ki = ki->next)
if (ki->keyid[0] == keyid[0] && ki->keyid[1] == keyid[1])
/* Found. We need to check for dups. */
for (ki2 = ki->next; ki2; ki2 = ki2->next)
if (ki2->keyid[0] == keyid[0] && ki2->keyid[1] == keyid[1])
return NULL; /* Duplicated keyid - return NULL. */
/* This is the only one - return it. */
return ki;
return NULL;
/* Helper for the qsort in key_table_put. */
static int
compare_key_items (const void *arg_a, const void *arg_b)
const key_item_t a = *(const key_item_t *)arg_a;
const key_item_t b = *(const key_item_t *)arg_b;
/* Reverse sort on the usecount. */
if (a->usecount > b->usecount)
return -1;
else if (a->usecount == b->usecount)
return 0;
return 1;
/* Put PK into the KEY_TABLE and return a key item. The reference
* count for that item is incremented. If UI is given it is put into
* the entry. NULL is return on an allocation error. */
static key_item_t
key_table_put (PKT_public_key *pk, uid_item_t ui)
unsigned int hash;
key_item_t ki;
u32 keyid[2];
size_t fprlen;
unsigned int count, n;
if (!key_table)
key_table_init ();
fingerprint_from_pk (pk, fpr, &fprlen);
keyid_from_pk (pk, keyid);
hash = key_table_hasher (keyid);
for (ki = key_table[hash], count=0; ki; ki = ki->next, count++)
if (ki->fprlen == fprlen && !memcmp (ki->fpr, fpr, fprlen))
return ki; /* Found */
/* If the bucket is full remove a couple of items. */
if (count >= key_table_max)
key_item_t list_head, *list_tailp, ki_next;
key_item_t *array;
int narray, idx;
/* Unlink from the global list so that other threads don't
* disturb us. If another thread adds or removes something only
* one will be the winner. Bad luck for the drooped cache items
* but after all it is just a cache. */
list_head = key_table[hash];
key_table[hash] = NULL;
/* Put all items into an array for sorting. */
array = xtrycalloc (count, sizeof *array);
if (!array)
/* That's bad; give up all items of the bucket. */
log_info ("Note: malloc failed while purging from the key_tabe: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
goto leave_drop;
narray = 0;
for (ki = list_head; ki; ki = ki_next)
ki_next = ki->next;
array[narray++] = ki;
ki->next = NULL;
log_assert (narray == count);
/* Sort the array and put half of it onto a new list. */
qsort (array, narray, sizeof *array, compare_key_items);
list_head = NULL;
list_tailp = &list_head;
for (idx=0; idx < narray/2; idx++)
*list_tailp = array[idx];
list_tailp = &array[idx]->next;
/* Put the new list into the bucket. */
ki = key_table[hash];
key_table[hash] = list_head;
list_head = ki;
/* Free the remaining items and the array. */
for (; idx < narray; idx++)
key_item_free (array[idx]);
xfree (array);
/* Free any items added in the meantime by other threads. This
* is also used in case of a malloc problem (which won't update
* the counters, though). */
for ( ; list_head; list_head = ki_next)
ki_next = list_head->next;
key_item_free (list_head);
/* Add an item to the bucket. We allocate a whole block of items
* for cache performance reasons. */
if (!key_item_attic)
key_item_t kiblock;
int kiblocksize = 256;
kiblock = xtrymalloc (kiblocksize * sizeof *kiblock);
if (!kiblock)
return NULL; /* Out of core. */
for (n = 0; n < kiblocksize; n++)
ki = kiblock + n;
ki->next = key_item_attic;
key_item_attic = ki;
/* During the malloc another thread may have changed the bucket.
* Thus we need to check again. */
for (ki = key_table[hash]; ki; ki = ki->next)
if (ki->fprlen == fprlen && !memcmp (ki->fpr, fpr, fprlen))
return ki; /* Found */
/* We now know that there is an item in the attic. */
ki = key_item_attic;
key_item_attic = ki->next;
ki->next = NULL;
memcpy (ki->fpr, fpr, fprlen);
ki->fprlen = fprlen;
ki->keyid[0] = keyid[0];
ki->keyid[1] = keyid[1];
ki->ui = uid_item_ref (ui);
ki->usecount = 0;
ki->next = key_table[hash];
key_table[hash] = ki;
return ki;
/* Return the user ID from the given keyblock. We use the primary uid
* flag which should have already been set. The returned value is
* only valid as long as the given keyblock is not changed. */
static const char *
primary_uid_from_keyblock (kbnode_t keyblock, size_t *uidlen)
kbnode_t k;
for (k = keyblock; k; k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_USER_ID
&& !k->pkt->pkt.user_id->attrib_data
&& k->pkt->pkt.user_id->flags.primary)
*uidlen = k->pkt->pkt.user_id->len;
return k->pkt->pkt.user_id->name;
return NULL;
/* Store the associations of keyid/fingerprint and userid. Only
* public keys should be fed to this function. */
cache_put_keyblock (kbnode_t keyblock)
uid_item_t ui = NULL;
kbnode_t k;
for (k = keyblock; k; k = k->next)
if (k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_KEY
|| k->pkt->pkttype == PKT_PUBLIC_SUBKEY)
if (!ui)
/* Initially we just test for an entry to avoid the need
* to create a user id item for a put. Only if we miss
* key in the cache we create a user id and restart. */
if (!key_table_get (k->pkt->pkt.public_key, NULL))
const char *uid;
size_t uidlen;
uid = primary_uid_from_keyblock (keyblock, &uidlen);
if (uid)
ui = uid_table_put (uid, uidlen);
if (!ui)
log_info ("Note: failed to cache a user id: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
goto leave;
goto restart;
else /* With a UID we use the update cache mode. */
if (!key_table_put (k->pkt->pkt.public_key, ui))
log_info ("Note: failed to cache a key: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (gpg_error_from_syserror ()));
goto leave;
uid_item_unref (ui);
/* Return the user id string for KEYID. If a user id is not found (or
* on malloc error) NULL is returned. If R_LENGTH is not NULL the
* length of the user id is stored there; this does not included the
* always appended nul. Note that a user id may include an internal
* nul which can be detected by the caller by comparing to the
* returned length. */
char *
cache_get_uid_bykid (u32 *keyid, unsigned int *r_length)
key_item_t ki;
char *p;
if (r_length)
*r_length = 0;
ki = key_table_get (NULL, keyid);
if (!ki)
return NULL; /* Not found or duplicate keyid. */
if (!ki->ui)
p = NULL; /* No user id known for key. */
p = xtrymalloc (ki->ui->namelen + 1);
if (p)
memcpy (p, ki->ui->name, ki->ui->namelen + 1);
if (r_length)
*r_length = ki->ui->namelen;
return p;
/* Return the user id string for FPR with FPRLEN. If a user id is not
* found (or on malloc error) NULL is returned. If R_LENGTH is not
* NULL the length of the user id is stored there; this does not
* included the always appended nul. Note that a user id may include
* an internal nul which can be detected by the caller by comparing to
* the returned length. */
char *
cache_get_uid_byfpr (const byte *fpr, size_t fprlen, size_t *r_length)
char *p;
unsigned int hash;
u32 keyid[2];
key_item_t ki;
if (r_length)
*r_length = 0;
if (!key_table)
return NULL;
keyid_from_fingerprint (NULL, fpr, fprlen, keyid);
hash = key_table_hasher (keyid);
for (ki = key_table[hash]; ki; ki = ki->next)
if (ki->fprlen == fprlen && !memcmp (ki->fpr, fpr, fprlen))
break; /* Found */
if (!ki)
return NULL; /* Not found. */
if (!ki->ui)
p = NULL; /* No user id known for key. */
p = xtrymalloc (ki->ui->namelen + 1);
if (p)
memcpy (p, ki->ui->name, ki->ui->namelen + 1);
if (r_length)
*r_length = ki->ui->namelen;
return p;