
1028 lines
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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

/* ldap.c - LDAP access
* Copyright (C) 2002 Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB
* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2007, 2008, 2010, 2021 g10 Code GmbH
* This file is part of GnuPG.
* GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* DirMngr is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program; if not, see <>.
* SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later
#include <config.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <npth.h>
#include "dirmngr.h"
#include "../common/exechelp.h"
#include "crlfetch.h"
#include "ldapserver.h"
#include "misc.h"
#include "ldap-wrapper.h"
#include "ldap-url.h"
#include "../common/host2net.h"
#define UNENCODED_URL_CHARS "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" \
"01234567890" \
#define USERCERTIFICATE "userCertificate"
#define CACERTIFICATE "caCertificate"
#define X509CACERT "x509caCert"
/* Definition for the context of the cert fetch functions. */
struct cert_fetch_context_s
ksba_reader_t reader; /* The reader used (shallow copy). */
unsigned char *tmpbuf; /* Helper buffer. */
size_t tmpbufsize; /* Allocated size of tmpbuf. */
int truncated; /* Flag to indicate a truncated output. */
/* Add HOST and PORT to our list of LDAP servers. Fixme: We should
better use an extra list of servers. */
static void
add_server_to_servers (const char *host, int port)
ldap_server_t server;
ldap_server_t last = NULL;
const char *s;
if (!port)
port = 389;
for (server=opt.ldapservers; server; server = server->next)
if (!strcmp (server->host, host) && server->port == port)
return; /* already in list... */
last = server;
/* We assume that the host names are all supplied by our
configuration files and thus are sane. To keep this assumption
we must reject all invalid host names. */
for (s=host; *s; s++)
if (!strchr ("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
"01234567890.-", *s))
log_error (_("invalid char 0x%02x in host name - not added\n"), *s);
log_info (_("adding '%s:%d' to the ldap server list\n"), host, port);
server = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof *s);
if (!server)
log_error (_("malloc failed: %s\n"), strerror (errno));
server->host = xstrdup (host);
server->port = port;
if (last)
last->next = server;
opt.ldapservers = server;
/* Perform an LDAP query. Returns an gpg error code or 0 on success.
The function returns a new reader object at READER. */
static gpg_error_t
run_ldap_wrapper (ctrl_t ctrl,
int ignore_timeout,
int multi_mode,
int tls_mode,
int ntds,
int areconly,
const char *proxy,
const char *host, int port,
const char *user, const char *pass,
const char *base, const char *filter, const char *attr,
ksba_reader_t *reader)
const char *argv[51];
int argc;
char portbuf[30], timeoutbuf[30];
*reader = NULL;
argc = 0;
if (pass && *pass) /* Note, that the password must be the first item. */
argv[argc++] = "--pass";
argv[argc++] = pass;
argv[argc++] = "-vv";
else if (DBG_EXTPROG)
argv[argc++] = "-v";
argv[argc++] = "--log-with-pid";
if (multi_mode)
argv[argc++] = "--multi";
if (tls_mode == 1)
argv[argc++] = "--starttls";
else if (tls_mode)
argv[argc++] = "--ldaptls";
if (ntds)
argv[argc++] = "--ntds";
if (areconly)
argv[argc++] = "--areconly";
if (opt.ldaptimeout)
snprintf (timeoutbuf, sizeof timeoutbuf, "%u", opt.ldaptimeout);
argv[argc++] = "--timeout";
argv[argc++] = timeoutbuf;
if (ignore_timeout)
argv[argc++] = "--only-search-timeout";
if (proxy)
argv[argc++] = "--proxy";
argv[argc++] = proxy;
if (host && *host)
argv[argc++] = "--host";
argv[argc++] = host;
if (port)
sprintf (portbuf, "%d", port);
argv[argc++] = "--port";
argv[argc++] = portbuf;
if (user && *user)
argv[argc++] = "--user";
argv[argc++] = user;
if (base && *base)
argv[argc++] = "--base";
argv[argc++] = base;
if (attr)
argv[argc++] = "--attr";
argv[argc++] = attr;
if (filter)
argv[argc++] = filter;
argv[argc] = NULL;
return ldap_wrapper (ctrl, reader, argv);
/* Perform a LDAP query using a given URL. On success a new ksba
reader is returned. If HOST or PORT are not 0, they are used to
override the values from the URL. */
url_fetch_ldap (ctrl_t ctrl, const char *url, ksba_reader_t *reader)
gpg_error_t err;
LDAPURLDesc *ludp = NULL;
int tls_mode;
if (!ldap_is_ldap_url (url))
log_error (_("'%s' is not an LDAP URL\n"), url);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_URI);
if (ldap_url_parse (url, &ludp))
log_error (_("'%s' is an invalid LDAP URL\n"), url);
return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_URI);
if (ludp->lud_filter && ludp->lud_filter[0] != '(')
if (!strcmp (ludp->lud_filter, "objectClass=cRLDistributionPoint"))
/* Hack for broken DPs in DGN certs. */
log_info ("fixing broken LDAP URL\n");
free (ludp->lud_filter);
= strdup ("(objectClass=cRLDistributionPoint)");
if (!ludp->lud_filter)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
log_error (_("'%s' is an invalid LDAP URL\n"), url);
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_BAD_URI);
goto leave;
if (ludp->lud_scheme && !strcmp (ludp->lud_scheme, "ldaps"))
tls_mode = 2; /* LDAP-over-TLS here becuase we get it from certs. */
tls_mode = 0;
err = run_ldap_wrapper (ctrl,
1, /* Ignore explicit timeout because CRLs
might be very large. */
0, /* No Multi-mode. */
0, /* No AD authentication. */
0, /* No areconly. */
ludp->lud_host, ludp->lud_port,
NULL, NULL, /* user, password */
ludp->lud_dn, /* Base DN */
ludp->lud_attrs? ludp->lud_attrs[0] : NULL,
/* FIXME: This option might be used for DoS attacks. Because it
will enlarge the list of servers to consult without a limit and
all LDAP queries w/o a host are will then try each host in
turn. */
if (!err && opt.add_new_ldapservers && !opt.ldap_proxy)
if (ludp->lud_host)
add_server_to_servers (ludp->lud_host, ludp->lud_port);
/* If the lookup failed and we are not only using the proxy, we try
again using our default list of servers. */
if (err && !(opt.ldap_proxy && opt.only_ldap_proxy))
struct ldapserver_iter iter;
log_debug ("no hostname in URL or query failed; "
"trying all default hostnames\n");
for (ldapserver_iter_begin (&iter, ctrl);
err && ! ldapserver_iter_end_p (&iter);
ldapserver_iter_next (&iter))
ldap_server_t server = iter.server;
if (server->starttls)
tls_mode = 1;
else if (server->ldap_over_tls)
tls_mode = 2;
tls_mode = 0;
err = run_ldap_wrapper (ctrl,
0, /* No Multi-mode */
server->host, server->port,
server->user, server->pass,
ludp->lud_attrs? ludp->lud_attrs[0] : NULL,
if (!err)
ldap_free_urldesc (ludp);
return err;
/* Perform an LDAP query on all configured servers. On error the
error code of the last try is returned. */
attr_fetch_ldap (ctrl_t ctrl,
const char *dn, const char *attr, ksba_reader_t *reader)
gpg_error_t err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION);
struct ldapserver_iter iter;
*reader = NULL;
/* FIXME; we might want to look at the Base DN to try matching
servers first. */
for (ldapserver_iter_begin (&iter, ctrl); ! ldapserver_iter_end_p (&iter);
ldapserver_iter_next (&iter))
ldap_server_t server = iter.server;
int tls_mode;
if (server->starttls)
tls_mode = 1;
else if (server->ldap_over_tls)
tls_mode = 2;
tls_mode = 0;
err = run_ldap_wrapper (ctrl,
server->host, server->port,
server->user, server->pass,
if (!err)
break; /* Probably found a result. Ready. */
return err;
/* Return true if VALUE needs escaping. */
static int
rfc2254_need_escape (const char *value)
/* NUL needs to be escaped as well but we can represent that in
* VALUE, so no need for it. */
return !!strpbrk (value, "*()\\");
/* Escape VALUE using RFC-2254 rules. Returns NULL on error. */
static char *
rfc2254_escape (const char *value)
const char *s;
char *buffer, *p;
size_t length = 0;
for (s=value; *s; s++)
switch (*s)
case '*':
case '(':
case ')':
case '\\': length += 3; break;
default: length++; break;
buffer = xtrymalloc (length+1);
if (!buffer)
return NULL;
p = buffer;
for (s=value; *s; s++)
switch (*s)
case '*': p = stpcpy (p, "\\2a"); break;
case '(': p = stpcpy (p, "\\28"); break;
case ')': p = stpcpy (p, "\\29"); break;
case '\\': p = stpcpy (p, "\\5c"); break;
default: *p++ = *s; break;
*p = 0;
return buffer;
/* Return true if VALUE needs escaping. */
static int
extfilt_need_escape (const char *value)
/* NUL needs to be escaped as well but we can represent that in
* VALUE, so no need for it. */
return !!strchr (value, '&');
/* Escape VALUE using our extended filter rules from dirmngr_ldap.c.
* Returns NULL on error. */
static char *
extfilt_escape (const char *value)
const char *s;
char *buffer, *p;
size_t length = 0;
for (s=value; *s; s++)
if (*s == '&')
buffer = xtrymalloc (length+1);
if (!buffer)
return NULL;
p = buffer;
for (s=value; *s; s++)
*p++ = *s;
if (*s == '&')
*p++ = '&';
*p = 0;
return buffer;
/* Parse PATTERN and return a new filter expression for an LDAP query.
* The extended filter syntax as known by dirmngr_ldap.c is used.
* Caller must release the returned value. R_RESULT is set to NULL on
* error.
* Supported patterns:
* | Ok | gpg style user id type |
* |-----+------------------------------------------------------|
* | no | KeyID |
* | no | Fingerprint |
* | no | OpenPGP userid |
* | yes | Email address Indicated by a left angle bracket. |
* | no | Exact word match in user id or subj. name |
* | yes | Subj. DN indicated by a leading slash |
* | no | Issuer DN |
* | no | Serial number + subj. DN |
* | yes | Substring match indicated by a leading '*; (default) |
static gpg_error_t
make_one_filter (const char *pattern, char **r_result)
gpg_error_t err = 0;
char *pattern_buffer = NULL;
char *result = NULL;
size_t n;
*r_result = NULL;
switch (*pattern)
case '<': /* Email. */
if (rfc2254_need_escape (pattern)
&& !(pattern = pattern_buffer = rfc2254_escape (pattern)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
result = strconcat ("(mail=", pattern, ")", NULL);
if (!result)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
n = strlen (result);
if (result[n-2] == '>') /* Strip trailing '>' */
result[n-2] = ')';
result[n-1] = 0;
case '/': /* Subject DN. */
if (*pattern)
/* We need just the BaseDN. This assumes that the Subject
* is correcly stored in the DT. This is however not always
* the case and the actual DN is different from the
* subject. In this case we won't find anything. */
if (extfilt_need_escape (pattern)
&& !(pattern = pattern_buffer = extfilt_escape (pattern)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
result = strconcat ("^", pattern, "&base&", NULL);
if (!result)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
case '#': /* Issuer DN - Not yet working. */
if (*pattern == '/') /* Just issuer DN. */
if (extfilt_need_escape (pattern)
&& !(pattern = pattern_buffer = extfilt_escape (pattern)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
result = strconcat ("^", pattern, "&base&", NULL);
if (!result)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
else /* Serial number + issuer DN */
case '*':
/* fall through */
default: /* Take as substring match. */
if (*pattern)
if (rfc2254_need_escape (pattern)
&& !(pattern = pattern_buffer = rfc2254_escape (pattern)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
result = strconcat ("(|(sn=*", pattern,
"*)(|(cn=*", pattern,
"*)(mail=*", pattern,
"*)))", NULL);
if (!result)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (!result)
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_USER_ID);
xfree (pattern_buffer);
if (err)
xfree (result);
*r_result = result;
return err;
/* Prepare an LDAP query to return the cACertificate attribute for DN.
* All configured default servers are queried until one responds.
* This function returns an error code or 0 and stored a newly
* allocated contect object at CONTEXT on success. */
start_cacert_fetch_ldap (ctrl_t ctrl, cert_fetch_context_t *r_context,
const char *dn)
gpg_error_t err;
struct ldapserver_iter iter;
*r_context = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof **r_context);
if (!*r_context)
return gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
/* FIXME; we might want to look at the Base DN to try matching
servers first. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_CONFIGURATION);
for (ldapserver_iter_begin (&iter, ctrl); ! ldapserver_iter_end_p (&iter);
ldapserver_iter_next (&iter))
ldap_server_t server = iter.server;
err = run_ldap_wrapper (ctrl,
1, /* --multi (record format) */
0, /* No TLS */
0, /* No AD authentication. */
server->host, server->port,
server->user, server->pass,
dn, "objectClass=*", "cACertificate",
if (!err)
break; /* Probably found a result. */
if (err)
xfree (*r_context);
*r_context = NULL;
return err;
/* Prepare an LDAP query to return certificates matching PATTERNS
* using the SERVER. This function returns an error code or 0 and
* stores a newly allocated object at R_CONTEXT on success. */
start_cert_fetch_ldap (ctrl_t ctrl, cert_fetch_context_t *r_context,
strlist_t patterns, const ldap_server_t server)
gpg_error_t err;
char *proxy = NULL;
char *host = NULL;
int port;
char *user = NULL;
char *pass = NULL;
char *base = NULL;
char *argv[50];
int argc = 0;
int argc_malloced = 0;
char portbuf[30], timeoutbuf[30];
int starttls, ldaptls, ntds;
*r_context = NULL;
if (opt.ldap_proxy && !(proxy = xtrystrdup (opt.ldap_proxy)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (server)
if (server->host && !(host = xtrystrdup (server->host)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
port = server->port;
if (server->user && !(user = xtrystrdup (server->user)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (server->pass && !(pass = xtrystrdup (server->pass)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
if (server->base && !(base = xtrystrdup (server->base)))
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
starttls = server->starttls;
ldaptls = server->ldap_over_tls;
ntds = server->ntds;
else /* Use a default server. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
goto leave;
if (pass && *pass) /* Note: Must be the first item. */
argv[argc++] = "--pass";
argv[argc++] = pass;
argv[argc++] = "-vv";
else if (DBG_EXTPROG)
argv[argc++] = "-v";
argv[argc++] = "--log-with-pid";
argv[argc++] = "--multi";
if (starttls)
argv[argc++] = "--starttls";
else if (ldaptls)
argv[argc++] = "--ldaptls";
if (ntds)
argv[argc++] = "--ntds";
if (opt.ldaptimeout)
snprintf (timeoutbuf, sizeof timeoutbuf, "%u", opt.ldaptimeout);
argv[argc++] = "--timeout";
argv[argc++] = timeoutbuf;
if (proxy && *proxy)
argv[argc++] = "--proxy";
argv[argc++] = proxy;
if (host && *host)
argv[argc++] = "--host";
argv[argc++] = host;
if (port)
snprintf (portbuf, sizeof portbuf, "%d", port);
argv[argc++] = "--port";
argv[argc++] = portbuf;
if (user && *user)
argv[argc++] = "--user";
argv[argc++] = user;
if (base && *base)
argv[argc++] = "--base";
argv[argc++] = base;
/* All entries in argv from this index on are malloc'ed. */
argc_malloced = argc;
for (; patterns; patterns = patterns->next)
if (argc >= DIM (argv) - 1)
/* Too many patterns. It does not make sense to allow an
arbitrary number of patters because the length of the
command line is limited anyway. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_RESOURCE_LIMIT);
goto leave;
if (*patterns->d)
err = make_one_filter (patterns->d, &argv[argc]);
if (err)
goto leave;
argv[argc] = NULL;
*r_context = xtrycalloc (1, sizeof **r_context);
if (!*r_context)
err = gpg_error_from_syserror ();
goto leave;
err = ldap_wrapper (ctrl, &(*r_context)->reader, (const char**)argv);
if (err)
xfree (*r_context);
*r_context = NULL;
for (; argc_malloced < argc; argc_malloced++)
xfree (argv[argc_malloced]);
xfree (proxy);
xfree (host);
xfree (base);
xfree (user);
xfree (pass);
return err;
/* Read a fixed amount of data from READER into BUFFER. */
static gpg_error_t
read_buffer (ksba_reader_t reader, unsigned char *buffer, size_t count)
gpg_error_t err;
size_t nread;
while (count)
err = ksba_reader_read (reader, buffer, count, &nread);
if (err)
return err;
buffer += nread;
count -= nread;
return 0;
/* Fetch the next certificate. Return 0 on success, GPG_ERR_EOF if no
(more) certificates are available or any other error
code. GPG_ERR_TRUNCATED may be returned to indicate that the result
has been truncated. */
fetch_next_cert_ldap (cert_fetch_context_t context,
unsigned char **value, size_t *valuelen)
gpg_error_t err;
unsigned char hdr[5];
char *p, *pend;
unsigned long n;
int okay = 0;
/* int is_cms = 0; */
*value = NULL;
*valuelen = 0;
err = 0;
while (!err)
err = read_buffer (context->reader, hdr, 5);
if (err)
n = buf32_to_ulong (hdr+1);
if (*hdr == 'V' && okay)
#if 0 /* That code to extra a cert from a CMS object is not yet ready. */
if (is_cms)
/* The certificate needs to be parsed from CMS data. */
ksba_cms_t cms;
ksba_stop_reason_t stopreason;
int i;
err = ksba_cms_new (&cms);
if (err)
goto leave;
err = ksba_cms_set_reader_writer (cms, context->reader, NULL);
if (err)
log_error ("ksba_cms_set_reader_writer failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
err = ksba_cms_parse (cms, &stopreason);
if (err)
log_error ("ksba_cms_parse failed: %s\n",
gpg_strerror (err));
goto leave;
if (stopreason == KSBA_SR_BEGIN_DATA)
log_error ("userSMIMECertificate is not "
"a certs-only message\n");
while (stopreason != KSBA_SR_READY);
for (i=0; (cert=ksba_cms_get_cert (cms, i)); i++)
check_and_store (ctrl, stats, cert, 0);
ksba_cert_release (cert);
cert = NULL;
if (!i)
log_error ("no certificate found\n");
any = 1;
#endif /* End unfinished code to extract from a CMS object. */
*value = xtrymalloc (n);
if (!*value)
return gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
*valuelen = n;
err = read_buffer (context->reader, *value, n);
break; /* Ready or error. */
else if (!n && *hdr == 'A')
okay = 0;
else if (n)
if (n > context->tmpbufsize)
xfree (context->tmpbuf);
context->tmpbufsize = 0;
context->tmpbuf = xtrymalloc (n+1);
if (!context->tmpbuf)
return gpg_error_from_errno (errno);
context->tmpbufsize = n;
err = read_buffer (context->reader, context->tmpbuf, n);
if (err)
if (*hdr == 'A')
p = context->tmpbuf;
p[n] = 0; /*(we allocated one extra byte for this.)*/
/* fixme: is_cms = 0; */
if ( (pend = strchr (p, ';')) )
*pend = 0; /* Strip off the extension. */
if (!ascii_strcasecmp (p, USERCERTIFICATE))
log_debug ("fetch_next_cert_ldap: got attribute '%s'\n",
okay = 1;
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (p, CACERTIFICATE))
log_debug ("fetch_next_cert_ldap: got attribute '%s'\n",
okay = 1;
else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (p, X509CACERT))
log_debug ("fetch_next_cert_ldap: got attribute '%s'\n",
okay = 1;
/* else if (!ascii_strcasecmp (p, USERSMIMECERTIFICATE)) */
/* { */
/* if (DBG_LOOKUP) */
/* log_debug ("fetch_next_cert_ldap: got attribute '%s'\n", */
/* okay = 1; */
/* is_cms = 1; */
/* } */
log_debug ("fetch_next_cert_ldap: got attribute '%s'"
" - ignored\n", p);
okay = 0;
else if (*hdr == 'E')
p = context->tmpbuf;
p[n] = 0; /*(we allocated one extra byte for this.)*/
if (!strcmp (p, "truncated"))
context->truncated = 1;
log_info (_("ldap_search hit the size limit of"
" the server\n"));
if (err)
xfree (*value);
*value = NULL;
*valuelen = 0;
if (gpg_err_code (err) == GPG_ERR_EOF && context->truncated)
context->truncated = 0; /* So that the next call would return EOF. */
err = gpg_error (GPG_ERR_TRUNCATED);
return err;
end_cert_fetch_ldap (cert_fetch_context_t context)
if (context)
ksba_reader_t reader = context->reader;
xfree (context->tmpbuf);
xfree (context);
ldap_wrapper_release_context (reader);
ksba_reader_release (reader);