/* ttyio.c - tty i/O functions * Copyright (C) 1998,1999,2000,2001,2002,2003, * 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, * USA. */ #include <config.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <unistd.h> #ifdef HAVE_TCGETATTR #include <termios.h> #else #ifdef HAVE_TERMIO_H /* simulate termios with termio */ #include <termio.h> #define termios termio #define tcsetattr ioctl #define TCSAFLUSH TCSETAF #define tcgetattr(A,B) ioctl(A,TCGETA,B) #define HAVE_TCGETATTR #endif #endif #ifdef _WIN32 /* use the odd Win32 functions */ #include <windows.h> #ifdef HAVE_TCGETATTR #error mingw32 and termios #endif #endif #include <errno.h> #include <ctype.h> #include "util.h" #include "ttyio.h" #include "common-defs.h" #define CONTROL_D ('D' - 'A' + 1) #ifdef _WIN32 /* use the odd Win32 functions */ static struct { HANDLE in, out; } con; #define DEF_INPMODE (ENABLE_LINE_INPUT|ENABLE_ECHO_INPUT \ |ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT ) #define HID_INPMODE (ENABLE_LINE_INPUT|ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT ) #define DEF_OUTMODE (ENABLE_WRAP_AT_EOL_OUTPUT|ENABLE_PROCESSED_OUTPUT) #else /* yeah, we have a real OS */ static FILE *ttyfp = NULL; #endif static int initialized; static int last_prompt_len; static int batchmode; static int no_terminal; #ifdef HAVE_TCGETATTR static struct termios termsave; static int restore_termios; #endif /* Hooks set by gpgrlhelp.c if required. */ static void (*my_rl_set_completer) (rl_completion_func_t *); static void (*my_rl_inhibit_completion) (int); static void (*my_rl_cleanup_after_signal) (void); static void (*my_rl_init_stream) (FILE *); static char *(*my_rl_readline) (const char*); static void (*my_rl_add_history) (const char*); /* This is a wrapper around ttyname so that we can use it even when the standard streams are redirected. It figures the name out the first time and returns it in a statically allocated buffer. */ const char * tty_get_ttyname (void) { static char *name; /* On a GNU system ctermid() always return /dev/tty, so this does not make much sense - however if it is ever changed we do the Right Thing now. */ #ifdef HAVE_CTERMID static int got_name; if (!got_name) { const char *s; /* Note that despite our checks for these macros the function is not necessarily thread save. We mainly do this for portability reasons, in case L_ctermid is not defined. */ # if defined(_POSIX_THREAD_SAFE_FUNCTIONS) || defined(_POSIX_TRHEADS) char buffer[L_ctermid]; s = ctermid (buffer); # else s = ctermid (NULL); # endif if (s) name = strdup (s); got_name = 1; } #endif /*HAVE_CTERMID*/ /* Assume the standard tty on memory error or when tehre is no certmid. */ return name? name : "/dev/tty"; } #ifdef HAVE_TCGETATTR static void cleanup(void) { if( restore_termios ) { restore_termios = 0; /* do it prios in case it is interrupted again */ if( tcsetattr(fileno(ttyfp), TCSAFLUSH, &termsave) ) log_error("tcsetattr() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) ); } } #endif static void init_ttyfp(void) { if( initialized ) return; #if defined(_WIN32) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; con.out = CreateFileA( "CONOUT$", GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &sa, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 ); if( con.out == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) log_fatal("open(CONOUT$) failed: rc=%d", (int)GetLastError() ); memset(&sa, 0, sizeof(sa)); sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; con.in = CreateFileA( "CONIN$", GENERIC_READ|GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ|FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &sa, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0 ); if( con.in == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) log_fatal("open(CONIN$) failed: rc=%d", (int)GetLastError() ); } SetConsoleMode(con.in, DEF_INPMODE ); SetConsoleMode(con.out, DEF_OUTMODE ); #elif defined(__EMX__) ttyfp = stdout; /* Fixme: replace by the real functions: see wklib */ #else ttyfp = batchmode? stderr : fopen (tty_get_ttyname (), "r+"); if( !ttyfp ) { log_error("cannot open `%s': %s\n", tty_get_ttyname (), strerror(errno) ); exit(2); } #endif if (my_rl_init_stream) my_rl_init_stream (ttyfp); #ifdef HAVE_TCGETATTR atexit( cleanup ); #endif initialized = 1; } int tty_batchmode( int onoff ) { int old = batchmode; if( onoff != -1 ) batchmode = onoff; return old; } int tty_no_terminal(int onoff) { int old = no_terminal; no_terminal = onoff ? 1 : 0; return old; } void tty_printf( const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list arg_ptr; if (no_terminal) return; if( !initialized ) init_ttyfp(); va_start( arg_ptr, fmt ) ; #ifdef _WIN32 { char *buf = NULL; int n; DWORD nwritten; n = vasprintf(&buf, fmt, arg_ptr); if( !buf ) log_bug("vasprintf() failed\n"); if( !WriteConsoleA( con.out, buf, n, &nwritten, NULL ) ) log_fatal("WriteConsole failed: rc=%d", (int)GetLastError() ); if( n != nwritten ) log_fatal("WriteConsole failed: %d != %d\n", n, (int)nwritten ); last_prompt_len += n; xfree (buf); } #else last_prompt_len += vfprintf(ttyfp,fmt,arg_ptr) ; fflush(ttyfp); #endif va_end(arg_ptr); } /* Same as tty_printf but if FP is not NULL, behave like a regualr fprintf. */ void tty_fprintf (FILE *fp, const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list arg_ptr; if (fp) { va_start (arg_ptr, fmt) ; vfprintf (fp, fmt, arg_ptr ); va_end (arg_ptr); return; } if (no_terminal) return; if( !initialized ) init_ttyfp(); va_start( arg_ptr, fmt ) ; #ifdef _WIN32 { char *buf = NULL; int n; DWORD nwritten; n = vasprintf(&buf, fmt, arg_ptr); if( !buf ) log_bug("vasprintf() failed\n"); if( !WriteConsoleA( con.out, buf, n, &nwritten, NULL ) ) log_fatal("WriteConsole failed: rc=%d", (int)GetLastError() ); if( n != nwritten ) log_fatal("WriteConsole failed: %d != %d\n", n, (int)nwritten ); last_prompt_len += n; xfree (buf); } #else last_prompt_len += vfprintf(ttyfp,fmt,arg_ptr) ; fflush(ttyfp); #endif va_end(arg_ptr); } /**************** * Print a string, but filter all control characters out. */ void tty_print_string ( const byte *p, size_t n ) { if (no_terminal) return; if( !initialized ) init_ttyfp(); #ifdef _WIN32 /* not so effective, change it if you want */ for( ; n; n--, p++ ) if( iscntrl( *p ) ) { if( *p == '\n' ) tty_printf("\\n"); else if( !*p ) tty_printf("\\0"); else tty_printf("\\x%02x", *p); } else tty_printf("%c", *p); #else for( ; n; n--, p++ ) if( iscntrl( *p ) ) { putc('\\', ttyfp); if( *p == '\n' ) putc('n', ttyfp); else if( !*p ) putc('0', ttyfp); else fprintf(ttyfp, "x%02x", *p ); } else putc(*p, ttyfp); #endif } void tty_print_utf8_string2( const byte *p, size_t n, size_t max_n ) { size_t i; char *buf; if (no_terminal) return; /* we can handle plain ascii simpler, so check for it first */ for(i=0; i < n; i++ ) { if( p[i] & 0x80 ) break; } if( i < n ) { buf = utf8_to_native( (const char *)p, n, 0 ); if( max_n && (strlen( buf ) > max_n )) { buf[max_n] = 0; } /*(utf8 conversion already does the control character quoting)*/ tty_printf("%s", buf ); xfree( buf ); } else { if( max_n && (n > max_n) ) { n = max_n; } tty_print_string( p, n ); } } void tty_print_utf8_string( const byte *p, size_t n ) { tty_print_utf8_string2( p, n, 0 ); } static char * do_get( const char *prompt, int hidden ) { char *buf; #ifndef __riscos__ byte cbuf[1]; #endif int c, n, i; if( batchmode ) { log_error("Sorry, we are in batchmode - can't get input\n"); exit(2); } if (no_terminal) { log_error("Sorry, no terminal at all requested - can't get input\n"); exit(2); } if( !initialized ) init_ttyfp(); last_prompt_len = 0; tty_printf( "%s", prompt ); buf = xmalloc((n=50)); i = 0; #ifdef _WIN32 /* windoze version */ if( hidden ) SetConsoleMode(con.in, HID_INPMODE ); for(;;) { DWORD nread; if( !ReadConsoleA( con.in, cbuf, 1, &nread, NULL ) ) log_fatal("ReadConsole failed: rc=%d", (int)GetLastError() ); if( !nread ) continue; if( *cbuf == '\n' ) break; if( !hidden ) last_prompt_len++; c = *cbuf; if( c == '\t' ) c = ' '; else if( c > 0xa0 ) ; /* we don't allow 0xa0, as this is a protected blank which may * confuse the user */ else if( iscntrl(c) ) continue; if( !(i < n-1) ) { n += 50; buf = xrealloc (buf, n); } buf[i++] = c; } if( hidden ) SetConsoleMode(con.in, DEF_INPMODE ); #elif defined(__riscos__) do { c = riscos_getchar(); if (c == 0xa || c == 0xd) { /* Return || Enter */ c = (int) '\n'; } else if (c == 0x8 || c == 0x7f) { /* Backspace || Delete */ if (i>0) { i--; if (!hidden) { last_prompt_len--; fputc(8, ttyfp); fputc(32, ttyfp); fputc(8, ttyfp); fflush(ttyfp); } } else { fputc(7, ttyfp); fflush(ttyfp); } continue; } else if (c == (int) '\t') { /* Tab */ c = ' '; } else if (c > 0xa0) { ; /* we don't allow 0xa0, as this is a protected blank which may * confuse the user */ } else if (iscntrl(c)) { continue; } if(!(i < n-1)) { n += 50; buf = xrealloc (buf, n); } buf[i++] = c; if (!hidden) { last_prompt_len++; fputc(c, ttyfp); fflush(ttyfp); } } while (c != '\n'); i = (i>0) ? i-1 : 0; #else /* unix version */ if( hidden ) { #ifdef HAVE_TCGETATTR struct termios term; if( tcgetattr(fileno(ttyfp), &termsave) ) log_fatal("tcgetattr() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) ); restore_termios = 1; term = termsave; term.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO | ECHOE | ECHOK | ECHONL); if( tcsetattr( fileno(ttyfp), TCSAFLUSH, &term ) ) log_fatal("tcsetattr() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) ); #endif } /* fixme: How can we avoid that the \n is echoed w/o disabling * canonical mode - w/o this kill_prompt can't work */ while( read(fileno(ttyfp), cbuf, 1) == 1 && *cbuf != '\n' ) { if( !hidden ) last_prompt_len++; c = *cbuf; if( c == CONTROL_D ) log_info("control d found\n"); if( c == '\t' ) c = ' '; else if( c > 0xa0 ) ; /* we don't allow 0xa0, as this is a protected blank which may * confuse the user */ else if( iscntrl(c) ) continue; if( !(i < n-1) ) { n += 50; buf = xrealloc (buf, n ); } buf[i++] = c; } if( *cbuf != '\n' ) { buf[0] = CONTROL_D; i = 1; } if( hidden ) { #ifdef HAVE_TCGETATTR if( tcsetattr(fileno(ttyfp), TCSAFLUSH, &termsave) ) log_error("tcsetattr() failed: %s\n", strerror(errno) ); restore_termios = 0; #endif } #endif /* end unix version */ buf[i] = 0; return buf; } char * tty_get( const char *prompt ) { if (!batchmode && !no_terminal && my_rl_readline && my_rl_add_history) { char *line; char *buf; if (!initialized) init_ttyfp(); last_prompt_len = 0; line = my_rl_readline (prompt?prompt:""); /* We need to copy it to memory controlled by our malloc implementations; further we need to convert an EOF to our convention. */ buf = xmalloc(line? strlen(line)+1:2); if (line) { strcpy (buf, line); trim_spaces (buf); if (strlen (buf) > 2 ) my_rl_add_history (line); /* Note that we test BUF but add LINE. */ free (line); } else { buf[0] = CONTROL_D; buf[1] = 0; } return buf; } else return do_get ( prompt, 0 ); } char * tty_get_hidden( const char *prompt ) { return do_get( prompt, 1 ); } void tty_kill_prompt() { if ( no_terminal ) return; if( !initialized ) init_ttyfp(); if( batchmode ) last_prompt_len = 0; if( !last_prompt_len ) return; #ifdef _WIN32 tty_printf("\r%*s\r", last_prompt_len, ""); #else { int i; putc('\r', ttyfp); for(i=0; i < last_prompt_len; i ++ ) putc(' ', ttyfp); putc('\r', ttyfp); fflush(ttyfp); } #endif last_prompt_len = 0; } int tty_get_answer_is_yes( const char *prompt ) { int yes; char *p = tty_get( prompt ); tty_kill_prompt(); yes = answer_is_yes(p); xfree(p); return yes; } /* Called by gnupg_rl_initialize to setup the reradline support. */ void tty_private_set_rl_hooks (void (*init_stream) (FILE *), void (*set_completer) (rl_completion_func_t*), void (*inhibit_completion) (int), void (*cleanup_after_signal) (void), char *(*readline_fun) (const char*), void (*add_history_fun) (const char*)) { my_rl_init_stream = init_stream; my_rl_set_completer = set_completer; my_rl_inhibit_completion = inhibit_completion; my_rl_cleanup_after_signal = cleanup_after_signal; my_rl_readline = readline_fun; my_rl_add_history = add_history_fun; } void tty_enable_completion (rl_completion_func_t *completer) { if (no_terminal || !my_rl_set_completer ) return; if (!initialized) init_ttyfp(); my_rl_set_completer (completer); } void tty_disable_completion (void) { if (no_terminal || !my_rl_inhibit_completion) return; if (!initialized) init_ttyfp(); my_rl_inhibit_completion (1); } void tty_cleanup_rl_after_signal (void) { if (my_rl_cleanup_after_signal) my_rl_cleanup_after_signal (); }