/* logging.c - Useful logging functions * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003, * 2004, 2005, 2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of JNLIB. * * JNLIB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * JNLIB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ #include <config.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <errno.h> #include <time.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #ifndef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM #include <sys/socket.h> #include <sys/un.h> #endif /*!HAVE_W32_SYSTEM*/ #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <assert.h> #define JNLIB_NEED_LOG_LOGV 1 #define JNLIB_NEED_AFLOCAL 1 #include "libjnlib-config.h" #include "logging.h" #if defined (HAVE_FOPENCOOKIE) || defined (HAVE_FUNOPEN) #define USE_FUNWRITER 1 #endif #ifdef HAVE_FOPENCOOKIE typedef ssize_t my_funopen_hook_ret_t; typedef size_t my_funopen_hook_size_t; #else typedef int my_funopen_hook_ret_t; typedef int my_funopen_hook_size_t; #endif static FILE *logstream; static int log_socket = -1; static char prefix_buffer[80]; static int with_time; static int with_prefix; static int with_pid; static unsigned long (*get_tid_callback)(void); static int running_detached; static int force_prefixes; static int missing_lf; static int errorcount; int log_get_errorcount (int clear) { int n = errorcount; if( clear ) errorcount = 0; return n; } void log_inc_errorcount (void) { errorcount++; } /* The follwing 3 functions are used by funopen to write logs to a socket. */ #ifdef USE_FUNWRITER struct fun_cookie_s { int fd; int quiet; int want_socket; int is_socket; char name[1]; }; /* Write NBYTES of BUFFER to file descriptor FD. */ static int writen (int fd, const void *buffer, size_t nbytes) { const char *buf = buffer; size_t nleft = nbytes; int nwritten; while (nleft > 0) { nwritten = write (fd, buf, nleft); if (nwritten < 0 && errno == EINTR) continue; if (nwritten < 0) return -1; nleft -= nwritten; buf = buf + nwritten; } return 0; } static my_funopen_hook_ret_t fun_writer (void *cookie_arg, const char *buffer, my_funopen_hook_size_t size) { struct fun_cookie_s *cookie = cookie_arg; /* Note that we always try to reconnect to the socket but print error messages only the first time an error occured. If RUNNING_DETACHED is set we don't fall back to stderr and even do not print any error messages. This is needed because detached processes often close stderr and by writing to file descriptor 2 we might send the log message to a file not intended for logging (e.g. a pipe or network connection). */ if (cookie->want_socket && cookie->fd == -1) { /* Not yet open or meanwhile closed due to an error. */ cookie->is_socket = 0; cookie->fd = socket (PF_LOCAL, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (cookie->fd == -1) { if (!cookie->quiet && !running_detached && isatty (fileno (stderr))) fprintf (stderr, "failed to create socket for logging: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } else { struct sockaddr_un addr; size_t addrlen; memset (&addr, 0, sizeof addr); addr.sun_family = PF_LOCAL; strncpy (addr.sun_path, cookie->name, sizeof (addr.sun_path)-1); addr.sun_path[sizeof (addr.sun_path)-1] = 0; addrlen = SUN_LEN (&addr); if (connect (cookie->fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, addrlen) == -1) { if (!cookie->quiet && !running_detached && isatty (fileno (stderr))) fprintf (stderr, "can't connect to `%s': %s\n", cookie->name, strerror(errno)); close (cookie->fd); cookie->fd = -1; } } if (cookie->fd == -1) { if (!running_detached) { /* Due to all the problems with apps not running detached but being called with stderr closed or used for a different purposes, it does not make sense to switch to stderr. We therefore disable it. */ if (!cookie->quiet) { /* fputs ("switching logging to stderr\n", stderr);*/ cookie->quiet = 1; } cookie->fd = -1; /*fileno (stderr);*/ } } else /* Connection has been established. */ { cookie->quiet = 0; cookie->is_socket = 1; } } log_socket = cookie->fd; if (cookie->fd != -1 && !writen (cookie->fd, buffer, size)) return (my_funopen_hook_ret_t)size; /* Okay. */ if (!running_detached && cookie->fd != -1 && isatty (fileno (stderr))) { if (*cookie->name) fprintf (stderr, "error writing to `%s': %s\n", cookie->name, strerror(errno)); else fprintf (stderr, "error writing to file descriptor %d: %s\n", cookie->fd, strerror(errno)); } if (cookie->is_socket && cookie->fd != -1) { close (cookie->fd); cookie->fd = -1; log_socket = -1; } return (my_funopen_hook_ret_t)size; } static int fun_closer (void *cookie_arg) { struct fun_cookie_s *cookie = cookie_arg; if (cookie->fd != -1 && cookie->fd != 2) close (cookie->fd); jnlib_free (cookie); log_socket = -1; return 0; } #endif /*USE_FUNWRITER*/ /* Common function to either set the logging to a file or a file descriptor. */ static void set_file_fd (const char *name, int fd) { FILE *fp; int want_socket; #ifdef USE_FUNWRITER struct fun_cookie_s *cookie; #endif /* Close an open log stream. */ if (logstream) { if (logstream != stderr && logstream != stdout) fclose (logstream); logstream = NULL; } /* Figure out what kind of logging we want. */ if (name && !strcmp (name, "-")) { name = NULL; fd = fileno (stderr); } if (name) { want_socket = (!strncmp (name, "socket://", 9) && name[9]); if (want_socket) name += 9; } else { want_socket = 0; } /* Setup a new stream. */ #ifdef USE_FUNWRITER /* The xmalloc below is justified because we can expect that this function is called only during initialization and there is no easy way out of this error condition. */ cookie = jnlib_xmalloc (sizeof *cookie + (name? strlen (name):0)); strcpy (cookie->name, name? name:""); cookie->quiet = 0; cookie->is_socket = 0; cookie->want_socket = want_socket; if (!name) cookie->fd = fd; else if (want_socket) cookie->fd = -1; else { do cookie->fd = open (name, O_WRONLY|O_APPEND|O_CREAT, (S_IRUSR|S_IRGRP|S_IROTH|S_IWUSR|S_IWGRP|S_IWOTH)); while (cookie->fd == -1 && errno == EINTR); } log_socket = cookie->fd; #ifdef HAVE_FOPENCOOKIE { cookie_io_functions_t io = { NULL }; io.write = fun_writer; io.close = fun_closer; fp = fopencookie (cookie, "w", io); } #else /*!HAVE_FOPENCOOKIE*/ fp = funopen (cookie, NULL, fun_writer, NULL, fun_closer); #endif /*!HAVE_FOPENCOOKIE*/ #else /*!USE_FUNWRITER*/ /* The system does not feature custom streams. Thus fallback to plain stdio. */ if (want_socket) { fprintf (stderr, "system does not support logging to a socket - " "using stderr\n"); fp = stderr; } else if (name) fp = fopen (name, "a"); else if (fd == 1) fp = stdout; else if (fd == 2) fp = stderr; else fp = fdopen (fd, "a"); log_socket = -1; #endif /*!USE_FUNWRITER*/ /* On error default to stderr. */ if (!fp) { if (name) fprintf (stderr, "failed to open log file `%s': %s\n", name, strerror(errno)); else fprintf (stderr, "failed to fdopen file descriptor %d: %s\n", fd, strerror(errno)); /* We need to make sure that there is a log stream. We use stderr. */ fp = stderr; } else setvbuf (fp, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); logstream = fp; /* We always need to print the prefix and the pid for socket mode, so that the server reading the socket can do something meaningful. */ force_prefixes = want_socket; missing_lf = 0; } /* Set the file to write log to. The special names NULL and "-" may be used to select stderr and names formatted like "socket:///home/foo/mylogs" may be used to write the logging to the socket "/home/foo/mylogs". If the connection to the socket fails or a write error is detected, the function writes to stderr and tries the next time again to connect the socket. */ void log_set_file (const char *name) { set_file_fd (name? name: "-", -1); } void log_set_fd (int fd) { set_file_fd (NULL, fd); } void log_set_get_tid_callback (unsigned long (*cb)(void)) { get_tid_callback = cb; } void log_set_prefix (const char *text, unsigned int flags) { if (text) { strncpy (prefix_buffer, text, sizeof (prefix_buffer)-1); prefix_buffer[sizeof (prefix_buffer)-1] = 0; } with_prefix = (flags & JNLIB_LOG_WITH_PREFIX); with_time = (flags & JNLIB_LOG_WITH_TIME); with_pid = (flags & JNLIB_LOG_WITH_PID); running_detached = (flags & JNLIB_LOG_RUN_DETACHED); } const char * log_get_prefix (unsigned int *flags) { if (flags) { *flags = 0; if (with_prefix) *flags |= JNLIB_LOG_WITH_PREFIX; if (with_time) *flags |= JNLIB_LOG_WITH_TIME; if (with_pid) *flags |= JNLIB_LOG_WITH_PID; if (running_detached) *flags |= JNLIB_LOG_RUN_DETACHED; } return prefix_buffer; } /* This function returns true if the file descriptor FD is in use for logging. This is preferable over a test using log_get_fd in that it allows the logging code to use more then one file descriptor. */ int log_test_fd (int fd) { if (logstream) { int tmp = fileno (logstream); if ( tmp != -1 && tmp == fd) return 1; } if (log_socket != -1 && log_socket == fd) return 1; return 0; } int log_get_fd () { return fileno(logstream?logstream:stderr); } FILE * log_get_stream () { /* FIXME: We should not return stderr here but initialize the log stream properly. This might break more things than using stderr, though */ return logstream?logstream:stderr; } static void do_logv (int level, const char *fmt, va_list arg_ptr) { if (!logstream) { log_set_file (NULL); /* Make sure a log stream has been set. */ assert (logstream); } if (missing_lf && level != JNLIB_LOG_CONT) putc('\n', logstream ); missing_lf = 0; if (level != JNLIB_LOG_CONT) { /* Note this does not work for multiple line logging as we would * need to print to a buffer first */ if (with_time && !force_prefixes) { struct tm *tp; time_t atime = time (NULL); tp = localtime (&atime); fprintf (logstream, "%04d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d ", 1900+tp->tm_year, tp->tm_mon+1, tp->tm_mday, tp->tm_hour, tp->tm_min, tp->tm_sec ); } if (with_prefix || force_prefixes) fputs (prefix_buffer, logstream); if (with_pid || force_prefixes) { if (get_tid_callback) fprintf (logstream, "[%u.%lx]", (unsigned int)getpid (), get_tid_callback ()); else fprintf (logstream, "[%u]", (unsigned int)getpid ()); } if (!with_time || force_prefixes) putc (':', logstream); /* A leading backspace suppresses the extra space so that we can correctly output, programname, filename and linenumber. */ if (fmt && *fmt == '\b') fmt++; else putc (' ', logstream); } switch (level) { case JNLIB_LOG_BEGIN: break; case JNLIB_LOG_CONT: break; case JNLIB_LOG_INFO: break; case JNLIB_LOG_WARN: break; case JNLIB_LOG_ERROR: break; case JNLIB_LOG_FATAL: fputs("Fatal: ",logstream ); break; case JNLIB_LOG_BUG: fputs("Ohhhh jeeee: ", logstream); break; case JNLIB_LOG_DEBUG: fputs("DBG: ", logstream ); break; default: fprintf(logstream,"[Unknown log level %d]: ", level ); break; } if (fmt) { vfprintf(logstream,fmt,arg_ptr) ; if (*fmt && fmt[strlen(fmt)-1] != '\n') missing_lf = 1; #ifdef HAVE_W32_SYSTEM else fflush (logstream); #endif } if (level == JNLIB_LOG_FATAL) { if (missing_lf) putc('\n', logstream ); exit(2); } if (level == JNLIB_LOG_BUG) { if (missing_lf) putc('\n', logstream ); abort(); } } static void do_log( int level, const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list arg_ptr ; va_start( arg_ptr, fmt ) ; do_logv( level, fmt, arg_ptr ); va_end(arg_ptr); } void log_logv (int level, const char *fmt, va_list arg_ptr) { do_logv (level, fmt, arg_ptr); } void log_info( const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list arg_ptr ; va_start( arg_ptr, fmt ) ; do_logv( JNLIB_LOG_INFO, fmt, arg_ptr ); va_end(arg_ptr); } void log_error( const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list arg_ptr ; va_start( arg_ptr, fmt ) ; do_logv( JNLIB_LOG_ERROR, fmt, arg_ptr ); va_end(arg_ptr); /* protect against counter overflow */ if( errorcount < 30000 ) errorcount++; } void log_fatal( const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list arg_ptr ; va_start( arg_ptr, fmt ) ; do_logv( JNLIB_LOG_FATAL, fmt, arg_ptr ); va_end(arg_ptr); abort(); /* never called, but it makes the compiler happy */ } void log_bug( const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list arg_ptr ; va_start( arg_ptr, fmt ) ; do_logv( JNLIB_LOG_BUG, fmt, arg_ptr ); va_end(arg_ptr); abort(); /* never called, but it makes the compiler happy */ } void log_debug( const char *fmt, ... ) { va_list arg_ptr ; va_start( arg_ptr, fmt ) ; do_logv( JNLIB_LOG_DEBUG, fmt, arg_ptr ); va_end(arg_ptr); } void log_printf (const char *fmt, ...) { va_list arg_ptr; va_start (arg_ptr, fmt); do_logv (fmt ? JNLIB_LOG_CONT : JNLIB_LOG_BEGIN, fmt, arg_ptr); va_end (arg_ptr); } /* Print a hexdump of BUFFER. With TEXT of NULL print just the raw dump, with TEXT just an empty string, print a trailing linefeed, otherwise print an entire debug line. */ void log_printhex (const char *text, const void *buffer, size_t length) { if (text && *text) log_debug ("%s ", text); if (length) { const unsigned char *p = buffer; log_printf ("%02X", *p); for (length--, p++; length--; p++) log_printf (" %02X", *p); } if (text) log_printf ("\n"); } #if __GNUC__ > 2 || (__GNUC__ == 2 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 5 ) void bug_at( const char *file, int line, const char *func ) { do_log( JNLIB_LOG_BUG, ("... this is a bug (%s:%d:%s)\n"), file, line, func ); abort(); /* never called, but it makes the compiler happy */ } #else void bug_at( const char *file, int line ) { do_log( JNLIB_LOG_BUG, _("you found a bug ... (%s:%d)\n"), file, line); abort(); /* never called, but it makes the compiler happy */ } #endif