G10 - The GNU Enryption and Signing Tool ------------------------------------------ THIS IS VERSION IS ONLY a TEST VERSION ! YOU SHOULD NOT USE IT FOR OTHER PURPOSES THAN EVALUATING THE CURRENT CODE. * The data format may change in the next version! * The code to generate keys is not secure! * Some features are not implemented I provide this version as a reality check to start discussion. Please subscribe to g10@net.lut.ac.uk be sending a mail with the word "subscribe" in the body to "g10-request@net.lut.ac.uk". See the file COPYING for copyright and warranty information. Due to the fact that G10 does not use use any patented algorithm, it cannot be compatible to old PGP versions, because those use IDEA (which is worldwide patented) and RSA (which is patented in the United States until Sep 20, 2000). I'm sorry about this, but this is the world we have created (e.g. by using propiertary software). Because the OpenPGP standard is still a draft, G10 is not yet compatible to it (or PGP 5) - but it will. The data structures used are compatible with PGP 2.x, so it can parse an list such files and PGP should be able to parse data created by G10 and complain about unsupported alogorithms. The default algorithms used by G10 are ElGamal for public-key encryption and signing; Blowfish with a 160 bit key for protecting the secret-key components, conventional and session encryption; RIPE MD-160 to create message digest. DSA, SHA-1 and CAST are also implemented, but not used on default. I decided not to use DSA as default signing algorithm, cecause it allows only for 1024 bit keys and this may be not enough in a couple of years. Key generation takes a long time and should be improved!