# # gnupg -- gnu privacy guard # This is a template. The dist target uses it to create the real file. # %define version @pkg_version@ %define name gnupg Summary: GNU Utility for data encryption and digital signatures Summary(it): Utility GNU per la sicurezza nelle comunicazioni e nell'archiviazione dei dati. Summary(cs): GNU nástroj pro šifrovanou komunikaci a bezpečné ukládání dat Summary(fr): Utilitaire GNU de chiffrement et d'authentification des communications et des données Summary(pl): Narzedzie GNU do szyfrowania i podpisywania danych Vendor: GNU Privacy Guard Project Name: %{name} Version: %{version} Release: 1 Copyright: GPL Group: Applications/Cryptography Group(cs): Aplikace/Šifrování Group(fr): Applications/Cryptographie Group(it): Applicazioni/Crittografia Source: ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/gnupg/%{name}-%{version}.tar.gz URL: http://www.gnupg.org/ Provides: gpg openpgp Requires(post,preun): /sbin/install-info BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/rpmbuild_%{name}-%{version} %changelog * Fri Apr 22 2005 David Shaw - No longer any need to override libexecdir. The makefiles now calculate this correctly internally. * Wed Feb 16 2005 David Shaw - Fix problem with storing the gpgkeys helpers in libexec, but calling them in libexec/gnupg. * Wed Jul 30 2003 David Shaw - Rework much of the spec to use %-macros throughout. - Fix to work properly with RPM 4.1 (all files in buildroot must be packaged) - Package and install info files. - Tweak the English description. - There is no need to install gpgv and gpgsplit setuid root. * Sat Nov 30 2002 David Shaw - Add convert-from-106 script * Sat Oct 26 2002 David Shaw - Use new path for keyserver helpers. - /usr/lib is no longer used for cipher/hash plugins. - Include gpgv, gpgsplit, and the new gnupg.7 man page. * Fri Apr 19 2002 David Shaw - Removed OPTIONS and pubring.asc - no longer used - Added doc/samplekeys.asc * Sun Mar 31 2002 David Shaw - Added the gpgkeys_xxx keyserver helpers. - Added a * to catch variations on the basic gpg man page (gpg, gpgv). - Mark options.skel as a config file. - Do not include the FAQ/faq.html twice (in /doc/ and /share/). * Wed Sep 06 2000 Fabio Coatti - Added Polish description and summary (Kindly provided by Lukasz Stelmach ) * Thu Jul 13 2000 Fabio Coatti - Added a * to catch all formats for man pages (plain, gz, bz2...) * Mon May 01 2000 Fabio Coatti - Some corrections in French description, thanks to Gaël Quéri ; Some corrections to Italian descriptions. * Tue Apr 25 2000 Fabio Coatti - Removed the no longer needed patch for man page by Keith Owens * Wed Mar 1 2000 Petr Krištof - Czech descriptions added; some fixes and updates. * Sat Jan 15 2000 Keith Owens - Add missing man page as separate patch instead of updating the tar file. * Mon Dec 27 1999 Fabio Coatti - Upgraded for 1.0.1 (added missing gpg.1 man page) * Sat May 29 1999 Fabio Coatti - Some corrections in French description, thanks to Gaël Quéri * Mon May 17 1999 Fabio Coatti - Added French description, provided by Christophe Labouisse * Thu May 06 1999 Fabio Coatti - Upgraded for 0.9.6 (removed gpgm) * Tue Jan 12 1999 Fabio Coatti - LINGUAS variable is now unset in configure to ensure that all languages will be built. (Thanks to Luca Olivetti ) * Sat Jan 02 1999 Fabio Coatti - Added pl language file. - Included g10/pubring.asc in documentation files. * Sat Dec 19 1998 Fabio Coatti - Modified the spec file provided by Caskey L. Dickson - Now it can be built also by non-root. Installation has to be done as root, gpg is suid. - Added some changes by Ross Golder - Updates for version 0.4.5 of GnuPG (.mo files) %description GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) is a GNU utility for encrypting data and creating digital signatures. GnuPG has advanced key management capabilities and is compliant with the proposed OpenPGP Internet standard described in RFC-2440. Since GnuPG doesn't use any patented algorithms, it is not compatible with some versions of PGP 2 which use only the patented IDEA algorithm. See http://www.gnupg.org/why-not-idea.html for information on using IDEA if the patent does not apply to you and you need to be compatible with these versions of PGP 2. %description -l it GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) č una utility GNU per la cifratura di dati e la creazione di firme digitali. Possiede una gestione avanzata delle chiavi ed č conforme allo standard Internet OpenPGP, descritto nella RFC 2440. Non utilizzando algoritmi brevettati, non č compatibile con PGP2 (PGP2.x usa solo IDEA, coperto da brevetto mondiale, ed RSA, brevettato negli USA con scadenza 20/09/2000). Questi algoritmi sono utilizzabili da GnuPG tramite moduli esterni. %description -l fr GnuPG est un utilitaire GNU destiné ŕ chiffrer des données et ŕ créer des signatures électroniques. Il a des capacités avancées de gestion de clés et il est conforme ŕ la norme proposée OpenPGP décrite dans la RFC2440. Comme GnuPG n'utilise pas d'algorithme breveté, il n'est compatible avec aucune version de PGP2 (PGP2.x ne sait utiliser que l'IDEA breveté dans le monde entier et RSA, breveté aux États-Unis jusqu'au 20 septembre 2000). %description -l cs GnuPG je GNU nástroj pro bezpečnou komunikaci a ukládání dat. Může být použit na šifrování dat a vytváření digitálních podpisů. Obsahuje funkce pro pokročilou správu klíčů a vyhovuje navrhovanému OpenPGP Internet standardu podle RFC2440. Byl vytvořen jako kompletní náhrada za PGP. Protože neobsahuje šifrovací algoritmy IDEA nebo RSA, může být používán bez omezení. Protože GnuPG nepoužívá žádný patentovaný algoritmus, nemůže být úplně kompatibilní s PGP verze 2. PGP 2.x používá algoritmy IDEA (patentováno celosvětově) a RSA (patentováno ve Spojených státech do 20. září 2000). Tyto algoritmy lze zavést do GnuPG pomocí externích modulů. %description -l pl GnuPG (GNU Privacy Guard) jest nazedziem do szfrowania danych i tworzenia cyfrowych podpisów. GnuPG posiada zaawansowane mozliwosci obslugi kluczy i jest zgodne z OpenPGP, proponowanym standardem internetowym opisanym w RFC2440. Poniewaz GnuPG nie uzywa zadnych opatentowanych algorytmów nie jest wiec zgodne z jaka kolwiek wersja PGP2 (PGP2.x kozysta jedynie z algorytmów: IDEA, opatentowanego na calym swiecie, oraz RSA, którego patent na terenie Stanów Zjednoczonych wygasa 20 wrzesnia 2000). %prep rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT %setup %build if test -n "$LINGUAS"; then unset LINGUAS fi %configure --program-prefix=%{?_program_prefix:%{_program_prefix}} make %install %makeinstall %find_lang %{name} rm %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/FAQ rm %{buildroot}%{_datadir}/%{name}/faq.html rm -f %{buildroot}%{_infodir}/dir %files -f %{name}.lang %defattr (-,root,root) %doc INSTALL AUTHORS COPYING NEWS README THANKS TODO PROJECTS doc/DETAILS %doc doc/FAQ doc/faq.html doc/HACKING doc/OpenPGP doc/samplekeys.asc %doc %attr (0755,root,root) tools/convert-from-106 %config %{_datadir}/%{name}/options.skel %{_mandir}/man1/* %{_mandir}/man7/* %{_infodir}/gpg.info* %{_infodir}/gpgv.info* %attr (4755,root,root) %{_bindir}/gpg %attr (0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/gpgv %attr (0755,root,root) %{_bindir}/gpgsplit %attr (0755,root,root) %{_libexecdir}/gnupg/* %post /sbin/install-info %{_infodir}/gpg.info %{_infodir}/dir 2>/dev/null || : /sbin/install-info %{_infodir}/gpgv.info %{_infodir}/dir 2>/dev/null || : %preun if [ $1 = 0 ]; then /sbin/install-info --delete %{_infodir}/gpg.info \ %{_infodir}/dir 2>/dev/null || : /sbin/install-info --delete %{_infodir}/gpgv.info \ %{_infodir}/dir 2>/dev/null || : fi %clean rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_DIR/%{name}-%{version}