;; Common definitions for the OpenPGP test scripts. ;; ;; Copyright (C) 2016 g10 Code GmbH ;; ;; This file is part of GnuPG. ;; ;; GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; ;; GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program; if not, see . ;; ;; Constants. ;; (define usrname1 "one@example.com") (define usrpass1 "def") (define usrname2 "two@example.com") (define usrpass2 "") (define usrname3 "three@example.com") (define usrpass3 "") (define dsa-usrname1 "pgp5") ;; we use the sub key because we do not yet have the logic to to derive ;; the first encryption key from a keyblock (I guess) (Well of course ;; we have this by now and the notation below will lookup the primary ;; first and then search for the encryption subkey.) (define dsa-usrname2 "0xCB879DE9") (define key-file1 "samplekeys/rsa-rsa-sample-1.asc") (define key-file2 "samplekeys/ed25519-cv25519-sample-1.asc") (define plain-files '("plain-1" "plain-2" "plain-3")) (define data-files '("data-500" "data-9000" "data-32000" "data-80000")) (define exp-files '()) (let ((verbose (string->number (getenv "verbose")))) (if (number? verbose) (*set-verbose!* verbose))) (define (qualify executable) (string-append executable (getenv "EXEEXT"))) (define (getenv' key default) (let ((value (getenv key))) (if (string=? "" value) default value))) (define tools '((gpg "GPG" "g10/gpg") (gpgv "GPGV" "g10/gpgv") (gpg-agent "GPG_AGENT" "agent/gpg-agent") (gpg-connect-agent "GPG_CONNECT_AGENT" "tools/gpg-connect-agent") (gpgconf "GPGCONF" "tools/gpgconf") (gpg-preset-passphrase "GPG_PRESET_PASSPHRASE" "agent/gpg-preset-passphrase") (gpgtar "GPGTAR" "tools/gpgtar") (gpg-zip "GPGZIP" "tools/gpg-zip") (pinentry "PINENTRY" "tests/openpgp/fake-pinentry"))) (define (tool which) (let ((t (assoc which tools)) (prefix (getenv "BIN_PREFIX"))) (getenv' (cadr t) (qualify (if (string=? prefix "") (string-append (getenv "objdir") "/" (caddr t)) (string-append prefix "/" (basename (caddr t)))))))) (define have-opt-always-trust (string-contains? (call-popen `(,(tool 'gpg) --dump-options) "") "--always-trust")) (define GPG `(,(tool 'gpg) --no-permission-warning ,@(if have-opt-always-trust '(--always-trust) '()))) (define GPGV `(,(tool 'gpgv))) (define PINENTRY (tool 'pinentry)) (define (tr:gpg input args) (tr:spawn input `(,@GPG --output **out** ,@args **in**))) (define (pipe:gpg args) (pipe:spawn `(,@GPG --output - ,@args -))) (define (gpg-with-colons args) (let ((s (call-popen `(,@GPG --with-colons ,@args) ""))) (map (lambda (line) (string-split line #\:)) (string-split-newlines s)))) (define (get-config what) (string-split (caddar (gpg-with-colons `(--list-config ,what))) #\;)) (define all-pubkey-algos (delay (get-config "pubkeyname"))) (define all-hash-algos (delay (get-config "digestname"))) (define all-cipher-algos (delay (get-config "ciphername"))) (define all-compression-algos (delay (get-config "compressname"))) (define (have-pubkey-algo? x) (not (not (member x (force all-pubkey-algos))))) (define (have-hash-algo? x) (not (not (member x (force all-hash-algos))))) (define (have-cipher-algo? x) (not (not (member x (force all-cipher-algos))))) (define (gpg-pipe args0 args1 errfd) (lambda (source sink) (let* ((p (pipe)) (task0 (spawn-process-fd `(,@GPG ,@args0) source (:write-end p) errfd)) (_ (close (:write-end p))) (task1 (spawn-process-fd `(,@GPG ,@args1) (:read-end p) sink errfd))) (close (:read-end p)) (wait-processes (list GPG GPG) (list task0 task1) #t)))) (setenv "GPG_AGENT_INFO" "" #t) (setenv "GNUPGHOME" (getcwd) #t) ;; ;; GnuPG helper. ;; ;; Call GPG to obtain the hash sums. Either specify an input file in ;; ARGS, or an string in INPUT. Returns a list of ( ;; "") lists. (define (gpg-hash-string args input) (map (lambda (line) (let ((p (string-split line #\:))) (list (string->number (cadr p)) (caddr p)))) (string-split-newlines (call-popen `(,@GPG --with-colons ,@args) input)))) ;; Dearmor a file. (define (dearmor source-name sink-name) (pipe:do (pipe:open source-name (logior O_RDONLY O_BINARY)) (pipe:spawn `(,@GPG --dearmor)) (pipe:write-to sink-name (logior O_WRONLY O_CREAT O_BINARY) #o600))) ;; ;; Support for test environment creation and teardown. ;; (define (make-test-data filename size) (call-with-binary-output-file filename (lambda (port) (display (make-random-string size) port)))) (define (create-gpghome) (log "Creating test environment...") (srandom (getpid)) (make-test-data "random_seed" 600) (log "Creating configuration files") (for-each (lambda (name) (file-copy (in-srcdir (string-append name ".tmpl")) name) (let ((p (open-input-output-file name))) (cond ((string=? "gpg.conf" name) (if have-opt-always-trust (display "no-auto-check-trustdb\n" p)) (display (string-append "agent-program " (tool 'gpg-agent) "|--debug-quick-random\n") p) (display "allow-weak-digest-algos\n" p)) ((string=? "gpg-agent.conf" name) (display (string-append "pinentry-program " PINENTRY "\n") p))))) '("gpg.conf" "gpg-agent.conf"))) ;; Initialize the test environment, install appropriate configuration ;; and start the agent, without any keys. (define (setup-environment) (create-gpghome) (start-agent)) (define (create-legacy-gpghome) (log "Creating sample data files") (for-each (lambda (size) (make-test-data (string-append "data-" (number->string size)) size)) '(500 9000 32000 80000)) (log "Unpacking samples") (for-each (lambda (name) (dearmor (in-srcdir (string-append name "o.asc")) name)) '("plain-1" "plain-2" "plain-3" "plain-large")) (mkdir "private-keys-v1.d" "-rwx") (log "Storing private keys") (for-each (lambda (name) (dearmor (in-srcdir (string-append "/privkeys/" name ".asc")) (string-append "private-keys-v1.d/" name ".key"))) '("50B2D4FA4122C212611048BC5FC31BD44393626E" "7E201E28B6FEB2927B321F443205F4724EBE637E" "13FDB8809B17C5547779F9D205C45F47CE0217CE" "343D8AF79796EE107D645A2787A9D9252F924E6F" "8B5ABF3EF9EB8D96B91A0B8C2C4401C91C834C34" "0D6F6AD4C4C803B25470F9104E9F4E6A4CA64255" "FD692BD59D6640A84C8422573D469F84F3B98E53" "76F7E2B35832976B50A27A282D9B87E44577EB66" "A0747D5F9425E6664F4FFBEED20FBCA79FDED2BD" "00FE67F28A52A8AA08FFAED20AF832DA916D1985" "1DF48228FEFF3EC2481B106E0ACA8C465C662CC5" "A2832820DC9F40751BDCD375BB0945BA33EC6B4C" "ADE710D74409777B7729A7653373D820F67892E0" "CEFC51AF91F68A2904FBFF62C4F075A4785B803F" "1E28F20E41B54C2D1234D896096495FF57E08D18" "EB33B687EB8581AB64D04852A54453E85F3DF62D" "C6A6390E9388CDBAD71EAEA698233FE5E04F001E" "D69102E0F5AC6B6DB8E4D16DA8E18CF46D88CAE3")) (log "Importing public demo and test keys") (for-each (lambda (file) (call-check `(,@GPG --yes --import ,(in-srcdir file)))) (list "pubdemo.asc" "pubring.asc" key-file1)) (pipe:do (pipe:open (in-srcdir "pubring.pkr.asc") (logior O_RDONLY O_BINARY)) (pipe:spawn `(,@GPG --dearmor)) (pipe:spawn `(,@GPG --yes --import)))) (define (preset-passphrases) (log "Presetting passphrases") ;; one@example.com (call-check `(,(tool 'gpg-preset-passphrase) --preset --passphrase def "50B2D4FA4122C212611048BC5FC31BD44393626E")) (call-check `(,(tool 'gpg-preset-passphrase) --preset --passphrase def "7E201E28B6FEB2927B321F443205F4724EBE637E")) ;; alpha@example.net (call-check `(,(tool 'gpg-preset-passphrase) --preset --passphrase abc "76F7E2B35832976B50A27A282D9B87E44577EB66")) (call-check `(,(tool 'gpg-preset-passphrase) --preset --passphrase abc "A0747D5F9425E6664F4FFBEED20FBCA79FDED2BD"))) ;; Initialize the test environment, install appropriate configuration ;; and start the agent, with the keys from the legacy test suite. (define (setup-legacy-environment) (create-gpghome) (if (member "--unpack-tarball" *args*) (begin (call-check `(,(tool 'gpgtar) --extract --directory=. ,(cadr *args*))) (start-agent)) (begin (start-agent) (create-legacy-gpghome))) (preset-passphrases)) ;; Create the socket dir and start the agent. (define (start-agent) (log "Starting gpg-agent...") (atexit stop-agent) (catch (log "Warning: Creating socket directory failed:" (car *error*)) (call-popen `(,(tool 'gpgconf) --create-socketdir) "")) (call-check `(,(tool 'gpg-connect-agent) --verbose ,(string-append "--agent-program=" (tool 'gpg-agent) "|--debug-quick-random") /bye))) ;; Stop the agent and remove the socket dir. (define (stop-agent) (log "Stopping gpg-agent...") (catch (log "Warning: Removing socket directory failed.") (call-popen `(,(tool 'gpgconf) --remove-socketdir) "")) (call-check `(,(tool 'gpg-connect-agent) --verbose --no-autostart killagent /bye)))