* Change the internal representation of keyid into a struct which can also hold the localid and extend the localid to hold information of the subkey number because two subkeys may have the same keyid. * Add a way to override the current cipher/md implementations by others (using extensions) * Not GnuPG related: What about option completion in bash? Can "--dump-options" be used for this or should we place the options in an ELF note section? * Split key support (n-out-of-m). Use our own protocol or figure out how PGP does it. * add an option to re-create a public key from a secret key; we can do this in trustdb.c:verify_own_keys. (special tool?) Hmmm, we better drop the duplication of the public part and just keep the secrets in the "secring" - this has the additional that we can put those secrets on a hardware token. * write a tool to extract selected keys from a file. * Change the buffering to a mbuf like scheme? See Michael's proposal. * Keep a list of duplicate, faked or unwanted keyids. * The current code has knowledge about the structure of a keyblock. We should add an abstraction layer so that adding support for different certificate structures will become easier.