List of fixed bugs -------------------- (format: severity: [ *] to [***], no, first reported, by, version) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [***] #2 1999-02-21 Problem while importing or deleting public keys in 0.9.3 - 0.9.2 worked fine. Error message: gpg:[stdin]: key A6A59DB9: secret key not found: public key not found FIX: 1999-02-22 wk [ *] #8 1999-02-25 0.9.3 %gpg --encrypt -r --batch foo gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: 11C23F61: no info to calculate a trust probability This creates a symmetrically encrypted message WITHOUT a session key encrypted with public cryptographic(i.e. foo.gpg). This is probably FIX: 199-02-26 wk [ **] #9 1999-02-25 Misalignment in md5.c#md5_write. FIX: 1999-02-26 wk [ **] #10 1999-03-01 Armor detection code is broken. Direct import of keyrings is not possible. FIX: 1999-03-02 wk