#!/bin/sh # mail a compressed version of the current translation to the Last-Translator # # Remove the colon to armor this script. SENDMAIL=": /usr/sbin/sendmail" LC_ALL=C LC_CTYPE=C for file in *.po; do addr=$(head -100 $file | awk '/^# ?Designated-Translator:/ { printf "%s", $0; exit 0}' | sed 's/.*\(<.*>\).*/\1/') if [ -z "$addr" ]; then addr=$(awk '/Last-Translator:/ { printf "%s", $0; exit 0}' $file | sed 's/.*\(<.*>\).*/\1/') fi ll=$(basename $file .po) if ! msgfmt -vc $file 2>&1| egrep -q 'fuzzy|untranslated|error'; then echo "$file: okay" >&2 continue; fi if ! echo "$addr" | grep -q @ ; then echo "$file: no translator known" >&2 continue; fi echo "$file: sending to $addr" >&2 ( cat <<EOF From: translations@gnupg.org To: $addr Mail-Followup-To: translations@gnupg.org Subject: GnuPG 2.0 translation ($ll) Date: $(date -R) Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="=-=-=" --=-=-= Hi! We are preparing for a new 2.0 release of GnuPG and like you to ask to update your translation. Unfortunately there is not much time left; we can only include updates we receive by XXXXXXXXXXXXXX UTC. Please find attached the very latest version of the PO file for your GnuPG translation ($file). It is important to have a basic understanding of GnuPG's functionality to do a correct translation. A false translation might lead to security problems. Please do *not to use the TP Robot* for GnuPG. A release candidate for 2.0.xx is available at: ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/alpha/gnupg/ ftp://ftp.gnupg.org/gcrypt/alpha/gnupg/ Output of msgfmt is: $(msgfmt --check --statistics $file 2>&1 | head) If you are not able to continue the translation work, I suggest to pass this message on to another translator and drop a short note to gnupg-hackers@gnupg.org . Happy hacking, Werner --=-=-= Content-Type: application/octet-stream Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=gnupg-${file}.bz2 Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 EOF bzip2 <$file | mimencode echo "" echo "--=-=-=--" echo "" ) | $SENDMAIL -oi "$addr" done