/* exechelp-w32.c - Fork and exec helpers for W32. * Copyright (C) 2004, 2007-2009, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2004, 2006-2012, 2014-2017 g10 Code GmbH * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of either * * - the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * or * * - the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * or both in parallel, as here. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see <https://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * SPDX-License-Identifier: (LGPL-3.0+ OR GPL-2.0+) */ #include <config.h> #if !defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) #error This code is only used on W32. #else #define _WIN32_WINNT 0x600 #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <errno.h> #include <assert.h> #ifdef HAVE_SIGNAL_H # include <signal.h> #endif #include <unistd.h> #include <fcntl.h> #ifdef WITHOUT_NPTH /* Give the Makefile a chance to build without Pth. */ #undef HAVE_NPTH #undef USE_NPTH #endif #ifdef HAVE_NPTH #include <npth.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_STAT # include <sys/stat.h> #endif #include "util.h" #include "i18n.h" #include "sysutils.h" #define NEED_STRUCT_SPAWN_CB_ARG #include "exechelp.h" #include <windows.h> #include <processthreadsapi.h> /* Define to 1 do enable debugging. */ #define DEBUG_W32_SPAWN 0 /* It seems Vista doesn't grok X_OK and so fails access() tests. Previous versions interpreted X_OK as F_OK anyway, so we'll just use F_OK directly. */ #undef X_OK #define X_OK F_OK /* We assume that a HANDLE can be represented by an intptr_t which should be true for all systems (HANDLE is defined as void *). Further we assume that -1 denotes an invalid handle. */ # define fd_to_handle(a) ((HANDLE)(a)) # define handle_to_fd(a) ((intptr_t)(a)) # define pid_to_handle(a) ((HANDLE)(a)) # define handle_to_pid(a) ((int)(a)) /* Helper */ static inline gpg_error_t my_error_from_syserror (void) { return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, gpg_err_code_from_syserror ()); } static inline gpg_error_t my_error (int errcode) { return gpg_err_make (default_errsource, errcode); } /* Return the maximum number of currently allowed open file descriptors. Only useful on POSIX systems but returns a value on other systems too. */ int get_max_fds (void) { int max_fds = -1; #ifdef OPEN_MAX if (max_fds == -1) max_fds = OPEN_MAX; #endif if (max_fds == -1) max_fds = 256; /* Arbitrary limit. */ return max_fds; } /* Under Windows this is a dummy function. */ void close_all_fds (int first, int *except) { (void)first; (void)except; } /* Returns an array with all currently open file descriptors. The end * of the array is marked by -1. The caller needs to release this * array using the *standard free* and not with xfree. This allow the * use of this function right at startup even before libgcrypt has * been initialized. Returns NULL on error and sets ERRNO * accordingly. Note that fstat prints a warning to DebugView for all * invalid fds which is a bit annoying. We actually do not need this * function in real code (close_all_fds is a dummy anyway) but we keep * it for use by t-exechelp.c. */ int * get_all_open_fds (void) { int *array; size_t narray; int fd, max_fd, idx; #ifndef HAVE_STAT array = calloc (1, sizeof *array); if (array) array[0] = -1; #else /*HAVE_STAT*/ struct stat statbuf; max_fd = get_max_fds (); narray = 32; /* If you change this change also t-exechelp.c. */ array = calloc (narray, sizeof *array); if (!array) return NULL; /* Note: The list we return is ordered. */ for (idx=0, fd=0; fd < max_fd; fd++) if (!(fstat (fd, &statbuf) == -1 && errno == EBADF)) { if (idx+1 >= narray) { int *tmp; narray += (narray < 256)? 32:256; tmp = realloc (array, narray * sizeof *array); if (!tmp) { free (array); return NULL; } array = tmp; } array[idx++] = fd; } array[idx] = -1; #endif /*HAVE_STAT*/ return array; } /* Helper function to build_w32_commandline. */ static char * build_w32_commandline_copy (char *buffer, const char *string) { char *p = buffer; const char *s; if (!*string) /* Empty string. */ p = stpcpy (p, "\"\""); else if (strpbrk (string, " \t\n\v\f\"")) { /* Need to do some kind of quoting. */ p = stpcpy (p, "\""); for (s=string; *s; s++) { *p++ = *s; if (*s == '\"') *p++ = *s; } *p++ = '\"'; *p = 0; } else p = stpcpy (p, string); return p; } /* Build a command line for use with W32's CreateProcess. On success CMDLINE gets the address of a newly allocated string. */ static gpg_error_t build_w32_commandline (const char *pgmname, const char * const *argv, char **cmdline) { int i, n; const char *s; char *buf, *p; *cmdline = NULL; n = 0; s = pgmname; n += strlen (s) + 1 + 2; /* (1 space, 2 quoting */ for (; *s; s++) if (*s == '\"') n++; /* Need to double inner quotes. */ for (i=0; (s=argv[i]); i++) { n += strlen (s) + 1 + 2; /* (1 space, 2 quoting */ for (; *s; s++) if (*s == '\"') n++; /* Need to double inner quotes. */ } n++; buf = p = xtrymalloc (n); if (!buf) return my_error_from_syserror (); p = build_w32_commandline_copy (p, pgmname); for (i=0; argv[i]; i++) { *p++ = ' '; p = build_w32_commandline_copy (p, argv[i]); } *cmdline= buf; return 0; } #define INHERIT_READ 1 #define INHERIT_WRITE 2 #define INHERIT_BOTH (INHERIT_READ|INHERIT_WRITE) /* Create pipe. FLAGS indicates which ends are inheritable. */ static int create_inheritable_pipe (HANDLE filedes[2], int flags) { HANDLE r, w; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sec_attr; memset (&sec_attr, 0, sizeof sec_attr ); sec_attr.nLength = sizeof sec_attr; sec_attr.bInheritHandle = TRUE; if (!CreatePipe (&r, &w, &sec_attr, 0)) return -1; if ((flags & INHERIT_READ) == 0) if (! SetHandleInformation (r, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) goto fail; if ((flags & INHERIT_WRITE) == 0) if (! SetHandleInformation (w, HANDLE_FLAG_INHERIT, 0)) goto fail; filedes[0] = r; filedes[1] = w; return 0; fail: log_error ("SetHandleInformation failed: %s\n", w32_strerror (-1)); CloseHandle (r); CloseHandle (w); return -1; } static HANDLE w32_open_null (int for_write) { HANDLE hfile; hfile = CreateFileW (L"nul", for_write? GENERIC_WRITE : GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hfile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) log_debug ("can't open 'nul': %s\n", w32_strerror (-1)); return hfile; } static gpg_error_t create_pipe_and_estream (int filedes[2], int flags, estream_t *r_fp, int outbound, int nonblock) { gpg_error_t err = 0; HANDLE fds[2]; es_syshd_t syshd; filedes[0] = filedes[1] = -1; err = my_error (GPG_ERR_GENERAL); if (!create_inheritable_pipe (fds, flags)) { filedes[0] = _open_osfhandle (handle_to_fd (fds[0]), O_RDONLY); if (filedes[0] == -1) { log_error ("failed to translate osfhandle %p\n", fds[0]); CloseHandle (fds[1]); } else { filedes[1] = _open_osfhandle (handle_to_fd (fds[1]), O_APPEND); if (filedes[1] == -1) { log_error ("failed to translate osfhandle %p\n", fds[1]); close (filedes[0]); filedes[0] = -1; CloseHandle (fds[1]); } else err = 0; } } if (! err && r_fp) { syshd.type = ES_SYSHD_HANDLE; if (!outbound) { syshd.u.handle = fds[0]; *r_fp = es_sysopen (&syshd, nonblock? "r,nonblock" : "r"); } else { syshd.u.handle = fds[1]; *r_fp = es_sysopen (&syshd, nonblock? "w,nonblock" : "w"); } if (!*r_fp) { err = my_error_from_syserror (); log_error (_("error creating a stream for a pipe: %s\n"), gpg_strerror (err)); close (filedes[0]); close (filedes[1]); filedes[0] = filedes[1] = -1; return err; } } return err; } /* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows the write end is inheritable. If R_FP is not NULL, an estream is created for the read end and stored at R_FP. */ gpg_error_t gnupg_create_inbound_pipe (int filedes[2], estream_t *r_fp, int nonblock) { return create_pipe_and_estream (filedes, INHERIT_WRITE, r_fp, 0, nonblock); } /* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows the read end is inheritable. If R_FP is not NULL, an estream is created for the write end and stored at R_FP. */ gpg_error_t gnupg_create_outbound_pipe (int filedes[2], estream_t *r_fp, int nonblock) { return create_pipe_and_estream (filedes, INHERIT_READ, r_fp, 1, nonblock); } /* Portable function to create a pipe. Under Windows both ends are inheritable. */ gpg_error_t gnupg_create_pipe (int filedes[2]) { return create_pipe_and_estream (filedes, INHERIT_BOTH, NULL, 0, 0); } /* Close the end of a pipe. */ void gnupg_close_pipe (int fd) { if (fd != -1) close (fd); } struct gnupg_process { const char *pgmname; unsigned int terminated :1; /* or detached */ unsigned int flags; HANDLE hProcess; HANDLE hd_in; HANDLE hd_out; HANDLE hd_err; int exitcode; }; static int gnupg_process_syscall_func_initialized; /* Functions called before and after blocking syscalls. */ static void (*pre_syscall_func) (void); static void (*post_syscall_func) (void); static void check_syscall_func (void) { if (!gnupg_process_syscall_func_initialized) { gpgrt_get_syscall_clamp (&pre_syscall_func, &post_syscall_func); gnupg_process_syscall_func_initialized = 1; } } static void pre_syscall (void) { if (pre_syscall_func) pre_syscall_func (); } static void post_syscall (void) { if (post_syscall_func) post_syscall_func (); } /* * Check if STARTUPINFOEXW supports PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST. */ static int check_windows_version (void) { static int is_vista_or_later = -1; OSVERSIONINFO osvi; if (is_vista_or_later == -1) { memset (&osvi,0,sizeof(osvi)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(osvi); GetVersionEx (&osvi); /* The feature is available on Vista or later. */ is_vista_or_later = (osvi.dwMajorVersion >= 6); } return is_vista_or_later; } static gpg_err_code_t spawn_detached (const char *pgmname, char *cmdline, void (*spawn_cb) (struct spawn_cb_arg *), void *spawn_cb_arg) { SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sec_attr; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = { NULL, 0, 0, 0 }; STARTUPINFOEXW si; int cr_flags; wchar_t *wcmdline = NULL; wchar_t *wpgmname = NULL; gpg_err_code_t ec; int ret; struct spawn_cb_arg sca; BOOL ask_inherit = FALSE; ec = gnupg_access (pgmname, X_OK); if (ec) { xfree (cmdline); return ec; } memset (&si, 0, sizeof si); sca.allow_foreground_window = FALSE; sca.hd[0] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; sca.hd[1] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; sca.hd[2] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; sca.inherit_hds = NULL; sca.arg = spawn_cb_arg; if (spawn_cb) (*spawn_cb) (&sca); if (sca.inherit_hds) { SIZE_T attr_list_size = 0; HANDLE hd[16]; HANDLE *hd_p = sca.inherit_hds; int j = 0; if (hd_p) { while (*hd_p != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) if (j < DIM (hd)) hd[j++] = *hd_p++; else { log_error ("Too much handles\n"); break; } } if (j) { if (check_windows_version ()) { InitializeProcThreadAttributeList (NULL, 1, 0, &attr_list_size); si.lpAttributeList = xtrymalloc (attr_list_size); if (si.lpAttributeList == NULL) { xfree (cmdline); return gpg_err_code_from_syserror (); } InitializeProcThreadAttributeList (si.lpAttributeList, 1, 0, &attr_list_size); UpdateProcThreadAttribute (si.lpAttributeList, 0, PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST, hd, sizeof (HANDLE) * j, NULL, NULL); } ask_inherit = TRUE; } } /* Prepare security attributes. */ memset (&sec_attr, 0, sizeof sec_attr ); sec_attr.nLength = sizeof sec_attr; sec_attr.bInheritHandle = FALSE; /* Start the process. */ si.StartupInfo.cb = sizeof (si); si.StartupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.StartupInfo.wShowWindow = DEBUG_W32_SPAWN? SW_SHOW : SW_MINIMIZE; cr_flags = (CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE | GetPriorityClass (GetCurrentProcess ()) | CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP | DETACHED_PROCESS); /* Take care: CreateProcessW may modify wpgmname */ if (!(wpgmname = utf8_to_wchar (pgmname))) ret = 0; else if (!(wcmdline = utf8_to_wchar (cmdline))) ret = 0; else ret = CreateProcessW (wpgmname, /* Program to start. */ wcmdline, /* Command line arguments. */ &sec_attr, /* Process security attributes. */ &sec_attr, /* Thread security attributes. */ ask_inherit, /* Inherit handles. */ cr_flags, /* Creation flags. */ NULL, /* Environment. */ NULL, /* Use current drive/directory. */ (STARTUPINFOW *)&si, /* Startup information. */ &pi /* Returns process information. */ ); if (!ret) { if (!wpgmname || !wcmdline) log_error ("CreateProcess failed (utf8_to_wchar): %s\n", strerror (errno)); else log_error ("CreateProcess(detached) failed: %d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); xfree (wpgmname); xfree (wcmdline); xfree (cmdline); return GPG_ERR_GENERAL; } if (si.lpAttributeList) DeleteProcThreadAttributeList (si.lpAttributeList); xfree (wpgmname); xfree (wcmdline); xfree (cmdline); /* log_debug ("CreateProcess(detached) ready: hProcess=%p hThread=%p" */ /* " dwProcessID=%d dwThreadId=%d\n", */ /* pi.hProcess, pi.hThread, */ /* (int) pi.dwProcessId, (int) pi.dwThreadId); */ /* Note: AllowSetForegroundWindow doesn't make sense for background process. */ CloseHandle (pi.hThread); CloseHandle (pi.hProcess); return 0; } void gnupg_spawn_helper (struct spawn_cb_arg *sca) { HANDLE *user_except = sca->arg; sca->inherit_hds = user_except; } gpg_err_code_t gnupg_process_spawn (const char *pgmname, const char *argv[], unsigned int flags, void (*spawn_cb) (struct spawn_cb_arg *), void *spawn_cb_arg, gnupg_process_t *r_process) { gpg_err_code_t ec; gnupg_process_t process; SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sec_attr; PROCESS_INFORMATION pi = { NULL, 0, 0, 0 }; STARTUPINFOEXW si; int cr_flags; char *cmdline; wchar_t *wcmdline = NULL; wchar_t *wpgmname = NULL; int ret; HANDLE hd_in[2]; HANDLE hd_out[2]; HANDLE hd_err[2]; struct spawn_cb_arg sca; int i; BOOL ask_inherit = FALSE; check_syscall_func (); /* Build the command line. */ ec = build_w32_commandline (pgmname, argv, &cmdline); if (ec) return ec; if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_DETACHED)) { if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDFDS_SETTING)) { xfree (cmdline); return GPG_ERR_INV_FLAG; } /* In detached case, it must be no R_PROCESS. */ if (r_process) { xfree (cmdline); return GPG_ERR_INV_ARG; } return spawn_detached (pgmname, cmdline, spawn_cb, spawn_cb_arg); } if (r_process) *r_process = NULL; process = xtrymalloc (sizeof (struct gnupg_process)); if (process == NULL) { xfree (cmdline); return gpg_err_code_from_syserror (); } process->pgmname = pgmname; process->flags = flags; if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDINOUT_SOCKETPAIR)) { xfree (process); xfree (cmdline); return GPG_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; } if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDIN_PIPE)) { ec = create_inheritable_pipe (hd_in, INHERIT_READ); if (ec) { xfree (process); xfree (cmdline); return ec; } } else if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDIN_KEEP)) { hd_in[0] = GetStdHandle (STD_INPUT_HANDLE); hd_in[1] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } else { hd_in[0] = w32_open_null (0); hd_in[1] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDOUT_PIPE)) { ec = create_inheritable_pipe (hd_out, INHERIT_WRITE); if (ec) { if (hd_in[0] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (hd_in[0]); if (hd_in[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (hd_in[1]); xfree (process); xfree (cmdline); return ec; } } else if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDOUT_KEEP)) { hd_out[0] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; hd_out[1] = GetStdHandle (STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); } else { hd_out[0] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; hd_out[1] = w32_open_null (1); } if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDERR_PIPE)) { ec = create_inheritable_pipe (hd_err, INHERIT_WRITE); if (ec) { if (hd_in[0] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (hd_in[0]); if (hd_in[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (hd_in[1]); if (hd_out[0] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (hd_out[0]); if (hd_out[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle (hd_out[1]); xfree (process); xfree (cmdline); return ec; } } else if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDERR_KEEP)) { hd_err[0] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; hd_err[1] = GetStdHandle (STD_ERROR_HANDLE); } else { hd_err[0] = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; hd_err[1] = w32_open_null (1); } memset (&si, 0, sizeof si); sca.allow_foreground_window = FALSE; sca.hd[0] = hd_in[0]; sca.hd[1] = hd_out[1]; sca.hd[2] = hd_err[1]; sca.inherit_hds = NULL; sca.arg = spawn_cb_arg; if (spawn_cb) (*spawn_cb) (&sca); i = 0; if (sca.hd[0] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) i++; if (sca.hd[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) i++; if (sca.hd[2] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) i++; if (i != 0 || sca.inherit_hds) { SIZE_T attr_list_size = 0; HANDLE hd[16]; HANDLE *hd_p = sca.inherit_hds; int j = 0; if (sca.hd[0] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) hd[j++] = sca.hd[0]; if (sca.hd[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) hd[j++] = sca.hd[1]; if (sca.hd[1] != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) hd[j++] = sca.hd[2]; if (hd_p) { while (*hd_p != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) if (j < DIM (hd)) hd[j++] = *hd_p++; else { log_error ("Too much handles\n"); break; } } if (j) { if (check_windows_version ()) { InitializeProcThreadAttributeList (NULL, 1, 0, &attr_list_size); si.lpAttributeList = xtrymalloc (attr_list_size); if (si.lpAttributeList == NULL) { if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDIN_PIPE) || !(flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDIN_KEEP)) CloseHandle (hd_in[0]); if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDIN_PIPE)) CloseHandle (hd_in[1]); if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDOUT_PIPE)) CloseHandle (hd_out[0]); if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDOUT_PIPE) || !(flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDOUT_KEEP)) CloseHandle (hd_out[1]); if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDERR_PIPE)) CloseHandle (hd_err[0]); if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDERR_PIPE) || !(flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDERR_KEEP)) CloseHandle (hd_err[1]); xfree (process); xfree (cmdline); return gpg_err_code_from_syserror (); } InitializeProcThreadAttributeList (si.lpAttributeList, 1, 0, &attr_list_size); UpdateProcThreadAttribute (si.lpAttributeList, 0, PROC_THREAD_ATTRIBUTE_HANDLE_LIST, hd, sizeof (HANDLE) * j, NULL, NULL); } ask_inherit = TRUE; } } /* Prepare security attributes. */ memset (&sec_attr, 0, sizeof sec_attr ); sec_attr.nLength = sizeof sec_attr; sec_attr.bInheritHandle = FALSE; /* Start the process. */ si.StartupInfo.cb = sizeof (si); si.StartupInfo.dwFlags = STARTF_USESTDHANDLES | STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW; si.StartupInfo.wShowWindow = DEBUG_W32_SPAWN? SW_SHOW : SW_HIDE; si.StartupInfo.hStdInput = sca.hd[0]; si.StartupInfo.hStdOutput = sca.hd[1]; si.StartupInfo.hStdError = sca.hd[2]; /* log_debug ("CreateProcess, path='%s' cmdline='%s'\n", pgmname, cmdline); */ cr_flags = (CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE | GetPriorityClass (GetCurrentProcess ()) | CREATE_SUSPENDED); if (!(wpgmname = utf8_to_wchar (pgmname))) ret = 0; else if (!(wcmdline = utf8_to_wchar (cmdline))) ret = 0; else ret = CreateProcessW (wpgmname, /* Program to start. */ wcmdline, /* Command line arguments. */ &sec_attr, /* Process security attributes. */ &sec_attr, /* Thread security attributes. */ ask_inherit, /* Inherit handles. */ cr_flags, /* Creation flags. */ NULL, /* Environment. */ NULL, /* Use current drive/directory. */ (STARTUPINFOW *)&si, /* Startup information. */ &pi /* Returns process information. */ ); if (!ret) { if (!wpgmname || !wcmdline) log_error ("CreateProcess failed (utf8_to_wchar): %s\n", strerror (errno)); else log_error ("CreateProcess failed: ec=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDIN_PIPE) || !(flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDIN_KEEP)) CloseHandle (hd_in[0]); if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDIN_PIPE)) CloseHandle (hd_in[1]); if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDOUT_PIPE)) CloseHandle (hd_out[0]); if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDOUT_PIPE) || !(flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDOUT_KEEP)) CloseHandle (hd_out[1]); if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDERR_PIPE)) CloseHandle (hd_err[0]); if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDERR_PIPE) || !(flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDERR_KEEP)) CloseHandle (hd_err[1]); xfree (wpgmname); xfree (wcmdline); xfree (process); xfree (cmdline); return GPG_ERR_GENERAL; } if (si.lpAttributeList) DeleteProcThreadAttributeList (si.lpAttributeList); xfree (wpgmname); xfree (wcmdline); xfree (cmdline); if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDIN_PIPE) || !(flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDIN_KEEP)) CloseHandle (hd_in[0]); if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDOUT_PIPE) || !(flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDOUT_KEEP)) CloseHandle (hd_out[1]); if ((flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDERR_PIPE) || !(flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STDERR_KEEP)) CloseHandle (hd_err[1]); /* log_debug ("CreateProcess ready: hProcess=%p hThread=%p" */ /* " dwProcessID=%d dwThreadId=%d\n", */ /* pi.hProcess, pi.hThread, */ /* (int) pi.dwProcessId, (int) pi.dwThreadId); */ if (sca.allow_foreground_window) { /* Fixme: For unknown reasons AllowSetForegroundWindow returns * an invalid argument error if we pass it the correct * processID. As a workaround we use -1 (ASFW_ANY). */ if (!AllowSetForegroundWindow (ASFW_ANY /*pi.dwProcessId*/)) log_info ("AllowSetForegroundWindow() failed: ec=%d\n", (int)GetLastError ()); } /* Process has been created suspended; resume it now. */ pre_syscall (); ResumeThread (pi.hThread); CloseHandle (pi.hThread); post_syscall (); process->hProcess = pi.hProcess; process->hd_in = hd_in[1]; process->hd_out = hd_out[0]; process->hd_err = hd_err[0]; process->exitcode = -1; process->terminated = 0; if (r_process == NULL) { ec = gnupg_process_wait (process, 1); gnupg_process_release (process); return ec; } *r_process = process; return 0; } gpg_err_code_t gnupg_process_get_fds (gnupg_process_t process, unsigned int flags, int *r_fd_in, int *r_fd_out, int *r_fd_err) { (void)flags; if (r_fd_in) { *r_fd_in = _open_osfhandle ((intptr_t)process->hd_in, O_APPEND); process->hd_in = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (r_fd_out) { *r_fd_out = _open_osfhandle ((intptr_t)process->hd_out, O_RDONLY); process->hd_out = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (r_fd_err) { *r_fd_err = _open_osfhandle ((intptr_t)process->hd_err, O_RDONLY); process->hd_err = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } return 0; } gpg_err_code_t gnupg_process_get_streams (gnupg_process_t process, unsigned int flags, estream_t *r_fp_in, estream_t *r_fp_out, estream_t *r_fp_err) { int nonblock = (flags & GNUPG_PROCESS_STREAM_NONBLOCK)? 1: 0; es_syshd_t syshd; syshd.type = ES_SYSHD_HANDLE; if (r_fp_in) { syshd.u.handle = process->hd_in; *r_fp_in = es_sysopen (&syshd, nonblock? "w,nonblock" : "w"); process->hd_in = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (r_fp_out) { syshd.u.handle = process->hd_out; *r_fp_out = es_sysopen (&syshd, nonblock? "r,nonblock" : "r"); process->hd_out = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (r_fp_err) { syshd.u.handle = process->hd_err; *r_fp_err = es_sysopen (&syshd, nonblock? "r,nonblock" : "r"); process->hd_err = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } return 0; } static gpg_err_code_t process_kill (gnupg_process_t process, unsigned int exitcode) { gpg_err_code_t ec = 0; pre_syscall (); if (TerminateProcess (process->hProcess, exitcode)) ec = gpg_err_code_from_syserror (); post_syscall (); return ec; } static gpg_err_code_t process_vctl (gnupg_process_t process, unsigned int request, va_list arg_ptr) { switch (request) { case GNUPG_PROCESS_NOP: return 0; case GNUPG_PROCESS_GET_PROC_ID: { int *r_id = va_arg (arg_ptr, int *); if (r_id == NULL) return GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE; *r_id = (int)GetProcessId (process->hProcess); return 0; } case GNUPG_PROCESS_GET_EXIT_ID: { int *r_exit_status = va_arg (arg_ptr, int *); unsigned long exit_code; *r_exit_status = -1; if (!process->terminated) return GPG_ERR_UNFINISHED; if (process->hProcess == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; if (GetExitCodeProcess (process->hProcess, &exit_code) == 0) return gpg_err_code_from_syserror (); *r_exit_status = (int)exit_code; return 0; } case GNUPG_PROCESS_GET_P_HANDLE: { HANDLE *r_hProcess = va_arg (arg_ptr, HANDLE *); if (r_hProcess == NULL) return GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE; *r_hProcess = process->hProcess; process->hProcess = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; return 0; } case GNUPG_PROCESS_GET_HANDLES: { HANDLE *r_hd_in = va_arg (arg_ptr, HANDLE *); HANDLE *r_hd_out = va_arg (arg_ptr, HANDLE *); HANDLE *r_hd_err = va_arg (arg_ptr, HANDLE *); if (r_hd_in) { *r_hd_in = process->hd_in; process->hd_in = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (r_hd_out) { *r_hd_out = process->hd_out; process->hd_out = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } if (r_hd_err) { *r_hd_err = process->hd_err; process->hd_err = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; } return 0; } case GNUPG_PROCESS_GET_EXIT_CODE: { unsigned long *r_exitcode = va_arg (arg_ptr, unsigned long *); if (!process->terminated) return GPG_ERR_UNFINISHED; if (process->hProcess == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { *r_exitcode = (unsigned long)-1; return 0; } if (GetExitCodeProcess (process->hProcess, r_exitcode) == 0) return gpg_err_code_from_syserror (); return 0; } case GNUPG_PROCESS_KILL_WITH_EC: { unsigned int exitcode = va_arg (arg_ptr, unsigned int); if (process->terminated) return 0; if (process->hProcess == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; return process_kill (process, exitcode); } default: break; } return GPG_ERR_UNKNOWN_COMMAND; } gpg_err_code_t gnupg_process_ctl (gnupg_process_t process, unsigned int request, ...) { va_list arg_ptr; gpg_err_code_t ec; va_start (arg_ptr, request); ec = process_vctl (process, request, arg_ptr); va_end (arg_ptr); return ec; } gpg_err_code_t gnupg_process_wait (gnupg_process_t process, int hang) { gpg_err_code_t ec; int code; if (process->hProcess == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return 0; pre_syscall (); code = WaitForSingleObject (process->hProcess, hang? INFINITE : 0); post_syscall (); switch (code) { case WAIT_TIMEOUT: ec = GPG_ERR_TIMEOUT; /* Still running. */ break; case WAIT_FAILED: log_error (_("waiting for process to terminate failed: ec=%d\n"), (int)GetLastError ()); ec = GPG_ERR_GENERAL; break; case WAIT_OBJECT_0: process->terminated = 1; ec = 0; break; default: log_debug ("WaitForSingleObject returned unexpected code %d\n", code); ec = GPG_ERR_GENERAL; break; } return ec; } gpg_err_code_t gnupg_process_terminate (gnupg_process_t process) { return process_kill (process, 1); } void gnupg_process_release (gnupg_process_t process) { if (!process) return; if (process->terminated) { gnupg_process_terminate (process); gnupg_process_wait (process, 1); } CloseHandle (process->hProcess); xfree (process); } gpg_err_code_t gnupg_process_wait_list (gnupg_process_t *process_list, int count, int hang) { gpg_err_code_t ec = 0; int i; for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { if (process_list[i]->terminated) continue; ec = gnupg_process_wait (process_list[i], hang); if (ec) break; } return ec; }