\input texinfo                      @c -*-texinfo-*-
@c %**start of header
@setfilename gnupg.info
@include defs.inc
@settitle Using the GNU Privacy Guard

@c A couple of macros with no effect on texinfo
@c but used by the yat2m processor.
@macro manpage {a}
@end macro
@macro mansect {a}
@end macro
@macro manpause
@end macro
@macro mancont
@end macro

@c Create a separate index for command line options.
@defcodeindex op
@c Merge the standard indexes into a single one.
@syncodeindex fn cp
@syncodeindex vr cp
@syncodeindex ky cp
@syncodeindex pg cp
@syncodeindex tp cp
@c %**end of header
This is the @cite{The GNU Privacy Guard Manual} (version
@value{VERSION}, @value{UPDATED-MONTH}).

Published by The GnuPG Project@*
(or @url{http://ic6au7wa3f6naxjq.onion})
@end iftex

@copyright{} 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2010 Free Software Foundation, Inc.@*
@copyright{} 2013, 2014, 2015 Werner Koch.@*
@copyright{} 2015 g10 Code GmbH.

Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version. The text of the license can be found in the
section entitled ``Copying''.
@end quotation
@end copying

@dircategory GNU Utilities
* gpg2: (gnupg).           OpenPGP encryption and signing tool.
* gpgsm: (gnupg).          S/MIME encryption and signing tool.
* gpg-agent: (gnupg).      The secret key daemon.
* dirmngr: (gnupg).        X.509 CRL and OCSP server.
* dirmngr-client: (gnupg). X.509 CRL and OCSP client.
@end direntry

@c Printing stuff taken from gcc.
@macro gnupgtabopt{body}
@end macro
@macro gnupgoptlist{body}
@end smallexample
@end macro
@c Makeinfo handles the above macro OK, TeX needs manual line breaks;
@c they get lost at some point in handling the macro.  But if @macro is
@c used here rather than @alias, it produces double line breaks.
@alias gol = *
@end iftex
@macro gol
@end macro
@end ifnottex

@c Titlepage
@setchapternewpage odd
@title Using the GNU Privacy Guard
@subtitle Version @value{VERSION}
@subtitle @value{UPDATED-MONTH}

@sp 3

@image{gnupg-logo,,,The GnuPG Logo}

@sp 3

@author The GnuPG Project (@url{https://gnupg.org})

@vskip 0pt plus 1filll
@end titlepage

@end ifnothtml

@center @image{gnupg-logo-tr,6cm,,The GnuPG Logo}
@end ifhtml

@node Top

This manual documents how to use the GNU Privacy Guard system as well as
the administration and the architecture.
@end ifnottex

* Installation::        A short installation guide.

* Invoking GPG-AGENT::  How to launch the secret key daemon.
* Invoking DIRMNGR::    How to launch the CRL and OCSP daemon.
* Invoking GPG::        Using the OpenPGP protocol.
* Invoking GPGSM::      Using the S/MIME protocol.
* Invoking SCDAEMON::   How to handle Smartcards.
* Specify a User ID::   How to Specify a User Id.

* Helper Tools::        Description of small helper tools

* Howtos::              How to do certain things.
* System Notes::        Notes pertaining to certain OSes.
* Debugging::           How to solve problems

* Copying::             GNU General Public License says
                        how you can copy and share GnuPG
* Contributors::        People who have contributed to GnuPG.

* Glossary::            Short description of terms used.
* Option Index::        Index to command line options.
* Index::	        Index of concepts and symbol names.
@end menu

@end ifhtml

@include instguide.texi

@include gpg-agent.texi
@include dirmngr.texi
@include gpg.texi
@include gpgsm.texi
@include scdaemon.texi

@node Specify a User ID
@chapter How to Specify a User Id
@include specify-user-id.texi

@include tools.texi

@include howtos.texi

@include sysnotes.texi

@include debugging.texi

@include gpl.texi

@include contrib.texi

@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@c Indexes
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------

@include glossary.texi

@node Option Index
@unnumbered Option Index

@printindex op

@node Index
@unnumbered Index

@printindex cp

@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------
@c Epilogue
@c ---------------------------------------------------------------------

@c @node History
@c @unnumbered History
@c Here are the notices from the old dirmngr manual:
@c @itemize
@c @item Using DirMngr, 2002, Steffen Hansen, Klar"alvdalens Datakonsult AB.
@c @item Using DirMngr, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008 Werner Koch, g10 Code GmbH.
@c @end itemize
