#! /bin/sh
patch -p0 -l -f $* < $0
exit $?

Without that patch the module is build with wrong symbols and thus
can't be loaded by pango.  I don't know why they have this defines
just in this module.  It entirely defeats the feature of loading
modules dynamically - maybe this was just a quick hack for including
the code directly - however, I was not able to make that work either.

--- modules/basic/basic-win32.c~	2011-09-28 16:34:33.000000000 +0200
+++ modules/basic/basic-win32.c	2014-02-20 20:01:10.107723565 +0100
@@ -33,9 +33,10 @@

 extern HFONT _pango_win32_font_get_hfont (PangoFont *font);

-#define PANGO_MODULE_PREFIX _pango_basic_win32
+/* #ifndef PANGO_MODULE_PREFIX */
+/* #define PANGO_MODULE_PREFIX _pango_basic_win32 */
+/* #endif */

 #include "pango-engine.h"
 #include "pango-utils.h"