GDBM keyring support -------------------- GDBM-based keyring support is (and always) was an experimental feature which is likely to be removed in future versions. For that reason it is not compiled into the Debian package and won't be until and unless GDBM support stabalizes. Upgrading from old (<= 0.3.3) versions GnuPG -------------------------------------------- Due to a bug in the way secret keys were encrypted in versions prior to 0.3.3, later version of gnupg are not backwards compatible and you will have to convert your secret keys before using old secret keys with recent versions of gnupg. The upgrade strategy is described in /usr/doc/gnupg/NEWS.gz, please refer to it for more details, but it requires an old copy of the gpg and gpgm binaries. They may be on your system as gpg.old and gpgm.old, but if they're not you can find gnupg 0.3.2 source and binaries for i386, m68k, alpha, powerpc and hurd-i386 at: -- James Troup , Horsforth, UK Sun, 1 Oct 2000 13:53:12 +0100