/* protect-tool.c - A tool to text the secret key protection * Copyright (C) 2002 Free Software Foundation, Inc. * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #define JNLIB_NEED_LOG_LOGV #include "agent.h" #define N_(a) a #define _(a) a enum cmd_and_opt_values { aNull = 0, oVerbose = 'v', oArmor = 'a', oPassphrase = 'P', oProtect = 'p', oUnprotect = 'u', oNoVerbose = 500, oShadow, oShowShadowInfo, aTest }; static int opt_armor; static const char *passphrase = "abc"; static ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = { { 301, NULL, 0, N_("@Options:\n ") }, { oVerbose, "verbose", 0, "verbose" }, { oArmor, "armor", 0, "write output in advanced format" }, { oPassphrase, "passphrase", 2, "|STRING| Use passphrase STRING" }, { oProtect, "protect", 256, "protect a private key"}, { oUnprotect, "unprotect", 256, "unprotect a private key"}, { oShadow, "shadow", 256, "create a shadow entry for a priblic key"}, { oShowShadowInfo, "show-shadow-info", 256, "return the shadow info"}, {0} }; static const char * my_strusage (int level) { const char *p; switch (level) { case 11: p = "protect-tool (GnuPG)"; break; case 13: p = VERSION; break; case 17: p = PRINTABLE_OS_NAME; break; case 19: p = _("Please report bugs to <" PACKAGE_BUGREPORT ">.\n"); break; case 1: case 40: p = _("Usage: protect-tool [options] (-h for help)\n"); break; case 41: p = _("Syntax: protect-tool [options] [args]]\n" "INTERNAL USE ONLY!\n"); break; default: p = NULL; } return p; } static void i18n_init (void) { #ifdef USE_SIMPLE_GETTEXT set_gettext_file( PACKAGE ); #else #ifdef ENABLE_NLS /* gtk_set_locale (); HMMM: We have not yet called gtk_init */ bindtextdomain( PACKAGE, GNUPG_LOCALEDIR ); textdomain( PACKAGE ); #endif #endif } /* Used by gcry for logging */ static void my_gcry_logger (void *dummy, int level, const char *fmt, va_list arg_ptr) { /* translate the log levels */ switch (level) { case GCRY_LOG_CONT: level = JNLIB_LOG_CONT; break; case GCRY_LOG_INFO: level = JNLIB_LOG_INFO; break; case GCRY_LOG_WARN: level = JNLIB_LOG_WARN; break; case GCRY_LOG_ERROR:level = JNLIB_LOG_ERROR; break; case GCRY_LOG_FATAL:level = JNLIB_LOG_FATAL; break; case GCRY_LOG_BUG: level = JNLIB_LOG_BUG; break; case GCRY_LOG_DEBUG:level = JNLIB_LOG_DEBUG; break; default: level = JNLIB_LOG_ERROR; break; } log_logv (level, fmt, arg_ptr); } static unsigned char * make_canonical (const char *fname, const char *buf, size_t buflen) { int rc; size_t erroff, len; GCRY_SEXP sexp; unsigned char *result; rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&sexp, &erroff, buf, buflen); if (rc) { log_error ("invalid S-Expression in `%s' (off=%u): %s\n", fname, (unsigned int)erroff, gcry_strerror (rc)); return NULL; } len = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, NULL, 0); assert (len); result = xmalloc (len); len = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_CANON, result, len); assert (len); gcry_sexp_release (sexp); return result; } static char * make_advanced (const unsigned char *buf, size_t buflen) { int rc; size_t erroff, len; GCRY_SEXP sexp; unsigned char *result; rc = gcry_sexp_sscan (&sexp, &erroff, buf, buflen); if (rc) { log_error ("invalid canonical S-Expression (off=%u): %s\n", (unsigned int)erroff, gcry_strerror (rc)); return NULL; } len = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, NULL, 0); assert (len); result = xmalloc (len); len = gcry_sexp_sprint (sexp, GCRYSEXP_FMT_ADVANCED, result, len); assert (len); gcry_sexp_release (sexp); return result; } static unsigned char * read_key (const char *fname) { FILE *fp; struct stat st; char *buf; size_t buflen; unsigned char *key; fp = fopen (fname, "rb"); if (!fp) { log_error ("can't open `%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno)); return NULL; } if (fstat (fileno(fp), &st)) { log_error ("can't stat `%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno)); fclose (fp); return NULL; } buflen = st.st_size; buf = xmalloc (buflen+1); if (fread (buf, buflen, 1, fp) != 1) { log_error ("error reading `%s': %s\n", fname, strerror (errno)); fclose (fp); xfree (buf); return NULL; } fclose (fp); key = make_canonical (fname, buf, buflen); xfree (buf); return key; } static void read_and_protect (const char *fname) { int rc; unsigned char *key; unsigned char *result; size_t resultlen; key = read_key (fname); if (!key) return; rc = agent_protect (key, passphrase, &result, &resultlen); xfree (key); if (rc) { log_error ("protecting the key failed: %s\n", gnupg_strerror (rc)); return; } if (opt_armor) { char *p = make_advanced (result, resultlen); xfree (result); if (!p) return; result = p; resultlen = strlen (p); } fwrite (result, resultlen, 1, stdout); xfree (result); } static void read_and_unprotect (const char *fname) { int rc; unsigned char *key; unsigned char *result; size_t resultlen; key = read_key (fname); if (!key) return; rc = agent_unprotect (key, passphrase, &result, &resultlen); xfree (key); if (rc) { log_error ("unprotecting the key failed: %s\n", gnupg_strerror (rc)); return; } if (opt_armor) { char *p = make_advanced (result, resultlen); xfree (result); if (!p) return; result = p; resultlen = strlen (p); } fwrite (result, resultlen, 1, stdout); xfree (result); } static void read_and_shadow (const char *fname) { int rc; unsigned char *key; unsigned char *result; size_t resultlen; key = read_key (fname); if (!key) return; rc = agent_shadow_key (key, "(8:313233342:43)", &result); xfree (key); if (rc) { log_error ("shadowing the key failed: %s\n", gnupg_strerror (rc)); return; } resultlen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (result, 0, NULL,NULL); assert (resultlen); if (opt_armor) { char *p = make_advanced (result, resultlen); xfree (result); if (!p) return; result = p; resultlen = strlen (p); } fwrite (result, resultlen, 1, stdout); xfree (result); } static void show_shadow_info (const char *fname) { int rc; unsigned char *key; const unsigned char *info; size_t infolen; key = read_key (fname); if (!key) return; rc = agent_get_shadow_info (key, &info); xfree (key); if (rc) { log_error ("get_shadow_info failed: %s\n", gnupg_strerror (rc)); return; } infolen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (info, 0, NULL,NULL); assert (infolen); if (opt_armor) { char *p = make_advanced (info, infolen); if (!p) return; fwrite (p, strlen (p), 1, stdout); xfree (p); } else fwrite (info, infolen, 1, stdout); } static void show_file (const char *fname) { unsigned char *key; size_t keylen; char *p; key = read_key (fname); if (!key) return; keylen = gcry_sexp_canon_len (key, 0, NULL,NULL); assert (keylen); p = make_advanced (key, keylen); xfree (key); if (p) { fwrite (p, strlen (p), 1, stdout); xfree (p); } } int main (int argc, char **argv ) { ARGPARSE_ARGS pargs; int cmd = 0; set_strusage (my_strusage); gcry_control (GCRYCTL_SUSPEND_SECMEM_WARN); log_set_prefix ("protect-tool", 1); i18n_init (); if (!gcry_check_version ( "1.1.5" ) ) { log_fatal( _("libgcrypt is too old (need %s, have %s)\n"), "1.1.5", gcry_check_version (NULL) ); } gcry_set_log_handler (my_gcry_logger, NULL); gcry_control (GCRYCTL_INIT_SECMEM, 16384, 0); pargs.argc = &argc; pargs.argv = &argv; pargs.flags= 1; /* do not remove the args */ while (arg_parse (&pargs, opts) ) { switch (pargs.r_opt) { case oVerbose: opt.verbose++; break; case oArmor: opt_armor=1; break; case oProtect: cmd = oProtect; break; case oUnprotect: cmd = oUnprotect; break; case oShadow: cmd = oShadow; break; case oShowShadowInfo: cmd = oShowShadowInfo; break; case oPassphrase: passphrase = pargs.r.ret_str; break; default : pargs.err = 2; break; } } if (log_get_errorcount(0)) exit(2); if (argc != 1) usage (1); if (cmd == oProtect) read_and_protect (*argv); else if (cmd == oUnprotect) read_and_unprotect (*argv); else if (cmd == oShadow) read_and_shadow (*argv); else if (cmd == oShowShadowInfo) show_shadow_info (*argv); else show_file (*argv); return 0; } void agent_exit (int rc) { rc = rc? rc : log_get_errorcount(0)? 2 : 0; exit (rc); }