/* estream-printf.c - Versatile mostly C-99 compliant printf formatting * Copyright (C) 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010 g10 Code GmbH * * This file is part of Libestream. * * Libestream is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published * by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * Libestream is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Libestream; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. * * ALTERNATIVELY, Libestream may be distributed under the terms of the * following license, in which case the provisions of this license are * required INSTEAD OF the GNU General Public License. If you wish to * allow use of your version of this file only under the terms of the * GNU General Public License, and not to allow others to use your * version of this file under the terms of the following license, * indicate your decision by deleting this paragraph and the license * below. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions * are met: * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, and the entire permission notice in its entirety, * including the disclaimer of warranties. * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * 3. The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote * products derived from this software without specific prior * written permission. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED * WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES * OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE * DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, * INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR * SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) * HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, * STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) * ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED * OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* Required autoconf tests: AC_TYPE_LONG_LONG_INT defines HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT AC_TYPE_LONG_DOUBLE defines HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE AC_TYPE_INTMAX_T defines HAVE_INTMAX_T AC_TYPE_UINTMAX_T defines HAVE_UINTMAX_T AC_CHECK_TYPES([ptrdiff_t]) defines HAVE_PTRDIFF_T AC_CHECK_SIZEOF([unsigned long]) defines SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG AC_CHECK_SIZEOF([void *]) defines SIZEOF_VOID_P HAVE_LANGINFO_THOUSANDS_SEP Note that the file estream.m4 provides the autoconf macro ESTREAM_PRINTF_INIT which runs all required checks. See estream-printf.h for ways to tune this code. Missing stuff: wchar and wint_t thousands_sep in pr_float. */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif #if defined(_WIN32) && !defined(HAVE_W32_SYSTEM) # define HAVE_W32_SYSTEM 1 # if defined(__MINGW32CE__) && !defined (HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM) # define HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM # endif #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <stdarg.h> #include <errno.h> #include <stddef.h> #include <assert.h> #if defined(HAVE_INTMAX_T) || defined(HAVE_UINTMAX_T) # ifdef HAVE_STDINT_H # include <stdint.h> # endif #endif #ifdef HAVE_LANGINFO_THOUSANDS_SEP #include <langinfo.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM #include <gpg-error.h> /* ERRNO replacement. */ #endif #ifdef _ESTREAM_PRINTF_EXTRA_INCLUDE # include _ESTREAM_PRINTF_EXTRA_INCLUDE #endif #include "estream-printf.h" /* #define DEBUG 1 */ /* Allow redefinition of asprintf used malloc functions. */ #if defined(_ESTREAM_PRINTF_MALLOC) #define my_printf_malloc(a) _ESTREAM_PRINTF_MALLOC((a)) #else #define my_printf_malloc(a) malloc((a)) #endif #if defined(_ESTREAM_PRINTF_FREE) #define my_printf_free(a) _ESTREAM_PRINTF_FREE((a)) #else #define my_printf_free(a) free((a)) #endif /* A wrapper to set ERRNO. */ #ifdef HAVE_W32CE_SYSTEM # define _set_errno(a) gpg_err_set_errno ((a)) #else # define _set_errno(a) do { errno = (a); } while (0) #endif /* Calculate array dimension. */ #ifndef DIM #define DIM(array) (sizeof (array) / sizeof (*array)) #endif /* We allow for that many args without requiring malloced memory. */ #define DEFAULT_MAX_ARGSPECS 5 /* We allow for that many values without requiring malloced memory. */ #define DEFAULT_MAX_VALUES 8 /* We allocate this many new array argspec elements each time. */ #define ARGSPECS_BUMP_VALUE 10 /* Special values for the field width and the precision. */ #define NO_FIELD_VALUE (-1) #define STAR_FIELD_VALUE (-2) /* Bit valuues used for the conversion flags. */ #define FLAG_GROUPING 1 #define FLAG_LEFT_JUST 2 #define FLAG_PLUS_SIGN 4 #define FLAG_SPACE_PLUS 8 #define FLAG_ALT_CONV 16 #define FLAG_ZERO_PAD 32 /* Constants used the length modifiers. */ typedef enum { LENMOD_NONE = 0, LENMOD_CHAR, /* "hh" */ LENMOD_SHORT, /* "h" */ LENMOD_LONG, /* "l" */ LENMOD_LONGLONG, /* "ll" */ LENMOD_INTMAX, /* "j" */ LENMOD_SIZET, /* "z" */ LENMOD_PTRDIFF, /* "t" */ LENMOD_LONGDBL /* "L" */ } lenmod_t; /* All the conversion specifiers. */ typedef enum { CONSPEC_UNKNOWN = 0, CONSPEC_DECIMAL, CONSPEC_OCTAL, CONSPEC_UNSIGNED, CONSPEC_HEX, CONSPEC_HEX_UP, CONSPEC_FLOAT, CONSPEC_FLOAT_UP, CONSPEC_EXP, CONSPEC_EXP_UP, CONSPEC_F_OR_G, CONSPEC_F_OR_G_UP, CONSPEC_HEX_EXP, CONSPEC_HEX_EXP_UP, CONSPEC_CHAR, CONSPEC_STRING, CONSPEC_POINTER, CONSPEC_STRERROR, CONSPEC_BYTES_SO_FAR } conspec_t; /* Constants describing all the suppoorted types. Note that we list all the types we know about even if certain types are not available on this system. */ typedef enum { VALTYPE_UNSUPPORTED = 0, /* Artificial type for error detection. */ VALTYPE_CHAR, VALTYPE_SCHAR, VALTYPE_UCHAR, VALTYPE_SHORT, VALTYPE_USHORT, VALTYPE_INT, VALTYPE_UINT, VALTYPE_LONG, VALTYPE_ULONG, VALTYPE_LONGLONG, VALTYPE_ULONGLONG, VALTYPE_DOUBLE, VALTYPE_LONGDOUBLE, VALTYPE_STRING, VALTYPE_INTMAX, VALTYPE_UINTMAX, VALTYPE_SIZE, VALTYPE_PTRDIFF, VALTYPE_POINTER, VALTYPE_CHAR_PTR, VALTYPE_SCHAR_PTR, VALTYPE_SHORT_PTR, VALTYPE_INT_PTR, VALTYPE_LONG_PTR, VALTYPE_LONGLONG_PTR, VALTYPE_INTMAX_PTR, VALTYPE_SIZE_PTR, VALTYPE_PTRDIFF_PTR } valtype_t; /* A union used to store the actual values. */ typedef union { char a_char; signed char a_schar; unsigned char a_uchar; short a_short; unsigned short a_ushort; int a_int; unsigned int a_uint; long int a_long; unsigned long int a_ulong; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT long long int a_longlong; unsigned long long int a_ulonglong; #endif double a_double; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE long double a_longdouble; #endif const char *a_string; #ifdef HAVE_INTMAX_T intmax_t a_intmax; #endif #ifdef HAVE_UINTMAX_T intmax_t a_uintmax; #endif size_t a_size; #ifdef HAVE_PTRDIFF_T ptrdiff_t a_ptrdiff; #endif void *a_void_ptr; char *a_char_ptr; signed char *a_schar_ptr; short *a_short_ptr; int *a_int_ptr; long *a_long_ptr; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT long long int *a_longlong_ptr; #endif #ifdef HAVE_INTMAX_T intmax_t *a_intmax_ptr; #endif size_t *a_size_ptr; #ifdef HAVE_PTRDIFF_T ptrdiff_t *a_ptrdiff_ptr; #endif } value_t; /* An object used to keep track of a format option and arguments. */ struct argspec_s { size_t length; /* The length of these args including the percent. */ unsigned int flags; /* The conversion flags (bits defined by FLAG_foo). */ int width; /* The field width. */ int precision; /* The precision. */ lenmod_t lenmod; /* The length modifier. */ conspec_t conspec; /* The conversion specifier. */ int arg_pos; /* The position of the argument. This one may be -1 to indicate that no value is expected (e.g. for "%m"). */ int width_pos; /* The position of the argument for a field width star's value. 0 for not used. */ int precision_pos; /* The position of the argument for the a precision star's value. 0 for not used. */ valtype_t vt; /* The type of the corresponding argument. */ }; typedef struct argspec_s *argspec_t; /* An object to build up a table of values and their types. */ struct valueitem_s { valtype_t vt; /* The type of the value. */ value_t value; /* The value. */ }; typedef struct valueitem_s *valueitem_t; #ifdef DEBUG static void dump_argspecs (argspec_t arg, size_t argcount) { int idx; for (idx=0; argcount; argcount--, arg++, idx++) fprintf (stderr, "%2d: len=%u flags=%u width=%d prec=%d mod=%d " "con=%d vt=%d pos=%d-%d-%d\n", idx, (unsigned int)arg->length, arg->flags, arg->width, arg->precision, arg->lenmod, arg->conspec, arg->vt, arg->arg_pos, arg->width_pos, arg->precision_pos); } #endif /*DEBUG*/ /* Set the vt field for ARG. */ static void compute_type (argspec_t arg) { switch (arg->conspec) { case CONSPEC_UNKNOWN: arg->vt = VALTYPE_UNSUPPORTED; break; case CONSPEC_DECIMAL: switch (arg->lenmod) { case LENMOD_CHAR: arg->vt = VALTYPE_SCHAR; break; case LENMOD_SHORT: arg->vt = VALTYPE_SHORT; break; case LENMOD_LONG: arg->vt = VALTYPE_LONG; break; case LENMOD_LONGLONG: arg->vt = VALTYPE_LONGLONG; break; case LENMOD_INTMAX: arg->vt = VALTYPE_INTMAX; break; case LENMOD_SIZET: arg->vt = VALTYPE_SIZE; break; case LENMOD_PTRDIFF: arg->vt = VALTYPE_PTRDIFF; break; default: arg->vt = VALTYPE_INT; break; } break; case CONSPEC_OCTAL: case CONSPEC_UNSIGNED: case CONSPEC_HEX: case CONSPEC_HEX_UP: switch (arg->lenmod) { case LENMOD_CHAR: arg->vt = VALTYPE_UCHAR; break; case LENMOD_SHORT: arg->vt = VALTYPE_USHORT; break; case LENMOD_LONG: arg->vt = VALTYPE_ULONG; break; case LENMOD_LONGLONG: arg->vt = VALTYPE_ULONGLONG; break; case LENMOD_INTMAX: arg->vt = VALTYPE_UINTMAX; break; case LENMOD_SIZET: arg->vt = VALTYPE_SIZE; break; case LENMOD_PTRDIFF: arg->vt = VALTYPE_PTRDIFF; break; default: arg->vt = VALTYPE_UINT; break; } break; case CONSPEC_FLOAT: case CONSPEC_FLOAT_UP: case CONSPEC_EXP: case CONSPEC_EXP_UP: case CONSPEC_F_OR_G: case CONSPEC_F_OR_G_UP: case CONSPEC_HEX_EXP: case CONSPEC_HEX_EXP_UP: switch (arg->lenmod) { case LENMOD_LONGDBL: arg->vt = VALTYPE_LONGDOUBLE; break; case LENMOD_LONG: arg->vt = VALTYPE_DOUBLE; break; default: arg->vt = VALTYPE_DOUBLE; break; } break; case CONSPEC_CHAR: arg->vt = VALTYPE_INT; break; case CONSPEC_STRING: arg->vt = VALTYPE_STRING; break; case CONSPEC_POINTER: arg->vt = VALTYPE_POINTER; break; case CONSPEC_STRERROR: arg->vt = VALTYPE_STRING; break; case CONSPEC_BYTES_SO_FAR: switch (arg->lenmod) { case LENMOD_CHAR: arg->vt = VALTYPE_SCHAR_PTR; break; case LENMOD_SHORT: arg->vt = VALTYPE_SHORT_PTR; break; case LENMOD_LONG: arg->vt = VALTYPE_LONG_PTR; break; case LENMOD_LONGLONG: arg->vt = VALTYPE_LONGLONG_PTR; break; case LENMOD_INTMAX: arg->vt = VALTYPE_INTMAX_PTR; break; case LENMOD_SIZET: arg->vt = VALTYPE_SIZE_PTR; break; case LENMOD_PTRDIFF: arg->vt = VALTYPE_PTRDIFF_PTR; break; default: arg->vt = VALTYPE_INT_PTR; break; } break; } } /* Parse the FORMAT string and populate the specification array stored at the address ARGSPECS_ADDR. The caller has provided enough space to store up to MAX_ARGSPECS in that buffer. The function may however ignore the provided buffer and malloc a larger one. On success the addrrss of that larger buffer will be stored at ARGSPECS_ADDR. The actual number of specifications will be returned at R_ARGSPECS_COUNT. */ static int parse_format (const char *format, argspec_t *argspecs_addr, size_t max_argspecs, size_t *r_argspecs_count) { const char *s; argspec_t argspecs = *argspecs_addr; argspec_t arg; size_t argcount = 0; if (!format) goto leave_einval; for (; *format; format++) { unsigned int flags; int width, precision; lenmod_t lenmod; conspec_t conspec; int arg_pos, width_pos, precision_pos; if (*format != '%') continue; s = ++format; if (!*s) goto leave_einval; if (*s == '%') continue; /* Just a quoted percent. */ /* First check whether there is a positional argument. */ arg_pos = 0; /* No positional argument given. */ if (*s >= '1' && *s <= '9') { const char *save_s = s; arg_pos = (*s++ - '0'); for (; *s >= '0' && *s <= '9'; s++) arg_pos = 10*arg_pos + (*s - '0'); if (arg_pos < 0) goto leave_einval; /* Overflow during conversion. */ if (*s == '$') s++; else { arg_pos = 0; s = save_s; } } /* Parse the flags. */ flags = 0; for ( ; *s; s++) { switch (*s) { case '\'': flags |= FLAG_GROUPING; break; case '-': flags |= FLAG_LEFT_JUST; break; case '+': flags |= FLAG_PLUS_SIGN; break; case ' ': flags |= FLAG_SPACE_PLUS; break; case '#': flags |= FLAG_ALT_CONV; break; case '0': flags |= FLAG_ZERO_PAD; break; default: goto flags_parsed; } } flags_parsed: /* Parse the field width. */ width_pos = 0; if (*s == '*') { width = STAR_FIELD_VALUE; s++; /* If we have a positional argument, another one might also be used to give the position of the star's value. */ if (arg_pos && *s >= '1' && *s <= '9') { width_pos = (*s++ - '0'); for (; *s >= '0' && *s <= '9'; s++) width_pos = 10*width_pos + (*s - '0'); if (width_pos < 1) goto leave_einval; /* Overflow during conversion. */ if (*s != '$') goto leave_einval; /* Not followed by $. */ s++; } } else if ( *s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { width = (*s++ - '0'); for (; *s >= '0' && *s <= '9'; s++) { if (!width && *s == '0') goto leave_einval; /* Leading zeroes are not allowed. Fixme: check what other implementations do. */ width = 10*width + (*s - '0'); } if (width < 0) goto leave_einval; /* Overflow during conversion. */ } else width = NO_FIELD_VALUE; /* Parse the precision. */ precision_pos = 0; precision = NO_FIELD_VALUE; if (*s == '.') { int ignore_value = (s[1] == '-'); s++; if (*s == '*') { precision = STAR_FIELD_VALUE; s++; /* If we have a positional argument, another one might also be used to give the position of the star's value. */ if (arg_pos && *s >= '1' && *s <= '9') { precision_pos = (*s++ - '0'); for (; *s >= '0' && *s <= '9'; s++) precision_pos = 10*precision_pos + (*s - '0'); if (precision_pos < 1) goto leave_einval; /* Overflow during conversion. */ if (*s != '$') goto leave_einval; /* Not followed by $. */ s++; } } else if ( *s >= '0' && *s <= '9') { precision = (*s++ - '0'); for (; *s >= '0' && *s <= '9'; s++) { if (!precision && *s == '0') goto leave_einval; /* Leading zeroes are not allowed. Fixme: check what other implementations do. */ precision = 10*precision + (*s - '0'); } if (precision < 0) goto leave_einval; /* Overflow during conversion. */ } else precision = 0; if (ignore_value) precision = NO_FIELD_VALUE; } /* Parse the length modifiers. */ switch (*s) { case 'h': if (s[1] == 'h') { lenmod = LENMOD_CHAR; s++; } else lenmod = LENMOD_SHORT; s++; break; case 'l': if (s[1] == 'l') { lenmod = LENMOD_LONGLONG; s++; } else lenmod = LENMOD_LONG; s++; break; case 'j': lenmod = LENMOD_INTMAX; s++; break; case 'z': lenmod = LENMOD_SIZET; s++; break; case 't': lenmod = LENMOD_PTRDIFF; s++; break; case 'L': lenmod = LENMOD_LONGDBL; s++; break; default: lenmod = LENMOD_NONE; break; } /* Parse the conversion specifier. */ switch (*s) { case 'd': case 'i': conspec = CONSPEC_DECIMAL; break; case 'o': conspec = CONSPEC_OCTAL; break; case 'u': conspec = CONSPEC_UNSIGNED; break; case 'x': conspec = CONSPEC_HEX; break; case 'X': conspec = CONSPEC_HEX_UP; break; case 'f': conspec = CONSPEC_FLOAT; break; case 'F': conspec = CONSPEC_FLOAT_UP; break; case 'e': conspec = CONSPEC_EXP; break; case 'E': conspec = CONSPEC_EXP_UP; break; case 'g': conspec = CONSPEC_F_OR_G; break; case 'G': conspec = CONSPEC_F_OR_G_UP; break; case 'a': conspec = CONSPEC_HEX_EXP; break; case 'A': conspec = CONSPEC_HEX_EXP_UP; break; case 'c': conspec = CONSPEC_CHAR; break; case 's': conspec = CONSPEC_STRING; break; case 'p': conspec = CONSPEC_POINTER; break; case 'n': conspec = CONSPEC_BYTES_SO_FAR; break; case 'C': conspec = CONSPEC_CHAR; lenmod = LENMOD_LONG; break; case 'S': conspec = CONSPEC_STRING; lenmod = LENMOD_LONG; break; case 'm': conspec = CONSPEC_STRERROR; arg_pos = -1; break; default: conspec = CONSPEC_UNKNOWN; } /* Save the args. */ if (argcount >= max_argspecs) { /* We either need to allocate a new array instead of the caller provided one or realloc the array. Instead of using realloc we allocate a new one and release the original one then. */ size_t n, newmax; argspec_t newarg; newmax = max_argspecs + ARGSPECS_BUMP_VALUE; if (newmax <= max_argspecs) goto leave_einval; /* Too many arguments. */ newarg = calloc (newmax, sizeof *newarg); if (!newarg) goto leave; for (n=0; n < argcount; n++) newarg[n] = argspecs[n]; if (argspecs != *argspecs_addr) free (argspecs); argspecs = newarg; max_argspecs = newmax; } arg = argspecs + argcount; arg->length = s - format + 2; arg->flags = flags; arg->width = width; arg->precision = precision; arg->lenmod = lenmod; arg->conspec = conspec; arg->arg_pos = arg_pos; arg->width_pos = width_pos; arg->precision_pos = precision_pos; compute_type (arg); argcount++; format = s; } *argspecs_addr = argspecs; *r_argspecs_count = argcount; return 0; /* Success. */ leave_einval: _set_errno (EINVAL); leave: if (argspecs != *argspecs_addr) free (argspecs); *argspecs_addr = NULL; return -1; } /* This function reads all the values as specified by VALUETABLE into VALUETABLE. The values are expected in VAARGS. The function returns -1 if a specified type is not supported. */ static int read_values (valueitem_t valuetable, size_t valuetable_len, va_list vaargs) { int validx; for (validx=0; validx < valuetable_len; validx++) { value_t *value = &valuetable[validx].value; valtype_t vt = valuetable[validx].vt; switch (vt) { case VALTYPE_CHAR: value->a_char = va_arg (vaargs, int); break; case VALTYPE_CHAR_PTR: value->a_char_ptr = va_arg (vaargs, char *); break; case VALTYPE_SCHAR: value->a_schar = va_arg (vaargs, int); break; case VALTYPE_SCHAR_PTR: value->a_schar_ptr = va_arg (vaargs, signed char *); break; case VALTYPE_UCHAR: value->a_uchar = va_arg (vaargs, int); break; case VALTYPE_SHORT: value->a_short = va_arg (vaargs, int); break; case VALTYPE_USHORT: value->a_ushort = va_arg (vaargs, int); break; case VALTYPE_SHORT_PTR: value->a_short_ptr = va_arg (vaargs, short *); break; case VALTYPE_INT: value->a_int = va_arg (vaargs, int); break; case VALTYPE_INT_PTR: value->a_int_ptr = va_arg (vaargs, int *); break; case VALTYPE_UINT: value->a_uint = va_arg (vaargs, unsigned int); break; case VALTYPE_LONG: value->a_long = va_arg (vaargs, long); break; case VALTYPE_ULONG: value->a_ulong = va_arg (vaargs, unsigned long); break; case VALTYPE_LONG_PTR: value->a_long_ptr = va_arg (vaargs, long *); break; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT case VALTYPE_LONGLONG: value->a_longlong = va_arg (vaargs, long long int); break; case VALTYPE_ULONGLONG: value->a_ulonglong = va_arg (vaargs, unsigned long long int); break; case VALTYPE_LONGLONG_PTR: value->a_longlong_ptr = va_arg (vaargs, long long *); break; #endif case VALTYPE_DOUBLE: value->a_double = va_arg (vaargs, double); break; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE case VALTYPE_LONGDOUBLE: value->a_longdouble = va_arg (vaargs, long double); break; #endif case VALTYPE_STRING: value->a_string = va_arg (vaargs, const char *); break; case VALTYPE_POINTER: value->a_void_ptr = va_arg (vaargs, void *); break; #ifdef HAVE_INTMAX_T case VALTYPE_INTMAX: value->a_intmax = va_arg (vaargs, intmax_t); break; case VALTYPE_INTMAX_PTR: value->a_intmax_ptr = va_arg (vaargs, intmax_t *); break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_UINTMAX_T case VALTYPE_UINTMAX: value->a_uintmax = va_arg (vaargs, uintmax_t); break; #endif case VALTYPE_SIZE: value->a_size = va_arg (vaargs, size_t); break; case VALTYPE_SIZE_PTR: value->a_size_ptr = va_arg (vaargs, size_t *); break; #ifdef HAVE_PTRDIFF_T case VALTYPE_PTRDIFF: value->a_ptrdiff = va_arg (vaargs, ptrdiff_t); break; case VALTYPE_PTRDIFF_PTR: value->a_ptrdiff_ptr = va_arg (vaargs, ptrdiff_t *); break; #endif default: /* Unsupported type. */ return -1; } } return 0; } /* Output COUNT padding characters PADCHAR and update NBYTES by the number of bytes actually written. */ static int pad_out (estream_printf_out_t outfnc, void *outfncarg, int padchar, int count, size_t *nbytes) { char buf[32]; size_t n; int rc; while (count > 0) { n = (count <= sizeof buf)? count : sizeof buf; memset (buf, padchar, n); rc = outfnc (outfncarg, buf, n); if (rc) return rc; *nbytes += n; count -= n; } return 0; } /* "d,i,o,u,x,X" formatting. OUTFNC and OUTFNCARG describes the output routine, ARG gives the argument description and VALUE the actual value (its type is available through arg->vt). */ static int pr_integer (estream_printf_out_t outfnc, void *outfncarg, argspec_t arg, value_t value, size_t *nbytes) { int rc; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT unsigned long long aulong; #else unsigned long aulong; #endif char numbuf[100]; char *p, *pend; size_t n; char signchar = 0; int n_prec; /* Number of extra precision digits required. */ int n_extra; /* Extra number of prefix or sign characters. */ if (arg->conspec == CONSPEC_DECIMAL) { #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT long long along; #else long along; #endif switch (arg->vt) { case VALTYPE_SHORT: along = value.a_short; break; case VALTYPE_INT: along = value.a_int; break; case VALTYPE_LONG: along = value.a_long; break; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT case VALTYPE_LONGLONG: along = value.a_longlong; break; case VALTYPE_SIZE: along = value.a_size; break; # ifdef HAVE_INTMAX_T case VALTYPE_INTMAX: along = value.a_intmax; break; # endif # ifdef HAVE_PTRDIFF_T case VALTYPE_PTRDIFF: along = value.a_ptrdiff; break; # endif #endif /*HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT*/ default: return -1; } if (along < 0) { aulong = -along; signchar = '-'; } else aulong = along; } else { switch (arg->vt) { case VALTYPE_USHORT: aulong = value.a_ushort; break; case VALTYPE_UINT: aulong = value.a_uint; break; case VALTYPE_ULONG: aulong = value.a_ulong; break; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT case VALTYPE_ULONGLONG: aulong = value.a_ulonglong; break; case VALTYPE_SIZE: aulong = value.a_size; break; # ifdef HAVE_UINTMAX_T case VALTYPE_UINTMAX: aulong = value.a_uintmax; break; # endif # ifdef HAVE_PTRDIFF_T case VALTYPE_PTRDIFF: aulong = value.a_ptrdiff; break; # endif #endif /*HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT*/ default: return -1; } } if (signchar == '-') ; else if ((arg->flags & FLAG_PLUS_SIGN)) signchar = '+'; else if ((arg->flags & FLAG_SPACE_PLUS)) signchar = ' '; n_extra = !!signchar; /* We build the string up backwards. */ p = pend = numbuf + DIM(numbuf); if ((!aulong && !arg->precision)) ; else if (arg->conspec == CONSPEC_DECIMAL || arg->conspec == CONSPEC_UNSIGNED) { int grouping = -1; const char * grouping_string = #ifdef HAVE_LANGINFO_THOUSANDS_SEP nl_langinfo(THOUSANDS_SEP); #else "'"; #endif do { if ((arg->flags & FLAG_GROUPING) && (++grouping == 3) && *grouping_string) { *--p = *grouping_string; grouping = 0; } *--p = '0' + (aulong % 10); aulong /= 10; } while (aulong); } else if (arg->conspec == CONSPEC_OCTAL) { do { *--p = '0' + (aulong % 8); aulong /= 8; } while (aulong); if ((arg->flags & FLAG_ALT_CONV) && *p != '0') *--p = '0'; } else /* HEX or HEXUP */ { const char *digits = ((arg->conspec == CONSPEC_HEX) ? "0123456789abcdef" : "0123456789ABCDEF"); do { *--p = digits[(aulong % 16)]; aulong /= 16; } while (aulong); if ((arg->flags & FLAG_ALT_CONV)) n_extra += 2; } n = pend - p; if ((arg->flags & FLAG_ZERO_PAD) && arg->precision == NO_FIELD_VALUE && !(arg->flags & FLAG_LEFT_JUST) && n && arg->width - n_extra > n ) n_prec = arg->width - n_extra - n; else if (arg->precision > 0 && arg->precision > n) n_prec = arg->precision - n; else n_prec = 0; if (!(arg->flags & FLAG_LEFT_JUST) && arg->width >= 0 && arg->width - n_extra > n && arg->width - n_extra - n >= n_prec ) { rc = pad_out (outfnc, outfncarg, ' ', arg->width - n_extra - n - n_prec, nbytes); if (rc) return rc; } if (signchar) { rc = outfnc (outfncarg, &signchar, 1); if (rc) return rc; *nbytes += 1; } if ((arg->flags & FLAG_ALT_CONV) && (arg->conspec == CONSPEC_HEX || arg->conspec == CONSPEC_HEX_UP)) { rc = outfnc (outfncarg, arg->conspec == CONSPEC_HEX? "0x": "0X", 2); if (rc) return rc; *nbytes += 2; } if (n_prec) { rc = pad_out (outfnc, outfncarg, '0', n_prec, nbytes); if (rc) return rc; } rc = outfnc (outfncarg, p, pend - p); if (rc) return rc; *nbytes += pend - p; if ((arg->flags & FLAG_LEFT_JUST) && arg->width >= 0 && arg->width - n_extra - n_prec > n) { rc = pad_out (outfnc, outfncarg, ' ', arg->width - n_extra - n_prec - n, nbytes); if (rc) return rc; } return 0; } /* "e,E,f,F,g,G,a,A" formatting. OUTFNC and OUTFNCARG describes the output routine, ARG gives the argument description and VALUE the actual value (its type is available through arg->vt). For portability reasons sprintf is used for the actual formatting. This is useful because sprint is the only standard function to convert a floating number into its ascii representation. To avoid using malloc we just pass the precision to sprintf and do the final formatting with our own code. */ static int pr_float (estream_printf_out_t outfnc, void *outfncarg, argspec_t arg, value_t value, size_t *nbytes) { int rc; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE long double adblfloat = 0; /* Just to please gcc. */ int use_dbl = 0; #endif double afloat; char numbuf[350]; char formatstr[20]; char *p, *pend; size_t n; char signchar = 0; int n_extra; /* Extra number of prefix or sign characters. */ switch (arg->vt) { case VALTYPE_DOUBLE: afloat = value.a_double; break; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE case VALTYPE_LONGDOUBLE: afloat = 0; /* Just to please gcc. */ adblfloat = value.a_longdouble; use_dbl=1; break; #endif default: return -1; } /* We build the string using sprint. */ p = formatstr + sizeof formatstr; *--p = 0; switch (arg->conspec) { case CONSPEC_FLOAT: *--p = 'f'; break; case CONSPEC_FLOAT_UP: *--p = 'F'; break; case CONSPEC_EXP: *--p = 'e'; break; case CONSPEC_EXP_UP: *--p = 'E'; break; case CONSPEC_F_OR_G: *--p = 'g'; break; case CONSPEC_F_OR_G_UP: *--p = 'G'; break; case CONSPEC_HEX_EXP: *--p = 'a'; break; case CONSPEC_HEX_EXP_UP: *--p = 'A'; break; default: return -1; /* Actually a bug. */ } #ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE if (use_dbl) *--p = 'L'; #endif if (arg->precision != NO_FIELD_VALUE) { /* Limit it to a meaningful value so that even a stupid sprintf won't overflow our buffer. */ n = arg->precision <= 100? arg->precision : 100; do { *--p = '0' + (n % 10); n /= 10; } while (n); *--p = '.'; } if ((arg->flags & FLAG_ALT_CONV)) *--p = '#'; *--p = '%'; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE if (use_dbl) sprintf (numbuf, p, adblfloat); else #endif /*HAVE_LONG_DOUBLE*/ sprintf (numbuf, p, afloat); p = numbuf; n = strlen (numbuf); pend = p + n; if (*p =='-') { signchar = '-'; p++; n--; } else if ((arg->flags & FLAG_PLUS_SIGN)) signchar = '+'; else if ((arg->flags & FLAG_SPACE_PLUS)) signchar = ' '; n_extra = !!signchar; if (!(arg->flags & FLAG_LEFT_JUST) && arg->width >= 0 && arg->width - n_extra > n) { rc = pad_out (outfnc, outfncarg, ' ', arg->width - n_extra - n, nbytes); if (rc) return rc; } if (signchar) { rc = outfnc (outfncarg, &signchar, 1); if (rc) return rc; *nbytes += 1; } rc = outfnc (outfncarg, p, pend - p); if (rc) return rc; *nbytes += pend - p; if ((arg->flags & FLAG_LEFT_JUST) && arg->width >= 0 && arg->width - n_extra > n) { rc = pad_out (outfnc, outfncarg, ' ', arg->width - n_extra - n, nbytes); if (rc) return rc; } return 0; } /* "c" formatting. */ static int pr_char (estream_printf_out_t outfnc, void *outfncarg, argspec_t arg, value_t value, size_t *nbytes) { int rc; char buf[1]; if (arg->vt != VALTYPE_INT) return -1; buf[0] = (unsigned int)value.a_int; rc = outfnc (outfncarg, buf, 1); if(rc) return rc; *nbytes += 1; return 0; } /* "s" formatting. */ static int pr_string (estream_printf_out_t outfnc, void *outfncarg, argspec_t arg, value_t value, size_t *nbytes) { int rc; size_t n; const char *string, *s; if (arg->vt != VALTYPE_STRING) return -1; string = value.a_string; if (!string) string = "(null)"; if (arg->precision >= 0) { for (n=0,s=string; *s && n < arg->precision; s++) n++; } else n = strlen (string); if (!(arg->flags & FLAG_LEFT_JUST) && arg->width >= 0 && arg->width > n ) { rc = pad_out (outfnc, outfncarg, ' ', arg->width - n, nbytes); if (rc) return rc; } rc = outfnc (outfncarg, string, n); if (rc) return rc; *nbytes += n; if ((arg->flags & FLAG_LEFT_JUST) && arg->width >= 0 && arg->width > n) { rc = pad_out (outfnc, outfncarg, ' ', arg->width - n, nbytes); if (rc) return rc; } return 0; } /* "p" formatting. */ static int pr_pointer (estream_printf_out_t outfnc, void *outfncarg, argspec_t arg, value_t value, size_t *nbytes) { int rc; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT unsigned long long aulong; #else unsigned long aulong; #endif char numbuf[100]; char *p, *pend; if (arg->vt != VALTYPE_POINTER) return -1; /* We assume that a pointer can be converted to an unsigned long. That is not correct for a 64 bit Windows, but then we assume that long long is supported and usable for storing a pointer. */ #if defined(HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT) && (SIZEOF_UNSIGNED_LONG < SIZEOF_VOID_P) aulong = (unsigned long long)value.a_void_ptr; #else aulong = (unsigned long)value.a_void_ptr; #endif p = pend = numbuf + DIM(numbuf); do { *--p = "0123456789abcdefx"[(aulong % 16)]; aulong /= 16; } while (aulong); while ((pend-p) < 2*sizeof (aulong)) *--p = '0'; *--p = 'x'; *--p = '0'; rc = outfnc (outfncarg, p, pend - p); if (rc) return rc; *nbytes += pend - p; return 0; } /* "n" pesudo format operation. */ static int pr_bytes_so_far (estream_printf_out_t outfnc, void *outfncarg, argspec_t arg, value_t value, size_t *nbytes) { (void)outfnc; (void)outfncarg; switch (arg->vt) { case VALTYPE_SCHAR_PTR: *value.a_schar_ptr = (signed char)(unsigned int)(*nbytes); break; case VALTYPE_SHORT_PTR: *value.a_short_ptr = (short)(unsigned int)(*nbytes); break; case VALTYPE_LONG_PTR: *value.a_long_ptr = (long)(*nbytes); break; #ifdef HAVE_LONG_LONG_INT case VALTYPE_LONGLONG_PTR: *value.a_longlong_ptr = (long long)(*nbytes); break; #endif #ifdef HAVE_INTMAX_T case VALTYPE_INTMAX_PTR: *value.a_intmax_ptr = (intmax_t)(*nbytes); break; #endif case VALTYPE_SIZE_PTR: *value.a_size_ptr = (*nbytes); break; #ifdef HAVE_PTRDIFF_T case VALTYPE_PTRDIFF_PTR: *value.a_ptrdiff_ptr = (ptrdiff_t)(*nbytes); break; #endif case VALTYPE_INT_PTR: *value.a_int_ptr = (int)(*nbytes); break; default: return -1; /* An unsupported type has been used. */ } return 0; } /* Run the actual formatting. OUTFNC and OUTFNCARG are the output functions. FORMAT is format string ARGSPECS is the parsed format string, ARGSPECS_LEN the number of items in ARGSPECS. VALUETABLE holds the values and may be directly addressed using the position arguments given by ARGSPECS. MYERRNO is used for the "%m" conversion. NBYTES well be updated to reflect the number of bytes send to the output function. */ static int do_format (estream_printf_out_t outfnc, void *outfncarg, const char *format, argspec_t argspecs, size_t argspecs_len, valueitem_t valuetable, int myerrno, size_t *nbytes) { int rc = 0; const char *s; argspec_t arg = argspecs; int argidx = 0; /* Only used for assertion. */ size_t n; value_t value; s = format; while ( *s ) { if (*s != '%') { s++; continue; } if (s != format) { rc = outfnc (outfncarg, format, (n=s-format)); if (rc) return rc; *nbytes += n; } if (s[1] == '%') { /* Note that this code ignores one trailing percent escape - this is however okay as the args parser must have detected this already. */ rc = outfnc (outfncarg, s, 1); if (rc) return rc; *nbytes += 1; s += 2; format = s; continue; } /* Save the next start. */ s += arg->length; format = s; assert (argidx < argspecs_len); argidx++; /* Apply indirect field width and precision values. */ if (arg->width == STAR_FIELD_VALUE) { assert (valuetable[arg->width_pos-1].vt == VALTYPE_INT); arg->width = valuetable[arg->width_pos-1].value.a_int; if (arg->width < 0) { arg->width = -arg->width; arg->flags |= FLAG_LEFT_JUST; } } if (arg->precision == STAR_FIELD_VALUE) { assert (valuetable[arg->precision_pos-1].vt == VALTYPE_INT); arg->precision = valuetable[arg->precision_pos-1].value.a_int; if (arg->precision < 0) arg->precision = NO_FIELD_VALUE; } if (arg->arg_pos == -1 && arg->conspec == CONSPEC_STRERROR) value.a_string = strerror (myerrno); else { assert (arg->vt == valuetable[arg->arg_pos-1].vt); value = valuetable[arg->arg_pos-1].value; } switch (arg->conspec) { case CONSPEC_UNKNOWN: assert (!"bug"); break; case CONSPEC_DECIMAL: case CONSPEC_UNSIGNED: case CONSPEC_OCTAL: case CONSPEC_HEX: case CONSPEC_HEX_UP: rc = pr_integer (outfnc, outfncarg, arg, value, nbytes); break; case CONSPEC_FLOAT: case CONSPEC_FLOAT_UP: case CONSPEC_EXP: case CONSPEC_EXP_UP: case CONSPEC_F_OR_G: case CONSPEC_F_OR_G_UP: case CONSPEC_HEX_EXP: case CONSPEC_HEX_EXP_UP: rc = pr_float (outfnc, outfncarg, arg, value, nbytes); break; case CONSPEC_CHAR: rc = pr_char (outfnc, outfncarg, arg, value, nbytes); break; case CONSPEC_STRING: case CONSPEC_STRERROR: rc = pr_string (outfnc, outfncarg, arg, value, nbytes); break; case CONSPEC_POINTER: rc = pr_pointer (outfnc, outfncarg, arg, value, nbytes); break; case CONSPEC_BYTES_SO_FAR: rc = pr_bytes_so_far (outfnc, outfncarg, arg, value, nbytes); break; } if (rc) return rc; arg++; } /* Print out any trailing stuff. */ n = s - format; rc = n? outfnc (outfncarg, format, n) : 0; if (!rc) *nbytes += n; return rc; } /* The versatile printf formatting routine. It expects a callback function OUTFNC and an opaque argument OUTFNCARG used for actual output of the formatted stuff. FORMAT is the format specification and VAARGS a variable argumemt list matching the arguments of FORMAT. */ int estream_format (estream_printf_out_t outfnc, void *outfncarg, const char *format, va_list vaargs) { /* Buffer to hold the argspecs and a pointer to it.*/ struct argspec_s argspecs_buffer[DEFAULT_MAX_ARGSPECS]; argspec_t argspecs = argspecs_buffer; size_t argspecs_len; /* Number of specifications in ARGSPECS. */ /* Buffer to hold the description for the values. */ struct valueitem_s valuetable_buffer[DEFAULT_MAX_VALUES]; valueitem_t valuetable = valuetable_buffer; int rc; /* Return code. */ size_t argidx; /* Used to index the argspecs array. */ size_t validx; /* Used to index the valuetable. */ int max_pos;/* Highest argument position. */ size_t nbytes = 0; /* Keep track of the number of bytes passed to the output function. */ int myerrno = errno; /* Save the errno for use with "%m". */ /* Parse the arguments to come up with descriptive list. We can't do this on the fly because we need to support positional arguments. */ rc = parse_format (format, &argspecs, DIM(argspecs_buffer), &argspecs_len); if (rc) goto leave; /* Check that all ARG_POS fields are set. */ for (argidx=0,max_pos=0; argidx < argspecs_len; argidx++) { if (argspecs[argidx].arg_pos != -1 && argspecs[argidx].arg_pos > max_pos) max_pos = argspecs[argidx].arg_pos; if (argspecs[argidx].width_pos > max_pos) max_pos = argspecs[argidx].width_pos; if (argspecs[argidx].precision_pos > max_pos) max_pos = argspecs[argidx].precision_pos; } if (!max_pos) { /* Fill in all the positions. */ for (argidx=0; argidx < argspecs_len; argidx++) { if (argspecs[argidx].width == STAR_FIELD_VALUE) argspecs[argidx].width_pos = ++max_pos; if (argspecs[argidx].precision == STAR_FIELD_VALUE) argspecs[argidx].precision_pos = ++max_pos; if (argspecs[argidx].arg_pos != -1 ) argspecs[argidx].arg_pos = ++max_pos; } } else { /* Check that they are all filled. More test are done later. */ for (argidx=0; argidx < argspecs_len; argidx++) { if (!argspecs[argidx].arg_pos || (argspecs[argidx].width == STAR_FIELD_VALUE && !argspecs[argidx].width_pos) || (argspecs[argidx].precision == STAR_FIELD_VALUE && !argspecs[argidx].precision_pos)) goto leave_einval; } } /* Check that there is no overflow in max_pos and that it has a reasonable length. There may never be more elements than the number of characters in FORMAT. */ if (max_pos < 0 || max_pos >= strlen (format)) goto leave_einval; #ifdef DEBUG dump_argspecs (argspecs, argspecs_len); #endif /* Allocate a table to hold the values. If it is small enough we use a stack allocated buffer. */ if (max_pos > DIM(valuetable_buffer)) { valuetable = calloc (max_pos, sizeof *valuetable); if (!valuetable) goto leave_error; } else { for (validx=0; validx < DIM(valuetable_buffer); validx++) valuetable[validx].vt = VALTYPE_UNSUPPORTED; } for (argidx=0; argidx < argspecs_len; argidx++) { if (argspecs[argidx].arg_pos != - 1) { validx = argspecs[argidx].arg_pos - 1; if (valuetable[validx].vt) goto leave_einval; /* Already defined. */ valuetable[validx].vt = argspecs[argidx].vt; } if (argspecs[argidx].width == STAR_FIELD_VALUE) { validx = argspecs[argidx].width_pos - 1; if (valuetable[validx].vt) goto leave_einval; /* Already defined. */ valuetable[validx].vt = VALTYPE_INT; } if (argspecs[argidx].precision == STAR_FIELD_VALUE) { validx = argspecs[argidx].precision_pos - 1; if (valuetable[validx].vt) goto leave_einval; /* Already defined. */ valuetable[validx].vt = VALTYPE_INT; } } /* Read all the arguments. This will error out for unsupported types and for not given positional arguments. */ rc = read_values (valuetable, max_pos, vaargs); if (rc) goto leave_einval; /* for (validx=0; validx < max_pos; validx++) */ /* fprintf (stderr, "%2d: vt=%d\n", validx, valuetable[validx].vt); */ /* Everything has been collected, go ahead with the formatting. */ rc = do_format (outfnc, outfncarg, format, argspecs, argspecs_len, valuetable, myerrno, &nbytes); goto leave; leave_einval: _set_errno (EINVAL); leave_error: rc = -1; leave: if (valuetable != valuetable_buffer) free (valuetable); if (argspecs != argspecs_buffer) free (argspecs); return rc; } /* A simple output handler utilizing stdio. */ static int plain_stdio_out (void *outfncarg, const char *buf, size_t buflen) { FILE *fp = (FILE*)outfncarg; if ( fwrite (buf, buflen, 1, fp) != 1 ) return -1; return 0; } /* A replacement for printf. */ int estream_printf (const char *format, ...) { int rc; va_list arg_ptr; va_start (arg_ptr, format); rc = estream_format (plain_stdio_out, stderr, format, arg_ptr); va_end (arg_ptr); return rc; } /* A replacement for fprintf. */ int estream_fprintf (FILE *fp, const char *format, ...) { int rc; va_list arg_ptr; va_start (arg_ptr, format); rc = estream_format (plain_stdio_out, fp, format, arg_ptr); va_end (arg_ptr); return rc; } /* A replacement for vfprintf. */ int estream_vfprintf (FILE *fp, const char *format, va_list arg_ptr) { return estream_format (plain_stdio_out, fp, format, arg_ptr); } /* Communication object used between estream_snprintf and fixed_buffer_out. */ struct fixed_buffer_parm_s { size_t size; /* Size of the buffer. */ size_t count; /* Number of bytes requested for output. */ size_t used; /* Used size of the buffer. */ char *buffer; /* Provided buffer. */ }; /* A simple malloced buffer output handler. */ static int fixed_buffer_out (void *outfncarg, const char *buf, size_t buflen) { struct fixed_buffer_parm_s *parm = outfncarg; parm->count += buflen; if (!parm->buffer) ; else if (parm->used + buflen < parm->size) { /* Handle the common case that everything fits into the buffer separately. */ memcpy (parm->buffer + parm->used, buf, buflen); parm->used += buflen; } else { /* The slow version of above. */ for ( ;buflen && parm->used < parm->size; buflen--) parm->buffer[parm->used++] = *buf++; } return 0; } /* A replacement for vsnprintf. */ int estream_vsnprintf (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *format, va_list arg_ptr) { struct fixed_buffer_parm_s parm; int rc; parm.size = bufsize; parm.count = 0; parm.used = 0; parm.buffer = bufsize?buf:NULL; rc = estream_format (fixed_buffer_out, &parm, format, arg_ptr); if (!rc) rc = fixed_buffer_out (&parm, "", 1); /* Print terminating Nul. */ if (rc == -1) return -1; if (bufsize && buf && parm.size && parm.count >= parm.size) buf[parm.size-1] = 0; parm.count--; /* Do not count the trailing nul. */ return (int)parm.count; /* Return number of bytes which would have been written. */ } /* A replacement for snprintf. */ int estream_snprintf (char *buf, size_t bufsize, const char *format, ...) { int rc; va_list arg_ptr; va_start (arg_ptr, format); rc = estream_vsnprintf (buf, bufsize, format, arg_ptr); va_end (arg_ptr); return rc; } /* Communication object used between estream_asprintf and dynamic_buffer_out. */ struct dynamic_buffer_parm_s { int error_flag; /* Internal helper. */ size_t alloced; /* Allocated size of the buffer. */ size_t used; /* Used size of the buffer. */ char *buffer; /* Malloced buffer. */ }; /* A simple malloced buffer output handler. */ static int dynamic_buffer_out (void *outfncarg, const char *buf, size_t buflen) { struct dynamic_buffer_parm_s *parm = outfncarg; if (parm->error_flag) { /* Just in case some formatting routine did not checked for an error. */ _set_errno (parm->error_flag); return -1; } if (parm->used + buflen >= parm->alloced) { char *p; parm->alloced += buflen + 512; p = realloc (parm->buffer, parm->alloced); if (!p) { parm->error_flag = errno ? errno : ENOMEM; /* Wipe out what we already accumulated. This is useful in case sensitive data is formated. */ memset (parm->buffer, 0, parm->used); return -1; } parm->buffer = p; } memcpy (parm->buffer + parm->used, buf, buflen); parm->used += buflen; return 0; } /* A replacement for vasprintf. As with the BSD of vasprintf version -1 will be returned on error and NULL stored at BUFP. On success the number of bytes printed will be returned. */ int estream_vasprintf (char **bufp, const char *format, va_list arg_ptr) { struct dynamic_buffer_parm_s parm; int rc; parm.error_flag = 0; parm.alloced = 512; parm.used = 0; parm.buffer = my_printf_malloc (parm.alloced); if (!parm.buffer) { *bufp = NULL; return -1; } rc = estream_format (dynamic_buffer_out, &parm, format, arg_ptr); if (!rc) rc = dynamic_buffer_out (&parm, "", 1); /* Print terminating Nul. */ /* Fixme: Should we shrink the resulting buffer? */ if (rc != -1 && parm.error_flag) { rc = -1; _set_errno (parm.error_flag); } if (rc == -1) { memset (parm.buffer, 0, parm.used); my_printf_free (parm.buffer); *bufp = NULL; return -1; } assert (parm.used); /* We have at least the terminating Nul. */ *bufp = parm.buffer; return parm.used - 1; /* Do not include that Nul. */ } /* A replacement for asprintf. As with the BSD of asprintf version -1 will be returned on error and NULL stored at BUFP. On success the number of bytes printed will be returned. */ int estream_asprintf (char **bufp, const char *format, ...) { int rc; va_list arg_ptr; va_start (arg_ptr, format); rc = estream_vasprintf (bufp, format, arg_ptr); va_end (arg_ptr); return rc; }