/* [argparse.c wk 17.06.97] Argument Parser for option handling
 * Copyright (C) 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2006
 *               2007, 2008  Free Software Foundation, Inc.
 * This file is part of JNLIB.
 * JNLIB is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of
 * the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * JNLIB is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * Lesser General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
 * License along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include <config.h>

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>

#include "libjnlib-config.h"
#include "mischelp.h"
#include "stringhelp.h"
#include "logging.h"
#include "utf8conv.h"
#include "argparse.h"

 * @Summary arg_parse
 *  #include <wk/lib.h>
 *  typedef struct {
 *	char *argc;		  pointer to argc (value subject to change)
 *	char ***argv;		  pointer to argv (value subject to change)
 *	unsigned flags; 	  Global flags (DO NOT CHANGE)
 *	int err;		  print error about last option
 *				  1 = warning, 2 = abort
 *	int r_opt;		  return option
 *	int r_type;		  type of return value (0 = no argument found)
 *	union {
 *	    int   ret_int;
 *	    long  ret_long
 *	    ulong ret_ulong;
 *	    char *ret_str;
 *	} r;			  Return values
 *	struct {
 *	    int idx;
 *	    const char *last;
 *	    void *aliases;
 *	} internal;		  DO NOT CHANGE
 *  typedef struct {
 *	int	    short_opt;
 *	const char *long_opt;
 *	unsigned flags;
 *  int arg_parse( ARGPARSE_ARGS *arg, ARGPARSE_OPTS *opts );
 * @Description
 *  This is my replacement for getopt(). See the example for a typical usage.
 *  Global flags are:
 *     Bit 0 : Do not remove options form argv
 *     Bit 1 : Do not stop at last option but return other args
 *	       with r_opt set to -1.
 *     Bit 2 : Assume options and real args are mixed.
 *     Bit 3 : Do not use -- to stop option processing.
 *     Bit 4 : Do not skip the first arg.
 *     Bit 5 : allow usage of long option with only one dash
 *     Bit 6 : ignore --version
 *     all other bits must be set to zero, this value is modified by the
 *     function, so assume this is write only.
 *  Local flags (for each option):
 *     Bit 2-0 : 0 = does not take an argument
 *		 1 = takes int argument
 *		 2 = takes string argument
 *		 3 = takes long argument
 *		 4 = takes ulong argument
 *     Bit 3 : argument is optional (r_type will the be set to 0)
 *     Bit 4 : allow 0x etc. prefixed values.
 *     Bit 7 : this is a command and not an option
 *  You stop the option processing by setting opts to NULL, the function will
 *  then return 0.
 * @Return Value
 *   Returns the args.r_opt or 0 if ready
 *   r_opt may be -2/-7 to indicate an unknown option/command.
 * @See Also
 *   ArgExpand
 * @Notes
 *  You do not need to process the options 'h', '--help' or '--version'
 *  because this function includes standard help processing; but if you
 *  specify '-h', '--help' or '--version' you have to do it yourself.
 *  The option '--' stops argument processing; if bit 1 is set the function
 *  continues to return normal arguments.
 *  To process float args or unsigned args you must use a string args and do
 *  the conversion yourself.
 * @Example
 *     ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
 *     { 'v', "verbose",   0 },
 *     { 'd', "debug",     0 },
 *     { 'o', "output",    2 },
 *     { 'c', "cross-ref", 2|8 },
 *     { 'm', "my-option", 1|8 },
 *     { 500, "have-no-short-option-for-this-long-option", 0 },
 *     {0} };
 *     ARGPARSE_ARGS pargs = { &argc, &argv, 0 }
 *     while( ArgParse( &pargs, &opts) ) {
 *	   switch( pargs.r_opt ) {
 *	     case 'v': opt.verbose++; break;
 *	     case 'd': opt.debug++; break;
 *	     case 'o': opt.outfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
 *	     case 'c': opt.crf = pargs.r_type? pargs.r.ret_str:"a.crf"; break;
 *	     case 'm': opt.myopt = pargs.r_type? pargs.r.ret_int : 1; break;
 *	     case 500: opt.a_long_one++;  break
 *	     default : pargs.err = 1; break; -- force warning output --
 *	   }
 *     }
 *     if( argc > 1 )
 *	   log_fatal( "Too many args");

typedef struct alias_def_s *ALIAS_DEF;
struct alias_def_s {
    ALIAS_DEF next;
    char *name;   /* malloced buffer with name, \0, value */
    const char *value; /* ptr into name */

static const char *(*strusage_handler)( int ) = NULL;

static int  set_opt_arg(ARGPARSE_ARGS *arg, unsigned flags, char *s);
static void show_help(ARGPARSE_OPTS *opts, unsigned flags);
static void show_version(void);

static void
initialize( ARGPARSE_ARGS *arg, const char *filename, unsigned *lineno )
  if( !(arg->flags & (1<<15)) )
      /* Initialize this instance. */
      arg->internal.idx = 0;
      arg->internal.last = NULL;
      arg->internal.inarg = 0;
      arg->internal.stopped = 0;
      arg->internal.aliases = NULL;
      arg->internal.cur_alias = NULL;
      arg->err = 0;
      arg->flags |= 1<<15; /* Mark as initialized.  */
      if ( *arg->argc < 0 )
        jnlib_log_bug ("invalid argument for arg_parsee\n");

  if (arg->err)
      /* Last option was erroneous.  */
      const char *s;

      if (filename)
          if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_UNEXPECTED_ARG )
            s = _("argument not expected");
          else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_READ_ERROR )
            s = _("read error");
          else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_KEYWORD_TOO_LONG )
            s = _("keyword too long");
          else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_MISSING_ARG )
            s = _("missing argument");
          else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_INVALID_COMMAND )
            s = _("invalid command");
          else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_INVALID_ALIAS )
            s = _("invalid alias definition");
          else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_OUT_OF_CORE )
            s = _("out of core");
            s = _("invalid option");
          jnlib_log_error ("%s:%u: %s\n", filename, *lineno, s);
          s = arg->internal.last? arg->internal.last:"[??]";

          if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_MISSING_ARG )
            jnlib_log_error (_("missing argument for option \"%.50s\"\n"), s);
          else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_UNEXPECTED_ARG )
            jnlib_log_error (_("option \"%.50s\" does not expect an "
                               "argument\n"), s );
          else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_INVALID_COMMAND )
            jnlib_log_error (_("invalid command \"%.50s\"\n"), s);
          else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_AMBIGUOUS_OPTION )
            jnlib_log_error (_("option \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n"), s);
          else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_AMBIGUOUS_OPTION )
            jnlib_log_error (_("command \"%.50s\" is ambiguous\n"),s );
          else if ( arg->r_opt == ARGPARSE_OUT_OF_CORE )
            jnlib_log_error ("%s\n", _("out of core\n"));
            jnlib_log_error (_("invalid option \"%.50s\"\n"), s);
      if ( arg->err != 1 )
        exit (2);
      arg->err = 0;

  /* Zero out the return value union.  */
  arg->r.ret_str = NULL;
  arg->r.ret_long = 0;

static void
store_alias( ARGPARSE_ARGS *arg, char *name, char *value )
    /* TODO: replace this dummy function with a rea one
     * and fix the probelms IRIX has with (ALIAS_DEV)arg..
     * used as lvalue
#if 0
    ALIAS_DEF a = jnlib_xmalloc( sizeof *a );
    a->name = name;
    a->value = value;
    a->next = (ALIAS_DEF)arg->internal.aliases;
    (ALIAS_DEF)arg->internal.aliases = a;

 * Get options from a file.
 * Lines starting with '#' are comment lines.
 * Syntax is simply a keyword and the argument.
 * Valid keywords are all keywords from the long_opt list without
 * the leading dashes. The special keywords "help", "warranty" and "version"
 * are not valid here.
 * The special keyword "alias" may be used to store alias definitions,
 * which are later expanded like long options.
 * Caller must free returned strings.
 * If called with FP set to NULL command line args are parse instead.
 * Q: Should we allow the syntax
 *     keyword = value
 *    and accept for boolean options a value of 1/0, yes/no or true/false?
 * Note: Abbreviation of options is here not allowed.
optfile_parse (FILE *fp, const char *filename, unsigned *lineno,
	       ARGPARSE_ARGS *arg, ARGPARSE_OPTS *opts)
  int state, i, c;
  int idx=0;
  char keyword[100];
  char *buffer = NULL;
  size_t buflen = 0;
  int in_alias=0;

  if (!fp) /* Divert to to arg_parse() in this case.  */
    return arg_parse (arg, opts);

  initialize (arg, filename, lineno);

  /* Find the next keyword.  */
  state = i = 0;
  for (;;)
      c = getc (fp);
      if (c == '\n' || c== EOF )
          if ( c != EOF )
          if (state == -1)
          else if (state == 2)
              keyword[i] = 0;
              for (i=0; opts[i].short_opt; i++ )
                  if (opts[i].long_opt && !strcmp (opts[i].long_opt, keyword))
              idx = i;
              arg->r_opt = opts[idx].short_opt;
              if (!opts[idx].short_opt )
                arg->r_opt = ((opts[idx].flags & ARGPARSE_OPT_COMMAND)
                              ? ARGPARSE_INVALID_COMMAND
                              : ARGPARSE_INVALID_OPTION);
              else if (!(opts[idx].flags & 7))
                arg->r_type = 0; /* Does not take an arg. */
              else if ((opts[idx].flags & 8) )
                arg->r_type = 0; /* Arg is optional.  */
                arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_MISSING_ARG;

          else if (state == 3)
              /* No argument found.  */
              if (in_alias)
                arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_MISSING_ARG;
              else if (!(opts[idx].flags & 7))
                arg->r_type = 0; /* Does not take an arg. */
              else if ((opts[idx].flags & 8))
                arg->r_type = 0; /* No optional argument. */
                arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_MISSING_ARG;

          else if (state == 4)
              /* Has an argument. */
              if (in_alias)
                  if (!buffer)
                    arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_UNEXPECTED_ARG;
                      char *p;

                      buffer[i] = 0;
                      p = strpbrk (buffer, " \t");
                      if (p)
                          *p++ = 0;
                          trim_spaces (p);
                      if (!p || !*p)
                          jnlib_free (buffer);
                          arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_INVALID_ALIAS;
                          store_alias (arg, buffer, p);
              else if (!(opts[idx].flags & 7))
                arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_UNEXPECTED_ARG;
                  char *p;

                  if (!buffer)
                      keyword[i] = 0;
                      buffer = jnlib_strdup (keyword);
                      if (!buffer)
                        arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_OUT_OF_CORE;
                    buffer[i] = 0;

                  if (buffer)
                      trim_spaces (buffer);
                      p = buffer;
                      if (*p == '"')
                          /* Remove quotes. */
                          if (*p && p[strlen(p)-1] == '\"' )
                            p[strlen(p)-1] = 0;
                      if (!set_opt_arg (arg, opts[idx].flags, p))
          else if (c == EOF)
              if (ferror (fp))
                arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_READ_ERROR;
                arg->r_opt = 0; /* EOF. */
          state = 0;
          i = 0;
      else if (state == -1)
        ; /* Skip. */
      else if (state == 0 && isascii (c) && isspace(c))
        ; /* Skip leading white space.  */
      else if (state == 0 && c == '#' )
        state = 1;	/* Start of a comment.  */
      else if (state == 1)
        ; /* Skip comments. */
      else if (state == 2 && isascii (c) && isspace(c))
          /* Check keyword.  */
          keyword[i] = 0;
          for (i=0; opts[i].short_opt; i++ )
            if (opts[i].long_opt && !strcmp (opts[i].long_opt, keyword))
          idx = i;
          arg->r_opt = opts[idx].short_opt;
          if (!opts[idx].short_opt)
              if (!strcmp (keyword, "alias"))
                  in_alias = 1;
                  state = 3;
                  arg->r_opt = ((opts[idx].flags & ARGPARSE_OPT_COMMAND)
                                ? ARGPARSE_INVALID_COMMAND
                                : ARGPARSE_INVALID_OPTION);
                  state = -1; /* Skip rest of line and leave.  */
            state = 3;
      else if (state == 3)
          /* Skip leading spaces of the argument.  */
          if (!isascii (c) || !isspace(c))
              i = 0;
              keyword[i++] = c;
              state = 4;
      else if (state == 4)
          /* Collect the argument. */
          if (buffer)
              if (i < buflen-1)
                buffer[i++] = c;
                  char *tmp;
                  size_t tmplen = buflen + 50;

                  tmp = jnlib_realloc (buffer, tmplen);
                  if (tmp)
                      buflen = tmplen;
                      buffer = tmp;
                      buffer[i++] = c;
                      jnlib_free (buffer);
                      arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_OUT_OF_CORE;
          else if (i < DIM(keyword)-1)
            keyword[i++] = c;
              size_t tmplen = DIM(keyword) + 50;
              buffer = jnlib_malloc (tmplen);
              if (buffer)
                  buflen = tmplen;
                  memcpy(buffer, keyword, i);
                  buffer[i++] = c;
                  arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_OUT_OF_CORE;
      else if (i >= DIM(keyword)-1)
          arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_KEYWORD_TOO_LONG;
          state = -1; /* Skip rest of line and leave.  */
          keyword[i++] = c;
          state = 2;

  return arg->r_opt;

static int
find_long_option( ARGPARSE_ARGS *arg,
		  ARGPARSE_OPTS *opts, const char *keyword )
    int i;
    size_t n;


    /* Would be better if we can do a binary search, but it is not
       possible to reorder our option table because we would mess
       up our help strings - What we can do is: Build a nice option
       lookup table wehn this function is first invoked */
    if( !*keyword )
	return -1;
    for(i=0; opts[i].short_opt; i++ )
	if( opts[i].long_opt && !strcmp( opts[i].long_opt, keyword) )
	    return i;
#if 0
	/* see whether it is an alias */
	for( a = args->internal.aliases; a; a = a->next ) {
	    if( !strcmp( a->name, keyword) ) {
		/* todo: must parse the alias here */
		args->internal.cur_alias = a;
		return -3; /* alias available */
    /* not found, see whether it is an abbreviation */
    /* aliases may not be abbreviated */
    n = strlen( keyword );
    for(i=0; opts[i].short_opt; i++ ) {
	if( opts[i].long_opt && !strncmp( opts[i].long_opt, keyword, n ) ) {
	    int j;
	    for(j=i+1; opts[j].short_opt; j++ ) {
		if( opts[j].long_opt
		    && !strncmp( opts[j].long_opt, keyword, n ) )
		    return -2;	/* abbreviation is ambiguous */
	    return i;
    return -1;

arg_parse( ARGPARSE_ARGS *arg, ARGPARSE_OPTS *opts)
  int idx;
  int argc;
  char **argv;
  char *s, *s2;
  int i;

  initialize( arg, NULL, NULL );
  argc = *arg->argc;
  argv = *arg->argv;
  idx = arg->internal.idx;

  if (!idx && argc && !(arg->flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_ARG0))
      /* Skip the first argument.  */
      argc--; argv++; idx++;

  if (!argc)
      /* No more args.  */
      arg->r_opt = 0;
      goto leave; /* Ready. */

  s = *argv;
  arg->internal.last = s;

  if (arg->internal.stopped && (arg->flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_ALL))
      arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_IS_ARG;  /* Not an option but an argument.  */
      arg->r_type = 2;
      arg->r.ret_str = s;
      argc--; argv++; idx++; /* set to next one */
  else if( arg->internal.stopped )
      arg->r_opt = 0;
      goto leave; /* Ready.  */
  else if ( *s == '-' && s[1] == '-' )
      /* Long option.  */
      char *argpos;

      arg->internal.inarg = 0;
      if (!s[2] && !(arg->flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_NOSTOP))
          /* Stop option processing.  */
          arg->internal.stopped = 1;
          argc--; argv++; idx++;
          goto next_one;

      argpos = strchr( s+2, '=' );
      if ( argpos )
        *argpos = 0;
      i = find_long_option ( arg, opts, s+2 );
      if ( argpos )
        *argpos = '=';

      if ( i < 0 && !strcmp ( "help", s+2) )
        show_help (opts, arg->flags);
      else if ( i < 0 && !strcmp ( "version", s+2) )
          if (!(arg->flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_NOVERSION))
              show_version ();
      else if ( i < 0 && !strcmp( "warranty", s+2))
          puts ( strusage (16) );
          exit (0);
      else if ( i < 0 && !strcmp( "dump-options", s+2) )
          for (i=0; opts[i].short_opt; i++ )
              if ( opts[i].long_opt )
                printf ("--%s\n", opts[i].long_opt);
          fputs ("--dump-options\n--help\n--version\n--warranty\n", stdout);
          exit (0);

      if ( i == -2 )
        arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_AMBIGUOUS_OPTION;
      else if ( i == -1 )
          arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_INVALID_OPTION;
          arg->r.ret_str = s+2;
        arg->r_opt = opts[i].short_opt;
      if ( i < 0 )
      else if ( (opts[i].flags & 0x07) )
          if ( argpos )
              s2 = argpos+1;
              if ( !*s2 )
                s2 = NULL;
            s2 = argv[1];
          if ( !s2 && (opts[i].flags & ARGPARSE_OPT_OPTIONAL) )
              arg->r_type = ARGPARSE_TYPE_NONE; /* Argument is optional.  */
          else if ( !s2 )
              arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_MISSING_ARG;
          else if ( !argpos && *s2 == '-'
                    && (opts[i].flags & ARGPARSE_OPT_OPTIONAL) )
              /* The argument is optional and the next seems to be an
                 option.  We do not check this possible option but
                 assume no argument */
              arg->r_type = ARGPARSE_TYPE_NONE;
              set_opt_arg (arg, opts[i].flags, s2);
              if ( !argpos )
                  argc--; argv++; idx++; /* Skip one.  */
          /* Does not take an argument. */
          if ( argpos )
            arg->r_type = ARGPARSE_UNEXPECTED_ARG;
            arg->r_type = 0;
      argc--; argv++; idx++; /* Set to next one.  */
    else if ( (*s == '-' && s[1]) || arg->internal.inarg )
        /* Short option.  */
	int dash_kludge = 0;

	i = 0;
	if ( !arg->internal.inarg )
	    if ( (arg->flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_ONEDASH) )
                for (i=0; opts[i].short_opt; i++ )
                  if ( opts[i].long_opt && !strcmp (opts[i].long_opt, s+1))
                      dash_kludge = 1;
	s += arg->internal.inarg;

	if (!dash_kludge )
	    for (i=0; opts[i].short_opt; i++ )
              if ( opts[i].short_opt == *s )

	if ( !opts[i].short_opt && ( *s == 'h' || *s == '?' ) )
          show_help (opts, arg->flags);

	arg->r_opt = opts[i].short_opt;
	if (!opts[i].short_opt )
	    arg->r_opt = (opts[i].flags & ARGPARSE_OPT_COMMAND)?
	    arg->internal.inarg++; /* Point to the next arg.  */
	    arg->r.ret_str = s;
	else if ( (opts[i].flags & 7) )
	    if ( s[1] && !dash_kludge )
		s2 = s+1;
		set_opt_arg (arg, opts[i].flags, s2);
		s2 = argv[1];
		if ( !s2 && (opts[i].flags & ARGPARSE_OPT_OPTIONAL) )
		    arg->r_type = ARGPARSE_TYPE_NONE;
		else if ( !s2 )
		    arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_MISSING_ARG;
		else if ( *s2 == '-' && s2[1]
                          && (opts[i].flags & ARGPARSE_OPT_OPTIONAL) )
		    /* The argument is optional and the next seems to
	               be an option.  We do not check this possible
	               option but assume no argument.  */
		    arg->r_type = ARGPARSE_TYPE_NONE;
		    set_opt_arg (arg, opts[i].flags, s2);
		    argc--; argv++; idx++; /* Skip one.  */
	    s = "x"; /* This is so that !s[1] yields false.  */
            /* Does not take an argument.  */
	    arg->r_type = ARGPARSE_TYPE_NONE;
	    arg->internal.inarg++; /* Point to the next arg.  */
	if ( !s[1] || dash_kludge )
            /* No more concatenated short options.  */
	    arg->internal.inarg = 0;
	    argc--; argv++; idx++;
  else if ( arg->flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_MIXED )
      arg->r_opt = ARGPARSE_IS_ARG;
      arg->r_type = 2;
      arg->r.ret_str = s;
      argc--; argv++; idx++; /* Set to next one.  */
      arg->internal.stopped = 1; /* Stop option processing.  */
      goto next_one;

  *arg->argc = argc;
  *arg->argv = argv;
  arg->internal.idx = idx;
  return arg->r_opt;

static int
set_opt_arg(ARGPARSE_ARGS *arg, unsigned flags, char *s)
  int base = (flags & 16)? 0 : 10;

  switch ( (arg->r_type = (flags & 7)) )
      arg->r.ret_int = (int)strtol(s,NULL,base);
      return 0;
      arg->r.ret_long= strtol(s,NULL,base);
      return 0;
      arg->r.ret_ulong= strtoul(s,NULL,base);
      return 0;
      arg->r.ret_str = s;
      return 1;

static size_t
long_opt_strlen( ARGPARSE_OPTS *o )
  size_t n = strlen (o->long_opt);

  if ( o->description && *o->description == '|' )
      const char *s;
      int is_utf8 = is_native_utf8 ();

      if ( *s != '=' )
      /* For a (mostly) correct length calculation we exclude
         continuation bytes (10xxxxxx) if we are on a native utf8
         terminal. */
      for (; *s && *s != '|'; s++ )
        if ( is_utf8 && (*s&0xc0) != 0x80 )
  return n;

 * Print formatted help. The description string has some special
 * meanings:
 *  - A description string which is "@" suppresses help output for
 *    this option
 *  - a description,ine which starts with a '@' and is followed by
 *    any other characters is printed as is; this may be used for examples
 *    ans such.
 *  - A description which starts with a '|' outputs the string between this
 *    bar and the next one as arguments of the long option.
static void
show_help (ARGPARSE_OPTS *opts, unsigned int flags)
  const char *s;

  show_version ();
  putchar ('\n');
  s = strusage(41);
  puts (s);
  if ( opts[0].description )
      /* Auto format the option description.  */
      int i,j, indent;

      /* Get max. length of long options.  */
      for (i=indent=0; opts[i].short_opt; i++ )
          if ( opts[i].long_opt )
            if ( !opts[i].description || *opts[i].description != '@' )
              if ( (j=long_opt_strlen(opts+i)) > indent && j < 35 )
                indent = j;

      /* Example: " -v, --verbose   Viele Sachen ausgeben" */
      indent += 10;
      if ( *opts[0].description != '@' )
        puts ("Options:");
      for (i=0; opts[i].short_opt; i++ )
          s = _( opts[i].description );
          if ( s && *s== '@' && !s[1] ) /* Hide this line.  */
          if ( s && *s == '@' )  /* Unindented comment only line.  */
              for (s++; *s; s++ )
                  if ( *s == '\n' )
                      if( s[1] )

          j = 3;
          if ( opts[i].short_opt < 256 )
              printf (" -%c", opts[i].short_opt);
              if ( !opts[i].long_opt )
                  if (s && *s == '|' )
                      putchar (' '); j++;
                      for (s++ ; *s && *s != '|'; s++, j++ )
                        putchar (*s);
                      if ( *s )
            fputs("   ", stdout);
          if ( opts[i].long_opt )
              j += printf ("%c --%s", opts[i].short_opt < 256?',':' ',
                           opts[i].long_opt );
              if (s && *s == '|' )
                  if ( *++s != '=' )
                      putchar(' ');
                  for ( ; *s && *s != '|'; s++, j++ )
                  if ( *s )
              fputs ("   ", stdout);
              j += 3;
          for (;j < indent; j++ )
            putchar(' ');
          if ( s )
              if ( *s && j > indent )
                  for (j=0;j < indent; j++ )
                    putchar (' ');
              for (; *s; s++ )
                  if ( *s == '\n' )
                      if ( s[1] )
                          putchar ('\n');
                          for (j=0; j < indent; j++ )
                            putchar (' ');
                    putchar (*s);
          putchar ('\n');
	if ( (flags & ARGPARSE_FLAG_ONEDASH) )
	    puts ("\n(A single dash may be used instead of the double ones)");
  if ( (s=strusage(19)) )
      /* bug reports to ... */
      char *s2;

      s2 = strstr (s, "@EMAIL@");
      if (s2)
          if (s2-s)
            fwrite (s, s2-s, 1, stdout);
          fputs (PACKAGE_BUGREPORT, stdout);
          fputs ("bug@example.org", stdout);
          s2 += 7;
          if (*s2)
            fputs (s2, stdout);
        fputs(s, stdout);

static void
show_version ()
  const char *s;
  int i;

  /* Version line.  */
  fputs (strusage (11), stdout);
  if ((s=strusage (12)))
    printf (" (%s)", s );
  printf (" %s\n", strusage (13) );
  /* Additional version lines. */
  for (i=20; i < 30; i++)
    if ((s=strusage (i)))
      printf ("%s\n", s );
  /* Copyright string.  */
  if( (s=strusage (14)) )
    printf("%s\n", s );
  /* Licence string.  */
  if( (s=strusage (10)) )
    printf("%s\n", s );
  /* Copying conditions. */
  if ( (s=strusage(15)) )
    fputs (s, stdout);
  /* Thanks. */
  if ((s=strusage(18)))
    fputs (s, stdout);
  /* Additional program info. */
  for (i=30; i < 40; i++ )
    if ( (s=strusage (i)) )
      fputs (s, stdout);
  fflush (stdout);

usage (int level)
  const char *p;

  if (!level)
      fprintf(stderr,"%s %s; %s\n", strusage(11), strusage(13), strusage (14));
      fflush (stderr);
  else if (level == 1)
      p = strusage (40);
      fputs (p, stderr);
      if (*p && p[strlen(p)] != '\n')
        putc ('\n', stderr);
      exit (2);
  else if (level == 2)
      puts (strusage(41));
      exit (0);

/* Level
 *     0: Print copyright string to stderr
 *     1: Print a short usage hint to stderr and terminate
 *     2: Print a long usage hint to stdout and terminate
 *    10: Return license info string
 *    11: Return the name of the program
 *    12: Return optional name of package which includes this program.
 *    13: version  string
 *    14: copyright string
 *    15: Short copying conditions (with LFs)
 *    16: Long copying conditions (with LFs)
 *    17: Optional printable OS name
 *    18: Optional thanks list (with LFs)
 *    19: Bug report info
 *20..29: Additional lib version strings.
 *30..39: Additional program info (with LFs)
 *    40: short usage note (with LF)
 *    41: long usage note (with LF)
const char *
strusage( int level )
  const char *p = strusage_handler? strusage_handler(level) : NULL;

  if ( p )
    return p;

  switch ( level )
    case 10: p = ("License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later "
    case 11: p = "foo"; break;
    case 13: p = "0.0"; break;
    case 14: p = "Copyright (C) 2012 Free Software Foundation, Inc."; break;
    case 15: p =
"This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.\n"
"There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.\n";
    case 16: p =
"This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\n"
"it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\n"
"the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or\n"
"(at your option) any later version.\n\n"
"It is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\n"
"but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\n"
"GNU General Public License for more details.\n\n"
"You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\n"
"along with this software.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.\n";
    case 40: /* short and long usage */
    case 41: p = ""; break;

  return p;

set_strusage ( const char *(*f)( int ) )
  strusage_handler = f;

#ifdef TEST
static struct {
    int verbose;
    int debug;
    char *outfile;
    char *crf;
    int myopt;
    int echo;
    int a_long_one;

main(int argc, char **argv)
  ARGPARSE_OPTS opts[] = {
    ARGPARSE_x('v', "verbose", NONE, 0, "Laut sein"),
    ARGPARSE_s_n('e', "echo"   , ("Zeile ausgeben, damit wir sehen, "
                                  "was wir ein gegeben haben")),
    ARGPARSE_s_n('d', "debug", "Debug\nfalls mal etwas\nschief geht"),
    ARGPARSE_s_s('o', "output", 0 ),
    ARGPARSE_o_s('c', "cross-ref", "cross-reference erzeugen\n" ),
    /* Note that on a non-utf8 terminal the ß might garble the output. */
    ARGPARSE_s_n('s', "street","|Straße|set the name of the street to Straße"),
    ARGPARSE_o_i('m', "my-option", 0),
    ARGPARSE_s_n(500, "a-long-option", 0 ),
  ARGPARSE_ARGS pargs = { &argc, &argv, 2|4|32 };
    int i;

    while( arg_parse ( &pargs, opts) ) {
	switch( pargs.r_opt ) {
	  case -1 : printf( "arg=`%s'\n", pargs.r.ret_str); break;
	  case 'v': opt.verbose++; break;
	  case 'e': opt.echo++; break;
	  case 'd': opt.debug++; break;
	  case 'o': opt.outfile = pargs.r.ret_str; break;
	  case 'c': opt.crf = pargs.r_type? pargs.r.ret_str:"a.crf"; break;
	  case 'm': opt.myopt = pargs.r_type? pargs.r.ret_int : 1; break;
	  case 500: opt.a_long_one++;  break;
	  default : pargs.err = ARGPARSE_PRINT_WARNING; break;
    for(i=0; i < argc; i++ )
	printf("%3d -> (%s)\n", i, argv[i] );
    if( opt.verbose )
	printf("  verbose=%d\n", opt.verbose );
    if( opt.debug )
	printf("  debug=%d\n", opt.debug );
    if( opt.outfile )
	printf("  outfile=`%s'\n", opt.outfile );
    if( opt.crf )
	printf("  crffile=`%s'\n", opt.crf );
    if( opt.myopt )
	printf("  myopt=%d\n", opt.myopt );
    if( opt.a_long_one )
	printf("  a-long-one=%d\n", opt.a_long_one );
    if( opt.echo       )
	printf("  echo=%d\n", opt.echo );
    return 0;

/**** bottom of file ****/