<!-- ToDo - acknowledge Joergen Grahn for his xfig version of Figure 3.1 - 'inlineequation' marks places where formatting is ok now but not semantically correct. - need some story for formatting math From Tom Goulet (tomg@iaw.on.ca): > and the <SUP> tag doesn't seem to do much under Lynx, consider just > using a ^ to show powers. --> <!DOCTYPE BOOK PUBLIC "-//Davenport//DTD DocBook V3.0//EN" [ <!--ArborText, Inc., 1988-1995, v.4001--> <!NOTATION drw SYSTEM "DRW"> <!ENTITY gpg "<application>gpg</application>"> <!ENTITY gnupg "GnuPG"> <!ENTITY Gnupg "GnuPG"> <!ENTITY eg "e.g."> <!ENTITY ie "i.e."> <!ENTITY chapter1 SYSTEM "c1.sgml"> <!ENTITY chapter2 SYSTEM "c2.sgml"> <!ENTITY chapter3 SYSTEM "c3.sgml"> <!ENTITY chapter4 SYSTEM "c4.sgml"> <!ENTITY chapter5 SYSTEM "c5.sgml"> <!ENTITY chapter6 SYSTEM "c6.sgml"> <!ENTITY chapter7 SYSTEM "c7.sgml"> ]> <book> <bookinfo> <title>The GNU Privacy Handbook</title> <date> August 25, 1999 </date> <copyright> <year>1999</year> <holder>Free Software Foundation</holder> </copyright> <abstract> <para> Please direct questions, bug reports, or suggesstions concerning this manual to the maintainer, Mike Ashley (<email>jashley@acm.org</email>). Contributors to this manual also include Matthew Copeland and Joergen Grahn. </para> <para> This manual may be redistributed under the terms of the <ulink url="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">GNU General Public License</ulink>. </para> <para> <!-- I have added this note (wk 06.09.99) --> PLEASE NOTE, THAT THIS IS A DRAFT VERSION OF THE MANUAL AND NOT A COMPLETE AND CORRECT MANUAL. CONSIDER IT AS WORK IN PROGRESS. The latest draft of the manual should be available online; <ulink url="http://www.gnupg.org/docs.html">www.gnupg.org</ulink> has a link to it. </para> </abstract> </bookinfo> <toc></toc> &chapter1 &chapter2 &chapter3 &chapter4 &chapter5 &chapter6 &chapter7 </book>