# validity-periods - PKITS Test 4.2                     -*- sh -*-
# Copyright (C) 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc.  
# This file is part of GnuPG.
# GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

. ${srcdir:-.}/common.sh || exit 2

description="Validity Periods"
info "Running $description tests"

start_test 4.2.1 "Invalid CA notBefore Date Test1"
# In this test, the intermediate certificate's notBefore date is after
# the current date.
need_cert TrustAnchorRootCertificate
need_crl  TrustAnchorRootCRL
need_cert BadnotBeforeDateCACert
need_crl  BadnotBeforeDateCACRL
need_cert InvalidCAnotBeforeDateTest1EE
if $GPGSM --faked-system-time $MYTIME \
          --with-colons --with-validation --list-key 0x459ADD33 >$SCRATCH; then
    tmp=$($AWK -F: '$1 == "crt" {any=1; print $2};
                    END {if(!any) print "error"}' $SCRATCH)
    [ "$tmp" = "i" ] || set_status fail
    set_status fail
if [ "$test_status" = "none" ]; then
    if sed  '1,/^.$/d' smime/SignedInvalidCAnotBeforeDateTest1.eml \
        | $GPGSM --faked-system-time $MYTIME \
                 --verify --assume-base64 --status-fd 1 --logger-fd 1 \
        | tee $SCRATCH \
        | grep TRUST_UNDEFINED >/dev/null; then
        if grep 'intermediate certificate not yet valid' $SCRATCH >/dev/null \
            && grep 'invalid certification chain: Certificate too young' \
                    $SCRATCH >/dev/null
            set_status pass
    set_status fail

start_test 4.2.2 "Invalid EE notBefore Date Test2"
# In this test, the end entity certificate's notBefore date is after
# the current date.

#    Procedure: Validate Invalid EE notBefore Date Test2 EE using the
#    default settings or open and verify Signed Test Message
#    using the default settings.

#    Expected Result: The path should not validate successfully as the
#    notBefore date in the end entity certificate is after the current
#    date.

#    Certification Path: The certification path is composed of the
#    following objects: Trust Anchor Root Certificate, Trust Anchor
#    Root CRL Good CA Cert, Good CA CRL Invalid EE notBefore Date
#    Test2 EE


start_test 4.2.3 "Valid pre2000 UTC notBefore Date Test3"
# In this test, the end entity certificate's notBefore date is set to
# 1950 and is encoded in UTCTime.
#    Procedure: Validate Valid pre2000 UTC notBefore Date Test3 EE
#                             using the default settings or open and
#                             verify Signed Test Message using
#                             the default settings.
#    Expected Result: The path should validate successfully as the
#                             notBefore date in the end entity
#                             certificate is before the current date.
#    Certification Path: The certification path is composed of the
#                 following objects: Trust Anchor Root Certificate,
#                 Trust Anchor Root CRL Good CA Cert, Good CA CRL Valid
#                 pre2000 UTC notBefore Date Test3 EE

start_test 4.2.4 "Valid GeneralizedTime notBefore Date Test4"
# In this test, the end entity certificate's notBefore date is
# specified in GeneralizedTime.
#    Procedure: Validate Valid GeneralizedTime notBefore Date Test4 EE
#                             using the default settings or open and
#                             verify Signed Test Message using
#                             the default settings.
#    Expected Result:         The path should validate successfully.
#    Certification Path: 
#     The certification path is composed of the following objects:
#                 Trust Anchor Root Certificate, Trust Anchor Root CRL
#                 Good CA Cert, Good CA CRL
#                 Valid GeneralizedTime notBefore Date Test4 EE

start_test 4.2.5 "Invalid CA notAfter Date Test5"
# In this test, the intermediate certificate's notAfter date is before
# the current date.

#    Procedure: Validate Invalid CA notAfter Date Test5 EE using the
#                             default settings or open and verify
#                             Signed Test Message using the
#                             default settings.
#    Expected Result: The path should not validate successfully as the
#                             notAfter date in the intermediate
#                             certificate is before the current date.
#    Certification Path: The certification path is composed of the
#    following objects:
#                 Trust Anchor Root Certificate, Trust Anchor Root CRL
#                 Bad notAfter Date CA Cert, Bad notAfter Date CA CRL
#                 Invalid CA notAfter Date Test5 EE

start_test 4.2.6 "Invalid EE notAfter Date Test6"
# In this test, the end entity certificate's notAfter date is before
# the current date.

#    Procedure: Validate Invalid EE notAfter Date Test6 EE using the
#                             default settings or open and verify
#                             Signed Test Message using the
#                             default settings.
#    Expected Result: The path should not validate successfully as the
#                             notAfter date in the end certificate is
#                             before the current date.
#    Certification Path: The certification path is composed of the
#    following objects:
#                 Trust Anchor Root Certificate, Trust Anchor Root CRL
#                 Good CA Cert, Good CA CRL
#                 Invalid EE notAfter Date Test6 EE


start_test 4.2.7 "Invalid pre2000 UTC EE notAfter Date Test7"
# In this test, the end entity certificate's notAfter date is 1999 and
# is encoded in UTCTime.

#    Procedure: Validate Invalid pre2000 UTC EE notAfter Date Test7 EE
#                             using the default settings or open and
#                             verify Signed Test Message using
#                             the default settings.
#    Expected Result: The path should not validate successfully as the
#                             notAfter date in the end certificate is
#                             before the current date.
#    Certification Path: The certification path is composed of the
#    following objects:
#                 Trust Anchor Root Certificate, Trust Anchor Root CRL
#                 Good CA Cert, Good CA CRL
#                 Invalid pre2000 UTC EE notAfter Date Test7 EE



start_test 4.2.8 "Valid GeneralizedTime notAfter Date Test8"
# In this test, the end entity certificate's notAfter date is 2050 and
# is encoded in GeneralizedTime.

#    Procedure: Validate Valid GeneralizedTime notAfter Date Test8 EE
#                             using the default settings or open and
#                             verify Signed Test Message using
#                             the default settings.
#    Expected Result: The path should validate successfully as the
#                             notAfter date in the end certificate is
#                             after the current date.
#                 Trust Anchor Root Certificate, Trust Anchor Root CRL
#                 Good CA Cert, Good CA CRL
#                 Valid GeneralizedTime notAfter Date Test8 EE

