List of some known bugs ------------------------- This following list contains those bugs which we are aware of. Please make sure that bugs you report are not listed here. If you can fix one of these bugs/limitations we will certainly be glad to receive a patch. (Please note that we need a disclaimer if a patch is longer than about 10 lines; but it may help anyway to show us where we have to fix it. Do an "info standards" to find out why a disclaimer is needed for GNU.) Format: severity: [ *] to [***], no, first reported, by, version. Bugs which are marked with "FIX: yyyy-mm-dd" are fixed in the CVS and after about half a day in the rsync snapshots. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [ *] #1 pgp263in works fine even with a source file with CR,LF but GnuPG and pgp263in has problems if the clearsign has been created by pgp263ia. [***] #2 1999-02-21 Problem while importing or deleting public keys in 0.9.3 - 0.9.2 worked fine. Error message: gpg:[stdin]: key A6A59DB9: secret key not found: public key not found FIX: 1999-02-22 wk [ *] #3 --list-packets should continue even w/o a passphrase (or in batch mode). Maybe we have to move it to a separate program?? [ *] #4 1999-01-13 0.9.1 v3 key 'expiration date' problem: 1. generate a key, set expiration date 2. 3. edit a v3 secret key, try to set expiration date - output: "You can't change... 4. save 5. key has expiration date from 1. and gpg reports that pubkey and seckey differ. The for loop the is set before v3 detection? [is this bug still there?] [ *] #5 /home/jam/.gnupg/pubring.gpg: can't open gdbm file: Can't be writer keyblock resource `/home/jam/.gnupg/pubring.gpg': file open error OOPS in close enum_keyblocks - ignored [gdbm is experimental and will be replaced by the new keybox code] [***] #6 1999-02-22 0.9.3 Buserror on IRIX 6.4: Crash while doing a keygen. I think while creating the prime. Other buserrors are reported when doing a "gpg README" on sparc-solaris2.6. --> I hope I've fixed this: Please, can check someone it. I can't reproduce it on the alpha I have access to. [ *] #7 1999-02-22 0.9.3 Conventional encrytion incompatibilty: $ gpg -c --cipher-algo cast5 --compress-algo 1 --no-comment secrets.txt Creates a file that gpg can decrypt, but PGP 5.5 has problems with it. PGP decrypts 6416k out of 6424k, then complains with "PGP Warning", "The keyring contains a bad (corrupted) PGP packet". The resulting file is missing information from the front. [26.02.99: temporary fix in encrypt_simple()] [ *] #8 1999-02-25 0.9.3 %gpg --encrypt -r --batch foo gpg: Warning: using insecure memory! gpg: 11C23F61: no info to calculate a trust probability This creates a symmetrically encrypted message WITHOUT a session key encrypted with public cryptographic(i.e. foo.gpg). This is probably FIX: 199-02-26 wk [ **] #9 1999-02-25 Misalignment in md5.c#md5_write. FIX: 1999-02-26 wk [ **] #10 1999-03-01 Armor detection code is broken. Direct import of keyrings is not possible. FIX: 1999-03-02 wk [***] #11 1999-02-25 "cipher algo 10 not found". FIX: 1999-02-25 wk