# doc/DETAILS -*- org -*- #+TITLE: GnuPG Details # Globally disable superscripts and subscripts: #+OPTIONS: ^:{} # # Note: This file uses org-mode; it should be easy to read as plain # text but be aware of some markup peculiarities: Verbatim code is # enclosed in #+begin-example, #+end-example blocks or marked by a # colon as the first non-white-space character, words bracketed with # equal signs indicate a monospace font, and the usual /italics/, # *bold*, and _underline_ conventions are recognized. This is the DETAILS file for GnuPG which specifies some internals and parts of the external API for GPG and GPGSM. * Format of the colon listings The format is a based on colon separated record, each recods starts with a tag string and extends to the end of the line. Here is an example: #+begin_example $ gpg --with-colons --list-keys \ --with-fingerprint --with-fingerprint wk@gnupg.org pub:f:1024:17:6C7EE1B8621CC013:899817715:1055898235::m:::scESC: fpr:::::::::ECAF7590EB3443B5C7CF3ACB6C7EE1B8621CC013: uid:f::::::::Werner Koch : uid:f::::::::Werner Koch : sub:f:1536:16:06AD222CADF6A6E1:919537416:1036177416:::::e: fpr:::::::::CF8BCC4B18DE08FCD8A1615906AD222CADF6A6E1: sub:r:1536:20:5CE086B5B5A18FF4:899817788:1025961788:::::esc: fpr:::::::::AB059359A3B81F410FCFF97F5CE086B5B5A18FF4: #+end_example Note that new version of GnuPG or the use of certain options may add new fields to the output. Parsers should not assume a limit on the number of fields per line. Some fields are not yet used or only used with certain record types; parsers should ignore fields they are not aware of. The double =--with-fingerprint= prints the fingerprint for the subkeys too. Old versions of gpg used a slightly different format and required the use of the option =--fixed-list-mode= to conform to the format described here. ** Description of the fields *** Field 1 - Type of record - pub :: Public key - crt :: X.509 certificate - crs :: X.509 certificate and private key available - sub :: Subkey (secondary key) - sec :: Secret key - ssb :: Secret subkey (secondary key) - uid :: User id (only field 10 is used). - uat :: User attribute (same as user id except for field 10). - sig :: Signature - rev :: Revocation signature - fpr :: Fingerprint (fingerprint is in field 10) - pkd :: Public key data [*] - grp :: Keygrip - rvk :: Revocation key - tfs :: TOFU statistics [*] - tru :: Trust database information [*] - spk :: Signature subpacket [*] - cfg :: Configuration data [*] Records marked with an asterisk are described at [[*Special%20field%20formats][*Special fields]]. *** Field 2 - Validity This is a letter describing the computed validity of a key. Currently this is a single letter, but be prepared that additional information may follow in some future versions. Note that GnuPG < 2.1 does not set this field for secret key listings. - o :: Unknown (this key is new to the system) - i :: The key is invalid (e.g. due to a missing self-signature) - d :: The key has been disabled (deprecated - use the 'D' in field 12 instead) - r :: The key has been revoked - e :: The key has expired - - :: Unknown validity (i.e. no value assigned) - q :: Undefined validity. '-' and 'q' may safely be treated as the same value for most purposes - n :: The key is not valid - m :: The key is marginal valid. - f :: The key is fully valid - u :: The key is ultimately valid. This often means that the secret key is available, but any key may be marked as ultimately valid. - w :: The key has a well known private part. - s :: The key has special validity. This means that it might be self-signed and expected to be used in the STEED sytem. If the validity information is given for a UID or UAT record, it describes the validity calculated based on this user ID. If given for a key record it describes the validity taken from the best rated user ID. For X.509 certificates a 'u' is used for a trusted root certificate (i.e. for the trust anchor) and an 'f' for all other valid certificates. *** Field 3 - Key length The length of key in bits. *** Field 4 - Public key algorithm The values here are those from the OpenPGP specs or if they are greather than 255 the algorithm ids as used by Libgcrypt. *** Field 5 - KeyID This is the 64 bit keyid as specified by OpenPGP and the last 64 bit of the SHA-1 fingerprint of an X.509 certifciate. *** Field 6 - Creation date The creation date of the key is given in UTC. For UID and UAT records, this is used for the self-signature date. Note that the date is usally printed in seconds since epoch, however, we are migrating to an ISO 8601 format (e.g. "19660205T091500"). This is currently only relevant for X.509. A simple way to detect the new format is to scan for the 'T'. Note that old versions of gpg without using the =--fixed-list-mode= option used a "yyyy-mm-tt" format. *** Field 7 - Expiration date Key or UID/UAT expiration date or empty if it does not expire. *** Field 8 - Certificate S/N, UID hash, trust signature info Used for serial number in crt records. For UID and UAT records, this is a hash of the user ID contents used to represent that exact user ID. For trust signatures, this is the trust depth seperated by the trust value by a space. *** Field 9 - Ownertrust This is only used on primary keys. This is a single letter, but be prepared that additional information may follow in future versions. For trust signatures with a regular expression, this is the regular expression value, quoted as in field 10. *** Field 10 - User-ID The value is quoted like a C string to avoid control characters (the colon is quoted =\x3a=). For a "pub" record this field is not used on --fixed-list-mode. A UAT record puts the attribute subpacket count here, a space, and then the total attribute subpacket size. In gpgsm the issuer name comes here. A FPR record stores the fingerprint here. The fingerprint of a revocation key is stored here. *** Field 11 - Signature class Signature class as per RFC-4880. This is a 2 digit hexnumber followed by either the letter 'x' for an exportable signature or the letter 'l' for a local-only signature. The class byte of an revocation key is also given here, 'x' and 'l' is used the same way. This field if not used for X.509. *** Field 12 - Key capabilities The defined capabilities are: - e :: Encrypt - s :: Sign - c :: Certify - a :: Authentication - ? :: Unknown capability A key may have any combination of them in any order. In addition to these letters, the primary key has uppercase versions of the letters to denote the _usable_ capabilities of the entire key, and a potential letter 'D' to indicate a disabled key. *** Field 13 - Issuer certificate fingerprint or other info Used in FPR records for S/MIME keys to store the fingerprint of the issuer certificate. This is useful to build the certificate path based on certificates stored in the local key database it is only filled if the issuer certificate is available. The root has been reached if this is the same string as the fingerprint. The advantage of using this value is that it is guaranteed to have been been build by the same lookup algorithm as gpgsm uses. For "uid" records this field lists the preferences in the same way gpg's --edit-key menu does. For "sig" records, this is the fingerprint of the key that issued the signature. Note that this is only filled in if the signature verified correctly. Note also that for various technical reasons, this fingerprint is only available if --no-sig-cache is used. *** Field 14 - Flag field Flag field used in the --edit menu output *** Field 15 - S/N of a token Used in sec/ssb to print the serial number of a token (internal protect mode 1002) or a '#' if that key is a simple stub (internal protect mode 1001). If the option --with-secret is used and a secret key is available for the public key, a '+' indicates this. *** Field 16 - Hash algorithm For sig records, this is the used hash algorithm. For example: 2 = SHA-1, 8 = SHA-256. *** Field 17 - Curve name For pub, sub, sec, and ssb records this field is used for the ECC curve name. *** Field 18 - TOFU Policy This is the TOFU policy. It is either good, bad, unknown, ask or auto. This is only shows for uid records. ** Special fields *** PKD - Public key data If field 1 has the tag "pkd", a listing looks like this: #+begin_example pkd:0:1024:B665B1435F4C2 .... FF26ABB: ! ! !-- the value ! !------ for information number of bits in the value !--------- index (eg. DSA goes from 0 to 3: p,q,g,y) #+end_example *** TFS - TOFU statistics This field may follows a UID record to convey information about the TOFU database. The information is similar to a TOFU_STATS status line. - Field 2 :: tfs record version (must be 1) - Field 3 :: validity - A number with validity code. - Field 4 :: signcount - The number of signatures seen. - Field 5 :: encrcount - The number of encryptions done. - Field 6 :: policy - A string with the policy - Field 7 :: first-seen - a timestamp or 0 if not known. - Field 8 :: most-recent-seen - a timestamp or 0 if not known. *** TRU - Trust database information Example for a "tru" trust base record: #+begin_example tru:o:0:1166697654:1:3:1:5 #+end_example - Field 2 :: Reason for staleness of trust. If this field is empty, then the trustdb is not stale. This field may have multiple flags in it: - o :: Trustdb is old - t :: Trustdb was built with a different trust model than the one we are using now. - Field 3 :: Trust model - 0 :: Classic trust model, as used in PGP 2.x. - 1 :: PGP trust model, as used in PGP 6 and later. This is the same as the classic trust model, except for the addition of trust signatures. GnuPG before version 1.4 used the classic trust model by default. GnuPG 1.4 and later uses the PGP trust model by default. - Field 4 :: Date trustdb was created in seconds since Epoch. - Field 5 :: Date trustdb will expire in seconds since Epoch. - Field 6 :: Number of marginally trusted users to introduce a new key signer (gpg's option --marginals-needed). - Field 7 :: Number of completely trusted users to introduce a new key signer. (gpg's option --completes-needed) - Field 8 :: Maximum depth of a certification chain. (gpg's option --max-cert-depth) *** SPK - Signature subpacket records - Field 2 :: Subpacket number as per RFC-4880 and later. - Field 3 :: Flags in hex. Currently the only two bits assigned are 1, to indicate that the subpacket came from the hashed part of the signature, and 2, to indicate the subpacket was marked critical. - Field 4 :: Length of the subpacket. Note that this is the length of the subpacket, and not the length of field 5 below. Due to the need for %-encoding, the length of field 5 may be up to 3x this value. - Field 5 :: The subpacket data. Printable ASCII is shown as ASCII, but other values are rendered as %XX where XX is the hex value for the byte. *** CFG - Configuration data --list-config outputs information about the GnuPG configuration for the benefit of frontends or other programs that call GnuPG. There are several list-config items, all colon delimited like the rest of the --with-colons output. The first field is always "cfg" to indicate configuration information. The second field is one of (with examples): - version :: The third field contains the version of GnuPG. : cfg:version:1.3.5 - pubkey :: The third field contains the public key algorithms this version of GnuPG supports, separated by semicolons. The algorithm numbers are as specified in RFC-4880. Note that in contrast to the --status-fd interface these are _not_ the Libgcrypt identifiers. Using =pubkeyname= prints names instead of numbers. : cfg:pubkey:1;2;3;16;17 - cipher :: The third field contains the symmetric ciphers this version of GnuPG supports, separated by semicolons. The cipher numbers are as specified in RFC-4880. Using =ciphername= prints names instead of numbers. : cfg:cipher:2;3;4;7;8;9;10 - digest :: The third field contains the digest (hash) algorithms this version of GnuPG supports, separated by semicolons. The digest numbers are as specified in RFC-4880. Using =digestname= prints names instead of numbers. : cfg:digest:1;2;3;8;9;10 - compress :: The third field contains the compression algorithms this version of GnuPG supports, separated by semicolons. The algorithm numbers are as specified in RFC-4880. : cfg:compress:0;1;2;3 - group :: The third field contains the name of the group, and the fourth field contains the values that the group expands to, separated by semicolons. For example, a group of: : group mynames = paige 0x12345678 joe patti would result in: : cfg:group:mynames:patti;joe;0x12345678;paige - curve :: The third field contains the curve names this version of GnuPG supports, separated by semicolons. Using =curveoid= prints OIDs instead of numbers. : cfg:curve:ed25519;nistp256;nistp384;nistp521 * Format of the --status-fd output Every line is prefixed with "[GNUPG:] ", followed by a keyword with the type of the status line and some arguments depending on the type (maybe none); an application should always be prepared to see new keyworkds or more arguments in future versions. ** General status codes *** NEWSIG [] Is issued right before a signature verification starts. This is useful to define a context for parsing ERROR status messages. arguments are currently defined. If SIGNERS_UID is given and is not "-" this is the percent escape value of the OpenPGP Signer's User ID signature sub-packet. *** GOODSIG The signature with the keyid is good. For each signature only one of the codes GOODSIG, BADSIG, EXPSIG, EXPKEYSIG, REVKEYSIG or ERRSIG will be emitted. In the past they were used as a marker for a new signature; new code should use the NEWSIG status instead. The username is the primary one encoded in UTF-8 and %XX escaped. The fingerprint may be used instead of the long keyid if it is available. This is the case with CMS and might eventually also be available for OpenPGP. *** EXPSIG The signature with the keyid is good, but the signature is expired. The username is the primary one encoded in UTF-8 and %XX escaped. The fingerprint may be used instead of the long keyid if it is available. This is the case with CMS and might eventually also be available for OpenPGP. *** EXPKEYSIG The signature with the keyid is good, but the signature was made by an expired key. The username is the primary one encoded in UTF-8 and %XX escaped. The fingerprint may be used instead of the long keyid if it is available. This is the case with CMS and might eventually also be available for OpenPGP. *** REVKEYSIG The signature with the keyid is good, but the signature was made by a revoked key. The username is the primary one encoded in UTF-8 and %XX escaped. The fingerprint may be used instead of the long keyid if it is available. This is the case with CMS and might eventually also beƱ available for OpenPGP. *** BADSIG The signature with the keyid has not been verified okay. The username is the primary one encoded in UTF-8 and %XX escaped. The fingerprint may be used instead of the long keyid if it is available. This is the case with CMS and might eventually also be available for OpenPGP. *** ERRSIG