/* FFI interface for TinySCHEME. * * Copyright (C) 2016 g10 code GmbH * * This file is part of GnuPG. * * GnuPG is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * GnuPG is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #if HAVE_LIBREADLINE #include #include #endif #include "../../common/util.h" #include "../../common/exechelp.h" #include "../../common/sysutils.h" #include "private.h" #include "ffi.h" #include "ffi-private.h" int ffi_bool_value (scheme *sc, pointer p) { return ! (p == sc->F); } static pointer do_logand (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); unsigned int v, acc = ~0; while (args != sc->NIL) { FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, unsigned int, v, number, args); acc &= v; } FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, acc); } static pointer do_logior (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); unsigned int v, acc = 0; while (args != sc->NIL) { FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, unsigned int, v, number, args); acc |= v; } FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, acc); } static pointer do_logxor (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); unsigned int v, acc = 0; while (args != sc->NIL) { FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, unsigned int, v, number, args); acc ^= v; } FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, acc); } static pointer do_lognot (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); unsigned int v; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, unsigned int, v, number, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, ~v); } /* User interface. */ static pointer do_flush_stdio (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); fflush (stdout); fflush (stderr); FFI_RETURN (sc); } int use_libreadline; /* Read a string, and return a pointer to it. Returns NULL on EOF. */ char * rl_gets (const char *prompt) { static char *line = NULL; char *p; xfree (line); #if HAVE_LIBREADLINE { line = readline (prompt); if (line && *line) add_history (line); } #else { size_t max_size = 0xff; printf ("%s", prompt); fflush (stdout); line = xtrymalloc (max_size); if (line != NULL) fgets (line, max_size, stdin); } #endif /* Strip trailing whitespace. */ if (line && strlen (line) > 0) for (p = &line[strlen (line) - 1]; isspace (*p); p--) *p = 0; return line; } static pointer do_prompt (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); const char *prompt; const char *line; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, const char *, prompt, string, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); line = rl_gets (prompt); if (! line) FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, sc->EOF_OBJ); FFI_RETURN_STRING (sc, line); } static pointer do_sleep (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); unsigned int seconds; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, unsigned int, seconds, number, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); sleep (seconds); FFI_RETURN (sc); } static pointer do_usleep (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); useconds_t microseconds; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, useconds_t, microseconds, number, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); usleep (microseconds); FFI_RETURN (sc); } static pointer do_chdir (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); char *name; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, name, path, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); if (chdir (name)) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, errno); FFI_RETURN (sc); } static pointer do_strerror (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); int error; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, error, number, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); FFI_RETURN_STRING (sc, gpg_strerror (error)); } static pointer do_getenv (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); char *name; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, name, string, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); FFI_RETURN_STRING (sc, getenv (name) ?: ""); } static pointer do_setenv (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); char *name; char *value; int overwrite; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, name, string, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, value, string, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, overwrite, bool, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gnupg_setenv (name, value, overwrite)); } static pointer do_exit (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); int retcode; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, retcode, number, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); exit (retcode); } /* XXX: use gnupgs variant b/c mode as string */ static pointer do_open (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); int fd; char *pathname; int flags; mode_t mode = 0; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, pathname, path, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, flags, number, args); if (args != sc->NIL) FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, mode_t, mode, number, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); fd = open (pathname, flags, mode); if (fd == -1) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ()); FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, fd); } static pointer do_fdopen (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); FILE *stream; int fd; char *mode; int kind; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, fd, number, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, mode, string, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); stream = fdopen (fd, mode); if (stream == NULL) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ()); if (setvbuf (stream, NULL, _IONBF, 0) != 0) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ()); kind = 0; if (strchr (mode, 'r')) kind |= port_input; if (strchr (mode, 'w')) kind |= port_output; FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, sc->vptr->mk_port_from_file (sc, stream, kind)); } static pointer do_close (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); int fd; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, fd, number, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, close (fd) == 0 ? 0 : gpg_error_from_syserror ()); } static pointer do_mkdtemp (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); char *template; char buffer[128]; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, template, string, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); if (strlen (template) > sizeof buffer - 1) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, EINVAL); strncpy (buffer, template, sizeof buffer); FFI_RETURN_STRING (sc, gnupg_mkdtemp (buffer)); } static pointer do_unlink (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); char *name; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, name, string, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); if (unlink (name) == -1) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ()); FFI_RETURN (sc); } static gpg_error_t unlink_recursively (const char *name) { gpg_error_t err = 0; struct stat st; if (stat (name, &st) == -1) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); if (S_ISDIR (st.st_mode)) { DIR *dir; struct dirent *dent; dir = opendir (name); if (dir == NULL) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); while ((dent = readdir (dir))) { char *child; if (strcmp (dent->d_name, ".") == 0 || strcmp (dent->d_name, "..") == 0) continue; child = xtryasprintf ("%s/%s", name, dent->d_name); if (child == NULL) { err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto leave; } err = unlink_recursively (child); xfree (child); if (err == gpg_error_from_errno (ENOENT)) err = 0; if (err) goto leave; } leave: closedir (dir); if (! err) rmdir (name); return err; } else if (unlink (name) == -1) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); return 0; } static pointer do_unlink_recursively (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); char *name; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, name, string, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); err = unlink_recursively (name); FFI_RETURN (sc); } static pointer do_rename (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); char *old; char *new; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, old, string, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, new, string, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); if (rename (old, new) == -1) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ()); FFI_RETURN (sc); } static pointer do_getcwd (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); pointer result; char *cwd; FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); cwd = gnupg_getcwd (); if (cwd == NULL) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ()); result = sc->vptr->mk_string (sc, cwd); xfree (cwd); FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, result); } static pointer do_mkdir (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); char *name; char *mode; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, name, string, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, mode, string, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); if (gnupg_mkdir (name, mode) == -1) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ()); FFI_RETURN (sc); } static pointer do_rmdir (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); char *name; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, name, string, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); if (rmdir (name) == -1) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ()); FFI_RETURN (sc); } /* estream functions. */ struct es_object_box { estream_t stream; int closed; }; static void es_object_finalize (scheme *sc, void *data) { struct es_object_box *box = data; (void) sc; if (! box->closed) es_fclose (box->stream); xfree (box); } static void es_object_to_string (scheme *sc, char *out, size_t size, void *data) { struct es_object_box *box = data; (void) sc; snprintf (out, size, "#estream %p", box->stream); } static struct foreign_object_vtable es_object_vtable = { es_object_finalize, es_object_to_string, }; static pointer es_wrap (scheme *sc, estream_t stream) { struct es_object_box *box = xmalloc (sizeof *box); if (box == NULL) return sc->NIL; box->stream = stream; box->closed = 0; return sc->vptr->mk_foreign_object (sc, &es_object_vtable, box); } static struct es_object_box * es_unwrap (scheme *sc, pointer object) { (void) sc; if (! is_foreign_object (object)) return NULL; if (sc->vptr->get_foreign_object_vtable (object) != &es_object_vtable) return NULL; return sc->vptr->get_foreign_object_data (object); } #define CONVERSION_estream(SC, X) es_unwrap (SC, X) #define IS_A_estream(SC, X) es_unwrap (SC, X) static pointer do_es_fclose (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); struct es_object_box *box; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, struct es_object_box *, box, estream, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); err = es_fclose (box->stream); if (! err) box->closed = 1; FFI_RETURN (sc); } static pointer do_es_read (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); struct es_object_box *box; size_t bytes_to_read; pointer result; void *buffer; size_t bytes_read; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, struct es_object_box *, box, estream, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, size_t, bytes_to_read, number, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); buffer = xtrymalloc (bytes_to_read); if (buffer == NULL) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, ENOMEM); err = es_read (box->stream, buffer, bytes_to_read, &bytes_read); if (err) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, err); result = sc->vptr->mk_counted_string (sc, buffer, bytes_read); xfree (buffer); FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, result); } static pointer do_es_feof (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); struct es_object_box *box; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, struct es_object_box *, box, estream, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, es_feof (box->stream) ? sc->T : sc->F); } static pointer do_es_write (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); struct es_object_box *box; const char *buffer; size_t bytes_to_write, bytes_written; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, struct es_object_box *, box, estream, args); /* XXX how to get the length of the string buffer? scheme strings may contain \0. */ FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, const char *, buffer, string, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); bytes_to_write = strlen (buffer); while (bytes_to_write > 0) { err = es_write (box->stream, buffer, bytes_to_write, &bytes_written); if (err) break; bytes_to_write -= bytes_written; buffer += bytes_written; } FFI_RETURN (sc); } /* Process handling. */ static pointer do_spawn_process (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); pointer arguments; char **argv; size_t len; unsigned int flags; estream_t infp; estream_t outfp; estream_t errfp; pid_t pid; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, pointer, arguments, list, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, unsigned int, flags, number, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); err = ffi_list2argv (sc, arguments, &argv, &len); if (err == gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE)) return ffi_sprintf (sc, "%luth element of first argument is " "neither string nor symbol", (unsigned long) len); if (err) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, err); if (verbose > 1) { char **p; fprintf (stderr, "Executing:"); for (p = argv; *p; p++) fprintf (stderr, " '%s'", *p); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } err = gnupg_spawn_process (argv[0], (const char **) &argv[1], GPG_ERR_SOURCE_DEFAULT, NULL, flags, &infp, &outfp, &errfp, &pid); xfree (argv); #define IMC(A, B) \ _cons (sc, sc->vptr->mk_integer (sc, (unsigned long) (A)), (B), 1) #define IMS(A, B) \ _cons (sc, es_wrap (sc, (A)), (B), 1) FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, IMS (infp, IMS (outfp, IMS (errfp, IMC (pid, sc->NIL))))); #undef IMS #undef IMC } static pointer do_spawn_process_fd (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); pointer arguments; char **argv; size_t len; int infd, outfd, errfd; pid_t pid; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, pointer, arguments, list, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, infd, number, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, outfd, number, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, errfd, number, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); err = ffi_list2argv (sc, arguments, &argv, &len); if (err == gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE)) return ffi_sprintf (sc, "%luth element of first argument is " "neither string nor symbol", (unsigned long) len); if (err) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, err); if (verbose > 1) { char **p; fprintf (stderr, "Executing:"); for (p = argv; *p; p++) fprintf (stderr, " '%s'", *p); fprintf (stderr, "\n"); } err = gnupg_spawn_process_fd (argv[0], (const char **) &argv[1], infd, outfd, errfd, &pid); xfree (argv); FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, pid); } static pointer do_wait_process (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); const char *name; pid_t pid; int hang; int retcode; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, const char *, name, string, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, pid_t, pid, number, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, hang, bool, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); err = gnupg_wait_process (name, pid, hang, &retcode); if (err == GPG_ERR_GENERAL) err = 0; /* Let the return code speak for itself. */ FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, retcode); } static pointer do_wait_processes (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); pointer list_names; char **names; pointer list_pids; size_t i, count; pid_t *pids; int hang; int *retcodes; pointer retcodes_list = sc->NIL; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, pointer, list_names, list, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, pointer, list_pids, list, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, hang, bool, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); if (sc->vptr->list_length (sc, list_names) != sc->vptr->list_length (sc, list_pids)) return sc->vptr->mk_string (sc, "length of first two arguments must match"); err = ffi_list2argv (sc, list_names, &names, &count); if (err == gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE)) return ffi_sprintf (sc, "%luth element of first argument is " "neither string nor symbol", (unsigned long) count); if (err) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, err); err = ffi_list2intv (sc, list_pids, (int **) &pids, &count); if (err == gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE)) return ffi_sprintf (sc, "%luth element of second argument is " "neither string nor symbol", (unsigned long) count); if (err) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, err); retcodes = xtrycalloc (sizeof *retcodes, count); if (retcodes == NULL) { xfree (names); xfree (pids); FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ()); } err = gnupg_wait_processes ((const char **) names, pids, count, hang, retcodes); if (err == GPG_ERR_GENERAL) err = 0; /* Let the return codes speak. */ for (i = 0; i < count; i++) retcodes_list = (sc->vptr->cons) (sc, sc->vptr->mk_integer (sc, (long) retcodes[count-1-i]), retcodes_list); FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, retcodes_list); } static pointer do_pipe (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); int filedes[2]; FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); err = gnupg_create_pipe (filedes); #define IMC(A, B) \ _cons (sc, sc->vptr->mk_integer (sc, (unsigned long) (A)), (B), 1) FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, IMC (filedes[0], IMC (filedes[1], sc->NIL))); #undef IMC } static pointer do_inbound_pipe (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); int filedes[2]; FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); err = gnupg_create_inbound_pipe (filedes, NULL, 0); #define IMC(A, B) \ _cons (sc, sc->vptr->mk_integer (sc, (unsigned long) (A)), (B), 1) FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, IMC (filedes[0], IMC (filedes[1], sc->NIL))); #undef IMC } static pointer do_outbound_pipe (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); int filedes[2]; FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); err = gnupg_create_outbound_pipe (filedes, NULL, 0); #define IMC(A, B) \ _cons (sc, sc->vptr->mk_integer (sc, (unsigned long) (A)), (B), 1) FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, IMC (filedes[0], IMC (filedes[1], sc->NIL))); #undef IMC } /* Test helper functions. */ static pointer do_file_equal (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); pointer result = sc->F; char *a_name, *b_name; int binary; const char *mode; FILE *a_stream = NULL, *b_stream = NULL; struct stat a_stat, b_stat; #define BUFFER_SIZE 1024 char a_buf[BUFFER_SIZE], b_buf[BUFFER_SIZE]; #undef BUFFER_SIZE size_t chunk; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, a_name, string, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, b_name, string, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, binary, bool, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); mode = binary ? "rb" : "r"; a_stream = fopen (a_name, mode); if (a_stream == NULL) goto errout; b_stream = fopen (b_name, mode); if (b_stream == NULL) goto errout; if (fstat (fileno (a_stream), &a_stat) < 0) goto errout; if (fstat (fileno (b_stream), &b_stat) < 0) goto errout; if (binary && a_stat.st_size != b_stat.st_size) { if (verbose) fprintf (stderr, "Files %s and %s differ in size %lu != %lu\n", a_name, b_name, (unsigned long) a_stat.st_size, (unsigned long) b_stat.st_size); goto out; } while (! feof (a_stream)) { chunk = sizeof a_buf; chunk = fread (a_buf, 1, chunk, a_stream); if (chunk == 0 && ferror (a_stream)) goto errout; /* some error */ if (fread (b_buf, 1, chunk, b_stream) < chunk) { if (feof (b_stream)) goto out; /* short read */ goto errout; /* some error */ } if (chunk > 0 && memcmp (a_buf, b_buf, chunk) != 0) goto out; } fread (b_buf, 1, 1, b_stream); if (! feof (b_stream)) goto out; /* b is longer */ /* They match. */ result = sc->T; out: if (a_stream) fclose (a_stream); if (b_stream) fclose (b_stream); FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, result); errout: err = gpg_error_from_syserror (); goto out; } static pointer do_splice (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); int source; int sink; ssize_t len = -1; char buffer[1024]; ssize_t bytes_read; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, source, number, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, int, sink, number, args); if (args != sc->NIL) FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, ssize_t, len, number, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); while (len == -1 || len > 0) { size_t want = sizeof buffer; if (len > 0 && (ssize_t) want > len) want = (size_t) len; bytes_read = read (source, buffer, want); if (bytes_read == 0) break; if (bytes_read < 0) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ()); if (write (sink, buffer, bytes_read) != bytes_read) FFI_RETURN_ERR (sc, gpg_error_from_syserror ()); if (len != -1) len -= bytes_read; } FFI_RETURN (sc); } static pointer do_string_index (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); char *haystack; char needle; ssize_t offset = 0; char *position; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, haystack, string, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char, needle, character, args); if (args != sc->NIL) { FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, ssize_t, offset, number, args); if (offset < 0) return ffi_sprintf (sc, "offset must be positive"); if (offset > strlen (haystack)) return ffi_sprintf (sc, "offset exceeds haystack"); } FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); position = strchr (haystack+offset, needle); if (position) FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, position - haystack); else FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, sc->F); } static pointer do_string_rindex (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); char *haystack; char needle; ssize_t offset = 0; char *position; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, haystack, string, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char, needle, character, args); if (args != sc->NIL) { FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, ssize_t, offset, number, args); if (offset < 0) return ffi_sprintf (sc, "offset must be positive"); if (offset > strlen (haystack)) return ffi_sprintf (sc, "offset exceeds haystack"); } FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); position = strrchr (haystack+offset, needle); if (position) FFI_RETURN_INT (sc, position - haystack); else FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, sc->F); } static pointer do_string_contains (scheme *sc, pointer args) { FFI_PROLOG (); char *haystack; char *needle; FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, haystack, string, args); FFI_ARG_OR_RETURN (sc, char *, needle, string, args); FFI_ARGS_DONE_OR_RETURN (sc, args); FFI_RETURN_POINTER (sc, strstr (haystack, needle) ? sc->T : sc->F); } gpg_error_t ffi_list2argv (scheme *sc, pointer list, char ***argv, size_t *len) { int i; *len = sc->vptr->list_length (sc, list); *argv = xtrycalloc (*len + 1, sizeof **argv); if (*argv == NULL) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); for (i = 0; sc->vptr->is_pair (list); list = sc->vptr->pair_cdr (list)) { if (sc->vptr->is_string (sc->vptr->pair_car (list))) (*argv)[i++] = sc->vptr->string_value (sc->vptr->pair_car (list)); else if (sc->vptr->is_symbol (sc->vptr->pair_car (list))) (*argv)[i++] = sc->vptr->symname (sc->vptr->pair_car (list)); else { xfree (*argv); *argv = NULL; *len = i; return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE); } } (*argv)[i] = NULL; return 0; } gpg_error_t ffi_list2intv (scheme *sc, pointer list, int **intv, size_t *len) { int i; *len = sc->vptr->list_length (sc, list); *intv = xtrycalloc (*len, sizeof **intv); if (*intv == NULL) return gpg_error_from_syserror (); for (i = 0; sc->vptr->is_pair (list); list = sc->vptr->pair_cdr (list)) { if (sc->vptr->is_number (sc->vptr->pair_car (list))) (*intv)[i++] = sc->vptr->ivalue (sc->vptr->pair_car (list)); else { xfree (*intv); *intv = NULL; *len = i; return gpg_error (GPG_ERR_INV_VALUE); } } return 0; } const char * ffi_schemify_name (const char *s, int macro) { char *n = strdup (s), *p; if (n == NULL) return s; for (p = n; *p; p++) { *p = (char) tolower (*p); /* We convert _ to - in identifiers. We allow, however, for function names to start with a leading _. The functions in this namespace are not yet finalized and might change or vanish without warning. Use them with care. */ if (! macro && p != n && *p == '_') *p = '-'; } return n; } pointer ffi_sprintf (scheme *sc, const char *format, ...) { pointer result; va_list listp; char *expression; int size, written; va_start (listp, format); size = vsnprintf (NULL, 0, format, listp); va_end (listp); expression = xtrymalloc (size + 1); if (expression == NULL) return NULL; va_start (listp, format); written = vsnprintf (expression, size + 1, format, listp); va_end (listp); assert (size == written); result = sc->vptr->mk_string (sc, expression); xfree (expression); return result; } void ffi_scheme_eval (scheme *sc, const char *format, ...) { va_list listp; char *expression; int size, written; va_start (listp, format); size = vsnprintf (NULL, 0, format, listp); va_end (listp); expression = xtrymalloc (size + 1); if (expression == NULL) return; va_start (listp, format); written = vsnprintf (expression, size + 1, format, listp); va_end (listp); assert (size == written); sc->vptr->load_string (sc, expression); xfree (expression); } gpg_error_t ffi_init (scheme *sc, const char *argv0, int argc, const char **argv) { int i; pointer args = sc->NIL; /* bitwise arithmetic */ ffi_define_function (sc, logand); ffi_define_function (sc, logior); ffi_define_function (sc, logxor); ffi_define_function (sc, lognot); /* libc. */ ffi_define_constant (sc, O_RDONLY); ffi_define_constant (sc, O_WRONLY); ffi_define_constant (sc, O_RDWR); ffi_define_constant (sc, O_CREAT); ffi_define_constant (sc, O_APPEND); #ifndef O_BINARY # define O_BINARY 0 #endif #ifndef O_TEXT # define O_TEXT 0 #endif ffi_define_constant (sc, O_BINARY); ffi_define_constant (sc, O_TEXT); ffi_define_constant (sc, STDIN_FILENO); ffi_define_constant (sc, STDOUT_FILENO); ffi_define_constant (sc, STDERR_FILENO); ffi_define_function (sc, sleep); ffi_define_function (sc, usleep); ffi_define_function (sc, chdir); ffi_define_function (sc, strerror); ffi_define_function (sc, getenv); ffi_define_function (sc, setenv); ffi_define_function (sc, exit); ffi_define_function (sc, open); ffi_define_function (sc, fdopen); ffi_define_function (sc, close); ffi_define_function (sc, mkdtemp); ffi_define_function (sc, unlink); ffi_define_function (sc, unlink_recursively); ffi_define_function (sc, rename); ffi_define_function (sc, getcwd); ffi_define_function (sc, mkdir); ffi_define_function (sc, rmdir); /* Process management. */ ffi_define_function (sc, spawn_process); ffi_define_function (sc, spawn_process_fd); ffi_define_function (sc, wait_process); ffi_define_function (sc, wait_processes); ffi_define_function (sc, pipe); ffi_define_function (sc, inbound_pipe); ffi_define_function (sc, outbound_pipe); /* estream functions. */ ffi_define_function_name (sc, "es-fclose", es_fclose); ffi_define_function_name (sc, "es-read", es_read); ffi_define_function_name (sc, "es-feof", es_feof); ffi_define_function_name (sc, "es-write", es_write); /* Test helper functions. */ ffi_define_function (sc, file_equal); ffi_define_function (sc, splice); ffi_define_function (sc, string_index); ffi_define_function (sc, string_rindex); ffi_define_function_name (sc, "string-contains?", string_contains); /* User interface. */ ffi_define_function (sc, flush_stdio); ffi_define_function (sc, prompt); /* Configuration. */ ffi_define (sc, "*verbose*", sc->vptr->mk_integer (sc, verbose)); ffi_define (sc, "*argv0*", sc->vptr->mk_string (sc, argv0)); for (i = argc - 1; i >= 0; i--) { pointer value = sc->vptr->mk_string (sc, argv[i]); args = (sc->vptr->cons) (sc, value, args); } ffi_define (sc, "*args*", args); #if _WIN32 ffi_define (sc, "*pathsep*", sc->vptr->mk_character (sc, ';')); #else ffi_define (sc, "*pathsep*", sc->vptr->mk_character (sc, ':')); #endif ffi_define (sc, "*stdin*", sc->vptr->mk_port_from_file (sc, stdin, port_input)); ffi_define (sc, "*stdout*", sc->vptr->mk_port_from_file (sc, stdout, port_output)); ffi_define (sc, "*stderr*", sc->vptr->mk_port_from_file (sc, stderr, port_output)); return 0; }