mirror of
synced 2025-03-02 21:11:05 +01:00
(ccid_open_reader): Store the vendor ID.
(ccid_transceive_secure): New. (parse_ccid_descriptor): Workaround for an SCM reader problem.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
2004-10-06 Werner Koch <wk@g10code.de>
* ccid-driver.c (ccid_open_reader): Store the vendor ID.
(ccid_transceive_secure): New.
(parse_ccid_descriptor): Workaround for an SCM reader problem.
2004-10-04 Werner Koch <wk@g10code.de>
* ccid-driver.c (send_escape_cmd): New.
2004-09-30 Werner Koch <wk@g10code.com>
* Makefile.am: Adjusted for gettext 0.14.
@ -154,8 +154,6 @@
enum {
RDR_to_PC_NotifySlotChange= 0x50,
RDR_to_PC_HardwareError = 0x51,
@ -183,12 +181,21 @@ enum {
/* We need to know the vendor to do some hacks. */
enum {
VENDOR_SCM = 0x04e6
/* Store information on the driver's state. A pointer to such a
structure is used as handle for most functions. */
struct ccid_driver_s
usb_dev_handle *idev;
char *rid;
unsigned short id_vendor;
unsigned short id_product;
unsigned short bcd_device;
int seqno;
unsigned char t1_ns;
unsigned char t1_nr;
@ -251,6 +258,8 @@ parse_ccid_descriptor (ccid_driver_t handle,
handle->max_ifsd = 32;
handle->ifsd = 0;
handle->has_pinpad = 0;
DEBUGOUT_3 ("idVendor: %04X idProduct: %04X bcdDevice: %04X\n",
handle->id_vendor, handle->id_product, handle->bcd_device);
if (buflen < 54 || buf[0] < 54)
DEBUGOUT ("CCID device descriptor is too short\n");
@ -417,8 +426,25 @@ parse_ccid_descriptor (ccid_driver_t handle,
"this is not available\n");
return -1;
return 0;
/* SCM drivers get stuck in their internal USB stack if they try to
send a frame of n*wMaxPacketSize back to us. Given that
wMaxPacketSize is 64 for these readers we set the IFSD to a value
lower than that:
64 - 10 CCID header - 4 T1frame - 2 reserved = 48 */
if (handle->id_vendor == VENDOR_SCM
/* FIXME: check whether it is the same
firmware version for all drivers. */
&& handle->bcd_device < 0x0513
&& handle->max_ifsd > 48)
DEBUGOUT ("enabling workaround for buggy SCM readers\n");
handle->max_ifsd = 48;
return 0;
@ -436,7 +462,7 @@ get_escaped_usb_string (usb_dev_handle *idev, int idx,
if (!idx)
return NULL;
/* Fixme: The next line for the current Valgrid without support
/* Fixme: The next line is for the current Valgrid without support
for USB IOCTLs. */
memset (buf, 0, sizeof buf);
@ -825,6 +851,9 @@ ccid_open_reader (ccid_driver_t *handle, const char *readerid)
(*handle)->idev = idev;
(*handle)->rid = rid;
(*handle)->id_vendor = dev->descriptor.idVendor;
(*handle)->id_product = dev->descriptor.idProduct;
(*handle)->bcd_device = dev->descriptor.bcdDevice;
DEBUGOUT_2 ("using CCID reader %d (ID=%s)\n", readerno, rid );
@ -1082,6 +1111,43 @@ bulk_in (ccid_driver_t handle, unsigned char *buffer, size_t length,
/* Note that this fucntion won't return the error codes NO_CARD or
static int
send_escape_cmd (ccid_driver_t handle,
const unsigned char *data, size_t datalen)
int i, rc;
unsigned char msg[100];
size_t msglen;
unsigned char seqno;
if (datalen > sizeof msg - 10)
return CCID_DRIVER_ERR_INV_VALUE; /* Escape data too large. */
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_Escape;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
msg[7] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[8] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[9] = 0; /* RFU */
memcpy (msg+10, data, datalen);
msglen = 10 + datalen;
set_msg_len (msg, datalen);
DEBUGOUT ("sending");
for (i=0; i < msglen; i++)
DEBUGOUT_CONT_1 (" %02X", msg[i]);
rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen);
if (rc)
return rc;
rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof msg, &msglen, RDR_to_PC_Escape, seqno);
return rc;
/* experimental */
ccid_poll (ccid_driver_t handle)
@ -1617,10 +1683,232 @@ ccid_transceive (ccid_driver_t handle,
/* Send the CCID Secure command to the reader. APDU_BUF should contain the APDU template. PIN_MODE defines now the pin gets formatted:
1 := The PIN is ASCII encoded and of variable length. The
length of the PIN entered will be put into Lc by the reader.
The APDU should me made up of 4 bytes without Lc.
PINLEN_MIN and PINLEN_MAX define the limits for the pin length. 0
may be used t enable usbale defaults. PIN_PADLEN should be 0
When called with RESP and NRESP set to NULL, the function will
merely check whether the reader supports the secure command for the
given APDU and PIN_MODE. */
ccid_transceive_secure (ccid_driver_t handle,
const unsigned char *apdu_buf, size_t apdu_buflen,
int pin_mode, int pinlen_min, int pinlen_max,
int pin_padlen,
unsigned char *resp, size_t maxresplen, size_t *nresp)
int rc;
unsigned char send_buffer[10+259], recv_buffer[10+259];
unsigned char *msg, *tpdu, *p;
size_t msglen, tpdulen, n;
unsigned char seqno;
int i;
size_t dummy_nresp;
int testmode;
testmode = !resp && !nresp;
if (!nresp)
nresp = &dummy_nresp;
*nresp = 0;
if (apdu_buflen >= 4 && apdu_buf[1] == 0x20 && (handle->has_pinpad & 1))
else if (apdu_buflen >= 4 && apdu_buf[1] == 0x24 && (handle->has_pinpad & 2))
return CCID_DRIVER_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED; /* Not yet by our code. */
if (pin_mode != 1)
if (pin_padlen != 0)
if (!pinlen_min)
pinlen_min = 1;
if (!pinlen_max)
pinlen_max = 25;
/* Note that the 25 is the maximum value the SPR532 allows. */
if (pinlen_min < 1 || pinlen_min > 25
|| pinlen_max < 1 || pinlen_max > 25
|| pinlen_min > pinlen_max)
/* We have only tested this with an SCM reader so better don't risk
anything and do not allow the use with other readers. */
if (handle->id_vendor != VENDOR_SCM)
if (testmode)
return 0; /* Success */
msg = send_buffer;
if (handle->id_vendor == VENDOR_SCM)
DEBUGOUT ("sending escape sequence to switch to a case 1 APDU\n");
rc = send_escape_cmd (handle, "\x80\x02\x00", 3);
if (rc)
return rc;
msg[0] = PC_to_RDR_Secure;
msg[5] = 0; /* slot */
msg[6] = seqno = handle->seqno++;
msg[7] = 4; /* bBWI */
msg[8] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[9] = 0; /* RFU */
msg[10] = 0; /* Perform PIN verification. */
msg[11] = 0; /* Timeout in seconds. */
msg[12] = 0x82; /* bmFormatString: Byte, pos=0, left, ASCII. */
if (handle->id_vendor == VENDOR_SCM)
/* For the SPR532 the next 2 bytes need to be zero. We do this
for all SCM product. Kudos to to Martin Paljak for this
hint. */
msg[13] = msg[14] = 0;
msg[13] = 0x00; /* bmPINBlockString:
0 bits of pin length to insert.
0 bytes of PIN block size. */
msg[14] = 0x00; /* bmPINLengthFormat:
Units are bytes, position is 0. */
msg[15] = pinlen_min; /* wPINMaxExtraDigit-Minimum. */
msg[16] = pinlen_max; /* wPINMaxExtraDigit-Maximum. */
msg[17] = 0x02; /* bEntryValidationCondition:
Validation key pressed */
if (pinlen_min && pinlen_max && pinlen_min == pinlen_max)
msg[17] |= 0x01; /* Max size reached. */
msg[18] = 0xff; /* bNumberMessage: Default. */
msg[19] = 0x04; /* wLangId-High. */
msg[20] = 0x09; /* wLangId-Low: English FIXME: use the first entry. */
msg[21] = 0; /* bMsgIndex. */
/* bTeoProlog follows: */
msg[22] = handle->nonnull_nad? ((1 << 4) | 0): 0;
msg[23] = ((handle->t1_ns & 1) << 6); /* I-block */
msg[24] = 4; /* apdulen. */
/* APDU follows: */
msg[25] = apdu_buf[0]; /* CLA */
msg[26] = apdu_buf[1]; /* INS */
msg[27] = apdu_buf[2]; /* P1 */
msg[28] = apdu_buf[3]; /* P2 */
msglen = 29;
set_msg_len (msg, msglen - 10);
DEBUGOUT ("sending");
for (i=0; i < msglen; i++)
DEBUGOUT_CONT_1 (" %02X", msg[i]);
rc = bulk_out (handle, msg, msglen);
if (rc)
return rc;
msg = recv_buffer;
rc = bulk_in (handle, msg, sizeof recv_buffer, &msglen,
RDR_to_PC_DataBlock, seqno);
if (rc)
return rc;
tpdu = msg + 10;
tpdulen = msglen - 10;
if (tpdulen < 4)
usb_clear_halt (handle->idev, 0x82);
#ifdef DEBUG_T1
fprintf (stderr, "T1: got %c-block seq=%d err=%d\n",
((msg[11] & 0xc0) == 0x80)? 'R' :
(msg[11] & 0x80)? 'S' : 'I',
((msg[11] & 0x80)? !!(msg[11]& 0x10) : !!(msg[11] & 0x40)),
((msg[11] & 0xc0) == 0x80)? (msg[11] & 0x0f) : 0
if (!(tpdu[1] & 0x80))
{ /* This is an I-block. */
/* Last block sent was successful. */
handle->t1_ns ^= 1;
if (!!(tpdu[1] & 0x40) != handle->t1_nr)
{ /* Reponse does not match our sequence number. */
DEBUGOUT ("I-block with wrong seqno received\n");
handle->t1_nr ^= 1;
p = tpdu + 3; /* Skip the prologue field. */
n = tpdulen - 3 - 1; /* Strip the epilogue field. */
/* fixme: verify the checksum. */
if (resp)
if (n > maxresplen)
DEBUGOUT_2 ("provided buffer too short for received data "
(unsigned int)n, (unsigned int)maxresplen);
memcpy (resp, p, n);
resp += n;
*nresp += n;
maxresplen -= n;
if (!(tpdu[1] & 0x20))
return 0; /* No chaining requested - ready. */
DEBUGOUT ("chaining requested but not supported for Secure operation\n");
else if ((tpdu[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80)
{ /* This is a R-block. */
if ( (tpdu[1] & 0x0f))
{ /* Error: repeat last block */
DEBUGOUT ("No retries supported for Secure operation\n");
else if (!!(tpdu[1] & 0x40) == handle->t1_ns)
{ /* Reponse does not match our sequence number. */
DEBUGOUT ("R-block with wrong seqno received on more bit\n");
{ /* Send next chunk. */
DEBUGOUT ("chaining not supported on Secure operation\n");
{ /* This is a S-block. */
DEBUGOUT_2 ("T1 S-block %s received cmd=%d for Secure operation\n",
(tpdu[1] & 0x20)? "response": "request",
(tpdu[1] & 0x1f));
return 0;
#ifdef TEST
static void
print_error (int err)
@ -1682,6 +1970,9 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
unsigned int slotstat;
unsigned char result[512];
size_t resultlen;
int no_pinpad = 0;
int verify_123456 = 0;
int did_verify = 0;
if (argc)
@ -1706,6 +1997,16 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
ccid_set_debug_level (1);
argc--; argv++;
else if ( !strcmp (*argv, "--no-pinpad"))
no_pinpad = 1;
argc--; argv++;
else if ( !strcmp (*argv, "--verify-123456"))
verify_123456 = 1;
argc--; argv++;
@ -1755,28 +2056,55 @@ main (int argc, char **argv)
print_result (rc, result, resultlen);
ccid_poll (ccid);
if (!no_pinpad)
/* if (!ccid->has_pinpad) */
/* { */
/* fputs ("verifying that CHV1 is 123456....\n", stderr); */
/* { */
/* static unsigned char apdu[] = {0, 0x20, 0, 0x81, */
/* 6, '1','2','3','4','5','6'}; */
/* rc = ccid_transceive (ccid, apdu, sizeof apdu, */
/* result, sizeof result, &resultlen); */
/* print_result (rc, result, resultlen); */
/* } */
/* } */
/* else */
/* { */
/* fputs ("verifying CHV1 using the PINPad ....\n", stderr); */
/* { */
/* rc = ccid_secure_transceive (ccid, */
/* result, sizeof result, &resultlen); */
/* print_result (rc, result, resultlen); */
/* } */
/* } */
if (!no_pinpad)
static unsigned char apdu[] = { 0, 0x20, 0, 0x81 };
if (ccid_transceive_secure (ccid,
apdu, sizeof apdu,
1, 0, 0, 0,
fputs ("can't verify using a PIN-Pad reader\n", stderr);
fputs ("verifying CHV1 using the PINPad ....\n", stderr);
rc = ccid_transceive_secure (ccid,
apdu, sizeof apdu,
1, 0, 0, 0,
result, sizeof result, &resultlen);
print_result (rc, result, resultlen);
did_verify = 1;
if (verify_123456 && !did_verify)
fputs ("verifying that CHV1 is 123456....\n", stderr);
static unsigned char apdu[] = {0, 0x20, 0, 0x81,
6, '1','2','3','4','5','6'};
rc = ccid_transceive (ccid, apdu, sizeof apdu,
result, sizeof result, &resultlen);
print_result (rc, result, resultlen);
if (!rc)
fputs ("getting OpenPGP DO 0x5E ....\n", stderr);
static unsigned char apdu[] = { 0, 0xCA, 0, 0x5E, 254 };
rc = ccid_transceive (ccid, apdu, sizeof apdu,
result, sizeof result, &resultlen);
print_result (rc, result, resultlen);
ccid_close_reader (ccid);
@ -86,6 +86,11 @@ int ccid_slot_status (ccid_driver_t handle, int *statusbits);
int ccid_transceive (ccid_driver_t handle,
const unsigned char *apdu, size_t apdulen,
unsigned char *resp, size_t maxresplen, size_t *nresp);
int ccid_transceive_secure (ccid_driver_t handle,
const unsigned char *apdu, size_t apdulen,
int pin_mode,
int pinlen_min, int pinlen_max, int pin_padlen,
unsigned char *resp, size_t maxresplen, size_t *nresp);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user