mirror of https://github.com/kkapsner/CanvasBlocker synced 2024-09-22 01:21:41 +02:00
2023-05-30 19:04:40 +02:00

81 lines
2.2 KiB

const child_process = require("child_process");
const path = require("path");
const yargs = require("yargs");
const args = yargs
.options("type", {
alias: "t",
describe: "Type of the build",
choices: ["alpha", "rc", "release"],
default: "alpha",
.alias("help", "h")
const fs = require("fs");
function getAlphaVersion(manifest, useTime){
"use strict";
function f(n){
if (n < 10) return "0" + n.toString(10);
return n.toString(10);
const now = new Date();
// const date = now.toISOString().substring(0, useTime? 13: 10).replace(/-/g, "").replace("T", ".");
const date = `${now.getFullYear()}${f(now.getMonth() + 1)}${f(now.getDate())}${useTime? "." + f(now.getHours): ""}`;
return manifest.version.replace(/^([\d.]+).*$/, "$1Alpha" + date);
function getRCVersion(manifest){
"use strict";
throw "not implemented";
function getReleaseVersion(manifest){
"use strict";
return manifest.version.replace(/^([\d.]+).*$/, "$1");
async function run(){
"use strict";
const manifestPath = path.join(__dirname, "../manifest.json");
const oldManifest = await fs.promises.readFile(manifestPath);
const manifest = require(manifestPath);
if (args.type === "alpha" || args.type === "rc"){
manifest.name = "CanvasBlocker-Beta";
manifest.browser_specific_settings.gecko.id = "CanvasBlocker-Beta@kkapsner.de";
else {
manifest.name = "CanvasBlocker";
manifest.browser_specific_settings.gecko.id = "CanvasBlocker@kkapsner.de";
delete manifest.browser_specific_settings.gecko.update_url;
if (args.type === "alpha"){
manifest.version = getAlphaVersion(manifest);
else if (args.type === "rc"){
manifest.version = getRCVersion(manifest);
else {
manifest.version = getReleaseVersion(manifest);
await fs.promises.writeFile(manifestPath, JSON.stringify(manifest, null, "\t"));
const childArgs = [
const child = child_process.spawn("web-ext", childArgs, {stdio: "inherit"});
child.on("close", function(){
fs.promises.writeFile(manifestPath, oldManifest);