mirror of https://github.com/kkapsner/CanvasBlocker synced 2025-03-27 02:00:12 +01:00
2024-03-28 16:53:01 +01:00

452 lines
9.1 KiB

/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
const settingDefinitions = [
name: "logLevel",
defaultValue: 1,
options: [0, 1, 25, 50, 75, 100]
name: "urlSettings",
defaultValue: [],
isUrlContainer: true,
entries: [
{name: "url", defaultValue: ""}
name: "hiddenSettings",
isHideContainer: true,
defaultValue: {}
name: "expandStatus",
isExpandContainer: true,
defaultValue: {}
name: "displayHiddenSettings",
defaultValue: false
name: "urls",
defaultValue: [],
dynamic: true,
dependencies: ["urlSettings"],
getter: function(settings){
return settings.urlSettings.map(function(urlSetting){
return urlSetting.url;
name: "whiteList",
defaultValue: ""
name: "sessionWhiteList",
resetOnStartup: true,
defaultValue: ""
name: "blackList",
defaultValue: ""
name: "blockMode",
defaultValue: "fake",
urlSpecific: true,
options: [
"fake", "ask", null,
"blockEverything", "block", "allow", "allowEverything"
name: "protectedCanvasPart",
defaultValue: "readout",
urlSpecific: true,
options: [
"nothing", "readout", "input", "everything"
name: "minFakeSize",
defaultValue: 1
name: "maxFakeSize",
defaultValue: 0
name: "rng",
defaultValue: "nonPersistent",
options: ["white", "nonPersistent", "constant", "persistent"]
name: "protectedAPIFeatures",
defaultValue: {},
keys: [
{name: "Canvas-API", level: 1},
"getContext @ canvas",
{message: "readout", level: 2},
"toDataURL @ canvas",
"toBlob @ canvas", "convertToBlob @ canvas", "mozGetAsFile @ canvas",
"getImageData @ canvas",
"isPointInPath @ canvas", "isPointInStroke @ canvas",
{message: "input", level: 2},
"fillText @ canvas", "strokeText @ canvas",
{name: "webGL", level: 2},
"readPixels @ canvas", "getParameter @ canvas", "getExtension @ canvas",
{name: "Audio-API", level: 1},
"getFloatFrequencyData @ audio", "getByteFrequencyData @ audio",
"getFloatTimeDomainData @ audio", "getByteTimeDomainData @ audio",
"getChannelData @ audio", "copyFromChannel @ audio",
"getFrequencyResponse @ audio",
{name: "History-API", level: 1},
"length @ history",
{name: "Window-API", level: 1},
"opener @ window",
"name @ window",
{name: "DOMRect-API", level: 1},
"getClientRects @ domRect",
"getBoundingClientRect @ domRect",
"getBoxQuads @ domRect",
"getBounds @ domRect",
"getBBox @ domRect",
"getStartPositionOfChar @ domRect",
"getEndPositionOfChar @ domRect",
"getExtentOfChar @ domRect",
"getPointAtLength @ domRect",
"intersectionRect @ domRect",
"boundingClientRect @ domRect",
"rootBounds @ domRect",
{name: "SVG-API", level: 1},
"getTotalLength @ svg",
"getComputedTextLength @ svg",
"getSubStringLength @ svg",
{name: "TextMetrics-API", level: 1},
"width @ textMetrics",
"actualBoundingBoxAscent @ textMetrics",
"actualBoundingBoxDescent @ textMetrics",
"actualBoundingBoxLeft @ textMetrics",
"actualBoundingBoxRight @ textMetrics",
"alphabeticBaseline @ textMetrics",
"emHeightAscent @ textMetrics",
"emHeightDescent @ textMetrics",
"fontBoundingBoxAscent @ textMetrics",
"fontBoundingBoxDescent @ textMetrics",
"hangingBaseline @ textMetrics",
"ideographicBaseline @ textMetrics",
{name: "Navigator-API", level: 1},
"appCodeName @ navigator",
"appName @ navigator",
"appVersion @ navigator",
"buildID @ navigator",
"estimate @ navigator",
"oscpu @ navigator",
"platform @ navigator",
"product @ navigator",
"productSub @ navigator",
"userAgent @ navigator",
"vendor @ navigator",
"vendorSub @ navigator",
{name: "Screen-API", level: 1},
"width @ screen",
"height @ screen",
"availWidth @ screen",
"availHeight @ screen",
"availTop @ screen",
"availLeft @ screen",
"matches @ screen",
"outerWidth @ screen",
"outerHeight @ screen",
defaultKeyValue: true
name: "useCanvasCache",
defaultValue: true
name: "ignoreFrequentColors",
defaultValue: 0
name: "minColors",
defaultValue: 0
name: "fakeAlphaChannel",
defaultValue: false
name: "webGLVendor",
defaultValue: ""
name: "webGLRenderer",
defaultValue: ""
name: "webGLUnmaskedVendor",
defaultValue: ""
name: "webGLUnmaskedRenderer",
defaultValue: ""
name: "persistentRndStorage",
defaultValue: ""
name: "persistentIncognitoRndStorage",
resetOnStartup: true,
defaultValue: ""
name: "storePersistentRnd",
defaultValue: false
name: "persistentRndClearIntervalValue",
defaultValue: 0
name: "persistentRndClearIntervalUnit",
defaultValue: "days",
options: ["seconds", "minutes", "hours", "days", "weeks", "months", "years"]
name: "lastPersistentRndClearing",
defaultValue: 0
name: "sharePersistentRndBetweenDomains",
defaultValue: false
name: "askOnlyOnce",
defaultValue: "individual",
options: ["no", "individual", "combined"]
name: "askDenyMode",
defaultValue: "block",
options: ["block", "fake"]
name: "showCanvasWhileAsking",
defaultValue: true
name: "showNotifications",
defaultValue: true,
urlSpecific: true
name: "highlightPageAction",
defaultValue: "none",
options: ["none", "color", "blink"],
urlSpecific: true
name: "highlightBrowserAction",
defaultValue: "color",
options: ["none", "color", "blink"],
urlSpecific: true
name: "displayBadge",
defaultValue: true
name: "storeNotificationData",
defaultValue: false
name: "storeImageForInspection",
defaultValue: false
name: "ignoreList",
defaultValue: ""
name: "ignoredAPIs",
defaultValue: {},
keys: [
defaultKeyValue: false
name: "showCallingFile",
defaultValue: false
name: "showCompleteCallingStack",
defaultValue: false
name: "enableStackList",
defaultValue: false
name: "stackList",
defaultValue: ""
name: "protectAudio",
defaultValue: true,
urlSpecific: true
name: "audioFakeRate",
defaultValue: "100",
options: ["1", "10", "100", "1000", "0.1%", "1%", "10%", "100%"]
name: "audioNoiseLevel",
defaultValue: "minimal",
options: ["minimal", "low", "medium", "high", "maximal"]
name: "useAudioCache",
defaultValue: true,
urlSpecific: true
name: "audioUseFixedIndices",
defaultValue: true
name: "audioFixedIndices",
defaultValue: function(){
return Math.floor(Math.random() * 30).toString(10);
name: "historyLengthThreshold",
defaultValue: 2,
urlSpecific: true
name: "protectWindow",
defaultValue: false,
urlSpecific: true
name: "allowWindowNameInFrames",
defaultValue: false,
urlSpecific: true
name: "protectDOMRect",
defaultValue: true,
urlSpecific: true
name: "domRectIntegerFactor",
defaultValue: 4
name: "protectSVG",
defaultValue: true,
urlSpecific: true
name: "protectTextMetrics",
defaultValue: true,
urlSpecific: true
name: "blockDataURLs",
defaultValue: true,
urlSpecific: true
name: "protectNavigator",
defaultValue: false,
urlSpecific: true
name: "navigatorDetails",
defaultValue: {},
name: "protectScreen",
defaultValue: true,
urlSpecific: true
name: "screenSize",
defaultValue: "",
urlSpecific: true
name: "fakeMinimalScreenSize",
defaultValue: true,
mobileDefaultValue: false,
urlSpecific: true
name: "displayAdvancedSettings",
defaultValue: false
name: "displayDescriptions",
defaultValue: false
name: "theme",
defaultValue: "auto",
options: ["auto", "default", "light", "dark", "colorful"/*, "none"*/]
name: "showPresetsOnInstallation",
defaultValue: true
name: "dontShowOptionsOnUpdate",
defaultValue: false
name: "disruptSessionOnUpdate",
defaultValue: false
name: "updatePending",
resetOnStartup: true,
defaultValue: false
name: "isStillDefault",
defaultValue: true
name: "storageVersion",
defaultValue: 1.0,
fixed: true
if ((typeof module) !== "undefined"){
module.exports = settingDefinitions;
else {
require.register("./settingDefinitions", settingDefinitions);