/* global console,exports */ /* jslint moz: true */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ (function(){ "use strict"; const lists = require("./lists"); const preferences = require("sdk/simple-prefs"); const prefs = preferences.prefs; const {parseErrorStack} = require("./callingStack"); const {URL} = require("sdk/url"); exports.check = function check({url, errorStack}){ var callingStack = parseErrorStack(errorStack); var match = checkBoth(callingStack, url, prefs.blockMode).match(/^(block|allow|fake|ask)(|Readout|Everything|Context|Input)$/); if (match){ return { type: (match[2] === "Everything" || match[2] === "")? ["context", "readout", "input"]: [match[2].toLowerCase()], mode: match[1] }; } else { return { type: ["context", "readout", "input"], mode: "block" }; } }; function checkBoth(stack, url, blockMode){ if (prefs.enableStackList && checkStack(stack)){ return "allow"; } else { return checkURL(url, blockMode); } } function checkURL(url, blockMode){ url = new URL(url); switch (url.protocol){ case "about:": if (url.href === "about:blank"){ break; } return "allow"; case "chrome:": return "allow"; } var mode = "block"; switch (blockMode){ case "blockEverything": mode = "block"; break; case "block": case "blockContext": case "blockReadout": case "blockInput": case "ask": case "askContext": case "askReadout": case "askInput": case "fake": case "fakeContext": case "fakeReadout": case "fakeInput": case "allow": case "allowContext": case "allowReadout": case "allowInput": if (url && lists.get("white").match(url)){ mode = "allow"; } else if (url && lists.get("black").match(url)){ mode = "block"; } else { mode = blockMode; } break; case "allowEverything": mode = "allow"; break; default: // console.log("Unknown blocking mode (" + blockMode + "). Default to block everything."); } return mode; } function checkStack(stack){ return lists.get("stack").match(stack); } }());