whilteList_title= White list whiteList_description= Domains or URLs where the -API should not be blocked. To add multiple entries, separate them by commas. blackList_title= Black list blackList_description= Domains or URLs where the -API should always be blocked. To add multiple entries, separate them by commas. ignoreList_title= Ignore list ignoreList_description= Domains or URLs where no notification will be shown. To add multiple entries, separate them by commas. blockMode_title= Block mode blockMode_description= blockMode_options.block everything= block everything blockMode_options.allow only white list= allow only white list blockMode_options.ask for permission= ask for permission blockMode_options.block readout API= block readout API blockMode_options.fake readout API= fake readout API blockMode_options.ask for readout API permission= ask for readout API permission blockMode_options.block only black list= block only black list blockMode_options.allow everything= allow everything askOnlyOnce_title= Ask only once askOnlyOnce_description= When Canvas Blocker's Block mode is set to 'ask permission' or 'ask permission for readout API', a confirm message will appear every time a page tries to access the API or readout API. This setting tries to display the confirm message only once for each page regardless of how many times the page tries to access the API. Nevertheless, multiple confirm messages may still be displayed on some pages. showNotifications_title= Show notifications showNotifications_description= Show a notification when the block mode is set to "fake readout API". showCallingFile_title= Show calling file showCallingFile_description= showCompleteCallingStack_title= Display complete calling stack showCompleteCallingStack_description= enableStackList_title= Use file specific white list enableStackList_description= stackList_title= File specific white list stackList_description= JS files which are allowed to use the -API. The input has to be in JSON format. Example: [{"url": "http://domain/file1.js"}, {"url": "http://domain/file2.js", "line": 1, "column": 4, "stackPosition": -3}] allowPDFCanvas_title= Allow canvas in PDFs allowPDFCanvas_description= Firefox's native PDF reader uses the API to display PDF content. If too many ask dialogs appear or the PDF reader does not work at all, these have to be allowed. askForPermission= Do you want to allow ? askForVisiblePermission= Do you want to allow the red bordered ? askForInvisiblePermission= Do you want to allow invisible ? askForReadoutPermission= Do you want to allow readout? askForVisibleReadoutPermission= Do you want to allow the readout of the red bordered ? askForInvisibleReadoutPermission= Do you want to allow invisible readout? sourceOutput= Calling file stackEntryOutput= {url} line {line} column {column} fakedReadout = Faked readout on {url} settings = settings displayCallingStack = display calling stack displayFullURL = display full URL whitelist = whitelist whitelistURL = whitelist URL whitelistDomain = whitelist domain disableNotifications = disable notifications ignorelistURL = ignore URL ignorelistDomain = ignore domain inputIgnoreDomain = Input domain to add to ignore list: inputWhitelistDomain = Input URL RegExp to add to white list: inputWhitelistURL = Input domain to add to white list: