/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ (function(){ "use strict"; let scope; if ((typeof exports) !== "undefined"){ scope = exports; } else { scope = require.register("./search", {}); } const extension = require("./extension"); const texts = []; const callbacks = []; scope.register = function(text, content){ switch (typeof text){ case "function": callbacks.push({callback: text, content}); break; default: texts.push({text: text.toLowerCase(), content}); break; } }; scope.search = function(search){ const resultSets = search.split(/\s+/).filter(function(term){ return term.trim(); }).map(function(term){ const matching = new Set(); if (term.match(/^:[a-z]+$/i)){ const tag = term.substring(1); texts.forEach(function(text){ if (text.content.querySelector(`.${tag}`)){ matching.add(text.content); } }); } else { term = new RegExp(term.toLowerCase()); texts.forEach(function(text){ if (term.test(text.text)){ matching.add(text.content); } }); callbacks.forEach(function(callback){ if (callback.callback(term)){ matching.add(callback.content); } }); } return matching; }); if (resultSets.length){ return Array.from( resultSets.reduce(function(previousSet, set){ const andSet = new Set(); set.forEach(function(entry){ if (previousSet.has(entry)){ andSet.add(entry); } }); return andSet; }) ); } else { return []; } }; const searchListeners = []; scope.init = function(){ const node = document.createElement("input"); node.id = "search"; node.placeholder = extension.getTranslation("search"); window.setTimeout(() => node.focus(), 1); let lastResults = []; node.addEventListener("input", function(){ this.search(); }); node.search = function(){ const search = this.value; const results = search? scope.search(search): []; searchListeners.forEach(function(callback){ callback({search, results, lastResults}); }); lastResults = results; }; return node; }; scope.on = function(callback){ searchListeners.push(callback); }; }());