/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ (function(){ "use strict"; let scope; if ((typeof exports) !== "undefined"){ scope = exports; } else { scope = require.register("./extension", {}); } const browserAvailable = typeof browser !== "undefined"; const logging = require("./logging"); scope.inBackgroundScript = !!( browserAvailable && browser.extension.getBackgroundPage && browser.extension.getBackgroundPage() === window ); scope.getTranslation = browserAvailable? function getTranslation(id){ return browser.i18n.getMessage(id); }: function(id){ return id; }; scope.extensionID = browserAvailable? browser.extension.getURL(""): "extensionID"; scope.inIncognitoContext = browserAvailable? browser.extension.inIncognitoContext: false; scope.message = { on: browserAvailable? function(callback){ return browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(callback); }: function(){ return false; }, send: browserAvailable? function(data){ return browser.runtime.sendMessage(data); }: function(){ return false; } }; Object.seal(scope.message); scope.getWrapped = function getWrapped(obj){ return obj && (obj.wrappedJSObject || obj); }; scope.exportFunctionWithName = function exportFunctionWithName(func, context, name){ const exportedTry = exportFunction(func, context, {allowCrossOriginArguments: true}); if (exportedTry.name === name){ return exportedTry; } else { if (func.name === name){ logging.message( "FireFox bug: Need to change name in exportFunction from", exportedTry.name, "(originally correct) to", name ); } else { logging.error("Wrong name specified for", name, new Error()); } const wrappedContext = scope.getWrapped(context); const options = { allowCrossOriginArguments: true, defineAs: name }; const oldDescriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(wrappedContext, name); if (oldDescriptor && !oldDescriptor.configurable){ logging.error( "Unable to export function with the correct name", name, "instead we have to use", exportedTry.name ); return exportedTry; } const exported = exportFunction(func, context, options); if (oldDescriptor){ Object.defineProperty(wrappedContext, name, oldDescriptor); } else { delete wrappedContext[name]; } return exported; } }; Object.seal(scope); }());