const child_process = require("child_process"); const path = require("path"); const yargs = require("yargs"); const args = yargs .options("type", { alias: "t", describe: "Type of the build", choices: ["alpha", "rc", "release"], default: "alpha", }) .help() .alias("help", "h") .argv; const fs = require("fs"); function getAlphaVersion(manifest){ "use strict"; const now = new Date(); const date = now.toISOString().substring(0, 10).replace(/-/g, ""); return manifest.version.replace(/^([\d.]+).*$/, "$1Alpha" + date); } function getRCVersion(manifest){ "use strict"; throw "not implemented"; } function getReleaseVersion(manifest){ "use strict"; return manifest.version.replace(/^([\d.]+).*$/, "$1"); } async function run(){ "use strict"; const manifestPath = path.join(__dirname, "../manifest.json"); const oldManifest = await fs.promises.readFile(manifestPath); const manifest = require(manifestPath); if (args.type === "alpha" || args.type === "rc"){ = "CanvasBlocker-Beta"; = ""; } else { = "CanvasBlocker"; = ""; delete manifest.applications.gecko.update_url; } if (args.type === "alpha"){ manifest.version = getAlphaVersion(manifest); } else if (args.type === "rc"){ manifest.version = getRCVersion(manifest); } else { manifest.version = getReleaseVersion(manifest); } await fs.promises.writeFile(manifestPath, JSON.stringify(manifest, null, "\t")); const childArgs = [ "build", "--overwrite-dest", "--ignore-files", "test", "--ignore-files", "versions", "--ignore-files", "package*" ]; const child = child_process.spawn("web-ext", childArgs, {stdio: "inherit"}); child.on("close", function(){ fs.promises.writeFile(manifestPath, oldManifest); }); } run();