Version 0.5.4: changes: - converted "API whitelist" to "protected API features" (automatic settings migration) - notification details are not stored by default - settings page reorganized - audio API notifies on every call - made audio cache url specific new features: - added save/load directly to/from file option - added protection for DOMRect (getClientRects) - added setting to control if notification details should be stored - state of the arrow for url specific values is saved - browser action icon gets grayed out if the page is whitelisted - added search to options page fixes: - window and audio API were always blocked when using any of the "block ..." modes - canvas content was not stored to be displayed when wanted - hovering over toolbar icon created error in the browser console known issues: - if a data URL is blocked the page action button does not appear Version 0.5.3: changes: - removed active support for Firefox < 60 - maximal 250 notifications per domain and type will be rendered new features: - display version in options page - added link to open options page in separate tab - added option "Don't show again on update." for options page - added option to highlight page action icon - added option to control browser action icon on notifications - added theme for browser and page action popup - added badge - added option to ignore APIs - added protection for history length - added protection for window name and opener fixes: - CSP did not work properly for worker-src - detection if the options page was displayed in a separate tab did not work reliably - popup text not readable in some dark themes - display conditions for notification settings - page action not useable with a lot of notifications - blocking of blob-worker broke some pages known issues: - if a data URL is blocked the page action button does not appear Version 0.5.2b: known issues: - force setting loadings may result in non working plugins or not opening direct image links. Use 0.5.2a instead or use Firefox >= 59 which provides the required API to solve this issue once and for all changes: - if settings are not loaded fast enough the loading is forced Version 0.5.2a: known issues: - due to API blocking some web pages may break. Use 0.5.2b instead. changes: - if settings are not loaded fast enough the loading is not forced but all APIs are blocked Version 0.5.2: new features: - separate persistent random numbers for incognito windows (resets when closing all incognito windows - like cookies do) - added toolbar icon fixes: - optimized CSP - in Firefox ESR (52) iFrames with a blob-URL cannot be protected -> they have to be blocked there as well - broken when using with Random Agent Spoofer known issues: - if a data URL is blocked the page action button does not appear Version known issues: - force setting loadings may result in non working plugins or not opening direct image links. Use instead or use Firefox >= 59 which provides the required API to solve this issue once and for all changes: - if settings are not loaded fast enough the loading is forced Version known issues: - due to API blocking some web pages may break. Use instead. changes: - if settings are not loaded fast enough the loading is not forced but all APIs are blocked Version fixes: - blocking blob: scheme broke some pages unnecessarily Version 0.5.1b: known issues: - force setting loadings may result in non working plugins or not opening direct image links. Use 0.5.1a instead or use Firefox >= 59 which provides the required API to solve this issue once and for all changes: - if settings are not loaded fast enough the loading is forced Version 0.5.1a: known issues: - due to API blocking some web pages may break. Use 0.5.1b instead. changes: - if settings are not loaded fast enough the loading is not forced but all APIs are blocked Version 0.5.1: changes: - instead of blocking requests from data URLs they are blocked themselves new features: - new setting: session white list that is cleared on addon load (= browser start) fixes: - Changes made in the page action were not saved in all Firefox versions - Blocking requests data URLs blocked too much known issues: - if a data URL is blocked the page action button does not appear Version known issues: - force setting loadings may result in non working plugins or not opening direct image links. Use 0.5.0a instead or use Firefox >= 59 which provides the required API to solve this issue once and for all changes: - if settings are not loaded fast enough the loading is forced Version 0.5.0a: known issues: - due to API blocking some web pages may break. Use instead. changes: - if settings are not loaded fast enough the loading is not forced but all APIs are blocked Version 0.5.0: changes: - Changes in the random supply API - Added grouping to API white list - Show page action when API is blocked new features: - Can protect Audio API - Settings can be hidden fixes: - make function replacements not detectable - "protect" data URL pages by blocking all requests from them removed fixes: - display of about:blank broken in Waterfox reason: it should help protect data URL pages in the future known issues: - if a data URL request is blocked the page action button appears but shows no content Version 0.4.5c: new features: - Added setting to whitelist parts of the canvas API fixes: - respect resistFingerPrinting setting in isPointInPath and isPointInStroke Version 0.4.5b: known issues: - force setting loadings may result in non working plugins or not opening direct image links. Use 0.4.4a instead or use Firefox >= 59 which provides the required API to solve this issue once and for all changes: - if settings are not loaded fast enough the loading is forced Version 0.4.5a: known issues: - due to API blocking some web pages may break. Use 0.4.5b instead. changes: - if settings are not loaded fast enough the loading is not forced but all APIs are blocked Version 0.4.5: changes: - added isPointInPath and isPointInStroke to the readout-API list new features: - Options page can be opened from page action - Added way to inspect canvas content in ask mode while being asked - Open options page on install or update if the options page cannot be accessed in another way - Added sections in options fixes: - long clearing periods did not work - prevent possible double faking - asking did not work in some cases (auto deny) Version 0.4.4b: known issues: - force setting loadings may result in non working plugins or not opening direct image links. Use 0.4.4a instead or wait for Firefox 59 which provides the required API to solve this issue once and for all changes: - if settings are not loaded fast enough the loading is forced Version 0.4.4a: known issues: - due to API blocking some web pages may break. Use 0.4.4 instead. changes: - if settings are not loaded fast enough the loading is not forced but all APIs are blocked Version 0.4.4: known issues: - force setting loadings may result in non working plugins or not opening direct image links. Use 0.4.3a instead or wait for Firefox 59 which provides the required API to solve this issue once and for all changes: - show white, black and ignore list again, but only in expert mode fixes: - Firefox consumed 100% CPU and could not be closed - Unknown setting breaks Firefox completely Version 0.4.3c: known issues: - force setting loadings may result in non working plugins or not opening direct image links. Use 0.4.3a instead or wait for Firefox 59 which provides the required API to solve this issue once and for all fixes: - display of about:blank broken in Waterfox - pinned tabs were not loaded and JS not executed in some cases Version 0.4.3b: known issues: - force setting loadings may result in non working plugins or not opening direct image links. Use 0.4.3a instead or wait for Firefox 59 which provides the required API to solve this issue once and for all changes: - if settings are not loaded fast enough the loading is forced Version 0.4.3a: known issues: - due to API blocking some web pages may break. Use 0.4.3b instead. changes: - hide white, black and ignore list as they can be done with the url specific settings. They are still present and working in the background. - if settings are not loaded fast enough the loading is not forced but all APIs are blocked new features: - reset settings - new white random generator - creates output similar to Tor browser - blockMode and showNotifications can now be chosen url specific - new setting to ignore canvas with only few colors fixes: - page action was not always showing - waiting for settings created error messages in browser console - do not show notifications when canvas faking was aborted Version 0.4.2 new features: - added settings export and import fixes: - settings are sometimes not fast enough loaded Version 0.4.1: changes: - improved design of the page action display - Enabled Firefox ESR - persistent random generator data is always stored in the settings but cleared on restart if the store flag is not set - cleaned up the options page new features: - setting to set an interval to clear the persistent random generator data - setting for the ask deny mode - ask only once can now also combine the API-types fixes: - unnecessary check for context type in getImageData broke websites - getContext was not asked in ask mode. Version fixes: - some web pages were still broken with specific settings (e.g. - webGl was not faked any more Version fixes: - some web pages are broken (e.g. Version 0.4.0: changes: - switched to webExtension - notifications are now done via page action - minimal and maximal fake size are now respected in all fakeable functions - fake readout now fakes one pixel at once and no longer one single channel - new icon (special thanks to Thorin-Oakenpants) new features: - information of all fake events in one tab are visible - settings page now only shows settings that are useful within the given settings set - new preferences: * minimal fake size * setting to enable the inspection of the content of the faked canvas * new random number generator "constant" * setting to not fake the most frequent colors in a canvas * setting to enable canvas cache * setting to hide expert settings * setting to control if the alpha channel should be faked as well fixes: - ask mode did not work for input types - allow page scripts to overwrite the faked functions - getImageData also faked when using fakeInput mode Version 0.3.8: new features: - added embedded WebExtension to store the preferences for the transition fixes: - prevented error when canvas has size zero - frame script was not loaded in the first tab that was restored from the last session - prevented error when wrong object is passed to the faked functions Version 0.3.7: new features: - data for persistent random number generator can be stored fixes: - fake at input was broken - did not work at all in Firefox 45.7.0 (ESR) - disabled WebGL created error - ask for permission was broken Version 0.3.6: changes: - only last bit of image values are changes also in non persistent mode - removed default entry in white list fixes: - faking webGL - added readPixels for webGL2 - removed error message when notification can not be closed - about:blank pages are treated with respect to the opening page - removed memory leak - persistent rnd same for all tabs/windows with e10s enabled Version 0.3.5 new features: - improved performance when canvas bigger than maxSize. fixes: - German translations - Fennec stopped working in version 50 Version 0.3.4: changes: - different fake modes show independent notifications fixes: - bug in readPixels (prevented Google Street View to work) - performance issues - German translations Version 0.3.3: changes: - switching of the mode, white- and black-listing only affects new loaded pages new features: - auto close of the notifications (preference) - button to show the release notes fixes: - "about:"-tabs could not be dragged - performance issues Version 0.3.2: new features: - "fake at input" mode - fake notifications only show up when something is faked fixes: - fake notifications did not show always when something was faked - ECMA 2016 compliant - function signature for faked functions could not be read Version 0.3.1: new features: - added fennec support - faster faking performance - new preferences: * disabling faking in getImageData for big canvas * persistent random number supply fixes: - ask for permission failed on prototype Version 0.3.0: new features: - e10s ready