(function(){ "use strict"; function byteArrayToHex(arrayBuffer){ var chunks = []; (new Uint32Array(arrayBuffer)).forEach(function(num){ chunks.push(num.toString(16)); }); return chunks.map(function(chunk){ return "0".repeat(8 - chunk.length) + chunk; }).join(""); } const container = document.getElementById("tests"); const iframe = document.getElementById("iframe"); const template = document.querySelector(".test"); template.parentElement.removeChild(template); function getElements(){ const doc = iframe.contentDocument; return Array.from(doc.querySelectorAll(".testRect")); } function formatNumber(number){ const str = number.toString(); return "" + str.substring(0, str.length - 2) + "" + str.substring(str.length - 2); } const properties = ["x", "y", "width", "height", "top", "left", "right", "bottom"]; function performTest(output, callback){ const rects = getElements().map(function(element){ return { name: element.dataset.name, data: callback(element) }; }); const data = new Float64Array(rects.length * properties.length); rects.forEach(function(rect, i){ properties.forEach(function(property, j){ data[i * properties.length + j] = rect.data[property]; }); }); crypto.subtle.digest("SHA-256", data) .then(function(hash){ output.querySelector(".hash").textContent = byteArrayToHex(hash); return; }).catch(function(error){ output.querySelector(".hash").textContent = "Unable to compute hash: " + error; }); var dataNode = output.querySelector(".data"); dataNode.innerHTML = "" + rects.map(function(rect){ return ""; }).join("") + "" + rects.map(function(rect){ return ""; }).join("") + "" + properties.map(function(property){ return "" + rects.map(function(rect){ return ""; }).join("") + ""; }).join("") + "
" + rect.name + "
" + property + "" + formatNumber(rect.data[property]) + "
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