/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ (function(){ "use strict"; var scope; if ((typeof exports) !== "undefined"){ scope = exports; } else { scope = require.register("./modifiedScreenAPI", {}); } const {checkerWrapper} = require("./modifiedAPIFunctions"); const physical = { width: Math.round(window.screen.width * window.devicePixelRatio), height: Math.round(window.screen.height * window.devicePixelRatio) }; if (!window.matchMedia(`(device-width: ${physical.width / window.devicePixelRatio}px`).matches){ let minWidth = Math.ceil((window.screen.width - 0.5) * window.devicePixelRatio); let maxWidth = Math.floor((window.screen.width + 0.5) * window.devicePixelRatio); for (let width = minWidth; width <= maxWidth; width += 1){ if (window.matchMedia(`(device-width: ${width / window.devicePixelRatio}px`).matches){ physical.width = width; break; } } } if (!window.matchMedia(`(device-height: ${physical.height / window.devicePixelRatio}px`).matches){ let minHeight = Math.ceil((window.screen.height - 0.5) * window.devicePixelRatio); let maxHeight = Math.floor((window.screen.height + 0.5) * window.devicePixelRatio); for (let height = minHeight; height <= maxHeight; height += 1){ if (window.matchMedia(`(device-height: ${height / window.devicePixelRatio}px`).matches){ physical.height = height; break; } } } const resolutions = { portrait: [ {height: 1366, width: 768}, {height: 1440, width: 900}, {height: 1600, width: 900}, {height: 1920, width: 1080}, {height: 4096, width: 2160}, {height: 8192, width: 4320}, ], landscape: [ {width: 1366, height: 768}, {width: 1440, height: 900}, {width: 1600, height: 900}, {width: 1920, height: 1080}, {width: 4096, height: 2160}, {width: 8192, height: 4320}, ] }; function getScreenDimensions(prefs, window){ const screenSize = prefs("screenSize", window.location); if (screenSize.match(/\s*\d+\s*x\s*\d+\s*$/)){ const [width, height] = screenSize.split("x").map(function(value){ return Math.round(parseFloat(value.trim())); }); return { width: width / window.devicePixelRatio, height: height / window.devicePixelRatio }; } if (!prefs("fakeMinimalScreenSize", window.location)){ return window.screen; } const isLandscape = window.screen.width > window.screen.height; // subtract 0.5 to adjust for potential rounding errors const innerWidth = (window.innerWidth - 0.5) * window.devicePixelRatio; const innerHeight = (window.innerHeight - 0.5) * window.devicePixelRatio; for (let resolution of resolutions[isLandscape? "landscape": "portrait"]){ if (resolution.width >= innerWidth && resolution.height >= innerHeight){ return { width: resolution.width / window.devicePixelRatio, height: resolution.height / window.devicePixelRatio }; } } return window.screen; } scope.changedGetters = [ { objectGetters: [function(window){return window.Screen && window.Screen.prototype;}], name: "width", getterGenerator: function(checker){ const temp = { get width(){ return checkerWrapper(checker, this, arguments, function(args, check){ const {prefs, notify, window, original} = check; const originalValue = original.apply(this, window.Array.from(args)); const returnValue = Math.round(getScreenDimensions(prefs, window).width); if (originalValue !== returnValue){ notify("fakedScreenReadout"); } return returnValue; }); } }; return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(temp, "width").get; } }, { objectGetters: [function(window){return window.Screen && window.Screen.prototype;}], name: "height", getterGenerator: function(checker){ const temp = { get height(){ return checkerWrapper(checker, this, arguments, function(args, check){ const {prefs, notify, window, original} = check; const originalValue = original.apply(this, window.Array.from(args)); const returnValue = Math.round(getScreenDimensions(prefs, window).height); if (originalValue !== returnValue){ notify("fakedScreenReadout"); } return returnValue; }); } }; return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(temp, "height").get; } }, { objectGetters: [function(window){return window.Screen && window.Screen.prototype;}], name: "availWidth", getterGenerator: function(checker){ const temp = { get availWidth(){ return checkerWrapper(checker, this, arguments, function(args, check){ const {prefs, notify, window, original} = check; const originalValue = original.apply(this, window.Array.from(args)); const returnValue = Math.round(getScreenDimensions(prefs, window).width); if (originalValue !== returnValue){ notify("fakedScreenReadout"); } return returnValue; }); } }; return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(temp, "availWidth").get; } }, { objectGetters: [function(window){return window.Screen && window.Screen.prototype;}], name: "availHeight", getterGenerator: function(checker){ const temp = { get availHeight(){ return checkerWrapper(checker, this, arguments, function(args, check){ const {prefs, notify, window, original} = check; const originalValue = original.apply(this, window.Array.from(args)); const returnValue = Math.round(getScreenDimensions(prefs, window).height); if (originalValue !== returnValue){ notify("fakedScreenReadout"); } return returnValue; }); } }; return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(temp, "availHeight").get; } }, { objectGetters: [function(window){return window.Screen && window.Screen.prototype;}], name: "availLeft", getterGenerator: function(checker){ const temp = { get availLeft(){ return checkerWrapper(checker, this, arguments, function(args, check){ const {prefs, notify, window, original} = check; const originalValue = original.apply(this, window.Array.from(args)); if (originalValue !== 0){ notify("fakedScreenReadout"); } return 0; }); } }; return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(temp, "availLeft").get; } }, { objectGetters: [function(window){return window.Screen && window.Screen.prototype;}], name: "availTop", getterGenerator: function(checker){ const temp = { get availTop(){ return checkerWrapper(checker, this, arguments, function(args, check){ const {prefs, notify, window, original} = check; const originalValue = original.apply(this, window.Array.from(args)); if (originalValue !== 0){ notify("fakedScreenReadout"); } return 0; }); } }; return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(temp, "availTop").get; } }, { objectGetters: [function(window){return window;}], name: "outerWidth", getterGenerator: function(checker){ const temp = { get outerWidth(){ return checkerWrapper(checker, this, arguments, function(args, check){ const {prefs, notify, window, original} = check; const originalValue = original.apply(this, window.Array.from(args)); const returnValue = window.innerWidth; if (originalValue !== returnValue){ notify("fakedScreenReadout"); } return returnValue; }); } }; return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(temp, "outerWidth").get; } }, { objectGetters: [function(window){return window;}], name: "outerHeight", getterGenerator: function(checker){ const temp = { get outerHeight(){ return checkerWrapper(checker, this, arguments, function(args, check){ const {prefs, notify, window, original} = check; const originalValue = original.apply(this, window.Array.from(args)); const returnValue = window.innerHeight; if (originalValue !== returnValue){ notify("fakedScreenReadout"); } return returnValue; }); } }; return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(temp, "outerHeight").get; } }, { objectGetters: [function(window){return window.MediaQueryList && window.MediaQueryList.prototype;}], name: "matches", getterGenerator: function(checker){ const temp = { get matches(){ return checkerWrapper(checker, this, arguments, function(args, check){ const {prefs, notify, window, original} = check; const originalValue = original.apply(this, window.Array.from(args)); const screenSize = prefs("screenSize", window.location); if ( ( screenSize.match(/\s*\d+\s*x\s*\d+\s*$/) || prefs("fakeMinimalScreenSize", window.location) ) && this.media.match(/device-(width|height)/) ){ const dimensions = getScreenDimensions(prefs, window); const originalMedia = this.media; const alteredMedia = this.media.replace( /\(\s*(?:(min|max)-)?device-(width|height):\s+(\d+\.?\d*)px\s*\)/, function(m, type, dimension, value){ value = parseFloat(value); let newCompareValue = value; switch (type){ case "min": if (value <= dimensions[dimension]){ newCompareValue = 0; } else { newCompareValue = 2 * physical[dimension]; } break; case "max": if (value >= dimensions[dimension]){ newCompareValue = 2 * physical[dimension]; } else { newCompareValue = 0; } break; default: if ( Math.round(value * 100) === Math.round(dimensions[dimension] * 100) ){ newCompareValue = physical[dimension]; } else { newCompareValue = 0; } } return "(" + (type? type + "-": "") + "device-" + dimension + ": " + ( newCompareValue / window.devicePixelRatio ) + "px)"; } ); if (alteredMedia !== originalMedia){ const alteredQuery = window.matchMedia(alteredMedia); const fakedValue = original.call(alteredQuery); if (originalValue !== fakedValue){ notify("fakedScreenReadout"); } return fakedValue; } } return originalValue; }); } }; return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(temp, "matches").get; } }, ]; function getStatus(obj, status, prefs){ status = Object.create(status); status.active = prefs("protectScreen", status.url); return status; } scope.changedGetters.forEach(function(changedGetter){ changedGetter.type = "readout"; changedGetter.getStatus = getStatus; changedGetter.api = "screen"; }); }());