/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ (function(){ "use strict"; const settings = require("./settings"); const {parseErrorStack} = require("./callingStack"); const {error, warning, message, notice, verbose, setPrefix: setLogPrefix} = require("./logging"); setLogPrefix("page action script"); const domainNotification = require("./domainNotification"); const Notification = require("./Notification"); const {createActionButtons, modalPrompt} = require("./gui"); const lists = require("./lists"); Promise.all([ browser.tabs.query({active: true, currentWindow: true}), settings.loaded ]).then(function(values){ const tabs = values[0]; notice("create global action buttons"); createActionButtons( document.getElementById("globalActions"), [ { name: "showOptions", isIcon: true, callback: function(){ if (browser.runtime && browser.runtime.openOptionsPage){ browser.runtime.openOptionsPage(); } else { window.open(browser.extension.getURL("options/options.html"), "_blank"); } } }, { name: "disableNotifications", isIcon: true, callback: function(){ settings.set("showNotifications", false).then(function(){ window.close(); }); } } ], undefined, true ); if (!tabs.length){ throw new Error("noTabsFound"); } else if (tabs.length > 1){ error(tabs); throw new Error("tooManyTabsFound"); } verbose("registering domain actions"); [ { name: "ignorelistDomain", isIcon: true, callback: function(domain){ modalPrompt( browser.i18n.getMessage("inputIgnoreDomain"), domain ).then(function(domain){ if (domain){ settings.set("showNotifications", false, domain).then(function(){ window.close(); }); } else { window.close(); } }); } }, { name: "whitelistDomain", isIcon: true, callback: function(domain){ modalPrompt( browser.i18n.getMessage("inputWhitelistURL"), domain ).then(function(domain){ if (domain){ settings.set("blockMode", "allow", domain).then(function(){ window.close(); }); } else { window.close(); } }); } }, { name: "whitelistDomainTemporarily", isIcon: true, callback: function(domain){ modalPrompt( browser.i18n.getMessage("inputSessionWhitelistURL"), domain ).then(function(domain){ if (domain){ lists.appendTo("sessionWhite", domain).then(function(){ window.close(); }); } else { window.close(); } }); } } ].forEach(function(domainAction){ domainNotification.addAction(domainAction); }); verbose("registering notification actions"); [ { name: "displayFullURL", isIcon: true, callback: function({url}){ alert(url.href); } }, { name: "displayCallingStack", isIcon: true, callback: function({errorStack}){ alert(parseErrorStack(errorStack)); } }, { name: "whitelistURL", isIcon: true, callback: function({url}){ modalPrompt( browser.i18n.getMessage("inputWhitelistDomain"), "^" + url.href.replace(/([\\+*?[^\]$(){}=!|.])/g, "\\$1") + "$" ).then(function(url){ if (url){ settings.set("blockMode", "allow", url).then(function(){ window.close(); }); } else { window.close(); } }); } }, { name: "whitelistURLTemporarily", isIcon: true, callback: function({url}){ modalPrompt( browser.i18n.getMessage("inputSessionWhitelistDomain"), "^" + url.href.replace(/([\\+*?[^\]$(){}=!|.])/g, "\\$1") + "$" ).then(function(url){ if (url){ lists.appendTo("sessionWhite", url).then(function(){ window.close(); }); } else { window.close(); } }); } } ].forEach(function(action){ Notification.addAction(action); }); var tab = tabs[0]; browser.runtime.onMessage.addListener(function(data){ if (Array.isArray(data["canvasBlocker-notifications"])){ message("got notifications"); const notifications = data["canvasBlocker-notifications"]; let i = 0; const length = notifications.length; const tick = window.setInterval(function(){ if (i >= length){ window.clearInterval(tick); } else { for (var delta = 0; delta < 20 && i + delta < length; delta += 1){ let notification = notifications[i + delta]; verbose(notification); notification.url = new URL(notification.url); domainNotification( notification.url.hostname, notification.messageId ).addNotification(new Notification(notification)); } i += delta; } }, 1); } }); message("request notifications from tab", tab.id); browser.tabs.sendMessage( tab.id, { "canvasBlocker-sendNotifications": tab.id } ); notice("waiting for notifications"); }).catch(function(e){ error(e); }); }());